Chapter 2

"Are you sure it's not just a cold?" Hermione asked again, not believing what she was hearing. "Can you check it again?"

"Ms. Granger- Hermione, I am sorry. I did run the test multiple times. I am sorry but you have Dragon pox. It's has also progressed much faster than it normally would. There's no treatment for it at this stage."

Hermione let her head drop in her hands, "I felt fine. I mean besides the cold." Hermione cried before looking back up wiping the tears from her face.

"I am so sorry." Pansy Parkinson spoke softly letting her professionalism drop. After Hogwarts Pansy had become one of the leading Healer's in St. Mungo's.

"It's not your fault." Hermione replied sliding off the table. She grabbed her bag glancing at Pansy. "Thanks for everything."

"Granger- Hermione, I advise you spend the time you have with the ones you love. I'm not sure how long it will be for you." Pansy said seriously.

Hermione nodded leaving the room and the hospital. She walked down Diagon ally staying away from the few people out shopping. She played the memories back from her last work trip out of the country. She had been sent out for work after receiving word of an old ruin that had been discovered in South America. One of the wizards working had, had a cold. She could only guess that it was Dragon pox now. She guessed catching that and working in the ruins only progressed it faster than normal.

Hermione coughed into her hand looking down into her hand seeing blood. She couldn't tell the ones she loved goodbye in person. Glancing through the window of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. She saw her friends standing around the counter laughing with one another. Letting her tears fall she apparated home writing them a letter tell them she had been offered a job in another country that wanted her immediately and had to leave with no goods byes. Hermione waved her wand as bags appeared on her bed and her belongings flying into the bags. Looking around making sure nothing was left. Hermione left taking her bags with her to the nearest apparition point. If she was going to die she needed to see him again; at least be with someone that she wouldn't get sick.

After many apparition jumps Hermione found herself in the familiar streets of Cairo. Reaching her bag Hermione grabbed mirror looking at appearance seeing how haggard she looked. Placing glamour's on herself she made her way to the hotel she had stayed at two years ago. Luckily the room she had gotten previously had just become vacant as the person had canceled their stay.

Hermione stepped into the room dropping her bags walking straight to the balcony opening the doors she looked over the beautiful city once again. She was so happy to be back once again; though not for this reason. Hopefully she would be able to find him tonight seeing as how the sun was shining high in the sky. Walking over Hermione lay down on the couch closing her eyes as she listened to the sounds of the city until sleep claimed her.

Hours passed until Hermione's eyes opened up noticing the light form the day was gone. Sitting up she looked around the room seeing nothing had changed. A noise on the balcony caught her attention letting her wand slide down from her sleeve she stepped slowly outside; when she saw a Benjamin leaned back on the railing looking at her with a smile.

"Benjamin." Hermione whispered placing her wand back in her sleeve. She moved quickly going to him throwing her arms around his neck; as his arms wrapped around her waist. "You're here."

"You're back." Benjamin sighed running his hand over her hair. Taking a breath in he noticed something about her smelled differently. Pulling back he looked at her closely. "Hermione, what's wrong with you?"

Hermione looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Talk to me. Please?" Benjamin whispered worriedly.

"I'm sick." Hermione admitted looking back at him meeting his red eyes. Hermione stepped back out of his arms waving her wand she let the glamour's drop. Benjamin was shocked at her haggard appearance and how ill she truly looked. "I didn't want to never see you again before something happen to me. I can't be around any of my friends. I could infect them. I needed you."

Benjamin instantly pulled her back into his arms holding her as close as possible. "Is there anything that can be done to keep you alive?"

"No." Hermione answered shaking her head. "Ben, Will you just hold me?"

Benjamin gently picked her up as her arms went around his neck. He walked into the bedroom placing her on the bed before making sure everything was closed so no sun cloud come through the windows. He climbed on the bed beside her as she cuddled into his side. He went to say something until he heard her breathing even out as she had fallen asleep. Listening to her heart beats he could tell how low it already was; she had at most two weeks to live. As that notion passed his mind, the darkest idea crossed his mind. Could he truly be that selfish with her? The answer was yes.

Hermione woke up feeling the sickness trying to come up. She leapt out of Benjamin's arms making it just in time to the bathroom throwing up anything she had into the toilet. Feeling a cold wet rag run across her face. She glanced up seeing Benjamin but everything was blurred.

"Benjamin, I can't do this. I can't," She said as she began to cry. "I don't want to die, not like this."

Benjamin looked down at her sadly, "I can change that for you. If you want me to; just tell me what you want."

"Please." Hermione whispered pitifully. "Make it stop, Ben."

Benjamin nodded picking her up her took her to where his coven lived, also bringing all of her stuff. He made sure everything was taken care of for her. Benjamin quickly moved Hermione to where his coven lived. He knew Amun wasn't there right now but that didn't mean he could show up at anytime.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked.

"Yes." Hermione answered.

"It's going to hurt." Benjamin informed her as he pushed her hair away from her neck.

"It can't hurt anymore than I do now." Hermione her voice breaking slightly as she looked into his eyes. The tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't be so sure." Benjamin stated kissing her on the lips before side to her neck sinking in his teeth. She cried out until she passed out from the pain going limp in his arms.

Forcing himself to stop feeding was the hardest thing he had ever done.

Benjamin set beside Hermione waiting for the venom to spread over her fully. He didn't know how he was able to stop by her did. He had cleaned her up watching over her. His mind wondered as to why she was not screaming in pain; she lay there completely still. She didn't make a sound. He didn't remember many things about his change or before but, pain that was something he remembered. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear someone enter the room. In the blink of an eye Amun was standing in front of him in a rage.

"What have you done?" Amun growled pulled Benjamin from his chair putting him against the wall. "Have you lost your mind? You're turning her!" Amun yelled squeezing tighter. "What if you draw the attention of the Volturi?"

"She was dying." Benjamin ground out. "I couldn't watch her die. I'm in love with her."

A flicker of emotion passed though Amun's eyes looking at Benjamin before he could say more he was ripped away from Benjamin and tossed to the other side of the room. Everyone in the room stopped looking to Hermione; who had awoken. Twisting her hand a barrier appeared in front of Amun blocking him from Benjamin.

"Leave him alone." Hermione whispered.

Benjamin quickly went to her side placing his hands on the side of her face, "Hermione, it is alright. Stop what you are doing."

Her once brown eyes were now red but had a tint of violet to the color; making them slightly different than the normal red vampires had. Looked up to him; she let her hand drop as well as the barrier. Hermione laid her head down on Benjamin's shoulder not saying anything. He just put his arms around her holding her closely.

"You are perfectly alright and so am I." Benjamin said soothing her. Benjamin looked over seeing Amun watching them.

"She is very calm for just waking up." Amun noted watching her even closer. Hermione stiffened in his arms turning to look at the man. "I won't harm you child."

"I apologize." Hermione whispered.

"No need." Amun replied. "May I ask you name?"

"Hermione Granger." Hermione answered looking closer at the man. "And yours."

"Amun." He responded looking back to his mate as he introduced her as well. "This is my mate kebi."

"Hello Hermione." Kebi spoke softly.


"You have a very amazing gift." Amun acknowledged, as Benjamin turned glaring at the man. Amun held his hands up peace. "You are also so a very tame newborn. Most are mindless when they wake."

"I know." Hermione spoke still resting against Benjamin. "It's something that's confusing me. I shouldn't be like this."

"You knew about vampires before you turned?" Kebi asked moving closer to the girl, taking a closer look.

"Yes, I was a witch." Hermione confessed.

Amun frowned slightly, "Wand wielding witch?"

Hermione nodded.

"That must be why the color of your eyes is different from ours; your magic must have changed that. I must say though it's amazing you survived the change. The only witch like you I have seen bitten didn't survive." Amun explained looking at the girl in front of him in wonder. "The Volturi are the ones that tried. You are very special."

"I don't want to be special." Hermione said sadly. "I just didn't want to die."

"It's understandable." Amun nodded agreeing with her.

"You will be staying with us, right?" Kebi asked not unkindly, but actually had a smile on her face. Ben's eyes narrowed slightly, Kebi was never overly but the thought Hermione could change that was a nice thought. Maybe Kebi and Hermione could have a friendship narrowing the gap between Benjamin and Kebi. The possibility was open.

Hermione turned looking up to Benjamin asking the silent question.

"Of course you shall." Amun answered for them. "Welcome to our coven. Benjamin take her out, the sun will be down soon."

Amun and Kebi left them alone in the room. Hermione moved back from him standing from the bed walking to the sunlight letting her hand in the light. Her skin shined like a thousands of diamonds. She couldn't take her eyes from it.

"It takes time to get use too." Benjamin said standing up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.

Hermione looked back to him, "Will you help me?"

"Of course I will." Benjamin smiled turning her to face him; he placed a soft kiss on her lips. "You're my mate. How could I not?"

"I am?" Hermione asked her eyes going wide.

Benjamin nodded.

"Did you know before that I was your mate? When I was alive." Hermione questioned letting her fingers thread through his. She watched everything before her. Everything was different things she would have never seen; she could now see perfectly.

"I suspected." Benjamin chuckled kissing her cheek.

Hermione pulled out of his arms taking his hands in her, "Show me everything."

Benjamin smiled taking her hand into his walking out of the door. Neither one saw Amun and Kebi watching them leave.

"You seem to be taking this very well." Kebi spoke cautiously.

"She is special. They both are." Amun replied. "She will be a very helpful asset to this coven one day, should the need ever arise."

Kebi nodded saying nothing.

Hermione walked through all of Cairo with Benjamin as he showed her everything he possibly could. She loved this she never tired so they never had to stop. He showed and taught her how to feed. Benjamin had to calm her after her first feeding, she hated the thought of killing but she knew it's what was now needed to live. She had asked him for this life. She wouldn't regret her choice. Benjamin did show her everything he was able. They shared their powers with one another both amazed by the others power.

They were lucky to have one another.

One day she would travel back to England and see the ones she loved and explained to them what happened but until then, Benjamin was now the center of her attention.