Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Anything. All characters belong to their respective owners.

Walking though Tolbana Town, Naruto passed by a part of discouraged players returning from another failed hunt to find the Floor Bosses room. He had helped search for the first two weeks splitting his time between leveling up and making his way to where the Boss room was in the beta. Of course, that turned out to be a waste of time and so was all the time he had spent leveling up.
"I should've know Kayaba wouldn't leave things as they were in the beta." Fingering the hilt of his Anneal Blade he had to concede not everything changed. The Secret Medicine of the Forest quest had stayed the same at least, so now he was set sword wise until the third floor as long as he kept enhancing his blade.


Turning around Naruto stopped as a guy with short spiky orange hair maybe a few years older than he was ran up to him. Narrowing his eyes as the man's gaze fell on the Anneal blade strapped to his back Naruto sighed inwardly. Another Beta tester who recognized the sword. Great.
"Can I help you?"

"Kibaou's the name, and I wanted to ask if you're selling that sword?" Kibaou said confidently like he knew something Naruto didn't. "I'll give you 10,000col right now for it."

Snorting Naruto answered as rudely as could. "Yea, sure cause that's an even deal. I know what this sword is Kibaou, why don't you try to swindle someone else."

Not waiting for a response Naruto carried on the way he was going before getting stopped. It was getting dark, and he wanted to get in some last minute leveling before the boss meeting tomorrow. All the other players were whispering and hyping the boss battle so someone must have blabbed the labyrinth had been found. Illfang was tough to beat in the Beta and was going to be even harder tomorrow. In the beta, everybody was just starting out and didn't have good gear. That part stayed the same as there was only so far you could go on the First floor. The problem was there was strength in numbers, and even with that, it took a few tries to win the battle. With the looming threat of death hanging in the air, not as many players were going to show because of fear. He couldn't blame them though; most players didn't immediately dive into leveling up as fast as possible like he did. Instead, they waited days; some even weeks before it finally sunk in that Kayaba wasn't lying and clearing all One Hundred floors of Aincrad was the only way to escape.
Then there were the glory hogs. Rather than being at the meeting earlier today to discuss where the boss was they had decided it was a better idea to find and defeat Illfang by themselves. Become the heroes of the game! Peering back over his shoulder at the dejected group he passed Naruto scoffed at the idea of it all. Those players were lucky to return; others didn't get the chance to pout over their failure because they died.

No, numbers wouldn't be the deciding factor this time around, the will to live would be what carried them to victory. Drawing his sword as Dire Wolves spawned into existence around him Naruto charged forward at incredible speeds, his sword glowing bright orange. Kayaba may have thought pitting them against impossible odds would be their downfall, but it was going to be their salvation. Dodging razor sharp claws and snarling mouths full of deadly teeth Naruto cut into his enemies as fast as they spawned. Kayaba would learn the truth of his mistake sooner than later. Because no one fought harder than a dying man, and in this game, every second inside was a step closer to death.

(Next Day)


Swinging his sword Naruto cut through another of his enemy's throat spinning on his heel as the red-demi human construct exploded in a burst of red light shards. That was the weak spot for these monsters. The throat. Ruin Sentinels were red and almost their entire body was covered tightly in armor, except for the throat. So that's what he attacked. Dodging mace swings as more Sentinels spawned into the arena Naruto struck like a wild animal at his prey killing two more monsters while those around him struggled to keep up with the fighting.

"Stand back! I got this!"

Flipping away from the fighting expertly twisting in the air, something he only could have dreamed of doing in the real worlds Naruto let his draining HP begin to heal. Due to the massive amounts of Hit Points he had lost and Diavel charging a near dead Illfang that Naruto wasn't going to get a crack at the big boss. That was ok, though, he hadn't come to beat the boss, or well he did just not in the way Diavel was trying to. He wasn't looking to be the hero or to save everyone lives; he wanted to survive and the best way to do that was to plan ahead.
When Illfang got defeated the one who got the last hit would receive a special reward but other than that everyone would get the same amount of EXP when the boss was defeated. However the EXP he gained by slaying the Sentinels was all his and this early in the game any bonus item wouldn't be helpful on higher floors. "People might call me cold for using these guys, but to win this game I have to think long term." Naruto thought coldly looking around at the other players who were cheering for Diavel.

"Wait, stop!"

"Idiot." Following Diavels flying body Naruto watched as the other players stood frozen unable to believe their fearless leader had been taken down. Concentrating on the blue haired man's cursor Naruto grimaced as Diavels HP bar slowly kept depleting.
"He's going to die. There's nothing we can do for him now."

"You don't know that!"

Stumbling as a black haired kid maybe a year younger than him pushed by and ran towards Diavel body, Naruto glared at the teens back. The kid was blinded by emotion, if he had a clear head the now red bar that was Diavels still depleting HP would be proof enough, the self-proclaimed 'Knight' was dying. It was his own fault, with the way he ran in Diavel must have been after the last attack bonus item meaning he was a beta because information like that wasn't in the guide Agil had presented at the meeting.

"We can hold this bastard off until your health is back up, Kirito. Naruto! Get in here!"

Looking up to where Agil was yelling his name, Naruto nodded tightly sprinting past the giant man who had taken up guard in front of an orange haired girl and Kirito. Allowing a last quick glance at the two downed players as he passed before attacking the boss along with the other players Naruto frowned at the black haired teen. "Kirito? I know that name." Parrying a sword slash from Illfang Naruto switched with Agil, ducking as the older man swung his war hammer knocking the boss back. "We met on the first day. The game doesn't allow two players to have the same avatar name, so it has to be him."

"Watch out!"

Diving away from the fighting Naruto landed hard on his back, losing his breath, or his brain thought he lost his breath since the avatars didn't actually have organs. Either way, it still was painful despite the pain being all in his head.

"Kirito, Switch!"

"Yea, it's definitely him." Naruto could've recognized him even if he hadn't heard Agil say Kirito's name. "We spent hours fighting together, and while I was better than Klein, Kirito was far out of my league in swordsmanship. He must practice IRL." Following Kiritos moves Naruto couldn't help but be impressed by the ease in which his fellow beta-player fought with a sword. It was the same way he fought without one, naturally and fluidly like he was born to battle.


"Well, maybe the same way, sans all the yelling." Rising to his feet as cheers broke out Naruto let a smile grace his face. This was only the first floor; they still had ninety-nine to go, before escape from this world was possible. But it was their first real victory towards that freedom and that was worth smiling about.

"Why? Why did you do it, huh? Why did you let Kibaou die?" Kneeling where Diavel's body had dispersed Kibaou shouted obscenities at Kirito gaining the attention of the rest of the room.

Sensing a confrontation brewing and against his better judgment Naruto stepped between the two cutting off Kibaous line of sight.
"I don't know where you got the idea that anyone here, least of all the guy who defeated the boss would let someone die but get it out of your head now.

"I heard him, right before Diavel died he shouted about the boss having a different weapon. He knew all along! He's a beta-tester!" Kibaou yelled looking to the other players for their support against the menace that was beta-testers.

"You know what Kibaou, just chill with that whole beta-tester nonsense alright." Naruto spat burning with rage when other players started agreeing with Kibaous lunacy. Kirito's dumbass went and played hero, like only a dumbass would do since his life was on the line and these guys were going to repay him with a lynch mob because some lazy piece of garbage didn't want to work for his own items.
"You think that Kirito wanted Diavel to die? No one in this game wants any other player to die, and that's all there is to it. There's not some shadowy beta-tester group oppressing the rookies, and anyone who agrees with you is just as much of a dumbass as you are."

Out of breath from his tirade, Naruto took deep breaths preparing to let loose another volley of words.

Shoulder checking Naruto Kirito pushed his way through the other players chuckling darkly.
"So you guys think I used to be a beta tester? It's not cool to put me in the same class as those noobs.

"What'd you say?" Kibaou snarled his accent twanging with the anger in his voice.

"You heard me. Most of the thousand people who scored a slot in SAO's beta were rookies. They were so green they didn't even know how to level of up, hell even you guys are better than they were. But me, I'm nothing like them."
Stopping in front of Kibaou curling his lips up in a disgusted sneer like he smelt something foul, Kirito deliberately stepped on the tile where Diavel had fallen.
"During the beta, I made it to floors that were higher than any of the other testers; that's a fact. I knew about the boss because I fought tons of monsters with way more sword skills on higher floors. I know a bunch of other things too, more than you can imagine. More than any info broker."

Realizing what Kirito's plan was Naruto quietly slipped away from the commotion heading for the stairs leading up to the 2nd Floor, call of cheater and beta ringing in his ears before the angry mob settled for a mix between the two. A Beater. Someone who would carry the hate of both rookie and beta player alike uniting the two group against a common foe. Lowering his head Naruto kept moving forward as Kirito continued with his plan to end the animosity between everyone by making himself a martyr. It was heroic and noble and made him feel like shit. Here was a kid younger than him trying to make things easier for everyone all while he only thought of himself.

Pity. That's what he was feeling. He pitied himself because he wasn't stronger. Raising his head, Naruto pushed open the doors to the second floor as another set of boot steps fell in behind him. Halting right outside the gates Naruto gazed out at the 2nd Floor, a light breeze ruffling his blonde hair. The town of Urbus waited in the distance, fields of Savannah riddled with buffalo looking monster between it and him. Further out near the Southern edge of the map table-top mountains loomed over the plains.
"Do you remember me Kirito?" He asked as the newly deemed beater walked by.

"Naruto right? I heard Agil say your name during the boss fight. I figured it was you, but Klein and I lost you after the force teleport. Never got to see your real face so I wasn't sure, guess my hunch was right." Kirito said stopping next to Naruto.
"You saw Klein?"

Ignoring the slight guilt Kirito's words were laced with Naruto shook his head feeling just as guilty. He hadn't even bothered to look for Klein after everything that happened. Sure they only knew each other for a few hours, but that wasn't an excuse.
"No, I haven't run into him. I'm more of a solo player, so I wasn't around other players that much."

"Hmm. Me too actually." Clearing his throat awkwardly as the sounds of more players coming reached their ears Kirito continued his walk.
"Wouldn't do you much good to be seen with the beater Naruto. Might want to disappear before someone sees you."

Silently agreeing with that statement, Naruto split off from Kirito who was heading for Urbus. He still had enough Healing Crystals to last another couple of days, and he wanted to complete the secret quest on this Floor before it was too late. The Skill he was going to get would be critical on higher floors and in MMORPG's it was first come first serve on certain quest and items.

(Hours Later)

Fingers gripping tight to the small indention in the mountain side he was climbing Naruto hauled himself higher above the ground, terrified to look down. But as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

"Oh...god." Gripping the rocks, Naruto's eyes shot back to the top of the mountain still meters away. "Climbing mountains was so much easier in the Beta." Continuing his climb Naruto kept his eyes firmly upward for the rest of his admittedly short journey to the top, the threat of death making the last few feet even more terrifying than it had to be. Heaving himself over ledge Naruto stayed on his knees crawling a good dozen feet from the edge before finally standing.

Brushing off his pants as a reflex even though there was no dirt since he was inside a game, Naruto spotted the small house he had climbed a mountain to get to.
"The Martial Arts Quest." Breathing heavily he made his way over to the hut knocking gently on the door, Seconds later a window popped up on the door.

[Quest Alert]

The secret of the Mountain Quest? Do you accept this Quest? Yes/No

Tapping the Yes window, Naruto stepped into the hut as the door swung open revealing a short gray haired old man in monk robes.

"You climbed the entire mountain? For that, your Perseverance will be rewarded. I shall train you." The old man said leading Naruto out the back of the hut and through the wood to a small clearing. Stopping in the middle of the clearing next to a large rock the NPC pointed at the rock with one hand reaching into his robes with the other.
"You must break this rock but only with your hands. Before that however there is one more thing you must do.

Minutes later Naruto found himself slamming his palms against a 2-meter tall rock his face now covered in painted whiskers marks covering his real whiskers. He didn't think a psycho like Kayaba had a sense of humor and it was ridiculous to think that the genius added it just for him. He had never even met Kayaba in person, so there was no way it was possible. But the painted whiskers marks stuck on his face until he split the rock with his palms begged otherwise. Glaring at the old man resting underneath a tree Naruto hit the rock harder envisioning the old guy standing in its place. "NPC acts like the hermits I read about in Manga's. Climb a tall mountain to get Martial Arts skills. Who knew Kayaba liked Dragon Ball." Scoffing Naruto slammed his palms against the rock again and with a loud thump...nothing happened.
"This is going to take forever."

And it did. Spending three days and three nights atop the mountain attacking a rock with only his hands Naruto finally completed the quest. Out of breath and tired from the lack of sleep he smirked as a Window popped up in front of him.

[Quest Completed!]

Reward: Martial Arts Extra Skill!

Swiping his hand, Naruto placed the Extra Skill in one of his Skill slots right away.

Avoid: 80/1000
Battle Healing: 50/1000
One Handed Sword: 100/1000
Martial Arts: 0/1000

Closing the window, Naruto bowed in thanks despite the NPC not actually being alive. He had achieved his goal and completed the quest, which meant it was time to get the whisker marks the hell off and get back to trying to clear Aincrads One hundred Floors.

Leave Review with what you think so far and Pairing Choice. Thanks for reading!