Chapter 5 : I'm Here

Friday - 0700 - Akademi High Entrance

Yandere-chan arrived at school with a sad face. Normally she wouldn't have any emotion, she would just look straight and go do her normal things. But today, she's just looking at the ground, her hands cupped together and her face looked a little darker. Before the other students came, she went to her locker and changed her shoes, then went to the girl's restroom. She went into a random stall, put the lid on and sat down on the toilet.

"What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?" she kept repeating to herself. "Do I have to tell Kokona or not?" she covered her face with her hands. "What am I suppose to do? RIKU'S DEAD! AND ITS ALL-"

"What?!" a voice was heard. "Who said that? Please come out! Tell me is Riku really dead?" that voice sounded familiar. "Please... I'm not in the mood for pranks." the voice said again. Yandere-chan curled up and stuffed her face between her legs, trying not to make a sound.

"Please come out... before I come and find you." the person said one last time. Their footsteps can be heard, they were growing louder and louder each step. Yandere-chan needed to get out. But she can't move anywhere, or hide.

"Kokona?! Where are you?" another voice was heard. "Hold on, Saki!" the voice replied to her. 'Oh no... its Kokona, all right.' Yandere-chan thought to herself. Now she REALLY needs to escape

"If you just tell me right now, before I find you... You don't have to tell me your name, just tell me what happened to Riku." Yandere-chan is confused, but she had to get it out somehow. She's made a decision.

"Someone murdered him. Yesterday, before lunchtime..." she said trying to disguise her voice by pitching her voice a little high. "What?! By who?" Kokona said. "I'm sorry, but she's a close friend of mine. I don't want her to get hurt or arrested." Yandere-chan lied to her again. It was a few moments of silence.

"Yan-chan... is that you?" Kokona said. Yandere-chan's eye's widen, lie or truth? Well, third times a charm... "*sigh* Yes..." she opened the stall door she was in, revealing herself, still curled up. "Yan-chan... what did you do?..." Kokona said softly, moving towards her. "Don't get close, I might hurt you too..." Yandere-chan looked at her with a serious face.

"No, I know you won't." Kokona went to her. "Come on, let's go to the rooftop." she reached out her hand, giving her a warm smile as well. Yandere-chan thought she was crazy, but she grabbed her hand anyways.

"Now, you're gonna tell me EVERYTHING, okay?" Kokona said to her. Yandere-chan nodded and stayed silent while they went to the rooftop.

0730 - The Rooftop

When they reached the top, Yandere-chan went to a corner, and Kokona followed her. She was looking at something, Kokona looked to see what it was. "He did this just for you..." Yandere-chan said, pointing towards the Gardening Club. Kokona smiled and blushed when she saw the place. It was the same reaction as Yandere-chan's.

"He's a great guy... or at least he was." Yandere-chan said. Kokona looked at her, and asked her "Why did you kill him?". Yandere-chan smacked her lips, and started to explain.

Moments later, Kokona finally knows what happened. Instead of raging on Yandere-chan, she hugged her. "You must've had a hard time doing that..." she whispered to her. Yandere-chan hugged her tightly, and started to cry. They both stopped and Kokona consoled her. Yandere-chan smiled, then she remembered something.

She reached to her stockings, and took out a piece of paper. "Did you really love Riku?" she asked Kokona. Kokona thought for a few moments, Yandere-chan started to worry. "I did, but I knew that he changed just for me. I don't think I'd like a man that spoils me." Kokona answered her, the two giggled a little. "Well, I think he was confused too..." Yandere-chan gave her the paper, Kokona read it and looked at her.

"He liked you?" she said, surprised. "Yeah... I knew it after I killed him though." she said, in a sad tone. Kokona crumpled up the note, and threw it off the roof. "Welp, its time to move on then." she said, smiling in the process. "What?" Yandere-chan asked.

"There are plenty of fish in the sea, you're a possessive, smart and beautiful girl! I'm sure a lot of guys would like to date you." Kokona said. "No, no. I think I'm good enough." Yandere-chan doubted herself. "No, the problem is..." Kokona put her hand on her shoulder. "You need to stop being shy, and start talking with people!" she giggled a little.

"R- really?" Yandere-chan mumbled. "Yeah! You've helped me a lot, I'm sure you'll be a great help to my friends, maybe other students too!" Kokona encouraged her. "Okay... if you say so." Yandere-chan said softly. "Come on, let's go." Kokona said. "Yeah, let's go!" Yandere-chan replied.

They both went back to the plaza. When they did, Kokona introduced her friends to were all friendly to her, except for the red haired girl, also known as Yui Rio. Yandere-chan didn't like her that much, mostly because she looked like Info-chan. It was kinda creepy.

Since then, Yandere-chan had more friends and soon became the star student and teacher's pet. She joined the Gardening Club as she wanted to remember Riku, and continue to make the world a better place, despite her dark and twisted past.

Kokona had tried to match-make her with other boys, but Ayano rejected them. Surprisingly, she even rejected Taro. Kokona was surprised, very surprised. Ayano didn't develop any feelings for any of the boys, they asked her why but she didn't answer them.

A few weeks later, her parents came back from their 'trip' to America. Her father was happy that Ayano has improved so much since they left. Her mother was too, but she was very shocked by the fact that her daughter isn't a yandere, like herself. But, she accepted that.

Well, she's not a yandere, or a monster. She WAS... Now?



Hey! Sorry if this ending was very disappointing. I wanted to get Ayano and Budo together, but I don't know... if you want me to, then I'll make a short sequel of that. So... yeah. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day! :D