Alice Returns to Wonderland - my idea of AiW3

"Captain ashore!" Alice stepped off the Wonder and paced towards Kingsleigh & Kingsleigh. Three more years had passed. 'Three long years at sea' Alice thought. She stood facing the business proudly while Mrs. Kingsleigh and Mr. Harcourt followed behind her and stood in the same position. "Three years at sea. Our job is complete," Alice commented and turned around to face her mother and James, "I think it might be time to rest for a while before our next voyage." She smiled to her companions. "I completely agree, my dear. You've worked so hard," said Helen. "We've worked hard," Alice wrapped her arms around Helen and James for a quick hug. "Come along, Mr. Harcourt. I have something for you to finish," Mrs. Kingsleigh directed him to the business. "Of course, I also have something I want to discuss with you, Mrs. Kingsleigh," he tipped his hat at Alice, flashed her a small smile, and followed Helen. Alice nodded to him in return. "Catch up with us later, Alice. We have much to do," Helen requested before pointing her finger at Alice and entering the business.

Alice thought she would take a stroll around her village before heading to work again. She traveled almost all the way to where the Ascots used to live - to the rabbit hole. Some say the Ascots' business was outrun about a year after she sailed off again. Alice wasn't certain what to think. There were so many rumours on what happened to them. She had heard that they had simply quit the business and moved to the south. Alice sat before the rabbit hole she had fallen down more than five years ago. The tree above it was still rooted in place but it was so much duller than she remembered, as was the grass around it. She sat criss-cross right at the edge of the hole staring down into it. Her hands played with the brownish grass as her mind replayed all the memories from "Wonderland," as Alice used to call it until she learned this wonderful place was called Underland. She recollected the memories of both her journeys. The first time she fell down this very hole into the magical world and the second time she traveled through a curious looking glass in the Ascot residency. In her mind, she saw glimpses of her friends and the maddest things she did in Underland, such as slaying the Jabberwocky and rescuing the Hatter's family. She wonders how Iracebeth and Mirana are doing since they've reconciled. She wonders what her friends have been up to. She wonders how Tarrant is doing. She wished she hadn't had to leave him like that, but she had to go. She had duties to accomplish. Alice unconsiously picked a flower off the ground; it seemed to be the only one with life. This reminded her so much of Underland and her many friends. She couldn't help but let a few tears fall as she recalled more memories. She stayed for a few good minutes and finally got the strength to get up and leave the place where she made beautiful memories.

It was now noon and Mrs. Kingsleigh hadn't yet finished her paperwork inside the business. So much was going through her head, especially with what Mr. Harcourt was planning on doing that evening. Helen stood before a big wooden desk, completely ignoring her work for a second as something caught her attention. In front of her was a huge, gorgeous mirror. It had once belonged to Mr. Kingsleigh; it was one of his most loved posessions. Helen and Alice decided to move it into the business after much debate. They liked to believe Charles was watching over them and their business so they put it right there above the desk. Helen smiled a bit while looking at the treasure, almost getting teary-eyed. "I miss him so much," Alice came up behind her mother, startling her a little. "We all do, my love," she paused holding back a tear then continuing, "He would be so proud of his girls. If only he could see you two now." Alice rested her chin on her mother's shoulder and said, "I bet he's looking down at all three of us right now being the proudest father and husband out there." They stayed for a few more minutes like this admiring the mirror before Helen broke their sweet silence, "You know, I also bet Charles is wondering when you're going to give us grandchildren." She smirked at her daughter. "Mother!" Alice whimpered at Mrs. KIngsleigh's statement and opened a gap between them. She looked at her mother after chuckling for a moment and emphasized,"I will marry once I am ready and find the right person." Her mind drifted for a second trying to figure out if she'd already met that right person or not. "Time moves fast, my darling. I'm just warning you f-" Mrs. KIngsleigh stopped before she said any more. Alice looked up at her mother waiting for her to finish and Helen continued, "I just want you to live a normal life." She grabbed her daughter's hands and looked down at her. "Mother, you and I both know I'm not normal," Alice stated before she and Helen shared a small laugh.