Hey guys! What's up!?

First, I want to thank everyone who read my hiatus post, especially the really sad part, it's much appreciated!

Anyway… As promised, here's the return of this!

This recreation was written and submitted by Nightfly123, this is from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, so if you didn't see the movie, than don't read this because there are spoilers!

Lesson One

It was a brightful day on the island of Ach-to as a male Scarlet Macaw and a female Peregrine Falcon, much younger than the male Scarlet Macaw, walked towards the outside part of the cave that they were in before the older male Scarlet Macaw turned to face the young female Peregrine Falcon.

"What do you know about the force?" asked Alex.

"It's a power that the Jedi have" said Bobbie as she looks at Alex. "It let's them control people and make things float".

"Impressive" said Alex with sarcasm. "Every word in that sentence was wrong, come here, sit on this rock and cross your legs".

Bobbie did as she was told and after she had done it, Alex began to explain the true meaning of the force to her.

"The force is not a power, you have" said Alex. "It's not about lifting rocks, it's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe".

"Ok" said Bobbie as she looks at Alex. "Can you show me?".

"Closes your eyes" said Alex which Bobbie obeyed. "Now, reach out".

Having no idea that she is suppose to reach out with her feelings, Bobbie thrust out her right wing much to Alex's annoyance as he rolled his eyes before he began to play with her a little bit with a vine that he was holding which he used to touch Bobbie's right wing.

"Oh, I feel it" said Bobbie in joy when she felt the vine touch her right wing.

"You feel it?" asked Alex which Bobbie nodded to in confirmation. "That's the force".

"Yeah, yeah, it def-" said Bobbie before Alex slapped her wing with the vine. "OW!".

Bobbie protested about Alex's attiude which didn't impressive Alex as Bobbie tried again and this time, she reached out, not with her wing, but with her feelings.

"What do you see?" asked Alex as he walked behind Bobbie.

"The Island" said Bobbie as she began say about the things that she was seeing. "Life, death and decay, that feeds new life, warmth, cold, peace, violence".

"And between it all?" asked Alex.

"Balance and energy, a force" said Bobbie.

"And inside you?" asked Alex.

"Inside me, that same force" said Bobbie.

Unfortunely, she began to feel something else, something much darker and in her mind, she began to move towards it.

"Powerful light, powerful darkness" said Alex.

It wasn't long before things went from bad to worse as Alex saw a massive crack appear where he and Bobbie which horrified him as he tried to advise Bobbie to resist it.

"Resist it, Bobbie, Bobbie?" asked Alex in worry as he goes in front of her. "BOBBIE!".

Eventually, Bobbie managed to resist it and she ends up finding herself hanging onto the edge of the cliff looking up at a disappointed Alex.

"You walked towards it" said Alex in disappointment. "You couldn't even stop yourself".

"I didn't see you" said Bobbie before she realises something. "You cut yourself off from the force".

"I've seen this raw strength, only once before" said Alex as he looks at Bobbie again. "In, Tomada Junior, it didn't scare me enough then...it does now".

With that said, Alex walked away from Bobbie, who could only look on in confusion at what Alex had just said and she was left to climb her way back onto the safety of the cliff.

You know this was probably my most favorite funny scene in the movie! Loved it!