Hayato Gokudera was a simple man. He was a man of learning, and especially things one could prove, theories and the like. When he was in school, he loved math and science. He was the feared right hand of the Vongola Decimo. Even if he believed in something like love, he had no time for such frivolities. He helped run the biggest mafia famiglia.

What did he believe in then? Lust and sexual needs of course. He believed in family…to an extent, and he believed in himself mostly. He believed in himself, the tenth boss of the Vongola and the Vongola itself. It was sensible, logical and tangible. Especially with his past, even emotions can't be trusted. For the longest time all he felt was anger, hate, then finally loyalty. That explained him in a nutshell.

So, why was he at a bookstore, looking for reading material, finding his eyes slide to the girl behind the counter? She didn't seem especially pretty, or at least that fake notion most of the ladies that ended up on a mafioso's arm deemed pretty. Her hair wasn't done, nor her nails, and her face was devoid of any trace of make-up. Her hair was brown, albeit a very light shade, and pulled into a high ponytail, wisps falling around her face. She wore a large sweatshirt that fell off of one shoulder, a tank top underneath, jeans and converse. She looked like a college student.

"If you're going to stare, why don't you go talk to her?" Yamamoto asked leaning over his shoulder, looking at the book he was holding. "I'd ditch the weird alien book though…"

"I wasn't staring moron." He bit out, closing the book and putting it back. "I was being observant of our surroundings." He pulled out another book flipping through it, feeling a blush stain his cheeks.

"Looks like you were observing the cashier." Yamamoto joked. "Just admit it man. It's not the end of the world if a girl catches your interest."

"Mind your own business." He shot back, pushing his glasses up. "Why did I bring you anyway?"

"Because I asked?" Unknown to Hayato, Yamamoto grinned. He finally had silence to go through and pick out a book. As he set that book back on it's self, and picked another seeming interesting one, he heard a familiar voice. "Excuse me miss?" After a pause, he continued. "Do you have books about baseball, maybe the world series or anything?" Hayato froze and glanced out of the corner of his eye, watching his idiot friend lean against the counter. The girl put her book down, marking her place carefully, and looked as if she was thinking.

"Ahh….maybe. They would all be in non-fiction…" She hopped off of her stool and came around the corner. "Let's go take a look." She took off gracefully, leading Yamamoto towards what he was looking for.

Hayato looked back to his book, feeling a blush creep up into his cheeks. Her voice rang out like a melody. He didn't understand what the hell was going on. He was entirely too focused on a girl he hadn't even met yet. He sighed softly, pulling a few books from the shelves, and heading to the counter. As he waited, he heard Yamamoto talking with the girl as they walked back.

"Too bad you didn't have what I was looking for" He said, tacking a sheepish laugh on at the end.

"I can look into it and order a few" She offered in a gentle voice.

"That would be great!" As they came into view, Hayato frowned at how chummy they seemed. "Oh! I'm Yamamoto and this is Gokudera." He introduced them, hitting her with a thousand watt smile.

"Nice to meet you." She went behind the counter and rang up Hayato's purchases. "I'm Rosabella. I just bought this place from the former owner. I guess he decided to retire in Sicily or something." She shrugged, then blinked as she saw the books Hayato had purchased. She raised a brow as she held up a book. "Should I look into more about Cryptozoology too?" Hayato felt his face heat up as he looked away, holding out his credit card.

"Not necessary…" He mumbled, looking at her from the corner of his eye. He saw her smile fall a bit as she took his payment, processing it quickly.

"Actually, Yamamoto, will you leave a phone number? That way I can call you when the books come in?" She slid a pad and paper towards him as she handed Hayato his purchase with the other. He felt that pang again. Shit. Was he actually jealous of that damned Baseball Idiot? She glanced in his direction with bright, hazel eyes. "If you want ah….Gokudera… you can leave your email or number or something so I can let you know when I get something new in…?" She asked, her voice hesitant. He simply nodded, avoiding Yamamoto's gaze, and quickly wrote down his number for her.

"Thank you." He muttered, turning and heading out of the store at a quick pace. Once outside in the fresh air, he took a deep breath. What the hell was all of that? He closed his eyes, inhaling through his nose, then exhaling through his mouth before opening them. He heard Yamamoto join him outside after a moment.

"Thanks again, Rosabella!" He then turned, focusing his mocha colored gaze on Hayato. "So, that was something…"

"Shut it." He replied, pushing off the wall he was leaning on, and heading for the car. "We should get back."

"I…think you're still blushing…" His friend gave him one of his famous smiles. "You should talk to her. She's super nice, and she's pretty. Talk about books…maybe have coffee."

"I think you're about to walk home." Hayato snapped, as he started the car. "Just….cut it out Yamamoto." He said, his voice falling quiet. He glanced over at his friend as they drove off and saw him nod.

"Yeah ok, but the way you looked at her…" He let his voice trail off as he looked out the window, watching the passing scenery.

"I hadn't even met her. I didn't look at her any way."

"I think it was love at first sight."

"There's no such thing. I don't even think love exists. There's no scientific proof." He answered with a tone of finality.

"You don't believe in love…but you believe in aliens and bigfoot…." Yamamoto deadpanned. Hayato could only sigh. He wasn't going to win this one, not with this idiot.

Hayato was working on some paperwork in his office about a week later, hair pulled back, glasses resting on his nose, when his cell phone rang. He glanced over and noticed that the number was unknown, but from the area. The corners of his mouth turned into a slight frown as he picked up.

"Hello?" He answered, a slightly confused note to his voice that even surprised him.

"Um…Mr. Gokudera?" The melodic voice on the other end asked.

"Yes. This is him." He leaned back in his chair, switching ears. The voice sounded like an angel, and he couldn't help but blush.

"This…um… I don't know if you remember me, but this is Rosabella?" Even with the uncertainty woven in her voice, he couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah…ah…the bookstore." He stated, kicking his feet up onto his desk. "How can I help you?"

"Wow…ah…you're a lot more articulate over the phone." She giggled nervously. He felt himself blush. "Um…"She laughed a bit, sounding like the tinkle of crystal. "I'm usually not this nervous, but I just got a few books in. Um…let's see…one on the Loch Ness monster, and one on a few urban legends of America, like the Jersey Devil and the lot. Would you like me to hold them for you?" His eyes widened. Those did sound interesting, and it gave him a solid excuse to see her again…. not that he wanted to or anything.

"I can be down within the hour, if that's ok?" He said, putting his feet flat onto the ground.

"Perfect. I'll have them at the register for you. See you then."

"Yeah see you." With that the line went dead. He stood up, checking himself in the mirror he had in there. Black jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked pretty good. Nodding to himself, he grabbed his car keys and headed out.

It took Hayato fifteen minutes to get to the book store. He walked in and looked around. Nobody was in there. He glanced towards the register and saw Rosabella, leaning over the desk doing some paperwork.

"Aw shit…I didn't hold you up did I?" He asked, a slight blush spreading across his cheeks as he made his way over. She looked up and honored him with a smile. He felt his heart race for a moment when he made it to the counter.

"Not at all Mr. Gokudera." She slid the books to him. "I told you it'd be fine over the phone. Just had to finish up a few things anyway." He dug out his wallet grabbing his card and handing it to her.

"I don't normally do this…but…can I take you out? Coffee? Dinner?" His face heated to the point he thought it'd melt off. Why did he just say that?! What was going on?!

"When?" She asked as she handed him back the card, giving him the slip to sign.

"When are you free?"

"Tonight?" She offered. "I mean later tonight. I need a shower and I usually call my brother every Friday evening. He's pretty over protective." He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded a bit.

"Yeah ok. Um…" He checked his watch and saw it was four in the afternoon. "Seven or eight ok?" She gave him another smile and nodded.

"Yeah. That sounds wonderful." She looked thoughtful for a minute. "How about meet in the middle and say 7:30?" He nodded, was about to turn and leave then stopped, smacking himself in the head.

"Can I have your address? I would love to pick you up. Make it a proper date." She handed him a piece of paper with it written on it already.

"I figured you'd need this." She said quietly, a blush staining her cheeks. God, she was too adorable. "I'll see you at 7:30 Mr. Goku-"

"Hayato" He said, cutting her off. "Call me Hayato."

"Hayato then." She blessed him with one more smile as he turned around, heading back to his car. He couldn't believe he just did that. He didn't take women on dates! He sped off, planning on finishing up what he could of his work, then shower and change before he went to pick her up.

As he drove, he lit a cigarette. Usually not one to smoke in his car, he couldn't hold back at the moment. His mouth had acted on its own accord in the store. Now his heart was racing and his mind was whirling. He couldn't believe he asked someone out…on a real date. When he pulled up, he rested his head on the steering wheel, letting out a breath. Yamamoto wasn't going to let him hear the end of this.

A/N: So... as I stated before I don't have a story where my precious Haya-kun has a happy ending. IN my mind so far looks like it, let's hope it doesn't get other ideas along the way. :/ Hope you guys like it! Let me know! Comments and reviews keep me writing!