A day later….

Will was back at the house, Jack seem to watching his every move now and he couldn't wait to leave this hell hole. He sighed as he sat in his room he couldn't sleep all he could think about was Hannibal, he has heard bits and pieces about the name from Jack and Alana "The man is a monster a vampire! He killed my brother!"

"I don't disagree that the man is a monster, but a vampire really?" She had yelled at him.

"You don't know him! That boy is one of them you brought him into my home and now I have that monster trying to enter!" Will had to walk away after that.

He looked up when he hear his name being called, frowning he slipped from the bed and walked up to the window and looked out to see Hannibal standing by the tree line, he was looking up at the window towards Will. Turning back to the bed room door seeing the chair was still there, smiling to himself Will lifted to the window up and then climbed out onto the ledge before climbing the drain pipe. He reached the ground and then turned back to the man who now appeared in front of him. "Hello my beautiful one."

"Hello Hannibal." The man smiled, and reached out and stroked his face before turning towards the woods. Will followed him without question.

Hannibal took him back to the river when the young man stood looking at the moon shinning on the river. The vampire walked up behind Will and warped his arms around pulled Will close to him, his hand moving under the shirt as he rubbed his stomach. The curly haired teen moaned and leaned back into his chest, he had no idea why he felt this way towards this man but everything seem to melt away when he was around. "Who was your birth mother?" He whispered softly into his ear

"She died… my Aunt found her. She was dying and handed me to her." Hannibal hummed and mouth at his throat as more moans left the young man's mouth.

"I should just take you from them, you don't belong with them." He growled, as he spun Will around to face him. Will's bright blue eyes looked up into the vampire's red orbs and he wound him tilting his head and offering his submission and his throat. "My beautiful submissive, so pure so ripe." He growled, as he sunk his fangs into his throat.

Will let out a moan as he held onto the vampire's shirt letting him drink from him, having his full Hannibal pulled back and growled softly again. He pulled his own shirt open to show his chest and ran his finger nail cross his breast before pulling Will close "Drink." He whispered. Will looked up into his face as he placed he let his tongue swipe across the cut before locking his mouth around the bleeding wound and sucking at it. Hannibal let out a deep moan that sounded like a purr as he warped his arms around Will once again and held him close "That is my beautiful one drink my blood and you shall belong to me."


Alana went to Will's room and found the door was locked on the outside, she frowning knowing her step-father did this. Unlocking it she found she could not opening it from the other side. "Will? Will sweetie open the door please?" She called out to him "Will?" He knocked on the door "William?" she tried the door handle again.

"What is going on?" Jack asked as he came out of his room.

"I wanted to talk to Will but he isn't answering me." Jack frowned and saw her with the key to the door knowing she just unlocked it.

"It was for his own safety."

"Sure it was, just open the door." She snapped at him. He used his shoulder and forced the door open sending the chair cross the room in a broken hep;

Alana rushes in side and found the bed empty and the window open "Will?" She called out opening the wardrobe doors before looking outside "WILLIAM!" She yelled, before turning back to Jack in fear and worry.

"If you…"

"It was not me, Hannibal just had a stronger hold on than I though." He took there for a moment looking at his step daughter as fear and panic set in "Alana I think it's time to face the fact, that Will belongs with his own kind, just let him go." He tells her, as he reaches for her she slaps his hands

"Don't you dare say that to me! Don't you dare!" She yelled, as she rushes out the room to call the police.


Hannibal placed his cloak down onto the ground, and then laid the naked teen down onto the cloak. Will looked up at him his pupils blown as he looked up at the ash blonde vampire and writhed as the vampire's blood took over leaving his body sensitive. The vampire smirked as he took his shirt off and then knelt down above him, he moved his hand cross the flat plains of his stomach and stroked his skin as he thought about his plans for this beautiful boy.

Will moaned as he bucked his hips up to him as warped his arms around the vampire's chest "You belong to me Will and no one else." Hannibal whispered, to him as Will nodded and then felt a hand tangle into his hair and pulled making him groan "Say it." He purred

"I belong to you Hannibal and no one else." Will moaned, the vampire grinned and captured his lips he held him down taking control over the boy's movements to show Will who is in control and he just let him. His hand skimmed down his legs and pulled them open before pushing himself into him in one quick motion. He pushed his cock deep into the willing body and froze as he pulled his mouth away from the swollen pair of lips and let his deep red eyed seem to glow.

"I will fill you with my seed until you are swollen with my child." He told him as he snapped his hips earning him a gasp and back arching moan. "You will bare me many children Will." He growled as his hips quicken as he slammed himself into the teen using his supernatural speed and strength causing the teen to scream with pleasure and need.

Pulling out of Will caused the teen to cry out and try to pull Hannibal back into him, only to cause him chuckle as he flipped the teen onto his hand and knees and quickly entered him again before pulling him up. Will's back was pressed against Hannibal's chest and continued to fuck him his hand curled around Will's throat as his other pressed to his stomach "Just perfect." He growled as he bit his bottom lip and then pulled the teen into a kiss, Will whimpered as he open his mouth and let the blood fill his mouth once again.

"H…Hannibal I…I…I…"

"Cum for me my love." He purred as he kept slamming himself into him as his hand slide off Will's stomach and warped around hard cock and stroked him almost viciously until Will's back arched and came

It didn't take Hannibal much longer to fill Will up with his cum as he kept stroking him feeling the teen's body shake uncontrolledly forcing Hannibal to hold him as he flooded his lover's body with his seed.

Will sagged in his arms as he felt Hannibal stop but remain inside of him, his cock twitching inside of him. "Time to take you to your new home my love, time to take your place by my side as my queen." He whispered as he kissed the side of Will's cheek smearing the pale skin with blood, the teen open his eyes and looked up at him blinking sleepily and then closed his eyes once again this time falling asleep in the vampire's arms.

Hours later…

Alana and Jack stood by the river side she had Will's shirt in her arms and was crying as he saw the blood that covered the tank top, as he looked around the area and found more items that belong to her nephew. "He is with the monster now Alana, he is with his own kind you just best forget him." Jack said, he turned and looked at his step-daughter and then stumbled back in shock and pain as she punched him in the nose.

"This is your fault! I should have never had listen to you and come here!" She cried out as she moved to walk cross the bridge.

"Where the hell are you going?" Jack snarled, as he pinched his noise as blood dripped down this face.


Jack snorted and turned walking back to the house he has hand enough of her bull shit…the soon she forgets will the better…he thought, he had hated Will from the moment he laid eyes on the boy. When Alana had brought him home telling him and his wife what happen. He said it then drop the boy off at the police station, leave him by the church by no she wanted to raise that blue eyed brat. He sighed as he felt his noise sting he was sure he is going to have two black eyes tomorrow.

Hannibal trapped the teen's chin between his finger and thumb, and forced the boy to look at him as he turned his face from side to side humming at him. "You don't belong here with them." He tell the boy. Will looks wide eyed at him as he felt trapped between the tree trunk and the man's large form. He felt his cheeks blush as he looked up at the man's red eyes and shivered at the intense feel of his stare "What is your name boy?" He growled his fangs showing in the light of the moon light.
"W…William." He said
"And how long have you lived with these humans." He growled as he pointed to car that was not that far away with his Aunt sat inside waiting for him to return as she reads the map.
"M…my Aunt found me, she found me in my mother's arms and she was dead and my Aunt…"
"Shhh." Hannibal said softly, he had heard enough.

The boy is a vampire child, his mother had died or was murdered and that woman decide to raise him. He looked at the teen up and down and guessed his age to be 17 or 18 years old, he had a nice lean form and a mope of curly brown hair his face was oval and looked very much like a submissive he growled softly as he curled his hand hands around the teen's waist and pulled his close. "You belong with your own kind." He purred to Will, as he reached up and ran his finger from Will's forehead and down the side of his face to his throat.
"W…What about my Aunt?" He whispered to him as he titled is head back as to let the vampire stoked his throat.
"For raising you and loving you I will let you live, but if you fight me…"
"I won't fight you." Will quickly said, his body manner changing as he growled up at the man for dare threating him. Hannibal smirked at him as he warped his arms around the teen and pulled him close letting the 17 year old feel the shape of his body.

Will titled his head to the vampire and the ash haired vampire growled softly as he lowered his head and kissed the spot he is going bite. His hands fisted into Hannibal's black shirt as the man sunk his fangs into the teen's neck. Instead of a scream like he thought would come out of his mouth he let out a moan and pulled the man closer as he let his eyes close as the vampire drink from. Pulling back Hannibal licked the bit where it oozed lazily he looked down into the bright blue eyes of the teen and saw the hazy look. Will leaned against the tree and looked at the vampire who smiled at him as he open his shirt and then used his finger nail and slice it cross his breast and then open his arms to the curly haired teen. "Join me William be mine forever." He whispered to him. Moving into the man's arms Will open his mouth and latched onto the wound and started suckling at it.

Hannibal moaned as he tangled his fingers though the curly hair and smiled as the teen drink from wound. "Drink your fill William." He told him, the wound soon healed and Will looked up at him as he licked the blood that escaped from Will's greedy little mouth. The vampire growled as he watched the bright blue eyes of the teen look at him, he pulled him back up as the young vampire whimpered at him. "Shhh my little one I will take care of you."

Alana looked up realising that her nephew was taking longer than he needed to, to pee. She looked out the window and saw nothing, she frowned as she stepped out of the car and stood there looking at the tree she last saw him standing at. She shivered as pulled out a flash light "William?" She called out, "Come on this isn't funny." Alana yell the wind was blow though her hair as she step up to the spit where he nephew once stood. "William?" She called out once again but not hearing anything apart from the wind and the leaves rustling on the tree above. Her flash light shone everywhere in the area as he looked around for the curly haired teen but she found she was alone in the middle of now where.