Wow this is really exciting! I've never published anything on this website before. I used to be on Tumblr and you can find me on Wattpad under the same username I have here. My Wattpad account is primarily about the Avengers and superhero stuff. I have some really good stories and If you like my writing style you should definitely check it all out! But please go ahead and comment how I can improve! I love to get better when I'm writing, and I would love to hear everyone's ideas. This is the first chapter in an entire book I will be writing, so don't worry about reading this and not getting a follow-up. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this, and to comment if you will! This book will also be for about 13-14+, it is going to be a more mature fanfiction that deals with heavier themes. My other works will probably vary from light-hearted to even a little more intense. This chapter is kind've just setting the stage. Thank you for your patience while I figure this website out! This chapter is short just so I can get this going faster.

3 Star Spangled Feels

Adrien wasn't sure how he had ended up here. His feet had been dragging and his heart had been heavy. He had needed a reprieve from everything going on in his life. The battle he had fought at Ladybug's side tonight had not been particularly gruelling, but between fencing, his fashion shows, school, and running around as a superhero, Adrien was exhausted. On top of all of that, he had to maintain his perfect posterboy act with his father. The task was only getting harder all the time.

In truth, Adrien knew exactly how he ended up where he was. Earlier he had finished fighting an akuma with Ladybug. When she swung away to keep her identity hidden, he had been at a loss for something to do. As he wasn't in danger of de-transforming- still with his mask on- Adrien had gone to the one place where he always felt safe: Marinette's home.

He thought back to the first time he had come to her room. It seemed so long ago. She had been surprised to say the least. He held in a chuckle as he thought of her casual rebuffs at his banter and her immediate openness to him. Somehow he had broken through her walls easily, and he often wondered why it had been so natural. When Marinette was around civilian Adrien she always seemed… nervous. Adrien wondered if she still didn't trust him, despite the 3 years that had passed since his first day of public school. He could barely remember the incident that Chloe had caused, but he remembered Marinette's disappointed face vividly. He had vowed never to earn that as Chat Noir, and never to see that look on her face again.

In some ways he was relieved that he had connected with her so well. Adrien knew that his mask was supposed to protect his identity, but the only thing that it did was bring his true self out. When he was clad in the black leather and clutching his baton, Adrien was able to be who he wanted. He was unhindered by responsibility, his name, and his father. It was probably best that Marinette liked Adrien less that Chat, because it meant that she liked the parts of him that really counted.

What Adrien still didn't know was how he had ended up exactly where he was, lying on Marinette's lap. Her fingers sifted absently through his hair as she read her book. They sat in companionable silence and he had to make an effort not to purr. Of all the tendencies Plagg gave him when he was Chat Noir, that was the most embarrasing. But he couldn't help leaning into her hand and closing his eyes, he was content just to be near her.

He also didn't know when exactly he had begun to fall in love with Marinette. For the past three years he had been madly in love with Ladybug; he was infatuated, completely overcome with her bravery and her energy. Somehow, after getting to know Marinette, the other half of his superhero duo seemed to pale in comparison. He felt torn straight down his core, half of him belonged firmly Ladybug's to control, but more and more Marinette had Adrien wrapped around her fingers. He felt guilty to say the least, like he was betraying both of them. Of course he wasn't dating either of the girls, but it just felt wrong.

Adrien laid on his side, his eyes closed. He opened them, his eyes landing on the nearby bedside table. Sometimes when Chat appeared at Marinette's window he saw her scramble around her room, pulling down papers and flipping portraits down on their face. One picture frame- though usually turned down- had been left up when Marinette had eagerly let him into her bedroom. He gazed at the image, eyes focusing on the picture. His eyes widened as he realized, that was him. Or rather, that was a picture of Adrien, and Marinette had no idea that the boy in her picture was practically lying on her lap right now. Adrien was surprised- to say the least- and his body tensed.

"Are you okay?" Marinette asked uncertainly, her hand pulling back from his hair. Adrien quickly adopted a smirk to cover his surprise, and he forced his body to relax.

"So? Adrien Agreste huh?" He asked slyly, looking up at her from under his lashes. Marinette tensed, her face turning red. She stuttered.

"That's none of your business," She scolded and sat up, which and forced Adrien to sit up as well. He faced her, sitting cross-legged with a cocky smile.

"Ah but it is my purroblem," He grinned wider. Did Marinette… like him? In his civilian form? Did Adrien have a chance with the girl who was tugging at his heart-strings in and out of the mask?

"What makes it your problem?" Marinette demanded, folding her arms. She glared at Adrien, who did his best to look somewhat innocent. She looked like an angry kitten with her hair sticking up oddly and a pout on her lips. He tried not to laugh, but he couldn't stop a small smile.

"Well I can't let just anyone steal my purrincess can I?" He leaned in close, nose almost touching hers, and Marinette rolled her eyes. She gently pushed him away. She stood up, walking towards the picture frame, and took it gingerly into her hands. She smiled fondly at it before setting it gently face down on the table.

"Adrien isn't just anyone, kitty. He's absolutely amazing, he's incredibly smart and so kind. Adrien uses his fame for good, doing charity events and donating anything that he can. He always tries to include others. His home life leaves him isolated; his father is cold and uncaring, yet somehow he is just so warm and sweet. He completely dedicates himself to his friends and putting up with people like Chloé. Sometimes when he thinks that no one can see him, I see him wearing a sad look. I know that he feels alone, and I wish I could do something to help him. He… he means a lot to me, but sometimes it seems like he doesn't really know that I'm there." She frowned, falling backwards to lay on the bed beside him. Adrien leaned back and stared at the ceiling with her.

"He's an idiot if he can't see what's right in front of him." Adrien said confidently, almost wanting to laugh. He was an idiot for not falling for her until now. She was amazing in his eyes, absolutely amazing. At least he saw it now, better late than never. He didn't have time to think about Ladybug, because how could he not love this girl?

"Thanks, kitty." She spoke softly, turning her head to smile a small smile. Adrien met her bluebell eyes, and was overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her. He had never before been so astounded by her compassion, love, and bright spirit. He didn't know that anyone cared about him so much, let alone his civilian form. He knew that Marinette cared about Chat Noir, and now he knew that she cared a great deal about Adrien too. He felt elated to think that someone cared about what happened to him, that someone cared about every bit of him. It was looking into her eyes that made him realize the truth that had been hiding in plain sight; it was that deep look of fondness that he had grown to know so well. Ladybug. She was Ladybug, Marinette was Ladybug. It all made sense. The disappearing, the weird excuses, her state of constant exhaustion, and her presence in convenient places.

He jumped up in shock, hitting his head on the low ceiling above her loft bed. He stuttered, but he swallowed his words. Adrien gazed at Marinette in astonishment, and her brows furrowed.

"Kitty?" She asked uncertainly, she looked a little hurt and confused. But it all made sense to Adrien. Why she opened up to him so easily and why she seemed to know a little more about him than he told her. It clarified many situations when she was there and his lady was nowhere to be found. It explained why she thought him "an insufferable flirt,"(as she reminded him occasionally).

"I… uh," Adrien searched for an excuse to get out of the room and think, to explain his unusual behavior. "Gotta go, homework, getting late… I uh...see you tomorrow!" He spluttered, using his baton to bypass the stairs and swing straight out the nearest window. Marinette jumped up, book forgotten, and rushed to the window. She watched him go, and he stopped a block or two away where she couldn't see him. He watched her look for him, and he watched her frown, her expression hurt. Adrien wished he could quell her worries, but he couldn't do that when he didn't even know how he felt about the whole situation.

He turned and slid down, back pressed against a chimney, sitting with a thud. He didn't know where to start, everything was swirling in his head and Adrien forced himself to go through a process. What did he know? He loved Ladybug and he loved Marinette. That problem was solved. He no longer had to worry about being torn between two girls, because they were the same person. He now knew that Marinette really liked Adrien. But, that brought up it's own set of issues.

On the surface the statement seemed overwhelmingly positive: Marinette liked Adrien. But he knew better than to jump for joy. Marinette was Ladybug so by extension Ladybug liked Adrien. But Adrien, the perfect son, the model, the straight-A-student, the sweetheart of Paris, he wasn't truly real. Sure, Adrien loved using his fame for positive influences, and he really was a good person. However, he wasn't the perfect kid who did whatever his father told him too.

The real Adrien was released when his mask was on. When he wasn't using his Miraculous, Adrien was a mask. He was who he had to be. He kept himself bundled up and showed only the traits that people wanted to see. He was the leather wearing, pun making jokester who served as Ladybug's partner. Marinette liked Adrien. She liked the posterboy, the model, the straight-A-student, the perfect son. That wasn't all there was to him. Adrien knew that Marinette cared about her "kitty". But as far as he knew it was a platonic relationship. He was her friend, the shoulder to cry on, the one to give advice, the guy who would never judge her. She could say anything to him, she could be her true self, she could be completely open because there were no consequences. She didn't think that she knew him without the mask, there were no dangers, no drawbacks. He could be her best friend, free of worry and no strings attached. That was what Marinette needed.

And what did Ladybug need? She needed a partner, a comrade, a friend to have her back. Ladybug didn't need the distraction or worry of knowing Chat Noir's civilian identity. She was better off this way, happier this way. It seemed almost every day that she had to remind him about not sharing their identities for safety reasons. Ladybug didn't need to be romantically involved with her partner, she didn't need to be worried.

So Adrien swore to himself right then and there that he would take her secret to his grave. It wasn't his place to know, but it was his place to protect her. He was Chat Noir and Adrien: the comrade, the partner, the best friend, the shoulder to cry on, the pun loving cat, the guy who would never judge, the advice giver, the posterboy, the perfect son, the model. He sure as hell wasn't going to mess all of that up just to add "lover" to that list. Who was he to mess it all up? Who was he to put this on her shoulders? He could handle this burden, and he would handle this burden. All because he loved her, every piece of her. So he would be what she needed, and what she wanted. He would show his interest in her through his civilian form because that was where she wanted to be loved. He would be the perfect partner to Ladybug, because that was what she wanted.

And most importantly Chat Noir would be the best friend, the shoulder to cry on, and the advice giver with Marinette. Because that was where she needed to be loved. Not with kisses, or flowers, or love letters, or chocolates. No, with kindness, support, and friendly love. After all, Adrien was Chat Noir, a knight. His job was to serve the one he was sworn to.

And, well, Marinette was his princess.