Chapter Two

New Home

My eyes snapped open and slowly adjusted to the surrounding darkness. I suddenly felt a drowsiness so heavy it felt as if I had been asleep for many many moons. I squinted into the darkness, looking for anything familiar or recognizable. Panic rose in my throat suddenly and harshly as soon as I realized I wasn't in any place that I recognized, meaning I wasn't home in Riverclan. Moss clung to my fur as I rolled over on my side and eased myself to a standing position.

I took in my surroundings. Whatever den or place I was in, it was cool, not cold but not warm, just in the middle. I took a deep breath in and smelled the air. Almost every scent I should have been smelling was covered up by the thick moist musty smell that filled the air. I twitched my whiskers, trying to look for anything else that might lead me to figure out where exactly I was.

My eyes scanned the space once more. Squinting into the darkness I saw little herbs and leaves scattered on the floor to my right and a trickling spring to my left. It was now quite obvious where I was; I was in a medicine den in another Clan. Hopefully the Clan I was supposed to be spying on.

I padded around the perimeter of the den, the cold stone prickling against my paws. A crack in the center of the celling allowed for some rays of light to enter the dark, as well as the entrance to the den. Vines crept along the walls and hung from the celling, tickling the tips of my ears as I inspected the den. Another moss bed was adjacent to mine but on the other side of the den, and it looked as if someone hadn't slept on it in moons.

Splotches and pools of blood had stained the stone floor, most likely injured warriors from the ongoing war I was trying to stop. It was awful how many souls were being sent up to StarClan for fighting in the horrible unreasonable war. I don't think I could recall someone back home in RiverClan that had both parents.

Pebblepaw had lost his mom in the war as well as many others. If someone had both parents and where an apprentice, they were envied. But no one envied the kit who had lost both parents in a matter of moons.

Shaking the thoughts from my head I continued to investigate. There was nothing left to look at but a couple cobwebs that clung to the corners of the den. I knew those were used to stop bleeding, both sides of the war need a lot of those.

As my eyes swept the den for anything more, shadows flickered against the walls and voiced echoed loudly in the den, bouncing off every wall and weaving into my ears. My eyes averted to the entrance where two silhouettes stood, walking closer slowly.

One silhouette was smaller and lither than the other, judging from her small feminine voice, she was about my age. The other was broad and much taller than the she-cat. His voice was deep, soothing and quiet, like he was whispering a secret to the other. My guess was the smaller one was the medicine cat while the other was the leader of the clan.

As they approached, their voices quieted as I felt their eyes fall upon me. Remembering my purpose, I crouched into a ball and bristled my fur to show them I was scared. They exchanged a glance before padding over to me slowly.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly, still putting on the nervous, scared act.

"My name is Rosepaw." The small she-cat meowed. "This is Windstorm." She continued, gesturing to the tom as he dipped his head to me. "Where am I?" "You're in Windclan camp, in the medicine den where you have been resting for the past day." Windstorm explained, his deep voice reminding me of the sweet, soothing winds of the moor. "What exactly happened to me?" I asked, relaxing my muscles a little. "Last night, our border patrol found you a little ways away from camp. You were battered and tired and didn't even move when they picked you up and brought you here. Whatever you had gone through, it must have left you quite exhausted because you slept the whole day as it is dusk now." Windstorm nodded outside at the dimming light that was turning the den we sat in a deep golden color. I sat in silence as if processing the information that was just spoken to me.

"What actually happened to you? If you don't mind me asking." Rosepaw pried. Obviously we had anticipated them asking this and had created a scenario that was believable and not too complex. I just hoped that I didn't screw up and it was already over. I could hardly fathom what RiverClan would do to me if I returned a day later with nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I started.

"My mother died during my birth. My father raised me. We avoided the Clans, Rogues and Loners. We had heard from others that they were dangerous and blood thirsty cats. We also avoided the Kittypets and Twolegs in fear of being separated. We never had a home, we just roamed the lands as if they were our own. And they were, he used to always say "The world is our home." And that we couldn't ask for much more."

"One morning I woke up on the border of the forest, and I saw a squirrel. He was perched on a stump, back to me. It was perfect. We hadn't eaten in a couple of days and I wanted to surprise my him. So I went after it when it took off. I didn't realize I had crossed the border into the Clans land. I pretty much in the middle of all the forest land by the time I caught him. But as I was leaving I was suddenly attacked by three RiverClan warriors. I thought I would die, but that's when my father showed up. He tried to fight them off so that I could escape. But his frail body was nothing compared to the strong, well-fed warriors. They killed him right in front of me."

"They took me back to their camp and kept me hidden away in a hole. They fed me well but I never saw the light of day for what seemed like moons. Finally some apprentice took enough pity on me to help me escape to one of their borders. I ran as far away from there as I could, and I guess this is where that got me." I finished my tragic untruthful tale and blinked away fake tears I had surprised myself by making.

Windstorm exchanged another quick glance with the medicine cat apprentice. He flashed me a pitying look that made my heart ache. I can't believe I was actually manipulating these cats feelings like this. It made me feel horrible. But I knew I had to do this, and I had to prove myself to my Clan and make them trust me once and for all.

"I'm sorry they did this to you, I promise we won't. Riverclan is the worst of us all, they are constantly doing wrong and causing harm to others. They're rule breakers, which is why we are at war with them. And we have been for many many moons, dating farther back than any of our oldest elders were born." Windstorm explained and I nodded cautiously. "What did they do to you? I mean it sounds like they did something to you personally to make you despise them so much." I said praying to Starclan I didn't seem like I was overstepping. I figured he didn't know as we didn't either but if I didn't ask it might seem a little suspicious, and besides, what's the harm in asking?

"They didn't do anything personally, but it was personal to the clan. You see a couple moons before we started the war with Windclan in the first place, a reason developed." Windstorm started much to my surprise. Did they actually know the reason why there was a war? How was that even possible?

"There was an evil presence that quickly became a danger to the Clans and our home. Her name was Shadow. She had powers beyond any cats understanding and was a ruthless cat who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, the Clans and their power. A moon after terrorizing the Clans and making them fear her, she gave them an option. To leave their home or stay and face her wrath,"

"The leaders had a meeting. All the Clans agreed that it would be best for everyone to leave the area for good and never return in fear of loosing their lives in the battle against Shadow. All the Clans agreed on this except for one, Windclan. Our leader then, Mothstar believed strongly that if they left, Shadow wouldn't stop there, she would follow the Clans where ever they went because it was not the land she wanted. She wanted the power and she would never get that until she destroyed the Clans."

"She knew it would be best for the future if they stopped her right then and there. The Riverclan leader was boiling with rage that she would defy the votes and jeopardize his life. So he, Creekstar, took Mothstar hostage and tortured her until she agreed to vote to leave and never come back." Windstorm finished and I frowned. Why had Riverclan not told the story if it was remembered?

"We've been at war with them ever since we arrived in the New Place" The medicine cat apprentice finished. My face filled with disgust and betrayal. Obviously the reason the war had started had not been forgot as we had been told when we were kits.

Had they really forgotten or were just saying that because if they knew the real reason, we would turn on the Clan? Did anyone except Tidestar know the truth? Or was it just his dirty little secret he loved to keep from his clanmates. How would the Clan react if I told them the truth?

The questions remained in my head as the pair stared at me as a blank emotion crossed my face. Suddenly I snapped back to life and remembered my character. "I wouldn't put it past them to do such a thing." I said through my teeth. "Riverclan has, again and again, proved that they haven't changed, especially with Tidestar in the rule." Windstorm snarled fiercely. A part of me wanted to defend my clanmates, they didn't know the truth. But if I was being honest with myself, I didn't think they would change their minds if they did know.

"How are you going to defeat them?" I asked, prying a little. I was there to spy after all. But after learning what I just learned I wasn't sure I wanted to continue doing this for a Clan of liars. Windstorm glanced at Rosepaw. "We don't really know yet, we were hoping maybe you learned something while you were there?" I shook my head and sighed, unfortunately I was now in a difficult position. "I cant think of anything right now, my memories are a little foggy, but I'll let you know if I think of anything." The lies were slipping out easier and easier and I wasn't really sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Windstorm nodded and gave a little sigh of disappointment. "I understand." He stood to leave. "I almost forgot to ask, what is your name?" he asked suddenly. "Swan-" I responded almost instinctively replying with my real name, which would've blown my cover. He nodded and left with that. Frowning I turned to Rosepaw. "Is he alright?" I asked. "I mean I'm sorry if I'm being forward but he seems… sad,"

Rosepaw smiled solemnly. "Windstorm lost his sister 8 moons ago. She died giving kit birth. She was his best friend and the only family he had left… Her daughter was a half-blood, taken back to her father's Clan; Windstorm never got to meet her. He never even knew her name."

My blood froze. If it was a coincidence, it would be an uncanny coincidence. That's why he felt so familiar to me. An aching homey feeling that I knew him, that we were connected somehow even though we had just met each other a couple minutes ago. Windstorm was my kin, my mothers brother. The only living piece that my mother still lived inside of.

"That's horrible." I whispered hoarsely. I had to know. "What was his sisters name? Maybe I've heard of her somewhere."


The air was sucked out of my lungs. Although I knew there was no way in Starclan it was a coincidence, it was still shocking to hear her name coming from someone I barley knew. Blinking away my shock, I shook my head to indicate that I didn't know who she was.

"I bet you're hungry, aren't you?" She mewed after studying me for a couple uncomfortable moments. I nodded, realizing that I actually was and that my last meal seemed like moons ago. "I'll go get us some fresh prey." She stood and swept out of the den.

And with that I was left alone with my thoughts. And I was glad, if I hadn't had any time to absord all of the information, I probably would've exploded. There was so many life altering details I had learned in a matter of minutes and it was all so overwhelming.

I wanted to tell Windstorm terribly that I was his long lost kin, but if I did it would risk the entire mission itself. And speaking of mssions, did I even want to keep serving a Clan that had done something so horrible and lied about it? I wanted to stop but if I did where would be my home? Would I become like the character I have lied is my idenity? Roam the lands with no place to call home, starving most nights? I didn't- I didn't know what to do. There were so many impossible decisions.

And what about Shadow?

Was Mothstar right? Would she follow us where ever we went? What if she was amongst us right now, waiting for the right time to strike?

Sorry this chapter is short, I wanted to keep it short hehe.

QOTC: (question of the chapter) If you could describe Shadow's appearance what do you think she would look like?