From that day on, Lapis started to appreciate her cell.

She started to appreciate the fact that she had plenty of time before the ship was scheduled to arrive at Earth, thus giving her plenty of time to sleep.

Well, not quite. She didn't care for sleep. She cared for the dreams that came with it.

Every time she dreamed it was about Peridot. She felt the same peace and love from the first time she dreamed. She would always be in the same place with the same version of Peridot.

She dreamed many things over that time involving Peridot. In once she was sitting in a hard metal shape with a screen in front of her displaying humans she had never recognized before.

Next to her was her short Peridot, sporting a bow tie on her neck. She was speaking to her about the people on the screen and she found herself agreeing even though she had no idea what to.

There was others quite silly like that, like one of them dancing to their own insane music. Another was of them running around in the rain while Lapis kept dropping water only on her, causing her to get irritated but she was still laughing. Some though were more serious, like Peridot comforting her telling her how everything is going to be okay and how much she loves her.

Some were even romantic, like them holding hands or cuddling. One in particular was of them mashing their mouths together causing Lapis to wake up panting. Every scene in her dreams were different but they all felt familiar, like they were all connected.

Never once did it occur to her that she was in love with this Peridot. She didn't want to dream just for this familiar place. She wanted to dream to feel the love and the trust radiating from Peridot.

She always felt the same loneliness and isolation once she woke up, but it would be okay, because she could just try to sleep again.

Lapis remembered one day when Peridot passed her cell she questioned why she was sleeping so much. Lapis sported a blush instead of replying, knowing it would just come out in a big stuttering mess.

In reality Peridot was nothing like the one from her dreams. She was angry, wound up, stressed, and stone cold. She didn't care about what happened to Lapis. To her Lapis was just another informant on a mission. Lapis was afraid this is what it would only ever be, which is why she dreamed as much as she could.

She had to start somewhere.