So this is an idea i've had for...a year now? I haven't written the story yet, but I really enjoy trying to make the Avatar and Naruto worlds match up. So this is just a really long summary explaining what my thoughts were. If this is interesting enough for any of you to write your own story based off this idea, go ahead. I have no idea if I will write a story to go along with it any time soon, but you never know.

Years after Avatar Korra came back from the spirt world with Asumi, peace stayed in the world. However as Korra found out, the Avatar's job is never really done.

Though she defeated Vaatu, dark with always be were their is light. She knew that, but it still came as a shock when the dark spirt's plan came to be. No longer as strong as he once was, but also no longer stuck in the tree of Time, Vaatu came up with a plan to remake a dark avatar. He searched the minds of humans, for one who could care out his will. A women who was strong minded and willed, but couldn't bend. Vaatu showed her a dream, where by eating a fruit she was able to unlock power beyond bending, older and long unstudied. Using one's life force and mixing it with ki, or Chakra, to do what pure bending of the elements could not.

Kagauya became the strongest human, even more powerful then Korra when she wasn't in the Avatar state. Yet before Korra could stop her, Vaatu true plan came to be. But it went wrong. He wasn't the same, and the two transformed into a beast of pure Energy with ten tails lashing out.

With the help of Kagauya's eldest son, Hagomoro, they had to seal the beast into him. Korra using her spirt bending to clam it, and Hagomoro using his knowledge of Chakra taught to him by his mother. It was the best they could do. Hagomoro became later known as the Sage of the Sixth Paths, teaching all non-benders and benders about Chakra.

At 98 Korra died, and Later when the Sage felt the pull of the spirit world, he split the beast up into nine In hopes of giving them a chance to be whole, not just a Yin or Yang of the universe. With the Avatar and Sage gone, times quickly changed. Now that non-blended had a power, the anti-bender views from nearly 100 year previous came back. Benders, which became know as no different from a bloodline, were forced into hiding. Cities fell and a period known later as the warring states came to be.

The earth avatar of this time was Binpin, who focus more on keeping the tail beasts in control. A unsung hero of his time, that many never knew of. He keep human beings from being whipped out, but did little for the battles between them. He was later killed over 100 years after his birth in one of the few times he got involved with other humans.

Two twins were born to a small family with weak fire bending in their blood. Kimiko and Mitsuko were trained in what was common for that age. Training Ninjas was how family's survived, and though Kimiko and her dad could also firebend, it wasn't enough. Mitsuko and Kimiko became known and fears in the land, and when Kimiko discover she could bend other elements, she decided it was time to stop the wars.

Just turned 16, the two meet with the two most powerful clans, the Senju and Uchiha. After 14 years of long work, the first Hidden village was created. The head of the Senju clan, Hashirama became the first Hokage. Kimiko even help take the less experienced ninja out on missions, the most famous group being that Hiruzen Saruobi belonged too. But even that peace didn't last long.

After 16 years of peace, it came to an end with the fight of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama. First Shinobi war started, and two more followed with only a few years of peace between them. Kimiko never gave up on her dream to find lasting peace like in the days of old, but when the nine tail fox was released one October night, a new avatar was born.