"Hey, Important Update" I say.

"Yes, first person author talking" I continue to say.

"Okay, this should make it a story"

Whew, better. Hey, everyone. I have some important updates. I mean, you do deserve something.

New Username:

I am now, LegendaryPotatoGuy across everything. I'm changing all my names.


My next updates will be on Total Drama Resort and on Death Note Rewritten, nothing here will change.


Due to overload, I am ending some stories. However, they will just get a sped up ending. And any preplanned sequels have been cut. Sorry to the guys over on Total Drama Advance and Defence Doom. But there will be proper endings. Defence Doom will end with case five being made case three and Advance will have a three part finale coming up.

More of me:

I now stream on twitch with a more constant schedule. If you want too see me over there, go over to twitch and search up LegendaryPotatoGuy. It will come up.


This is on hiatus while we figure out everything.

That's it. Thanks for listening