Sorry for the delays, having a HUGE writer's block, so all my stories that are still ongoing will be on haitus for a while QAQ

But still hope that you enjoy them and please be patient with me.

Chapter 12 – The Ketchum Family

Ash, Misty, Sora, Titus and Thomas was sitting at the side of the battle field and Kari was looking at Max's Vigoroth, and her Vaporeon was panting. 'Damn it… I'm already on my last pokemon while Uncle Max is still on his second pokemon' Kari thought as she think of what to do next. Thomas noticed her discomfort and her worry and he called out to her "KARI!" Kari turned her head around to look at Thomas and Thomas continued "Stay calm! Remember what Aunt May said before?"

Kari think back to the time that they traveled with their mother, aunts and friends.

"I learned this during my travel, if you're feeling nervous then your pokemons will also feel nervous." May said to all the children who was listening to her intensely.

Kari looked at Vaporeon, who looked back at her and nodded. Kari nodded back and took a deep breath and looked back up at Max. Max noticed the change in her looks and smiled. "If you're not going to strike then I am! Vigoroth use hyper beam!" Max commanded, Vigoroth did as told fired a hyper beam.

"Vaporeon jump and aurora beam!" Kari commanded, Vaporeon did as told and fired an aurora beam at Vigoroth who received a critical hit and had to stagger back but didn't faint. Kari's eyes went wide and Max smirked, "Alright Vigoroth finish this battle with blizzard!" Vigoroth took a deep breath and fired a strong blizzard causing Kari's Vaporeon to fly back and crashed into the wall behind Kari. "VAPOREON!" Kari called out worriedly.

"Va…" Vaporeon cried softly and fainted. "Vaporeon is unable to battle! Vigoroth wins! Therefore this match's winner belongs to Max the gym leader" The referee shouted, Kari smiled and walked towards Vaporeon and picked her up.

"You were amazing Vaporeon thank you" She thanked her and pulled her pokemon in a tight embrace. Vaporeon weakly nudged her and Kari smiled. She pulled out Vaporeon's pokeball and returned her. She got up and bowed at Max, "Uncle Max, give me three more days, and I will be back to battle you!" Kari declared

Max smiled and nodded "I'm looking forward to it Kari" Max then walked towards Sora and handed her gym badge, the balance badge.

The Ketchum family and Thomas left the gym and headed towards the pokemon center. Kari and Sora immediately went to Nurse Joy to heal their pokemons, Thomas looked outside the window and sighed. "What's the matter Thomas?" Ash asked

"Nah, just had a huge fight with mom" Thomas replied

"That's rare" Misty commented

"Yeah… and I don't know how I will face her" Thomas confessed. Then Gary and Leaf came to the lobby and Leaf walked towards Thomas.

"Thomas" Thomas span around to face his mother and Leaf looked at him and said "I'm sorry Thomas"

Thomas's eyes went wide and he shook his head, "I'm sorry too mom" Leaf smiled and pulled him in for a hug, a hug that he returns.

"SAYYYYY WHAT!?" Sora exclaimed as she and her family were settling for the night.

"Yeah, sorry girls Steven suddenly contacted me and wants to have a battle with me" Ash explained

"BUT WHEN!?" Sora asked

"Tomorrow" Sora and Kari looked down and Misty sighed "Sora don't be like that, this is your father's job"

"Yeah but still…" Sora said softly

"Whoa hold on girls, I just said that I won't be able to train with you but I didn't say that I am leaving," Ash said

The girls looked at him and Ash grinned while Pikachu was on the table licking the ketchup happily. "He's coming here to battle me" Ash replied, the girls then had a wide smile and faced him, Ash gave his girls with a closed eye grin and said "And yes Sora, Kari you can watch" the girls cheered when they heard this and started to jump around while Ash and Misty laughed at their girls' reaction.

Kari: Please review

Sora: And be patient with Suariel