In a town, the cars were passing through on the streets, people were chattering on their phones and the children were laughing while they were playing the games. Some of them nursed their drinks over at the adorable coffee shop. Some stayed home and helped decorating their Christmas festive. On their faces, it was always a joy of their eyes that brightened their favorite tradition of the year. It was Christmas.

Right now, it was back to the beautiful mansion that was left away from the town. The family who lived there and had some great moments with them for a long time. Everyone in the town knew them and greeted with their smiles. Of course, it was a small place that the townspeople knew each other's stories and spoke of their children in their generation. In their hearts, they always took care of each other from time to time.

On the snowy land, it was a beautiful colonial style with a tower and it was the magical place that the family fell in love with it. No one took their breath when they came home and look at it. They grew up in that place with two generations behind them. It was their great-great grandfather who built them a beautiful mansion included eight bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

Every year, the family always took their house in a Christmas festive style and never took them off after the holidays.

Introducing the family who lived there for the years since two generations. It was the beautiful couple who wedded for almost 40 years and brought them to the traditions of their true love in the town. They met back in the college days in Boston and fell in love with each other after a year of flirting. It was Mary Margaret Blanchard; she was in a teaching position in Storybrooke High School. Her husband, David Nolan was a well-known person around in the town and he was a sheriff.

They had four children to raise in that mansion. Their names were Emma, Neal, Everett and Amy. The children grew up and attended to the public high school together but they were three years apart from each other. For Mary Margaret and David, they loved them so much and always took them to their work unless they were sick in their hands.

After the years, the children grew apart from each other and managed to get themselves out of the town but one stayed behind to take care of the parents that lived in less than two miles away. It was Neal, the brown-haired stud man who was a last child and being 24. He was helping his dad out to protect the town and managed to take few jobs to help the people out. He was a great man who enjoyed his time in his childhood place and decided to stay there.

For Everett, he was a blond guy who had his old days being a player so he moved out to Boston and became a lawyer of his new firm business. He was a successful one who took his clients to be innocent for their crimes. At this time, he had his young wife who just became 21 and found her over at his corporate party. But for him, he was a second child in his family and always enjoyed his time to prank on his siblings over his old days. Everett was 30 years old at this moment.

To Amy, she was a successful writer for her published plays and lived in New York City. She had her golden-retriever, Stones named after her favorite rock band – Rolling Stones. For herself, she grew up in a perky and cheery way like her mother. But she always dyed her hair in odd colors like pink, blue and green. At this time, she had a loud red color based on her favorite season of the year, Christmas. She was engaged to her long-time boyfriend who was a realtor. They were together for six years after meeting each other in the bar one night. She was a third child and being 27 years old.

Now, it left Mary Margaret and David's oldest daughter in the family. It was Emma and she was being seen in magazines, interviews and television even in the movies too. Well, she was a famous actress and her stage name was Emma Swan. Not at this time, her real name was Emma Nolan but she changed her name few years ago. She stayed on her distance away from her family and moved out to California. It was a big disappointment in the family because Emma hasn't visited or had seen them for ten years after her big move. She was 33 years old at this time and had no recognition that she had children or been married.

On this year's Christmas, Mary Margaret and David decided to extend their invitations to their children for returning home for the Nolan Christmas. Neal was thrilled to have a Christmas together with his family and had even not seen his oldest sister for years. They were being close when they grew up and always watched out for their backs from time to time. He hoped Emma returned home at this time.

For Everett and Amy, they took their opportunities to see their family after the deepest and torture years in their cities. For their time, they decided to not miss their time with their beloved. To their lovers, they were thrilled to come with them and couldn't wait to see others again. But for the Nolan siblings, they hoped Emma returned home for this Christmas and crossed their fingers.

A/N: I already have 6 chapters ready in the updates but I will update it every Tuesday until it's a completed story before Christmas - Dec 25. I can't guarantee that day when I have this story to be completed. I have a lot of stories left and I need to catch up with them really soon. I apologize that I left you behind to wait for my updates on other stories I wrote. I just got started on 'The Tunnel of Darkness' chapter and it is almost finished. I think I will update this week with no guarantees. If I don't update that chapter then it's my completely fault to do so.

Thank you for your patience and keep your eyes open for new updates near the future.

Please send me your review. I know, I know. My grammars sucks. Thank you again.