Whenever exams rolled around, Uncle Wes was on hand.

Connor never regretted asking his uncle for help cramming, but sometimes, amidst the mountains of books and with his uncle pacing the room and insisting on researching questions that would never be on the exams, Connor would wonder if he wasn't better off cramming with Aunt Fred who, at the very least, allowed him to take snack breaks.

Uncle Wes would stand behind his desk, glasses askew and tie crooked, enthusiastically quizzing him over and over, while Connor used his uncle's enthusiasm to overcome his own occasional laziness. They would peruse history books, research the English language and have debates over who would truly win in a fight, Hamlet or Laerets.

While his classmates sweated nervously over their various exams, Connor would calmly review everything in his mind, safe in the knowledge that his over-enthusiastic Uncle had prepared him well.

Connor always preferred physical activity to books and studying, but thanks to his sharp Uncle Wes, he developed a keen love of learning and a thirst for knowledge which he carried through the rest of his days.