It is challenging to write when you make yourself tear up.

Chapter 10

"Can you move her?" Albion's voice was thick with emotion. He had held Rineah as she cried, at one point he led her to the couch, and she had fallen asleep on him. His entire right side had also fallen asleep.

Izo carefully moved the sleeping Rineah off Albion. He managed to shift her in his arms without waking her. Fabrion went ahead of him and opened her bedroom door. "Leave it open," Izo whispered after putting her to bed. It was not something he had done in a very long time.

"What do we do?" Fabrion whispered as he and Izo returned to Albion.

"What can we do?" Albion corrected. He stretched and shook his limbs in an attempt to return feeling to them. He looked to Izo, who was at a loss.

"I wish we could reach Prince Kallian," he admitted. He sank down on the couch and put his head in his hands. They normally sought answers from him, but he had none to give. "It was one person," he said from between his fingers, "but I don't even know if there are others."

"We can't stay on her at all times."

"We also can't keep her locked up," Fabrion pointed out. "If there are more, then they'll think they've won." He twisted his fingers around each other. "Did - was it painless?"

Izo was ready for the lie. He knew he would have to tell it at least once more. "Yes." In truth, Vasia had suffered until Albion took pity on her. She had cried and begged for forgiveness, though there was no need to forgive. It was her duty to protect Rineah, and she had done that.

"Try to sleep," Izo told him. "Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

Fabrion and Albion took his word, both returning to their rooms. He did not hear the click of the doors. After several minutes of silence, he, too, went to his bedroom and left the door open.

Rineah slept through the night until a noise awoke her the next morning. She blinked and lifted her head from the pillow. Someone was cooking, she assumed Fabrion due to the smell of spices. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. The door to her room was open, and she knew why. Her guards would want to listen out for her.

She swung her feet over the bed, got up, and shut it. She dressed quickly then sat back down on the bed. Her brush was on the table by the bed. She picked it up and began to play with it, turning it over in her hands. Vasia always brushed her hair in the morning. But Vasia would not be coming.

"Milady?" There was a knock at the door.

"I'm coming," she called softly. She was not even sure Albion had heard her. She took the brush and ran it through her hair and fought the urge to cry. When it was brushed through, she pulled it back, slid her hair stick into it, and put the brush on her bed.

There was a heavy feeling in the air as the three men waited for her to join them. She looked to them for a second, then looked away. "Do you want to stay here? We don't have to - "

"I don't really get much of a choice," Rineah said. "I'm not hungry," she added as she took a seat at the table, "but when you three eat, we'll go."

"You need to eat," Fabrion told her gently. She shook her head. "Please?" Again, she shook her head.

The three ate in silence, each exchanging looks. As they left to go to the Audience Chamber, they flanked her closely, and for once she did not mind. Some of the remaining guards called out greetings to her, but the palace was overwhelmingly somber.

"What are you doing here?" Izo asked once they entered the chamber. The only other person inside was Yazzie, and he stood wringing his hands together.

"I wanted to speak to Princess Rineah."

Rineah sighed. She was not in the mood for him. "What do you need?" she asked. She could not even muster an annoyed tone for him.

"I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. I told Prince Kallian before that I had overheard - " The young man seemed to wilt under Fabrion's glare. "When - When nothing happened, I expected my mother decided against - "

"Wait. Wait a moment. Your mother did that?"

"Yes, my - my mother sides with the Bionite - "

Rineah forgot every ounce of formal training she had. Though it did not matter anyway, as she did not have her staff. She cut off her would-be suitor by punching him in the mouth. Before Albion, Izo, and Fabrion could react, she had tackled him and started scratching and slapping at him.

Her shouts, which no one could truly understand, and his yelps drew more guards. Though Fabrion eventually pulled her off of him, it seemed to take a lot longer than it should have to Yazzie. Though she squirmed and kicked against Fabrion, he held her tightly enough that she could not escape.

Yazzie sat up, panting, blood dribbling from his lip and tears brimming in his eyes. He winced as Izo grabbed him by the arm and hauled him off the floor.

"You and I are going to have a little talk," he began, his tone icy.

"No!" Rineah still squirmed against Fabrion's grip. "No," she said again. "You're banished. You're no longer allowed in Alcamoth. I never want to see you again! Leave! Now!'