Here I put the usual disclaimers to apply for this whole story - I own neither the shows nor the characters, and do this only for my own entertainment or something like that...

The bell signaling the end of school rang none too soon for Dick Grayson's liking. The weekend had officially arrived. He grabbed his books and hurried to his locker, hard to spot among the crowd of other High School students, most of whom were older than him (and therefore taller) by a few years. Stuffing his books into his backpack he headed for the exit, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his navy uniform blazer as he went.

He had big plans for the weekend, and nothing short of a National Emergency was going to stop him this time. Dick and Wally had been planning this overnight for months now, and it had already been postponed three times. It almost got canceled again because Bruce was away for the weekend at some important business meeting – something about competing hostile takeovers of a small startup company that had invented a now power source that Bruce didn't want being controlled by the wrong people. That would leave Robin to patrol the city alone at night. Gotham had been relatively quiet lately however so, some pleading and wrangling later, it was agreed Wally could stay over as long as Kid Flash helped out with patrols and they didn't shirk their criminal-fighting duties should something come up.

They would have two whole days (minus night patrols) to vegetate in Dick's room playing the latest release of Doomed. Dick had actually gotten an early copy as a favor from one of Bruce's acquaintances, and if things had gone as originally planned they would have beaten the game before it was even available to the public. As it was, Dick had promised Wally he would wait to play until they could do it together, and the Team had been too busy for him to even think about breaking that promise. Today however was the official release day, so they had to have this weekend.

A sudden eerie chill up his spine brought Dick out of his reverie. His pace slowed as he became more conscious of his surroundings again. "No, no, no," he mumbled to himself irritably. No more interruptions! Despite the feeling that he was being watched, he didn't spot anyone out of place or anything threatening. Exiting the front gates of the school, he saw Alfred with the limo on the corner and had to restrain himself from sprinting the last few yards through the throng of other students catching their rides.

Alfred raised an eyebrow as he quickly opened the limo door and Dick dashed inside. "Is everything all right, Master Dick?" he asked as he closed the door and took his own seat in the front.

"Yeah, sure. Just excited for the weekend." Dick plastered on a smile. No way was he going to give Alfred or Bruce even the slightest excuse to call off his weekend again.

"Very good, sir." However, as Alfred looked away, Dick bit his lip in indecision. His instincts were usually pretty good and at that moment they were screaming at him that something was wrong. Alfred pulled the car into traffic and set off for the highway. Just as Dick decided he really did have to say something, he suddenly felt a cold hand cover his mouth, stifling him.

Dick's eyes widened in panic, but he couldn't see any sign of his assailant. Before he could act he felt another invisible arm grab around his waist and pull him through the back of the car. His mouth was uncovered as the first arm also wrapped around him, pinning his arms, and then they shot into the air.

Dick began to struggle, his training as Robin automatically kicking in. He threw his head back to head butt his kidnapper while twisting his body. He was just beginning to slip free when a young male voice said, "You might want to rethink escaping, this far up. I can probably catch you before you hit the ground, but I don't think either one of us wants to bet on it." Dick took a split second to reassess his surroundings and froze as he realized exactly how high up they were. He may be as at home in the air between trapezes as on them, but even he couldn't drop 300 feet without something to break his fall.

He could have sworn he heard a sigh of relief as he stopped fighting. "Just cooperate and you won't get hurt," the voice behind him said. His captor shifted his grip underneath Dick's arms to hold him more securely and then they started moving, flying, fast to the west.

If Dick has been a normal kid, he would have been completely freaking out by that point. But working on a regular basis with a team of superheroes meant this wasn't actually all that unusual. Honestly, he knew a few people who could be invisible, walk through solid objects, and fly. He might be inclined to think this was some prank Wally had talked Miss Martian into if not for the fact that that would have required Wally to tell her Dick's secret identity, which would have made both Dick and Batman very unhappy. No one on the team was stupid enough to anger Batman that much, not even Wally (well, not on purpose anyway).

Dick figured they had been flying for about 10 minutes before he noticed he could now see the arms holding him. Two white gloves attached to two black sleeves, all with a faint unnatural glow to them. He tried to turn his head to get a look at his kidnapper, but it was too hard to get a good angle.

A significant amount of time passed as Dick watched the landscape below him go by. He tried to keep a mental map of where they were going, but they flew in or above the clouds a great deal of the time, making it difficult. Every so often he would ask a question or throw an insult, trying to get a response, but his captor did not speak again during the flight.

Far from the city, they descended into an isolated clearing in the middle of a forest. Dick stumbled as they hit the ground and his captor let him go. He fell forward onto his hands and knees. He quickly flipped around to his feet and faced the one who had kidnapped him, and forgot to breathe. A ghost. Never mind that he had never seen a ghost before - didn't even believe they were real - something deep in his gut just knew. The glowing, white-haired, red-eyed boy floating a couple inches off the ground and emitting a cold aura that Dick had previously attributed to the altitude they were flying at was a ghost.

His shock only lasted a moment as once again his training kicked in. Before he could make a move however, he felt a second cold presence behind him even though he hadn't seen anyone else there. Dick's world flashed red for a split second, then everything went black.

AN: Ok, spent a weekend sick writing. Probably should have waited until I was better to actually proof it and so forth, and I'm breaking my own rules posting before the story is mostly written (although I do have another chapter or two done). But, I have had this idea in my head forever and am glad to finally be getting it out there.