No! Don't worry! I will still continue my story 'Ballads Of Love'! I just want to do this, I need to get this out of my head.

Black Love. I got the name for the story as I was looking for synonyms to describe 'a complicated love', and on a site I found 'Kara Sevda'. According to the site it means 'a blinding and passionate kind of love, that it's actually painful to love the other', in Turkish. Also, according to the site, the easiest and most simple translation of this in English was 'Black Love'. I didn't want to confuse you all with a foreign name title, so that's why I went with the English. I just think it's perfect for Angelica and Jack!

This chapter will contain the first of the three one-shots that I'm planning to post in this 'story'. Just like my story 'Ballads Of Love' the chapter will be based on lyrics of songs that I think fit for JackxAngelica. My other story is too far progressed to use these three songs, or I just can't fit the context of the lyrics into a next chapter. So therefore I created this three-chapter-story: 'Black Love'. However, I do know myself, if I find another song perfect for JackxAngelica, the chances are high that there will be a chapter 4-5-6-7 etc… XD

I'm actually quite nervous! OMG Please be kind!xx

Lyrics in italics, they serve as the divider as well

Black Love Chapter 1:
Capsize – Frenship ft. Emily Warren


Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey
Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey

Up at night
I'm awake cause it haunts me
That I never got to say what I wanted

Oh my God, oh my God
I'm not the same as I was with you
I would jump out my skin just to get you
Oh my God, oh my God

How could you have ever known
If I never let it show, now I just want to know
Are you?

Captain Jack Sparrow was restless. He lay on top of the covers of his bed in his cabin. He was alone.

The thing was, Captain Jack Sparrow was always alone. Just accompanied by a common whench once in a while… He had never been bothered by that fact before, then why did it bother him now?

Jack sighed. He felt nothing. Nothing… He felt nothing but a numb sensation is his chest. Numb… It wasn't numb… Jack was lying to himself. He didn't feel nothing, he felt everything. He didn't feel numb, he felt pain. It ached. His heart ached…

He knew leaving her was the best for both of them, but then why did he feel like this? He didn't feel the same…

Her words echoed in his head.

''Wait! There's something I want to say to you, something I wanted to say from the moment we first met. I love you''

Of course. Jack had always known… He knew women all too well. But hearing her say the actual words… Angelica was a strong woman, her saying the words meant that Jack had really broken her this time… He had broken down her walls… She had been desperate, but still she had meant every single word.

Still he'd left her…

He was indeed cruel, like she'd said, he had changed. He knew, deep down, he was a good man. But back in the days, he had been better, more thoughtful, considerate, but still every inch of his being a true Pirate. He would have done anything to protect her. That was the man who Angelica had fallen in love with, the man who she desperately wanted back, who she desperately wanted to save her…

''As do I, always have, always will''

His own words.

For a second there, he had shown his true self again to her. Along their journey to the Fountain the old Jack had come out again more and more… For Angelica, because of Angelica. He had jumped off a cliff for her, given up the water of the Fountain and therefore a chance at eternal life, all for her.

He had meant it, and she had fallen for him all over again right then and there… He had seen it in her eyes, on the beach of the island, she'd melted… But he had truly meant his words, he had no regrets about saying that.

The only regret he had was never saying those three words directly to her… Whenever he tried to say them, they were always hidden… A hidden message in the actual words he spoke, or his behaviour…

He should have said those words years ago…

I'm fine
Drop tears in the morning
Give in to the lonely
Here it comes with no warning
Capsize, I'm first in the water
Too close to the bottom
I'm right back where I started
Said I'm fine

Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey
Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey

Your silhouette is burnt in my memory
Rubble left from the moment that you left me
Oh my God, oh my God
And three words have never come easy
Cause you're more than they ever could be
Oh my God, oh my God

Angelica Teach found herself on a deserted island. Her bottom placed in the burning sand, feet in the water. She was burning up already, even though it was just early in the morning.

She was fine.

Even though the dried tears on her face told another story…

The 5 stages of grief. Denial had come first, when Jack had leaned in for that kiss, for a second she had really convinced herself that she could have got off this island, with him by her side.

The anger had followed right after of course, she had tried to shoot him and had cursed him into the high heavens until she couldn't see his boat anymore…

Then bargaining… There was no else to bargain with but herself… If Jack would come back fast enough for her liking, she would not kill him… She had tried to bargain before… Tried to trick Jack into staying, but to no avail… There was no treasure, nor was she with child… Not that Jack had cared, he had left anyway.

Depression had come this morning, along with the tears… She had fallen asleep the night before exhausted from the screaming, and had only realised when she had woken up what had happened… Jack was gone, and he had taken her love with him…

It was almost as if she could still see his little boat, rowing away from her in the distance… Or maybe she was just going mad with the heat. The image of Jack was burnt into her memory, forever.

She was filled with sadness and hopelessness… She could only hope that the acceptance of the situation, the final stage of grief, would come soon, because right now she couldn't feel anything…

She didn't feel anything, except for the heat. She was not fine… She was broken. The events of yesterday had broken her… She had lost her father, the Fountain, her dignity… And Jack…

Captain Jack Sparrow. That bastard.

The bastard she fell in love with, hard, fast and deeply. Why?

She couldn't believe it, and yet she could… Jack had left her behind, again. What had she expected? If you'd think about it, it would be odd if the situation had turned out differently… This had been meant to be, Jack would always leave her. End of the story.

There were no happy endings in their future…

How stupid of her to think otherwise, even if it had just been for one tiny second… Angelica had never considered herself a dumb person, yet she was… Falling for a notorious Pirate, and worse, telling him how she felt.

She had kept it a secret for years, never telling a single soul about her feelings, even though she wasn't really an expert when it came to hiding them… Whenever she was around Jack, she acted differently, and people could tell… Highly concentrated on her surroundings, snapping at everyone, anxious for Jack's next move, however they still couldn't resist each other. They kept each other on their toes.

But she had never told him in the way she had yesterday. She had uttered those three words…

Telling him made him aware that he was her weakness, but then why had it felt so right? To finally say it… Let it out... Still, apparently it hadn't been enough for him…

He had taken off…

How could you have ever known
If I never let it show, now I just want to know
Are you?

Jack knew he had messed it up. He had left the woman he loved the most behind… Without ever telling her how he truly felt… He wondered how she was doing… It was a stupid thing to ask himself that, of course he knew how she was feeling… She was alone, on an island, without food or water, or a bullet…

What would she do if he'd go back, and show her how his heart ached… What a fool he had been… She would smack him in the head with any object at hand, that's what. It would be worth it, though, the pain, anything else than this numbness…

Still he couldn't make himself go back. It was just too complicated. He knew Angelica deserved better than an emotionally stunned Pirate… But what did he deserve, what was it that he needed? A strong woman by his side? What was he supposed to do? In the end, he would never be able to commit anyway… He was meant to be alone…

Jack sighed with frustration. He just needed to sleep. You would think sleep would come easy, with the amount of rum that was in his system. He had rum, he had freedom, but where was his peace?

If he had everything he so desired, then why was his mind filled with thoughts of Angelica?

I'm fine
Drop tears in the morning
Give in to the lonely
Here it comes with no warning
Capsize, I'm first in the water
Too close to the bottom
I'm right back where I started
Said I'm fine

Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey
Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey

I'm swimming up against the tide
Oh my god
I'm swimming but I'm getting tired
Oh my god
I'm swimming up against the tide
Oh my god
I'm swimming but I'm getting tired
Oh my god

Yeah, I'm fine
Drop tears in the morning
Give in to the lonely
Here it comes with no warning (no warning)
Capsize, I'm first in the water
Too close to the bottom
I'm right back where I started
Said I'm fine

Angelica felt as if her entire life was meant to be a struggle. It had made her the strong woman she was today, but the she was getting tired of fighting…

As if she was lost on the ocean in a tiny boat, slowly filling up with water with the waves of the tide, and she just needed to balance it out. Like she could capsize any minute, but why would she fight it? She was always the first to hit the water anyway, the first left behind, left for dead…

She was left at a convent as a baby, left to die to save her father, left by Jack multiple times…

Angelica stared at the water in front of her. Water, the ocean, the horizon… Would a ship ever come? How would she survive if none ever came? Could she make a swim for it?

Maybe if she started swimming, a ship could pick her up along the way… Then again, the ocean was spread out for miles in front of her, with sharks, and more Pirates… The one legged man was still out there too, on her father's ship.

At least swimming would put an end to this heat. Maybe even an end to all of this? Swimming against the tides would be madness, so why try it? Just let go, sink to the bottom in the nice and cool water… To literally die at sea, like every Pirate wanted…Fate might even let her drift back to Jack somewhere on the seven seas. Let him see the consequences of his actions. Sweet Revenge.

Angelica could feel fresh tears coming on. She felt so frustrated. What was she thinking? There was more to life than Captain Jack Sparrow. Letting a man control her life… Truth to be told, Angelica had only had two real men in her life, Jack and her father… And truth to be told, they had both controlled her…

Depression. Had the thought of taking her own life just really crossed her mind? Maybe it wasn't just because of controlling men, maybe it was just the easy way out… It would mean peace. Her life had never been normal, what was the point in continuing it?

She just wanted someone to pick her up, in his arms, and feel safe. Feel loved. Her father had never loved her, would rather let her die to save his own skin… Jack had never shown her any emotion, except for lust.

She needed someone to give her a purpose in life, being first mate to her dad or chasing after a man who she once knew would no longer be the purpose of her life.

Angelica eyed the blue water again. She felt embarrassed, it was almost as if she was angry at the water… Honestly, she was just angry with herself for even considering drowning herself in it…

Out of the blue, quite literally, something showed up in the blue water. This time the water would really be her way out, not to end her life, but to give it a twist in a positive way. A tiny Jack Sparrow washed upon the shore…

The VooDoo doll her father made.

She watched it, and picked it up.

Angelica smirked.

This was definitely not the end.

Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey
Said I'm fine
Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey

I think about you, love you, and I'm filled with pride

Captain Jack Sparrow still hadn't been successful when it came to getting some sleep.

Angelica was still on his mind, and he just couldn't shake it off. It made it difficult to breathe. The more he thought about her, the less oxygen he got, it seemed…

Actually, it seemed as if someone was pressing against his throat. Like someone was trying to strangle him…

Jack tried to get up. This wasn't his 'stirrings' getting in the way… Something was actually blocking his windpipe.

Suddenly it stopped. Jack felt relief, but immediately he got hit in the gut.

He fell back onto the bed. Tossing and turning, struggling.

What was this?

Something kept on striking him all over his body.

Suddenly, Jack let go. He stopped fighting the invisible force. He took the beating, letting the invisible force have its way.

The pain.

Jack smirked. How he loved the pain. He no longer felt numb. He felt a thrill, going through his entire body.

He had no idea how she got it, but he knew exactly what was going on. Angelica had got her hands on the VooDoo doll. Jack couldn't help but feel proud. He had thought her the trick of improvisation well.

''I'm coming for you, Jack''

Her voice. The whisper in his ear felt like a storm wind blowing through his brain, clearing it all out.

He could only hope she would find him soon.

He couldn't wait for this new adventure…


Just a reminder that this will be one-shots, so the next chapter will have nothing to do with this. They might be a bit similar because of the songs I chose, but this 'new adventure' will not have an ending… I know, it's an open ending, and I kind of feel bad about it, but to me it only seemed fair in a way because the character of Angelica will probably always have an open ending anyway in the Pirates of the Caribbean series…

I'm aware that the Angelica character got a little grim at the end, but I just wanted to try out some new perspectives… And I really think, that if I were Angelica, at some point I would be f***cking done with my life too. She has had to go through a lot of sh***t and she is one though woman.

Lyrics: Frenship ft. Emily Warren – Capsize