Lydia's Burden 2

Chapter 2


Summary: Sometimes, the hero of the story falls before the final chapter. As the Dragonborn's Housecarl, Lydia is sworn to carry her burdens. Future Female Dragonborn x Lydia.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Elder Scrolls

Jab, cross, hook… jab, cross, uppercut… jab, jab, jab… JAB!

Lydia has long since forsaken her sword in favour of her fists. There is something immensely satisfying about the feeling of your bare hands making contact with another's face, afterall, Lydia mused. Sure, the dummy in front of her was a pale substitute in place of the real thing, but it did its job; Lydia could not afford to get into another brawl with a milkdrinker guard again, Housecarl Irileth would have her head! Already, her and Irileth were on shaky terms. In retaliation for starting a brawl in the Bannered Mare, the Jarl's Housecarl had assigned Lydia the duty of guarding the drawbridge while others less than her in both skill and valour got the honour of killing a dragon. Lydia knew she should not have raised a hand against a citizen – one as weakfisted as Carlotta Valentia, no less – but she would not stand an insult to both her honour and her virtue.

So that's how Lydia came to be in the Barracks, sweaty and frustrated, pounding away at a sorry doll, its face replaced with the switching likeness of Irileth or Carlotta… Lydia was unsure of whom she despised more at that moment. Perhaps the so called "Dragonborn" would be a delightful replacement. Lydia scoffed at the idea. Though she was a Daughter of Skyrim, through and through, she was still sceptical at the idea that the Dragonborn had arrived. But perhaps her opinion was prejudiced by her contempt towards the guards who bore the news. In her opinion, they were all spineless idiots who would believe anything without any merit. She knew not to take the word of gossipmongers, and the town guards were renown for the spreading of tall tales, stretching the truth so far that a small bandit raid becomes a takeover of a fort, one wolf killed develops into a pack of werewolves, and one dragon killed equals the coming of the Dragonborn. Who even knows if it was a Dragon?

"Lydia. You are to go to Dragonsreach at once." Lydia halted in her assault against the dummy to see a young guard addressing her. She could tell that he was just a boy, barely initiated through the ranks of the guard, and no doubt had yet to see his sixteenth harvest. She made eye contact with the boy, causing him to squirm under her gaze.

"Are you ordering me, boy?" The poor thing looked uncomfortable. I was right, afterall, Lydia confirmed. The boy was obviously new to the guard since he was not used to the tempest that was Lydia. She decided to put him out of his misery… today. "Fine. I'll go, but what do they need me for, anyway?"

"Jarl's orders." The boy was beginning to build confidence as he felt more control over the situation. "I'm not sure what for, but you'd better get going." Lydia had enough of this. She took a threatening step towards the boy, easily a foot taller than him, her heavy metal armor imposing upon his lank figure, which was clad in meagre guard's armour.

"So, uh…" He stumbled, making distance between him and the impressive woman before him. "I'm going to go now." Lydia didn't bother checking where he had run off to, and instead deigned to head towards Dragonsreach.

If it was Irileth that the order had come from, Lydia would have wasted no time in stopping by the local tavern, perhaps even picking up some goods from the markets; but it was Jarl Bulgruff who had sent for her, and Lydia was not about to piss him off. Infact, she had only ever seen her Jarl from a distance. To be summoned was the highest honour for her. Perhaps word has reached him of my potential, Lydia reckoned. She was moving up in the world.


"Housecarl." Lydia wasn't sure she had heard right.

"That is what I said. I am making the Dragonborn my Thane, and you are to be her Housecarl. Is there a… problem?" Jarl Bulgruff was an imposing figure. His regal countenance spoke of countless battles, won, and years of leadership was apparent. For all Lydia's confidence, her Jarl's grandeur had her intimidated.

"Not at all, my Jarl." It was Lydia's turn to be the object under another's scrutinising gaze. It took all of her self-control not to fidget. She seemed to pass some sort of test the Jarl had set upon her, for he simply lounged back into his throne, giving himself a thoughtful nod as he half-mindedly focused on the goblet of deep red wine he swirled around one hand.

"Good." Jarl Bulgruff took a mouthful of his drink, before setting it down, once more, his full attention on Lydia. "See to it that you are well presented for your Thane's arrival. I trust you don't need any explanation as to your duties as Housecarl?"

"No, I am aware of my duties, sir." The Jarl dismissed her with a wave of his hand, and as he turned to address his advisors, Lydia respectfully departed, descending down the steps of the Jarl's court, awaiting her Thane. She may not like that she is to be Housecarl to some unknown character, whose only merit to their name is the calling of the Graybeards, but she would not pass up such an opportunity. There is honour, afterall, to the title of Housecarl.

Authors Note: Second chapter, yay! I hope you guys enjoy. I am on summer break now, so I will be able to update fairly regularly. I actually wrote the first chapter just before an exam, cause too much stress to actually study, lol.

ShanRhada73: First review! Thank-you very much. Yes, I am planning to write more. At the moment, my goal is probably around 10 or so chapters. Nothing too long, seeing as this is my first shot at fanfiction :)