I can't found it anymore.

Victor close his eyes as the sentence ringing on his brain.

Where is it?

Where can i found it?

Where's my inspiration?

The last thought made him flinched. He gasped, as though the thought of it alone stab his heart painfully. I can't find my inspiration anymore.

With curled up knees presses against his chest and his head on his hand, he sobs.

I want to find it.

Is what he thought first thing after days of locking himself on his room, crying hours and hours, thinking how useless he is-

He flinched.

There's no use thinking about that now. It's not going to bring back his inspiration.

How can i found it?

Turns out checking a guide is pretty helpful.

Victor turns another page, the beautiful picture of a beach and it's description greet him.

Without pausing, he turns to another page, somewhere deep on his heart is telling him Its not right, you wont found it in there-

He goes back to the front, where he knows the Table of Contents are. Finger and eyes quickly skimming the list when his finger suddenly stop on one of the 'Castle' list.

Hasetsu Castle.

Hello! I'm back! This fandom has been spreading like a plague and flooding my tumblr with its gorgeous fanart and this-is-so-fucking-gay vibe. It's only natural i got sucked in. It doesnt help that Victor is breathtakingly beautiful and both Yuri is precious cinnamon rolls that need to be protected at all cost.

I've still on ep 3, the school catch up on me before i can continue :( Anyway, i'm planning on making this into a bunch of oneshot. Its not much different from chapter so im not really sure. Tell me what you guys think? (nudgenudge its my attempt on telling you to review) :D
