Thank you to those who read my story Worker Bee, I hope you enjoy this one as much as the last.
"Of all the places in the world, I never thought I would be going back to Hogwarts." Veronica sighed as she zipped her suitcase for the last time and looked around her apartment.
It had been the three days since the incident and for her own safety both Severus and Dumbledore thought it wise she stay at the castle until Sirius Black was apprehended. Veronica fought them both on it, but soon she began to cave when she got a frantic phone call from her mother asking it she was alright.
It was the thought that she could have actually been murdered, and the terrified, frantic tone in her mother's voice that made her agree.
After she got the call she leaned on the wall outside of Severus's study with a sour, accusing look on her face.
"You snitched on me." She growled pointedly as if they were children in the school yard as he exited the study and jumped a little at the sound of her voice. He kept forgetting she was there, she was so quiet and he was used to being utterly alone.
"I did what I thought was right" He nodded and she crossed her arms.
"How did you even get my mother's number?"
"I didn't, I went through your sister."
Veronica fumed. "That was way out of line, Severus. I wasn't going to tell them."
"If My daughter was the victim of a violent crime, I'd want to know" Severus pointed out as he tried to walk out of the conversation.
"I wasn't the victim of a...don't you walk away from me!" She marched in front of him firmly. "I wasn't the victim of a violent crime, and it wasn't nice to scare my mother like that"
"Alright, alright. Hackles down." He raised his hands in a sign of surrender. "Look, I apologize. But it was the only way to get you to agree."
"It was a dirty, underhanded trick and you're better than that."
Severus scoffed and smirked a little. "I'm flattered you think so highly of me."
"Just…" Veronica sighed and folded her hand. "Please be upfront with me from now on? Please? I can't stand people going behind my back like that."
Severus bit the inside of his cheek, wanting to remind her that he had been upfront with her at first but she was just too damn stubborn to listen to reason.
"Fine, I promise from now on to be semi-honest with you." Severus agreed and Veronica raised an eye brow critically. "Fine, mostly honest."
Veronica breathed. That was the best she was going to get.
"Alright. But I'm still mad at you." She pouted.
September rolled around and soon Veronica was packing for Hogwarts once again, thankfully she didn't need to haul crates of books with her this time.
It had been decided that since Veronica would be at the castle anyway, she would be willing to help out teachers when she was able, between keeping things on track as an agent.
Her quarters were moved from below the Defense Classroom to by the Library where Madame Pince's chambers were.
"Veronica Dear" The older, pinched faced woman greeted her with a smile that didn't seem quite right on her face. "How nice to see you again."
"It's good to see you Irma." Veronica smiled as she slugged her bag off her shoulder and on to a modest chair as the Librarian entered the small room. "I just wish it was under better circumstances."
Irma's face soured again, "Oh I saw that in the Prophet, You must have been terrified." She hugged Veronica tightly and pulled away. "Not to worry, you'll be safe here."
"Here's hoping" the woman sighed and looked around. "How have you been? I'm sorry I haven't written as much as I should but I've just been so busy."
"Oh, you know. Day in day out." Irma sat as Veronica did as the two returned to their old ways, exchanging gossip and new updates on their lives.
"So…" Irma sipped at a cup of tea Veronica had prepared. "All this publicity and everything, are you seeing anyone?"
"Oh God" Veronica sighed and laughed and Irma shrugged.
"I'm just asking."
"No, between trying to keep the books in the spotlight and all the madness going around I'm afraid dating has been a commodity I can't afford" Veronica informed her. "I don't mind though, if it happens it happens."
"I read your stories in the Prophet, and those magazines." Irma prompted, "I guess that English degree did come in handy, huh?"
"Oh yeah." Veronica nodded. "You should have heard my mother on the phone, you'd have thought the Pope was in London."
Irma laughed and nodded, looking her friend up and down. "Buy the way, I love…" she reached over and flicked the ends of Veronica's hair over her shoulder. "What you've done for your hair."
"Do you?" Veronica tousled the straight locks, "You should have seen Severus when he saw it. For a second I thought I'd turned green."
"Oh? When was this?"
"Uh, the night of the incident. We met up for coffee and talked a while." Veronica shrugged and Irma's eyes widened. "No, No! Don't you even think it, Irma Pince!" She quickly added as a sly smile spread across the woman's face.
"Alright, alright. My Lips are sealed." She waved it off. "Have you seen the new Defense teacher yet?"
"Mm" Veronica swallowed the last of her tea and shook her head. "No, not yet. What's their name?"
"Remus J. Lupin" Irma repeated slowly. "That's not the only new thing around here. Guess what else?"
"The Ministry is sending Dementors to guard the school until Sirius Black is caught."
Veronica choked a moment and blinked with wide eyes. "Are you serious?"
"Dead." Irma shivered. "They arrive just after the students do. "
"Why here?" Veronica asked curiously and Irma eyed her.
"Why because of you, and the Potter boy. Black was supposed to be in the Dark Lord's circle you see? His whole family was. And Black is the one who sold the Potters out to You-Know-Who. Then after the Dark Lord was defeated, Black killed one of the Potter's friends and 13 muggles."
Veronica's hands went cold at the eerie retelling of the tale. "Well what does that have to do with me and Potter?"
"Well now that he's out, Black's going to try and finish what You-Know-Who started. And now that you defeated You-Know-Who last year in the Chamber, He's going to be after you to, and Harry Potter. That's why Snape and Dumbledore wanted you to come back so badly, so you'd both be safe."
Veronica swallowed nodded. "Makes sense, I still don't know how Black could have found out about the Chamber. I mean it's not like they get the post or anything."
"Who knows? One of life's great Mysteries." Irma stood. "I'd best be off, but you should walk a bit around the castle. I'm sure everyone would be glad to see you."
Veronica smile and saw her out before sighing and taking her advice to heart, setting out up the stairs and into the empty Hall way.
The door to her Quarters was nearly invisible to the naked eye, and it had to be pressed on in a certain way to open. Veronica was certain she would lose track of it within the first week.
The red sweater she wore was almost too warm for the unseasonably cheerful September morning but she shrugged it off and wandered down the hall.
The Portraits waved at her cheerfully as she passed and Nearly Headless Nick greeted her warmly. "Back for another year then Madame Largo?"
"Just here to help out, Sir Nicolas." She replied as she passed and made for the Transfigurations Classroom.
"Hello?" She peered in and found Minerva setting out text books in a green work robe.
She turned with a curious expression on her face before smiling kindly. "Veronica, welcome back Dear."
"It's good to be back, Minerva. How are you feeling?"
"Oh just fine, come in, come in." The Scottish witch insisted as Veronica left the doorway. "I'm sorry about, well you know…"
"Oh don't be. I'm fine." Veronica laughed it off. "The only thing he hurt was my dignity."
"Well, all the same it will be nice knowing you're alright" The woman patted her arm before blinking and touching her shoulders. "My goodness, your hair."
"Is it really that much of a change?" Veronica asked and Minerva shrugged.
"You just look different, not quite older but..." she shook her head "Never mind, have you met the new teacher yet?"
"No, but he must be very interesting if people keep asking me if I've met him? If he here?"
"He's in the classroom."
"Well then, I'll go welcome him." Veronica nodded. "It was lovely seeing you again Minerva."
"You to dear" the woman went back to her books as Veronica left for the old Defense classroom and find a tall, skinny figure there with sandy brown hair. He wore a set of old, patched robes that almost seemed to be a quilt.
"Mr. Lupin?"
He turned to reveal a youngish face covered with small scars and two bright blue eyes. "Yes?"
"Veronica Largo, I wanted to come by and meet you." She smiled and he looked her up and down before smiling and outstretching his hand.
"So you're the young lady all the papers are going on about." He shook her hand and nodded. "How very nice to meet you at last. The Headmaster said you would be helping out again this year."
"Yes, I was Lockhart's assistant before he…uh…hit his head." She swallowed the lie she had fed to the board and to the press.
Lupin smiled and looked around the room. "Well, I'd be glad to have your help around here if you can spare it. I understand you're very busy."
"Not so much busy as trying to get my bearings." Veronica shrugged. "Have you been teaching long?"
"Uh, no actually this is my first time." Lupin nodded.
"Oh, well then good luck." Veronica smiled.
She had taken in instant liking to him. He had an easy going air about him, like a man strolling through a park. Despite the scars that marked his skin he smiled brightly without seeming phony and even though they had just met she suspected him to be a genuinely kind man.
"Pardon?" a deep rumble of a voice echoed from the doorway and they turned to find Severus's dark form standing impatiently with his arms crossed. "I don't mean to interrupt but I wonder if I might have a word with you" He eyed Lupin with a well-hidden amount of distrust. "Alone"
Veronica blinked at the venom in his tone but shook it off and nodded. "Of course, pardon me. I hope to see you at the Feast this evening Professor." She smiled and Lupin shook his head.
"Please, just call me Remus."
"Very well" Veronica nodded and made for the door. "Excuse me" she slipped past Severus who entered the room and closed the door the second she was out.
She thought back to the harsh tone Severus had used directed at the new teacher but sighed and shook her head, he was an icy man until you knew him so perhaps he was this way with her as well and she just didn't notice it.
Or he was still bitter about being passed over for a man with no teaching experience, again.
Either way she was sure he would mellow out as the year started.