Last chapter! It ended up being much longer than the others. Oops.

Thank you to garglyswoof for betaing. She has been a rockstar and really stepped up when I was writing this super fast. Also, another happy birthday to MrsAgentCooper, who was the person this monster was written for. Both of them have fabulous stories that you should check out.

I hope you enjoy the last installment!



"I love you."

"I love you too," Caroline said sleepily, turning to look at Bonnie, who seemed much more alert.

It was their last day off before camp ended, and she and Bonnie were spending it in the field by the lake. The sun was pleasantly warm on her skin, the light summer breeze lightly blowing her hair, and they'd been comfortably listening to music for the past hour or so.

She'd almost fallen back asleep when Bonnie spoke again, this time turning off the music from Caroline's phone. "Caroline?"


"I know what happened at the campfire."

"What do you mean?" Caroline asked slowly. Had Bonnie stumbled upon them in the woods without them noticing? Why would she bring it up?

"When we were sixteen," Bonnie said sitting up, and Caroline did the same, relieved that her friend hadn't spotted her and Klaus fucking against a tree, but also nervous about what Bonnie would say. "I heard everything."


"You wanted to be with him, but you didn't because of me. I saw how upset you were when he went to talk to Aurora, but I asked about it and you told me nothing happened. I didn't know how to bring it up..."

Bonnie trailed off, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Caroline desperately wanted to interrupt but kept quiet, knowing her friend was just gathering her thoughts before she took a shaky breath and continued.

"I know that you didn't want to tell me about you guys being together because you were worried about what I'd think...but you're my best friend," she said quietly. "You've always been my best friend. I want you to be happy, and I don't know whether I'm more hurt because you lied to me for five years or because you thought I'd judge you for it."

"Oh, Bonnie..." Caroline whispered, her heart pounding in her chest. Now that Bonnie mentioned it, clearly hurt by Caroline's lack of honesty, Caroline felt like a horrible friend. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Like, did you really think I'd be that mad? Do you know me?" Bonnie continued, clearly gearing up for a rant. "We're best friends, Care. I wouldn't be mad at you for making out with Klaus. I mean, half the reason I hate him is because he was an ass to you."

"Bonnie, I—"

"I'm always on your side, just like you are for me," Bonnie said before Caroline could finish her thought. "I want you to be happy, and if Klaus makes you happy, then he's automatically in my good books, no matter how much of an asshole I think he is."

Caroline's throat was tight, and she wasn't sure how to respond other than to give Bonnie a tight hug, so she did. "I'm so sorry," she said quietly, struggling not to tear up. "I should have told you. You know I think you're the best, Bon."

"I know I'm the best," Bonnie said, hugging her back. "And yeah, you should have. Going forward, remember that this is a judgment-free zone."

"You too," Caroline said. "You're my number one."

Bonnie grinned, and they both settled back down on the towels, content to just enjoy the sunlight. Caroline stretched before pulling out her phone to play some soft music, but she hesitated before hitting the play button.



"I love you."

Bonnie laughed. "I love you too."

The comfortable silence lingered for a few more seconds before Caroline spoke again.



"If you date someone I hate, I promise I'll be nice to them and not judge your life choices."

"Thanks," Bonnie said, and Caroline could hear the smile in her voice.

She turned the music back on before blindly reaching between them for Bonnie's hand, tangling their fingers together.


Caroline was exhausted.

She and the rest of the counselors had just herded the last group of excited kids onto the big bus, giving hugs and wishing all of them a good year before they went back to their parents. Shed waved Klaus and Bonnie on so that she could talk to Alaric about the staff party shed organized for the next day before everyone left, but she was about ready to collapse. She fanned herself as she walked to the staff lounge. She lived with her father during the summers, having decided to switch parents once she was eighteen (and though it hurt to admit, she suspected that her mother had been relieved rather than disappointed), and she was looking forward to being back in Atlanta with air conditioning the next day.

The lounge was full, Klaus on one of the couches, doodling in a sketchbook while the other counselors chatted around the room. He looked up as Caroline approached, lifting his arm so that she could slide under it, snuggling into his side.

"What are you drawing?"

"You," he said, pulling a face, and she shoved him lightly in the side, giggling.

"Why are you so grumpy?"

"We're leaving tomorrow."

She heard the unspoken 'I'll miss you' and tried not to smile too widely, laying her head on his shoulder instead. "It won't be that long of a drive in the fall," she said, placing her hand on his knee. "Brown and MIT are pretty close. I'm looking forward to having a real date."

He grinned, squeezing her shoulder lightly and letting out a breath. "I do hope it lives up to your expectations."

"I'm sure it will," she said, closing her eyes. "Sorry. I'm really tired, and you are an excellent pillow."

"Sleep, then."

She hummed in response, dozing off as everyone chattered around her, the scratch of Klaus's pencil against the sketchbook oddly soothing.

It was dark outside when she was gently nudged awake, and she huffed, burying her face in Klaus's shoulder, closing her eyes tightly. "I don't want to get up," she mumbled, and she heard what she recognized as one of Bonnie's trademark long-suffering sighs.

"Come on, sweetheart," Klaus murmured, standing up, and she grumbled under her breath, curling up against the cushions instead. She felt strong arms slide under her knees and behind her back, and she heard Bonnie groan.

"God, you guys are disgusting."

Caroline lazily gave Bonnie the middle finger before pressing her cheek against Klaus's shoulder. She shifted in his arms, lifting her head carefully to murmur in his ear when Bonnie wasn't looking. "All of my pajamas are dirty, and we can't do laundry anymore. Can I borrow one of your shirts?"

"You're really not that tired, are you?" he asked, sounding vaguely amused, and she grinned, nipping his ear before laying her head on his shoulder again.

"Nope, but I like traveling-by-boyfriend. Very efficient."

"Are you using me, Caroline?" he asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice, the affection.

"Just a little," she said, placing her hand on his shoulder to steady herself when he set her down in front of the door to her and Bonnie's shared bedroom. She waved Bonnie off when her friend muttered that if Caroline was going to say goodbye she called dibs on the shower, and stood on her toes to give Klaus a chaste kiss.

"How's half past eleven for you?" he asked, pulling back, his hands settled on her waist.

"For what?"

"Driving you home," he said, as though it was obvious.

"Bonnie and I are driving together," she said slowly, frowning.

Klaus gave her a faux innocent look, though she could see the slight insecurity in his eyes and the way his body stiffened, his fingers flexing slightly on her waist as though he was worried she'd move out of his arms. "If I recall correctly, Bonnie lives a bit closer to Virginia, and I've offered to take you so that she won't have to drive all the way to Atlanta and back. I came up from New Orleans, so you're on the way."

"You seriously drove the twelve hours alone? Why didn't you fly?"

"I wanted a car," he said simply, hesitating before he spoke again. "I was also wondering if you'd like me to drive you back to MIT in August. It's not far out of the way, and I know that you won't have a car."

She knew it was silly for her heart to lift so much at the simple offer, but it was nice that Klaus cared enough to think about ways to spend time with her. She usually flew to Boston, but she hadn't gotten her ticket yet, and a road trip sounded like it could be fun.

"Yeah. I'd like that," she said, giving in and letting a large smile creep over her face. "As long as you think you can stand being in a car with me for that long."

"I have no doubt that you will be endearingly fond of music I despise, but I'll manage."

She laughed. "Probably. Now, get me your shirt."

He gave her a dimpled grin, the smile so much more carefree than the seemingly permanent smirk that was usually etched on his face. That lasted until he tugged off his shirt, handing it to her, and she watched as his smile shifted from happy to smug. "So demanding," he said, and she bit her lip, flushing.

She'd meant a clean shirt, but maybe it wouldn't be bad to sleep wrapped in his scent.

She stood on her toes to kiss him again, cupping his cheeks with her palms and pulling back. "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Caroline."

She slipped through her bedroom door, closing it gently behind her.

They were in the honeymoon stage, still giddy from their feelings for each other and the newness of it, but she knew that once they settled into each other, a relationship with Klaus would be difficult at first. They clashed on a lot of topics, and she knew perfectly well that they often fought about things that were incredibly stupid, mostly because they were both too stubborn to back down. Their similarities might make it harder than their differences, but she knew that they could work it out. Even when they were fighting it was somehow exhilarating and interesting. He thought she was smart and he listened, which was more than she could say for most boys she knew (and she knew a lot, since MIT was practically an infestation of men who thought they were a gift to the world and much smarter than her tiny woman brain could ever comprehend).

And the way he looked at her...

She leaned against the door, still clutching his shirt in her fist, a small smile on her face.

It would be worth it.

Two years later...

Caroline set down her now-drained fruity drink on the polished top of the bar, feeling giggly and a bit off-balance. It was her 23rd birthday, and she and her friends had decided to go out to a low-key bar, knowing they'd get drunk and not wanting to risk a crowded dancefloor.

Bonnie was the designated mom friend for the night, and Caroline had noticed that she was distracted, constantly checking her phone.

To be fair, Caroline was a bit distracted as well. Klaus had promised to call around dinnertime, but he hadn't, and she was trying not to feel too depressed that he'd clearly forgotten her birthday. "May I have another one, please?" she asked the bartender, not drunk enough to forget her manners, and the bartender nodded, grabbing a bottle of vodka to mix her another drink.

She and Davina were soon deep in what was probably a completely unfollowable bitchfest about The Bachelor while Enzo nursed his bourbon, watching them with polite interest, clearly itching to change the subject.

"Bon-bon," Caroline called. "Who are you texting? Is it a boy?"

"Yeah, is it another bloke?" she heard Enzo whisper, sounding vaguely amused, and Bonnie huffed, elbowing him in the side.

"Stop," she said, giggling when he took advantage of being a good eight inches taller than her to peek over her shoulder, his chin resting on her head.

"Ah. Another man with an accent and dodgy morals. I see how it is."

Caroline's head snapped up to look at Bonnie. "Is that Klaus? Are you texting Klaus?"

Bonnie glared at Enzo. "Really? You had to ruin it?"

"Is Klaus coming?" Caroline asked, her words slightly slurred, and Bonnie sighed, pocketing her phone again.

"Just act surprised, okay? He'll probably kill me if he thinks I ruined it."

Caroline beamed, happy that he hadn't forgotten after all. "Mmkay. I promise."

She had an extra surge of energy now, and Bonnie confiscated Cosmo number four, asking the bartender to get her some water instead. Caroline pouted but allowed Bonnie to make sure she didn't get alcohol poisoning, starting in surprise when she felt familiar arms slip around her waist. Klaus's stubble brushed against her ear before he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Hello, sweetheart."

"Hey," she said happily, wriggling out of his arms so that she could turn to hug him, swaying slightly on her feet.

He pulled her to him, and she smiled, savoring the feeling of having him hold her again. She loved how she fit against the hard planes of his body, the way he smelled, how his hands seemed to always be warm and comforting against her when he pulled her close. "Happy Birthday," he said, and she pecked him on the lips, smiling brightly.

"Thank you!"

"I have something for you," he said, and Caroline frowned, her eyes raking up and down his body to check for anything sticking out of his pockets, and he laughed quietly. "It's back in my suitcase."


"Bonnie has agreed to stay over at Lorenzo's flat for a few days so that I can spend some time with you," he said. "Is that alright?"

"Of course," she said immediately, the unspoken reference to the group decision to never have the four of them living under one roof at once was thick in the air.

Caroline still maintained that bribing Klaus with sexual favors while they were playing Monopoly to trade her the last yellow property for the fucking electric company so that she could have a monopoly on an entire side of the board was not cheating. 'You can make trades. It says so in the rules!' she'd insisted.

Enzo had innocently asked if he could have the same deal, and though he was talking to Bonnie, Klaus hadn't been looking, thought he'd been talking to Caroline, and...

Well, Enzo didn't have scars, or anything.

"May I take you home, then?"

She giggled, fitting her hand into the crook of his arm. "You may," she said in a horrible imitation of his accent, and he grinned at her.

"You going to drink this?" Davina called, pointing at the Cosmo, and Caroline shook her head.

"Go for it."

Klaus led her to his car, opening the passenger door for her and eyeing her with some trepidation as he got in the driver's side, starting the car. "Do you have everything? Wallet? Keys?"

"Yep," she said cheerfully, going through her purse to make sure, and they drove off, making small talk about how classes were going. When they got to her tiny apartment that she split with Bonnie (who went to a fine arts school nearby for dance and voice), he brought his suitcase inside, setting it just inside the bedroom door, bending to open it.

She wriggled out of her tight dress, and Klaus gave her a wolfish grin as he glanced over his shoulder. "Sweetheart, you are beautiful and quite tempting, but I'd like to wait until you're properly sober."

She pouted. "Why?"

"I'd like you to enjoy everything I'm going to do to you," he said, his voice low, and she felt a shiver shoot down her spine before she nodded, going to her closet to find one of his old shirts and putting it on.

At this point, the vast majority of her pajamas were shirts that she "borrowed" when she stayed with him for weekends. He always pretended not to notice her smuggling them out. She sat on the bed and watched him pull a sketchbook out of his suitcase, walking over and handing it to her before climbing in bed behind her.

"What is it?"

"Just look."

She settled herself between his legs without hesitation, her back against his chest, and opened the sketchbook to the first page. It was a picture of a girl, clearly her despite the odd shading and proportions of the face, and she smiled, trying to fight down a laugh. "Keep going," he said, his chin tucked against her shoulder.

She flipped through the pages, seeing sketches of trees and rocks, cabins, and occasionally flowers. Her face kept popping up as well, and the depictions got progressively better. It didn't take long for her to figure out that it was the sketchbook that he took with him to camp every year. Her breath caught when she turned to a page in the second half of it. It was a younger version of herself, and her face was more accurately portrayed than in any of the previous pictures. She was in profile, her face pulled into a bright smile, the shading indicating a light from below, so probably a campfire.

"This is beautiful," she said softly.

"We were sixteen," he said quietly. "As you can tell, I've been drawing you from...quite early on. It started off because you have a lovely face that I could easily remember, but over time...well, I began to use you a muse, if you'd like the term."

"Oh," she said softly, tracing her fingertip down her jaw before flipping to the next page, smiling when she saw a beautifully shaded flower. "This is pretty too."

"I actually only used this sketchbook at Whitmore, so it'll jump to the summer when I came back in a few pages," he said, and she smiled in anticipation as she flipped through the pages.

The first one was her scowling face, and she suspected it was from the first day of orientation. That page was followed by her laughing, her hair wet and clinging to her face, eyes sparkling with mischief. She smirked when she saw the drawing of her in a bikini, stretched out on a the towel by the lake. She knew what the next one was before she turned the page, and sure enough it was her with wide eyes, her arms covering her clearly bare breasts, her cheeks flushed.

"You haven't shown this to anyone, right?" she asked, trying not to laugh.

"Of course not. My eyes only, and now yours."

She smiled, turning the page again to see her with her eyes closed, her head thrown back, and she felt her cheeks heat. "Well, that's good. They're amazing."

"I don't do you justice, sweetheart," he said, his fingers gently stroking the skin of her thigh.

She didn't quite know what to say, though she knew that Klaus was expecting something, and her only coherent thought something along the lines of 'is this really how he sees me?'. She traced a fingertip along the plump lips of the Caroline on the page, her breath catching.

"I..." she started, her hands shaking as she closed the book and turned to face him, kneeling between his legs, her forehead pressed against his. "You make me feel beautiful," she settled on, not quite knowing how to express the emotions swirling inside of her.

He frowned, clearly about to say something, but she pushed on before he could talk.

"I can't believe you've been drawing me for that long. Like, obviously I knew you were drawing me, but I didn't''ve liked me for a long time."

He seemed rather amused by that, his hands settling on her hips. "Yes, I have."

"Thank you for showing me," she whispered. "They're...I love them."

"I have more," he said, clearly hesitant, and she wasn't sure why.

"I'd love to see them," she said, pecking him lightly on the lips before closing the book with shaking hands, the soft leather cover smooth under her fingertips. "Can I keep this?"

He looked faintly surprised at her question. "Of course. I mean, if you'd like."

"Yeah," she said, smiling. "I miss you, you know. When you're not here. I mean, Skyping is great and everything, but..." she trailed off.

"I know, sweetheart," he said, his palm settling on her back.

"I love you," she said, pressing another light kiss to his stubbled cheek.

"And I you, sweetheart."

Her eyelids were drooping, no matter how hard she was fighting to stay awake, and she couldn't suppress a yawn. "I'm sorry. I want to talk more, but I'm so tired."

"I can tell," he said, gently pushing her off of him and getting up to turn the lights off before shedding his jeans and shirt and climbing back into bed with her. She slid on top of him to tangle her legs with his, pressing her cheek against his chest.

"Thank you for showing me," she said again, humming in contentment as he stroked her hair.

"Of course, love."

"And thanks for coming. This was a great birthday," she said, stretching up to peck him on the lips before settling back against him. "I love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart. Good night."

"Night," she mumbled, closing her eyes.

It was cliche, but that first shaking breath that she took when she regained consciousness by the pool had made her realize that life was short. Even after they'd gotten together she'd denied it to herself, but over time she realized that the way he looked at her when she opened her eyes made her realize that it was kind of silly to put off acting on her feelings for him any longer. Sure, she'd insisted that she didn't owe him a chance, and that was true, but she chose to give him one, to try, and she was so glad she had...

She listened to his breathing as he fell asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly, his heartbeat constant. It was comforting to feel him, and she'd never felt so safe as when she was in his arms.

As she'd suspected when she'd left Whitmore at the end of their first summer together, it had been hard. There'd been screaming fights, some tears, excellent make-up sex... And there had also been amazing dates, sweet moments where she'd never been happier. Going on long car rides at one in the morning with the windows down and the heat turned up was one of Caroline's favorite memories. They'd been on trips to art galleries that she'd went into thinking she'd loathe, but finding her mind changed from the way Klaus lit up as he talked about the pieces. He'd sat through every single one of her debate competitions despite clearly finding them boring as shit, and the pride in his eyes when she won was a surge of energy deep in her gut.

Being with him was...right.

When she'd gone to orientation at Camp Whitmore two years before, she'd told Bonnie that she'd had a feeling it was going to be an amazing summer, and she'd been right. The trend had continued, and she knew that their summer post-graduation would be the same.

Klaus was planning to take her on vacation in England to meet his family over the holidays, and she'd peeked in his internet history to look for Christmas present ideas for him and his family and she'd stumbled on...

Well, her Nana had always said that June weddings were 'tacky', but maybe July?

Awesome summers were their thing, and she intended to keep it that way.

I hope you liked it! Did you have a favorite part or line? Any constructive criticism? Any comments on the story in general? Reviewing is the only way I know what you're thinking, so please tell me what your thoughts are :D

You can catch me on tumblr at thetourguidebarbie and twitter at AngieWritesKC. Thanks for reading, guys!