A hero, someone who is well loved and famous on top of that. Every person wants to be one at least once in their lifetime. Maybe they never said so, but they surely thought about it.
They probably think everything will be perfect. They will be famous and loved by many.
People usually think this way, but the heroes don't. They know there is much more to it.
Even Ben Tennyson knows so, even though he is just a teenager. A 17 years old.
People his age envy him, they are jealous about the glory this average teenager receives. No one could truly understand him, even if they told him they did. After all, how could someone understand him? He was the only person to change into every kind of alien.
Sometimes this life was quite lonely. But at least he had people he could count on.
Ester, the Kraaho princess. Gwen and Kevin, his cousin and her boyfriend. Grandpa Max as well. And then there was his partner, Rook Blonko. But he always called him Rook. They had been through much together. Good things and also bad things, yet the Revonnahgander would always be there for him.

Ben woke up that morning, with a jolt he sat up quickly into his bed. He blinked his eyes a few times, the eyelids narrowing for a bit when he noticed the warm sun lights were seeping into his room through the window. He wondered what had woken him up and he stood up. The teenager stretched before he yawned and walked over to the window. When he looked outside he could see some old kind of truck with his grandpa's logo on it. He saw Rook waiting inside it, the other had unmistakably pressed the horn a few times.
He ran a hand through his hair and opened the window. "I'll be right down!" The brunette yelled at the other while he watched Rook nod. Ben then closed the window again and turned around, collecting clothes he dropped onto the floor the evening before. He quickly slipped into them before rushing downstairs. When he met his mother in the kitchen he politely refused her homemade breakfast. He got outside and into the vehicle on the passenger seat. "Morning" Ben just said "Good morning, Ben" Rook answered while he started to drive.
"We are heading to an abandoned warehouse. Magister Tennyson explained to me Vilgax has escaped the highly guarded prison he was in. The electricity shut down, causing the security system to do as well" He explained.

Ben's eyes widened and he threw his hands into the air "What do you mean Vilgax has escaped?! That shouldn't be possible, even if the system shut down! There's a reason why he is a prisoner!" The teenager claimed while he then looked at the road "Can't this thing go any faster?!" Rook narrowed his eyes and nodded, turning the truck into the Proto-TRUK, some kind of spaceship they used to chase aliens or to go outer space.
After some time they arrived at the warehouse, both of them got out. the first thing Rook did was taking his Proto-Tool, holding it close to his chest. If they were attacked suddenly he could at least defend them both. Ben on the other hand looked at his Omnitrix "Alright, give me something to work with. Like Feedback, or Four Arms" He begged to the device. As soon as he pressed it he turned into Ball Weevil "Ohh, you think this is funny Omnitrix?" Ben asked in a squeaky voice and sighed. He then puked out a small green ball and sat on top of it. They somehow had to get inside of the warehouse and thus he started to run around on the green ball, collecting dust, sand and other things that expanded the ball. Eventually he jumped of, the warehouse' opening exploding together with some parts of the wall.
Ben heard his Omnitrix and soon he was turned back into himself.

"A piece of cake" Ben affirmed but when he said so he earned a funny look of his partner "It's a-" He started but Rook interrupted him "It's an Earth expression" The Revonnahgander finished the sentence and Ben chuckled. "Yes, exactly. Now, let's go" He said while he then walked inside. Both males were tense, knowing all of this could be a trap. If they didn't go then who would? Once inside they started to look around, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That was until they heard something. "Ben, watch out!" Rook yelled when a large, dark figure jumped down and smirked when he stood up "Vilgax!" Ben and Rook yelled at the same time.
"I was expecting you" Vilgax said, a content smirk plastered on his lips "But you're too late!"
"Why do villains always say that?!" Ben yelled "Shut up!" The tentacle man yelled towards the teenager who immediately grew silent. "You're too late Ben Ben!" "And here comes the evil master plan…" Ben sighed. "Yes, you're right, Tennyson" Vilgax snapped and narrowed his eyes before he started to explain "With this bomb I will erase the entire Earth. With you and your idiot partner as well" He said so while pointing at the enormous device that was making a high pitched sound, ready to explode. "We won't let this happen!" The Revonnahgander cried out, holding the Proto-Tool while he started to shoot at the other.
When Vilgax managed to dodge all of the attacks Rook gritted his teeth in annoyance.
"Ben, hurry up!" He yelled as he watched Vilgax charge at him, the tall male jumped away in a back flip, landing on hand and feet before he jumped towards the other, his leg pointing out and he was able to kick the tentacle man in his face.
"I'm trying!" Ben yelled back, turning the Omnitrix to the right alien "Come on, don't leave me now Omnitrix!" He yelled towards the device, his eyes looking at the numbers on the device, counting down. 10...9...8… He pressed the Omnitrix and hurriedly changed into Jury Rigg.

All you could hear in the warehouse were two males fighting each other, "Fix fix fix fix fix" and the counting down of the bomb. Until they heard the bomb stop ticking at 1.
Vilgax halted all of his actions and ran towards the bomb "No! This is impossible! You shouldn't be able to stop this!" He yelled. "Well, it seems like I just did" Ben said, having turned back while a smile was on his face. "You are under arrest." Rook said while he quickly handcuffed the tentacle alien who at first protested. But afterwards he walked with the two. What they did not notice though was that the bomb did explode "Ben!" Rook yelled, throwing his body in front of the younger male while he protected him from the heavy smoke and pressure heading their way. Ben laid underneath Rook for some time until he started coughing when the whirlwind of dust and rubble passed. He looked up and watched Rook who cringed. The Revonnahgander stood up, the dust falling off of him. Ben looked around, seeing everything was destroyed and Vilgax was gone.
"Rook, are you alright?" The teenager asked, getting up and feeling his sore body.
"I will be after some rest… But… The bomb still went off" He explained now
Ben nodded sadly and walked outside. The whole place was gone, only ruins were left.
"Let's go back" He said, a bad gut feeling forming in himself while they got into the vehicle.

Once they arrived at Bellwood they saw that even here a lot was in ruins. Playgrounds, buildings, houses. Everything was gone or at least partly gone. "This is all my fault…"
"No, it's not. You're not at fault here, Ben" Rook said, trying to cheer him up but all he got was a shook of the other's head. He watched Ben walking away, going to his own home.
Rook held his hands around the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning a light white.
He was angry with himself for not able to prevent something accurate like this.

Once Ben arrived at his home he was welcomed by his parents and grandfather who supported him, cheering him up a bit. He then headed upstairs to get ready for bed, he wanted to forget this day as soon as possible. But in his room he looked outside and he could see all the damage of Bellwood. Even his own house was hit, a new roof had to be placed soon. He shook his head and quickly stripped down and got into his bed. He thought about the day for a while and couldn't sleep. He saw every number on his digital clock. Until it was the early morning and he fell asleep but only for a few hours. At 8AM he was roughly awakened by his mother who called for him. There were men of the government who wanted to speak to him. He got up and quickly got dressed before he ran down the stairs and looked at the two men in suit. He raised an eyebrow and could feel his grandfather laying a hand on his shoulder. "You're leaving Earth" They both said in unision.

All he could hear was his mother breaking down.