So suffice to say that I absolutely loth doing this but it has to be done for the sake of my sanity. I am putting Triassic Surge on indefinite hiatus. I'm doing this for two reasons…

I want to write stories that people enjoy. That's not to say that there aren't people out that enjoy my oc rangers and their adventure and there are some of you out there that I'm glad to have the honor of chatting with a little bit because of this story. But I don't feel like I'm giving it my best at the moment and feel like just stepping away would be the better option.

A Different Shade of Red -

Because I'm taking so long to try to figure out where I'm going with Triassic Surge I feel like I'm neglecting my other story and that's not fair to it especially when it's close to finishing. Some of you out there seem to really enjoy the Oliververse and that makes me happy as a writer so I want to wrap that up as best as I can.

I may or may not return to Triassic Surge and finish up their story, I hope that I do, but I'm not certain. I would feel bad just leaving then where they are and not concluding it. But on the flipside of that coin I would feel just as bad if I gave you all something that I didn't put my all into.

That being said, because people seem to enjoy the Oliver-verse and since DSoR is almost done, I have ONE more idea for one more AU in that type of situation that I'll be starting up as soon as I finish up Different Shade of Red. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as you've enjoyed the others and as always

May the power protect you all.