(Chapter 17: A Reality Song)

It was soon the new year as our heroes were for the most part enjoying themselves especially Danny who with the severance of his relationship with Sam felt something he hasn't for awhile since being Danny Phantom, that being actual and true happiness. Because now that he effectively cut her out of his life like a malignant cancer; since now it meant that he no longer had to deal with her constantly over the shoulder bossing him around and trying to control his life which more often than not made his relationship with Angela work out much more effectively

Yet on Ember's side of things it couldn't be said they were going that same amount of success and happiness; granted the work for her new album had gone pretty well with her only needing to record and finish up one more song for her 9 track album. But the progress of doing everything to finish her new album and get it recorded and cleaned up on time for its release was being hampered by Youngblood, who was dead set on screwing up things for her in his attempts to get her to have fun and pal around like they used to; something of which irritated and angered her considerably.

(January 2nd 2016, 1:45 Pm, Rise and Resist Records)

It was a partially cloudy day as Danny was with Ember re-recording her vocal work for 1 of the tracks that was called Inferno which was the dark side version of her what had happened the day she was burned in her house, considering the fact that Remember my Name was the sugarcoated version of Inferno.

"And I think that this cuts it, as great job Ember." Danny spoke as Ember finished laying down the vocals for Inferno

"Thanks Danny now all we got to do is just record the guitars for it and it'll be all good after all I found someone who's been helping to have drums done." Ember told him as she soon walked out of the recording booth

"Who's the guy?" Danny asked

"Oh some guy who's been helping me out while you've been in school, pretty decent guy to say the least." Ember told him since her new drummer was a pretty ok guy

"Huh well I'd like to meet him sometime then." Danny replied as Ember sat next to him

"I'll arrange for that soon, as I've still got that problem to deal with that's been a gigantic headache for me lately." Ember replied as she rubbed her temples as she'd been dealing with one persistent problem

"Youngblood again?" Danny asked as Danny nodded

"Yes him as all of this time since I've been having my label open and working on our new record he's been nothing but trouble, causing my equipment to go hardwire to my stuff hear getting vandalized. Which to be honest has been nothing short of a continuous headache to deal with, for the twerp refuses to leave me alone until I come back to having fun with him." Ember answered back considering that all he's done is been a pain as of late

"And honestly I am just 165% done with his immature nonsense." Ember added fully and completely done with Youngblood

"Well if he's getting in the way of your goals and dreams. I'm not saying kill the twerp or anything since that's going to far in terms of child murder. But what I'm saying is that maybe its for the better if you take him out of commission, because he's not going to stop unless you take affirmative action against him." Danny told her since their was really no reasoning with a child therefore to stop Youngblood it meant having to take him out of the game

"Trust me after all he's done to mess with my trying to make it in this business and my equipment for this place, which by the way doesn't come cheap. I'm am gonna make that squirt pay for this." Ember stated since audio and recording equipment for her songs didn't come cheap

Because Ember had after having Youngblood do this for quite some time to her equipment and gear she used to make her new album, she was ready by this point to clean that little twerp's clock as there was a point where it was endearing and then just highly annoying and so far Youngblood had crossed it into the annoying spectrum by a wide margin.

"Well it you ever need help just let me know since Tucker and I can always help you fix your stuff in a pinch, so that way you won't really need to spend all that money." Danny offered the rocker ghost beside him

"Thanks and I appreciate it, as I've just had so much on my plate lately. Because between Youngblood messing my stuff up, my making this new album and everything else I've got going; its been nothing short of a migraine headache." Ember stated appreciating the gesture since it would quite truly help out all things considered

"It's no problem; especially since its what friends are for." Danny told her after all he was happy to help her out

"Thank you and by the way how've things been going with you and that Angela girl you've been seeing?" Ember asked curious as to how he's been with her

"You kidding me things have just been wonderful lately, as we're about to come up on several months since we've started dating and to be honest besides me learning to get a handle on my rage. This feels like the happiest I've been so far." Danny answered back feeling happier than he'd been in a real long time

"Really now? Well that's wonderful to hear Danny as I'm happy to hear that because to be honest dipstick. Out of everyone in the Ghost Zone you're right on top with my list of favorite people." Ember told him

"Huh I didn't know that as that actually brightened up my day a bit with that." Danny spoke feeling some happiness in hearing that

"Well of course with you having helped me with my new album as of late and my being able to have someone to pal around with on my level. It really helps put you up at top tier friendship by my standards." Ember told him because ever since he started helping her

"Well the same goes to you in your being a friend in my book, because we may have had a rough start at the beginning, but I'm happy with how it's turned out right about now." Danny responded happy that his friendship with Ember worked out to what it was now

Because the thing was that outside of Vanessa and his girlfriend, Ember was one of his few female friends he could pal around with; which was saying something since before this they were mainly frenemies and now had become friends with one another whom the other could count on for mainly anything they needed from another.

"Same here Danny, because actually its a shame that you weren't around when I was coming up. Because it you had been there while I was coming up then I probably could've made it in the big leagues like Testament or Exodus. Or better yet I probably would've found Mr. Right earlier on, since your a pretty cool dude." Ember stated having appreciated her friendship with Danny and knew that it she had met Danny in another life she would've had a better end to her mortal life

"Thanks and I'm sure you can still make it big, as once we get this Youngblood problem sorted out. Then we can focus on getting you shows to play in and maybe even a tour set up." Danny replied as once they got done with Youngblood they'd get a tour set up for her

"Oh man I can't wait for my 1st actual tour as real rock star." Ember thought to herself in excitement of what was to come

(3 days later, January 5th 2016, Amity Park, 6:30 Pm)

It was half past 6 as Sam was on the run from some metahumans, because as it turns out now that people knew she was disavowed by her friends she was free game to get payback for all the bullshit she's caused.

"Get your ass back here Manson, as your ours tonight bitch!" One of the 2 metas exclaimed as they chased after her as she barely ducked out of the way from having a spray of acid nearly hit her

"I didn't do anything to either of you." Sam responded as she ducked out of the from another spray of acid that melted away apart of concrete

"Bullshit! Thanks to you my brother's in the hospital from anemia!" Another metahuman spoke firing off a concussive blast of sonic energy that knocked her face first onto the ground

"Since you are gonna pay for how much your stupidity has been screwing us from the start and we are tired of it." The acid spraying metahuman spoke as he sprayed acid at her that while she managed get away from hit her in the right shoulder

"I was only trying to have you all have a better lifestyle!" Sam responded as she continued to run as she clutched at her acid eaten shoulder

"Liar, as all you've ever been concerned with is your own damn self and it's time we fixed it." The one using sonic energy spoke before blasting her into a wall

"So any last words before we do what should've been done a long time ago?" The sonic manipulating metahuman questioned

"Yeah you two idiots are gonna get it; for having ruined my damn date night!" Danny's voice exclaimed as he was accompanied by Tucker in his Green Beetle armor

"Look I thought that you of all people would want her dead for all the shit she's caused." The acid spitting metahuman spoke since it was no surprise around Amity that Danny now despised the gothic vegetarian

"Her fate will be determined by me at a later date of my own choosing, so do me a favor and leave now." Danny told them not sparing Sam a single glance during this

"I don't care she's still gotta pay for what she's done to my brother; because either move or be moved." The sonic using metahuman spoke as his hands vibrated with energy

"Tucker I'll take Sam since I'm the fastest between us; if you want to deal with the human loudspeaker?" Danny asked picking Sam up over his shoulder

"Don't worry Danny I got this." Tucker answered back as Danny nodded before disappearing in a blur of rapid motion

"Unless you want to get caught in the middle of this, then I suggest you leave. Because this will only end one way and you don't look like the type to be caught up in serious fighting." Tucker told the acid spewing metahuman as one hand was turned into a shield and the other into a cannon

"Fine I'll do it out of respect for him; after all long live the Phantom Army." The acid spewing metahuman spoke before running off elsewhere

"What the hell is the Phantom Army?" Tucker wondered before he had to fire out an energy bolt to counter the blast of sonic energy launched at him

"One way or another Manson's ass is mine!" The sonic using metahuman bellowed out before firing out another blast at him

That in mind Tucker blocked with the shield he made on his arm to block it as the ground slightly cracked from it; while Tucker and said metahuman began a firefight with each other, as the ground cracked and flashes of absinthe colored light streaking through the winter evening. With Tucker having activated his rocket pack to take off; before crashing down to ram his shield into the metahuman who blasted him with sonic energy that knocked him back into a car, with the metahuman charging up blast to knock him through it had it not been for it turning his cannon arm into a sledgehammer.

With him then cracking him across the stomach and knocking him across the street; with Tucker going towards him as he was beset by another sonic blast that staggered him back, before a charged up one nearly sent him flying into the air. Yet luckily enough he had sent mental commands for rambolts to drill themselves into the ground and hold him in place as the sonic blasts went on, with him soon raising his right hand and quickly turned it into a cannon barrel that quickly sprayed a dark green foam on his arms and hands.

For the foam quickly thickened and began to weigh him down as he tried to fire off another sonic blast at Tucker however, thanks to the beetle he was able to quickly fire off another blast of dark green foam this time with it being thicker and more sludge like as he did so all over the metahuman's body. With it soon covering him in a thick and dense adhesive that made it so his hands couldn't vibrate with enough energy to produce said sonic blasts, for Tucker had wanted this finished quickly so that he and Danny could be done with Sam in an immediate manner.

"I don't get why you're doing this as Manson needs to pay in blood for the shit she's been causing." The sonic using metahuman spat with rage

"Look killing her ain't gonna solve it, besides this is something that I will be handling personally." Tucker told him as the metahuman just looked at him with hate

"Well when it's one of your family members in a hospital, because they can barely walk the distance of a hallway without having to worry about them passing out. Or better yet they get chest pains so bad on a daily basis because of it that they've had to be pumped up on meds, so they don't risk a heart attack then we'll talk!" The sonic using metahuman exclaimed with rage as Tucker flew off with a heavy sigh

With that Tucker landed with Danny at a gas station a few blocks away with Danny glaring at the gothic vegetarian for her having had him to miss out on a date night with his girlfriend, something the half ghost was quite angered over.

"There you are Tucker, since if you weren't here then...well you already know what would've happened." Danny spoke considering that he more than likely would've shocked Sam for having her had him waste his time to save her

"Yeah as Sam there's something that needs to be said here concerning you." Tucker said knowing that this is something concerning her needed to be said

"Well considering how there's all these people; for no reason that's trying to maim me or kill me." Sam responded not knowing why these people have been after her lately

"Maybe its because your crows have finally come to roost." Danny said snidely

"What was that Danny?" Sam questioned tersely

"What Danny is trying to say without the pettiness, is that the actions of your self righteousness and your forcing your way of doing things on people; has finally caught up to you Sam." Tucker answered knowing that if Danny answered with the bad blood between the two it would've escalated into craziness he didn't need to deal with

"I haven't been forcing anything on anyone, as all I've ever done is just lead people to what's best for them. Since the way they've done things is the wrong way and what I've been doing; is guiding them towards the proper way of living." Sam spoke as the amount of self absorbed pride in her voice was almost tangible

"Daniel has she always been this prideful?" Wulf asked from within Danny

"That would be a yes, as trust me it's been this way for years." Danny answered before tuning back into the conversation

"And it all happened just as I told you it would, if you continued to act the way you do Sam. Because thanks to all of the antics and stunts you've pulled and against metahumans and people of that nature, you're quite literally a deadwoman walking. For you could've gotten killed hadn't it been for Danny and I intervening." Tucker spoke considering that her antics had pissed off a good number people that had superpowers or magic or access to deadly weaponry

"Because we can not keep interrupting our personal lives just to save you, because you are incapable of defending yourself or keeping yourself from being another damsel in distress. Since in case you haven't noticed Sam our lives do not revolve around you." Tucker told her considering that he and Danny couldn't continue to take time out of their personal lives for Sam; considering they had lives too

"So you guys are abandoning me then?" Sam questioned as her violet eyes looking at both of them

"It's not so much us abandoning you, as it is us having to move on with our lives. Because things are changing in our lives Sam, which means either you have to change or get left behind in the dust. And it looks like if you don't change; then with how things are currently going for you, then you may not make it through the new year." Danny told her considering that one thing was needed to be made clear for Sam

That being the solid fact that everyone's lives were changing what with Danny and Galatea's relationship getting more serious, Jazz eventually going away for college, Tucker using his tech to better the defenses of Amity Park and was actually considering using them to make a prosperous business with them. Yet the bottom line with it was that everyone was moving on and changing in their lives for the better; while Sam stuck trying to revert things to how they used to be, due to the fact that the world was moving on without her and that was something she couldn't accept.

"Danny's right you know, because we can't keep coming to save you at the expense of our personal lives. As heck I'm trying to get something going with all of the tech I've been inventing lately, yet my having to come to save you like your Lois Lane is putting that in jeopardy. Which is why like I said, you need to change because the world is moving on without you." Tucker told her as he left her some money to catch a cab home

"Because this is the last time that for me at least that I will be stepping in to save you, since my personal life isn't going to tank just because you can't save yourself." Danny told her before using his superhuman speed to run off and try to salvage the remains of his date night

"The same goes for me Sam as something's got to give and either do something to protect yourself, or start thinking of getting out of town with how people are turning against you." Tucker spoke before activating a jetpack on his scarab to fly off home

Yet for the Gothic ultra recyclo vegetarian this wouldn't stand as she seethed and cursed at the fact that everything was turning against her, with it being reflected as her eyes turned pale forest green and caused thorny vines to grow out of the cracks in the wall. And from out of these vines bloomed into existence black roses with sharp thorns upon them, but unlike other times they had pale green edges around them as if to go along with showing Sam's mind warping into something worse.

(January 9th 2016, 4 days later, 2:10 Pm, Rise and Resist Records)

It was soon the nearing midday as Ember was at her recording studio mixing her final track needed for a new album, when soon enough she found her recording equipment going haywire as her trained ear picked up on the sound of childish snickering that she's now long since had enough of.

"Alright that tears it, this ends now." Ember thought grabbing her guitar

"I've tried to be patient and hoped that you'd cut this nonsense out, but after months of you having set back my record label and my new album. I have had enough of this, because no more games since this stops here and now." Ember spoke as she played a power chord on her guitar as a wave of thunderous force cracked the walls and blasted Youngblood out into the open

"What the heck was that for Ember?" Youngblood questioned as his ears run from the sonic attack

"Let's see how about the fact that you've been messing up my equipment for months on end, getting in the way of my making my 2nd album and my running my record label. I'd say that's more than enough reason for me to be completely pissed at you." Ember answered back as she was 160% done with Youngblood's antics

"Well you needed to lighten up and have fun with me again, since you've been no fun at all the past year and I'm tired of it. Since I want the old Ember back." Youngblood retorted as to what his reasoning was behind messing around with Ember

"That's the reason for all of this….oh that tears it you are so gonna pay for this." Ember seethed as she played on her guitar

With her playing a set of razor sharp black metal style riffs as energy in the form of navy colored musical notes soon circled around Youngblood before turning into serrated daggers and fired themselves out at Youngblood. For the childlike ghost was unprepared for this as he found his attire shredded by a good handful of them as Ember came after him, as she played another set of black metal styled riffs and summoned down another cloud of daggers as the moment he looked back at Ember he only saw an irate rockstar wanting to tear him a new asshole.

For Ember she soon played played a trio of power chords that sent another thunderous wave of energy out at Youngblood, this time much more powerful as it sent him careening out of the sky and into a brick wall; where his ears rung from the sonic attack. With her soon playing a set of fast paced thrash metal riffs that sound straight out of a Exhorder or Slayer song before a bright blue fireball erupted into existence, before it begun barreling down towards Youngblood who's eyes practically popped out of his skull at seeing it.

Therefore he promptly got the hell out of there as it soom impacted and detonated like a grenade sending bright blue flames, that while he managed to get out of the way in time he did find his head smoking as his pirate hat was soon on fire. With him soon removing it as it turned to ashes as he felt a cold wind pass over his scalp and instead of hair there was now a large bald spot on his head reminiscent of George Jefferson from Good Times.

"Congratulations Youngblood, now you know a quarter of how its been to deal with your antics." Ember spat in contempt as she floated down

"Because I can't even begin to tell you the amount of Advil and Aleve i've taken because you, since I'm pretty sure that it's somewhere between being knocking out an elephant and putting the Flash to sleep; you little shit." Ember added in contempt as she was far past over with his antics

"It's not my fault you don't know how to have fun anymore." Youngblood responded as all he saw was Ember being a crummy adult that worked all the time

"Well you know what I can't party all the time, because I've got responsibilities to people and goals that I need to accomplish. Because one thing you've always been shortsighted like that Youngblood, since you forget that things of real importance; force you to shove aside fun in order to get things done. Since growing up means you have to choose hard work over having fun to get to what you want in life." Ember responded considering that she had to give up nights going out with Kitty or the girls in order to have her record label or get her album out on time

"That's a giant load of bull, because everything that you do should be fun. Because nothing else matters if you aren't having fun at all, since what you're doing is boring and I'll get you to have fun one way or another." Youngblood spoke since in his childish mind if it wasn't fun then it was meaningless and a waste of time

"Well at least I know the perfect way on how I'm gonna punish you, you fucking brat." Ember thought as at least she had the consolation of knowing how to punish Youngblood for screwing with her all this time

That in mind she played another set of riffs on her guitar that sent out another fireball out at him that he tried to defend against with a energy beams from both his eyes, yet it was pretty much in vain as the fireball soon ploughed through it and crashed into him with such force it left him no time to go intangible. With it erupting into a mass of bright blue flames as Youngblood came out screaming with 2nd degree burns and a good portion of his clothes burned away in the process, for she soon played another a trio of powered chords that had sent him flying as another wave of thunderous force came crashing down upon him like a ton of bricks.

For no matter what he tried to retaliate it was in vain considering that Ember was on him like buzzards on a freshly deceased carcass, for she was done playing around as she was ripping into him with all she could unleash; with the exception of her not doing so of her more powerful abilities she gained recently. Nonetheless she took satisfaction in obliterating with her playing another set of black metal styled riffs that sent out a cloud of daggers, that soon pinned and impaled Youngblood who yelled out in pain as he was stuck to a wall.

With her then proceeding to play a set of riffs and chords that sounded like it would be from a early 80's psychedelic rock band; as soon enough a mass discharge of bright blue psionic energy that caused a almost distorted wail of pain to echo from Youngblood. For he would've fallen to the ground except Ember had soon played a guitar solo that seemed straight from a Black Sabbath album; that caused Youngblood to soon be paralyzed in place by Ember who floated next to him.

"You know I really should mess you up more than this, with all the trouble you've caused me." Ember spoke as she looked him dead in the eyes with complete annoyance and severe irritation

"But instead I've got something far better planned for you, since you and I are gonna go on a little field trip. Where you'll learn about growing up and responsibilities." Ember told him before dragging him off into the Ghost Zone

(2 weeks later, January 24 2016, 2:34 Pm, Rise and Resist Records)

It was 2 weeks later as after Youngblood was dealt with Danny and Ember had spent the next weeks getting back to recording and finishing up her new album, as thanks to Youngblood while they would be set back till late February or early March; due to having to buy replacement equipment for what he wrecked, everything was otherwise smoothing sailing from there.

"Well at least now we can finally work on the album in peace." Danny spoke as he finished the mixing and tracking for Inferno

"Yeah as I can't tell you how good it feels that I won't have to be consistently buying replacement equipment that Youngblood wrecked. Because my wallet can finally breathe a bit easier because of it." Ember replied considering that it wasn't cheap whatsoever to replace that equipment

"I bet since I can't even begin to imagine the thousands of dollars you had to pump back into this, because of the little twerp." Danny said since he knew that Youngblood had been a financial pain in Ember's rear

"All I know is that I'm glad he's taken care of, since I made sure that he's never going to bother me ever again." Ember responded with an almost sinister smile on her face

"What exactly did you do with him?" Danny asked as to what happened with the childlike ghost

"Its easy really." Ember told him

(2 weeks ago, Pandora's domain, January 10th 8:52 Am)

"Oh there you are as welcome to where your gonna be learning responsibility and hard work, you little shit." Ember spoke as she looked down at Youngblood's now bound up form

"Hey let me go, I don't belong here!" Youngblood exclaimed as he was promptly silenced by a glare from Pandora who gave him the strict mom look

"Silence. As I've not given you permission to speak yet." Pandora told him as her intimidating presence forced him to be quiet against his will

"Also sorry for the wait dear, as understand that I've been quite busy around here with making sure no one tries to steal my box. Since I can't tell you how many upstart sorcerers and warlocks have tried that." Pandora apologized as she's had to keep a tight ship around her domain, do to the amount of upstarts that wanted to use her box for nefarious purposes

"Its no problem at all. Besides to get him out of my hair is well worth the wait." Ember replied as she was happy to have waited in order to see him get punished

"Besides thank you for breakfast as you really are super nice." Ember added as she didn't get why people were afraid of her

"It's no problem, especially since I rarely get visitors nowadays. So I'm happy to do this for you." Pandora told her as since she hardly had any visitors she was happy to do little things like this

"Now then back to you." Pandora spoke her demeanor flipping from kind and motherly to domineering and strict

"As for years you've done nothing but cause mischief and trouble, because you refuse to grow up. For you've been a ghost for the past 30 plus years and yet you continue your childish antics. But now no more." Pandora spoke as she rounded on Youngblood who was squirming in his bonds

"You can't make me as I deserve to have fun whenever I want to, besides it's not my fault that Ember became boring. Since how am I in the wrong for trying to get her back to the way things were; when she was fun and not some boring and crummy adult." Youngblood retorted as it was his right to have fun whenever he wanted to

"Having fun is something that's earned and not your innate right. Because you've spent so long as a child that you've forgotten that, but as of now your in my house and you will learn what its like to work hard to have what you want. Because no more are you going to cause mischief all for the sake of your childish fun." Pandora spoke as she zapped him with a ray of energy that turned his outfit into a old timey farm hands uniform

"Because from now on for the next 330 years you will be under me. And I will teach you what you failed to do in life and that is grow up." Pandora told him as Youngblood seethed at this

"I don't wanna and you can't make me." Youngblood protested childishly

"Oh yes I can, because this will make sure you get started immediately." Pandora spoke as she summoned a large red and black angry looking ram that bleated and soon charged after a now sprinting Youngblood

"That should get him out of the way for awhile and I hope that things will look up for you from now on." Pandora added as the ram would keep Youngblood busy enough for her to start thinking of ways to put him to work

"It's fine and thank you for what you've done, since this has been an immense help. Because while I could've easily killed him; it just wouldn't have felt right at all. Since he's still a kid albeit one that should've grown up years ago, but a kid nonetheless and I just don't have it in me to be a child killer." Ember spoke as while she could've killed Youngblood, she felt it would be in poor taste as that's one line she refused to go anywhere near

"And it shows that you are a kind person inside, since only a monster would murder children." Pandora spoke seething at the fact that people were that cruel and heartless

"Still thanks Pandora and don't worry I'll come back to visit you again soon." Ember told the the ghost that was clad in Greek armor

"Thank you and have a nice rest of your day dear!" Pandora called back as she waved goodbye to Ember

"Now then I think the 1st thing that runt can start doing; is cleaning my garden." Pandora thought as she went to track down Youngblood who was still being chased by the angry ram

(Snap back to reality)

"And that's how I got him out of my hair for the next almost 4 centuries, since that should be more than enough time for him to grow up." Ember spoke since she knew that while childish Youngblood was stubborn as a mule

"Well hopefully by the time his sentence is up he'll have stopped his antics." Danny spoke hoping that those following years would have him stop his childish antics that caused havoc

"Anyways all I can say is that I'm happy we can get started on my 2nd album, since I'm so ready to get this finished and put out there. Because I can't wait to show that I've gone from just another pop rock idol to a real rock star." Ember spoke with excitement in her voice

Considering that with her 2nd album soon to be finished and released it meant that she could finally do what she had wanted to from the start and that being playing metal music in front of crowds; like she wanted to since she was a kid growing up until her untimely death.

"Considering what we've got recorded and finished so far, I've no doubt that this will go far in setting you up as a kickass metal musician." Danny told her considering that he felt that this album would more than help establish Ember than just another teen idol

"And a good part of that is thanks to you Danny. Because you've opened me up to what I've been missing out on musically since I've been gone and helped me to re-tool what I want to do in making music into something great. So because of that you've got my thanks." Ember thanked Danny for having helped open her up to the new styles of rock and metal she'd missed out on; that had helped her in making her new album

"It's no problem after all I thought it would be a nice way for us to bury the hatchet. After all it felt right to introduce you to and show you a new perspective on the music we both in enjoy. So really its no big deal." Danny told her as he felt that it would be nice to bury the hatchet with something they both enjoyed

"Besides its been my pleasure to work alongside you Ember. Because you're a pretty cool person yourself and it's been a pleasure to work alongside you these past couple of months." Danny added as overtime with Ember he found her to be a pretty neat person to hang around with

"Thanks Danny. Since that settles it, as once the album is released you and I are gonna go out and celebrate at Dave and Buster's and just have a good time." Ember told him as she pulled him into a hug

"Like I said I've been happy to help. And if I get to pal around with you then that's just an added bonus." Danny spoke as he got up and in a burst of super speed ran out of the room and then back in, with a box full of Popeye's chicken

"Now then why don't you and I take a break for a bit and celebrate the fact, that we can continue to finish this album without any further hindrances." Danny added as he pulled up a table to set the food on

"Sure why not, besides I could really go for a bite right about now." Ember spoke as she turned off her equipment and pulled up a chair to start eating with Danny

So then with Ember having gotten rid of Youngblood and his antics to prevent her from recording her new album and with Danny and Tucker having to cut Sam from their lives in order to move forwards, it seems as though things are looking up for them. As find out how all of this shall continue in the new chapters of Phantom and a Kryptonian.

And cut as I hoped you liked this chapter and sorry for the long wait as with school and finals it's taken up a great chunk of my time, but luckily enough I will try and start making more consistent updates. So without further delay let's get down to it.

First up we've got a nice bit between Ember and Danny which I thought would be nice and all in showing a bit more progression in their relationship and what not.

Following that up we get a small fight between Tucker and a meta which I thought would be dope to do, but also to show that Sam's actions have had consequences; considering that her actions in canon have come back to bite her. Which I wanted to do show that there are people out to get her for all of her protests and acting high and mighty and the fact that she's more or less getting left behind because she refuses to change her ways and clings onto how things used to be.

Next up we got the small fight between Youngblood and Ember which I thought would be neat in showing some of what she can do, since some of that will be explained later on in the story.

Lastly we got Ember and Danny celebrating the fact that Youngblood can no longer cause trouble and showing what happened to him after his defeat, which I thought would be cool to do in showing both Ember and Danny paling around and give a plausible reason on how to more or less write Youngblood out of the story.

So then with all that being said please continue to favorite, follow, review and share this story out as much as possible and thanks once again for all the support given to the story, as I really have appreciated it, so please continue to do so. And remember reviews help the story a lot since it means quite a bit to me and who knows I may gain future ideas from them also remember flames will be ignore while criticism that's well thought out and reasonable will be accepted.

That being said this is Nomadic Chaos giving you guys good content to read through the power of Chaos, as next chapter will be of Team Phantom fighting Young Justice among other things and also be dedicated to the late Stan Lee….Rest in Power and Excelsior to Stan the Man.

Part 1 Theme Song: Outshined by Soundgarden

Random End Song: Skeleton Song by Sevendust