Disclaimer: I do not own Shokugeki no Sōma.


A Supernatural Delight

9:05 PM; the time shown on Erina's neon pink electric clock while she's sitting still like The Thinker sculpture. The only thing moving is her pen dancing a hardcore salsa with her slender fingers as her eyes are glued to the unsolved Food Waste Management homework lying on her desk.

At the top of the page, the question's written: What causes food waste in the supplier-retailer interface?

This is why it's her least favorite subject: waste is not something she deals with. She hires somebody to do it to whatever the case it is. The only thing that touches her is fresh, untainted ingredients and she'll always turn those rough diamonds into pieces of immaculate jewelries. Not that she fails at the course, though- Nakiris are expected to excel at everything.

Speaking of waste…

A certain redhead pops into her mind, a reminiscent that it has been three days since she last spoken to him. Or the last time they made a… face-to-face contact- the least way she could ever put it.

Obviously, she's been having a miserable time avoiding that brat. Not only that it's hard that they had to pass each other occasionally at the dorm or main building- which she would easily throws her face in the opposite way, but also the way he managed to greet her nonchalantly every single time somehow offended her. More than that one time a brainless, so-called two-hatted chef served her sockeye salmon ice cream for dessert and called it his "breakthrough innovation".

Much to her annoyance, at times she would find herself stealing glances at that golden-eyed baka in class, and got bothered when one time that baita named Kawashima Urara got way too friendly towards him, giggling and dangling on his arms and all. Typical dense rascal would laugh away with her without returning any more gesture.

Frustrated with the thought, the pen that's once in her hand got thrown across the desk before she tangles her fingers on her honey blonde locks and making a resentful pull out of it. Yukihira Sōma- why must it be him out of all people?

Erina admits; she misses him, and she hates him for it. She misses their private late-night haven that used to flies time. Even she misses that crooked grin on his face every time he gets too cocky. But then he had to seduce her with that stupidly amazing Crème Brûlée resulting in her kissing the life out of him.

He's made a fool out of her, and now she has to try to live with this desire to kiss him again.

She is about to frustratedly reclines her back and closes her notebook with an undone work when a knock on her bedroom door is heard.

"Who is it?" She shouts.

But there is no answer from the other side.

Irritatedly, she rises from her chair and steps towards the door. But come to think of it, maybe a little distraction from her Sōma-clouded mind might not be that bad. Perhaps it's Hisako bringing her some new shōjo manga series she requested this afternoon.

She opens the door, and leaning to the side is the same person that she doesn't wish to linger on her mind a while ago. That same person with that striking red hair and golden irises that not even paperwork could distract her from it. Sturdy figure is dressed with his usual navy blue laid-back sweats, and his callous hand is rested loosely against the door frame with that bewitching smile spreads across his face.

"Y-Yukihira Sōma-kun?!" Erina stutters, almost reflectively wants to shut the door, but that grin of his has turned her hand into a brick. "W-What are you doing here?"

"Yo, Nakiri! You look happy to see me." Sōma greets her as if he's unaware that her jaw is practically on the floor.

"I-In your dreams, Yukihira. Get over yourself." She pouts, folding her arms as an attempt to stay cool, which fails since her face is showing fifty shades of red.

"Haha, typical mean Nakiri Erina." He laughs, "Anyway, you're not busy now, right?"

"And if I am?"

"I wanna take you somewhere either way."

That statement of Sōma gets Erina a mini heart attack- God forbids that he meant it as a date. Though she can't help it; she kind of like the idea of him asking her out a little bit.

But she has to keep her ice queen persona- wouldn't want him to be all arrogant if he ever find out about her stupid feelings.

"W-What?! N-Now?"

Well, that didn't work, did it? Brilliant move, Erina.

"Yeah, it- whoa, Nakiri. You okay? You're flushed like crazy." Sōma's eyes bug out and before she knows it, his palm is touching her forehead.

"I-I'm fine!" She discards his hand flusteredly like it's a flock of mosquitoes flying around her head, "Let's j-just go and see what kind of importance it is that you have to show me at this unreasonable hour."

"Jeez, relax Nakiri. Wearing your uniform without the blazer is just fine." He sniggers.

"W-Why do you assume it's about that?!" She snaps, realizing she has forgotten to change into her nightgown. Though maybe this is not a bad thing.

"Nah, doesn't matter." Sōma says, and to her dismay, he reaches for her wrist and pulls her outside her humble bedroom before making his way rapidly, "We're just gonna have fun tonight."

As Erina struggles to shut the door behind her, she notices how his robust hand wrapped around her small wrist. For a palm that is not the smoothest, it surprisingly feels warm and… right. His grip solely tells her confidently that tonight is going to be one of those nights that come once in a blue moon.

A night that Nakiri Erina would never forget.

"Ah, one more thing," Sōma's gaze shifted back to where she is being dragged, "You need a helmet."


The high-caliber self within Erina never thought she would find herself in the bustling streets of Tokyo when the dusk has completely fallen. Wind blowing through her face like it intends to wipe your face off into a blank canvas as the rapidly moving moped scooter she's on runs passed the sprawling metropolis of bright lights and lively commuters.

This is definitely different from the posh circumstances she has been placed since birth. The moped seat vibrates below her in the strangest way possible, and her eyes would wince uncontrollably because of the dusts or how the strands of her honey blonde hair would get in the way of her sight. Moreover, being on a bike is as close as it gets to instability and the feeling that it could fall over anytime gets her nervous like nothing else- wait until Hisako have an earful about all these.

To top it off, she never thought she would find herself circling her arms around Yukihira Sōma's torso and holding on to his jacket like her life depends on it. And actually liking the warmth of his back pressed against her.

Yet there's just one thing that's bothering her.

"Where exactly are you taking me, Yukihira?" She asks, surprising herself that her voice comes out louder than intended. Talking on a moving bike isn't exactly the easiest thing, after all.

Almost shouting, Sōma replies, "The journey's no fun if you know where you're going, Nakiri! Sit back and enjoy the ride!"

"So are you saying that you're just taking me around town over this death ride?!"

He turns his head at her while laughing at her franticness, "'Course I know where I'm going! Besides, I kinda get the feeling you actually like where you are right now."

As she brushes the strands of her hair away from her face, Erina realizes that he's right.

It mesmerizes her how different the world is when not being seen from the translucent car window- the world seems more vivid and alive without it. City lights are passing her by rapidly like comets and falling stars in the sky. She loves how the wind makes contact to her flesh like a second skin and how adrenaline rushes through her blood like an endless stream of waterfall since they left Totsuki, and shocks herself of how much she's enjoying those things right now.

"Ha. So now you're Yukihira Sōma: The Wiseacre." Erina leers. Again- not wanting to acknowledge him.

"Call it what you want, but I know you need to let loose. Big time."

"This is already more than I can bear, Yukihira!"

"Really, Nakiri? 'Cause I haven't done this."

At his remark, she can see Sōma pressing the handlebar even deeper and suddenly the speed of the moped increases to the stage where Erina feels like she's left her soul behind her. If the sole growl of the moped doesn't get her shaking, it must be the excited squeal coming out from the redhead.

And then she finds herself letting out an intolerable scream and gripping harder to his stomach at his action.

Thankfully, the moped slows down immediately and as Erina's soul starting to come back, Sōma says, "How's that for a change, eh Nakiri?"

That adrenaline rush she just had is nothing like before- he has taken her to another level of bravery, and instead of yelling and begging him to stop, Erina finds herself wanting more of that rush.

And for the first time tonight, that lips of hers curves up into a genuine, wide smile. "You are as crazy as your cooking, Yukihira."

"'Least I've got it going on, eh?" He shrugs, "Now let's do it one more time, Nakiri Erina! Hold on tight!"

This time, Erina is prepared when the moped speeds up, and she's not flinching even a little. Instead, she lets out another jolly shriek while keeping her grip on Sōma tight.

"Louder, Nakiri!" Sōma shouts without slowing the moped down. "Like this: WOOOOH!"

At this moment, Erina notices how carefree he is, not even the stares from people passing by can stop him from doing that. He looks happy- and she wants to be as happy as he is right now.

She's thinking about all the things that's been holding her back all her life; her father, her dark childhood, the pressure she has as a part of Nakiri family and her God Tongue status, the boundaries with the world, and everything that limits her movement.

And with Sōma here as the one who's been indirectly encouraging her, now she wants to let loose- let go of those baggages that have been weighing her down.

Slowly, she lets one hand go from Sōma's jacket and lifting it in the air, feeling the air brushing through the gaps of her fingertips before finding herself lifting the other one.

With a deep breath beforehand, she lets it all out. She doesn't care that it almost sounds throaty, and she's glad to finally let everything out of her chest with one, loud scream- the loudest she has ever gotten out. For once, she doesn't care about the people around her.

When a hand returns to Sōma's abdomen, she can feel two gentle taps from him on her hand as he kudos, "Haha, atta girl!"

And to her surprise, his hand stays there.

Thereafter, they spend the rest of their way in a blissful silence; only him searching for her hand every time he lets go to adjust the moped, and her searching for the warmth of his back as she rests herself on it.

Until they pull up to a smaller part of Tokyo: Sumiredōri Shopping District.


Erina still can't believe her eyes when she read the black and red sign saying 'Yukihira Diner' earlier when they arrived, let alone when Sōma gave her a quick tour of the place. There were some specks of dust here and there, but it's pretty clear that Sōma does air the place out once in awhile.

But apparently, giving her a tour while airing out the place isn't Sōma's true intention of bringing her here.

Instead, he has brought her to the rooftop of this little building. Not the prettiest looking place especially with the dents and wrecks that can't be overlooked, but when her sight lands on what lies across the place, it's a completely different story.

Spreading in front of her eyes is a charming view of Sumiredōri Shopping District's dimming streetlights and activities. Shop owners tidying up their shops and shutting of the lights that dazzle the shop's name, and her ears catch mumbles of pleasant small talks between the neighbors before they go their separate ways. Erina has grown to love how simplicity can brings so much joy to people, and to herself as well.

And when she looks slightly further, lying there is all the glory of Tokyo's twinkling skyline she passed earlier- and it's even more beautiful up here.

"Yo, Nakiri, you're shivering. You okay?"

Startled by Sōma's voice, Erina turns her head at him. It seems like he has set up a red, checkered pattern picnic blanket with a basket on the edge of it. He's already sitting nicely on top of the blanket, stretching his leg while she's still standing like an idiot unaware of her surroundings and the fact that her cotton-covered skin is trembling.

"Huh? Oh… Seems like it." Erina answers plainly as she folds her arm to make herself warmer.

"Ah. Here, here! Use my jacket and sit down. I've brought a lotta munchies for us." Sōma unzips his sweatshirt effortlessly before handing it over to her.

The thought of Sōma caring about her well-being obviously gets her stomach churn slightly, and it shows when a dash of redness appears on Erina's cheek as she receives the jacket and slowly wrap herself in it.

As she sits next to him and adjust her skirt, she can't help herself to not sniff Sōma's warm sweatshirt over her voluptuous figure. Lingering on her nose is a warm, zesty scent of musk and dry woods, and it allures her to drown herself in the soft material by pulling it even closer to her skin.

"Here's some black tea, it'll warm ya." the redhead offers, smiling at her with ease.

At the gestures he's been showing her all night, her mind can't help the wonderment of the guy who's covered in a loose, simple black t-shirt and his true purposes of bringing her here.

Could it be… to confront her? About his Crème Brûlée? Or even worse, that little 'accident'?

Except for that morning after, it's odd to her that he has been acting normal- perhaps too normal. Maybe he's not as affected as she is… But somehow that thought gets her heart sinking.

"Yukihira-kun," Erina says as she takes the styrofoam cup from Sōma's hand, "Why did you go through all these things just to bring me here?"

He seems taken aback by her question with the way his lips slightly parts, but then a simple little smile appears within the feature of his face, "Nah, we haven't had a proper chat these few days, so I figure I should bring you out here while showing you Yukihira."

"Is that all?" She attempts on pulling the trigger after she drinks a sip of the warm tea. While the great depth of the tea combined with subtle yet satisfying sweetness from the rock sugar amazes her tongue, her mind just isn't set on the tea.

But much to her surprise- and aggravation, Sōma remarks casually as he reclines himself backwards, supporting his weight with his elbow, "Well, you've kinda been acting super strange lately, I don't know why."

"It's not a time to joke around, Yukihira."

"Eh, so what d'you want me to say now, Nakiri?"

As irritated as she is right now by his nonchalance, maybe this is for the best for not spoiling the moment and turning it into something awkward once again. Having some moments alone with Sōma ironically turns out to be all she needs to scare the bug of a thought away.

So with a sigh beforehand, she forfeits, "N-Nothing."

"Now that you're calmer," His voice trails off by the sound of scrunching plastics in his pocket, and then he exhibits the half-opened package in his hand, "Y'can have some of these. You like sweets though, right?"

"Huh… What is that?" Erina eyes that piece of colorful, crumpled plastic like such thing never even exist in her world.

"Huh? You've never had this kinda candy?"

Erina shrugs, "In case you haven't noticed, I've never had time for candies, Yukihira. Even when I was little, my stomach is always full because of all the taste-testing duties."

At that explanation, Sōma nods understandingly, "Well, there's always a first time for everything, eh? People called this gummy worms."

"Excuse me?" She cringes, disgusted by its mere name- how dare he ask her to put something in her mouth which name contains a bug belonging in dirt.

"These aren't real worms, Smartypants." He cackles sarcastically- which Erina isn't pleased with, "They just look like it. Here, give one a whirl!"

Although feeling skeptical, she draws her fingers inside the package, and the squishy yet slightly sticky texture already gets her teeth gritting- maybe this is how it feels like touching one of those Play-Doh Alice used to play with as a child. Erina never wanted to touch them since it grossed her out how it kind of defile Alice's nails.

She retracts her fingers out of the bag and pulls out a red-colored worm limping between her digits, but it's neither the look nor the texture that suddenly shakes her world like a leaf in the wind.

Instead, it's Yukihira Sōma's sudden movement of taking away the translucent gummy worm from her. With his mouth.

Within a split of a second, his tender lips subtly graze through her fingertips as how the feather of an angel's wings would alludes one's skin. The strangest thing is how much that little contact gets her… flushed and seduced, once again. With that, her mind goes wrecked once the memory of that very lips on hers just a few days ago comes to the surface.

Then Erina feels her heart skips a beat.

"Nah, not the red ones. They're my fave." He tells her once he retracts.

But Erina hears nothing but emptiness. Her lower lip drops when the softness lingers within her fingertips. Her heart races a million miles an hour and the temperature within her raises through the roof.

Especially now that Sōma's looking deeply into her purple eyes.

It's as if he's sensing the beat of her heart that thumps like the drum in a thanksgiving day parade. The red tip of the gummy worm still hangs loosely in between his teeth resulting in his lips slightly parting. His face is close- so close to hers that Erina can practically feel his breath sweeping on her face, and she has this strong urge to just pull that worm off his mouth… with hers.

"Nakiri…" Sōma mutters, voice so deep and full of mischievousness, which Erina replies with a soundless hum, "I didn't know you have a mole under your eye."

Did he really just…

"W-What?" Erina reflectively pats the area, which then turns into a glare towards Sōma after seeing a black dot on her palm. It must have stuck there from the motorcycle ride, or at least that's what she assumed.

She should've known better after all. It's Yukihira Sōma: says random things in serious moments- maybe it should be written on his tombstone.

"Hey, look it came off!" Sōma cackles wildly. His index finger points at her face, and she's just not having it. Especially after misreading the situation.

"Hmpf. Y-You are just as ignorant as ever, Yukihira. I never have moles on my face." Erina frowns before throwing her face away from him.

"Haha, aight, aight. Sorry! Here, take the green one."


It's true what people say after all; time really does fly when you're having fun, and if it was up to past Erina, never in her life would she even think of relating the word 'fun' to Sōma's presence. Well, at least tonight she's no longer denying it.

But here she is; sitting close to the buffoon himself, tires herself from all the laughs and giggles she shared with him without realizing it's less than an hour away to midnight. They played a few games of cards, which she mostly won. But when the redhead won once, she told him that it was her pity since he was such a sore loser. Friendly- or almost flirty- gestures were thrown here and there, and Erina would blush every time she found Sōma's hand on her upper arm.

Her stomach is stuffed with his tonkatsu onigirazu he brought with him. Although it had gone slightly cold, Erina did enjoy the crispy yet succulent pork sandwiched between the plump rice that had been neatly wrapped with a piece of nori. The addition of cabbage added a great crunch to the dish, and when the deep, sweet flavor of the sauce came through, her mind was shocked by a slight mustard aftertaste.

The one thing that was odd to her is that he didn't ask her how it tasted.

It was somehow written all over the dish that it wasn't made to impress her like it was on his Crème Brûlée. But the onigirazu was more… comforting to her, in a way. It was sincere, laid-back, and instead of seducing her, it touched her blooming feelings towards him.

Those thoughts runs through Erina's peaceful state of mind like an ocean breeze as she eyes the redhead next to her, whose face beams when it faces the sky full of stars that's scattered magnificently- reminds her a bit of the Hokkaido train ride memory.

"Yukihira," Erina utters, "I had fun tonight, thank you."

"Nah, it's no biggie. Just glad you did." Sōma smiles, turning his attention to her in an instance, "So we're cool, yeah?"

She remarks with a simple smile and nod.

"'Nyways, what time is it?" He asks her.

Erina lifts her hand, "It's thirty minutes before midnight. We should head back, Yukihira."

Instead of agreeing to her, Sōma yawns, "Y'know, maybe later. I'm kinda sleepy now."

And then it happens; before Erina even realizes, he already rested his head above her lap, and she finds herself petrified at the gesture.

"Y-Yukihira! What do you think you're doing?!" She jerks. Cheeks blushed, heart rushing and she's helplessly trying to lift his head off her thigh, but Sōma denies that gesture by weighing his head down, "G-Get off me!"

"C'mon, just give me 15. I'm dead tired." He insists. "Besides, it's Friday night. We've no class tomorrow."


With his fingers over her lips, her nags are cut. He puts his index finger over his own pouting lips as her cue, but with her face all flushed, all she can think about is how good those fingers feel over her lips- those fingers that create bewitching magic, is pressed tightly over her lips.

"That's better." He says once he pulls his hand down. "Now I won't hit trees on the way back to the dorm."

"F-Fifteen minutes! And then we head back." Erina demands.

"Aight, Ojou-sama."

Then, an immediate silence falls on them. Erina has decided to let him lay his head… over her lap.

As awkward as it is at first for her, she finally comes to the conclusion that she actually quite like the feeling- the feeling of his hair against her skirt, and a little part of her thigh. It's another kind of warmth she's never felt before, and she doesn't mind if he would stay there longer than 15 minutes.

But of course, Erina doesn't want him to know that.

She throws her gaze upwards, and the twinkling stars and the warmth light of the moon greet her. Though the cold pricks more, she's thankful that she's still wearing Sōma's jacket- and secretly hoping that he isn't cold with only a t-shirt on. The clear sky above allows her to see even the baby stars winking at her once in awhile, as if the nature is teasing their closeness, but instead of feeling embarrassed with the strange thought, she smiles it off and shakes her head.

Looking to her right, Erina's sight lies on a pair of skinny yet well-built legs of Sōma. One of them is bent, and observing upward, his arms are neatly fold above his abodemen. She likes how his signature white headband circles his wrist, not sure why. But it will always reminds her of Sōma.

And then her viewpoint shifts to what lies above her thigh, and Erina's breath has been taken away.

Sōma is actually sleeping. He's looking as peaceful as ever with his eyes closed and lips separated slightly. His features are calm and he's even better looking with the moonlight that highlights his cheekbone. That cheerful face resting is actually quite a sight to behold- maybe it'll become her favorite expression of his.

But then Erina's eyes move to the streak of the scar above his eyebrow. She never noticed how wide it is until now, so with a curiosity in the back of her mind, a thumb of hers briefly touches the engraved scratch. Sōma sleeps still, thankfully- assuming it doesn't hurt. Taking it as a cue, she adds more intensity to her thumb and starts moving it.

His bushy, red hair- it hangs effortlessly along Erina's lap, looking extremely soft and… strokable.

At the sight of it, her hand reflectively moves towards the smooth lines of his hair. No- she isn't aware of herself when the softness enchants her that her slender fingers start tangling themselves in between the red strands after a few strokes. Let alone when she starts digging deeper that the tip of her fingers can feel his scalp.

And when her digits reach the end of his red locks, that's where it jolts her like a splash of hot oil that she has been brushing Sōma's hair.

What was I doing?! She thought before abruptly retracts her hand, but to her surprise, it's quickly caught by Sōma's sudden grasp on her wrist.

And slowly, his eyelids reveal those striking golden eyes, once again.

"Why stop there, Nakiri?" He breathes, smirking at the rosiness of her cheek till Erina finds herself panicking uncontrollably , "I'm just starting to enjoy it."

"I- uh… J-Just… D-Don't kid yourself, Yukihira! W-Why would I ever-"

She barely gets herself together when she has her hand pinned down to the side by no other than Yukihira Sōma, who has swiftly shifted himself into a sitting position, and she doesn't realize when the crook of her neck is being pulled towards him- towards his one feature that won't leave her mind alone.

Sōma's lips touches hers and her heart explodes. Her shock is completely devoured by his tenderness and instantly, the feeling she had the first time their lips met comes rushing back on her like an endless waves of tsunami.

She sees it again; the other, majestic world she only sees with his lips on hers. When the silence of the night goes into a deeper solitude with only sparks of fireworks to be seen. The sound of her heart pounding ringing through her ears isn't stopping her this time- she wants more.

And when Erina finds her features slowly relaxed by his crawling fingers to her scalp, her free hand cups his jaw line as he opens his mouth on her. The deep sigh coming from Sōma's throat is even more audible when her fingers explore the strands of his red hair once more.

To her disappointment, Sōma slowly pulls away, leaving the taste of his lips lingering a great deal that it magnets her slightly.

"Not bad for a second kiss, huh?" He cooed playfully as her purple eyes slowly disclosed.

Though their nose still touches and the air still pronounced the heat explicitly, the urge to clear the situation out isn't dimming within her by all means, which then comes out unexpectedly like pouring rain on sundays.

"Yukihira," Erina murmurs, "Is that why you brought me here? T-To confront me in private?"

"Huh? Which part is confronting to you?" His amorous facial expression quickly turns into confusion as he draws a gap between them once again.

"W-Well, none b-but-" She sighs, mentally cursing at herself for not staying silent and ended up putting herself through this insufferable knot, "Alright, I think there's no way out but to say it s-straight that-"

"Eh Nakiri, it's all good, for real." Sōma's fingers on her lips catches her by surprise and forces her to stop herself from a potentially shameful bable.


"Y'don't need to say anything, about anything."

"I don't?"

"Yeah, I mean, would it be awesome if you say it? Sure. But for now, I'd say we just live in the moment."

"What do you mean?" Erina questions to her puzzlement. Isn't he always eager for explanations? Especially after all the things that's happened between them, leaving her thought haunted with the urge to confess is just a flick away.

As he places his hand on his lap, he begins, "Let's say you're into me…"


"Let me finish, will ya?" Sōma squawks. Her constant denial is probably starting to bore him, so she simply says nothing at his remark.

"Aight, maybe, you are into me, and uh…" His voice tracks off. Golden eyeballs are rolled and throat grumbles as if they're carefully arranging the next utterance, "I'd say the feeling's maybe mutual, so… I think that's now off the table, yeah?"

Though the half-confession gets her a slight mental delight, Erina furrows her brows at his stressed words, and a question pops into her hollow mind: how did such a women-dense guy know?

"How did I know, eh?" He chimes in, jolting her once again with his mind-reading ability, "You kissed me, Nakiri. And that is a loud voice right there. Same goes for how you gulp down cooking."

"H-How could you be so confident, Yukihira? When I-I've never acknowledge you even once."

Sōma rubs his nose at her question, grinning in satisfaction for some reason before he explains, "A wise guy once said: The clearest voice to be heard is something that is shown. So if I look back, I think you've always liked my cooking."

Maybe he's right after all. Though she never said it to his face, her expression sure can't lie. It's painful to her that sometimes her body could betray her like that, especially for this particular redhead.

But other thing has piqued her curiosity: who's this wise guy he's talking about? Her inner fangirl grins thinking that it might be no other than his father, her idol Saiba Jōichirō, but again, his son might just be another thing she cherishes- something Nakiri Erina would never thought she'd admit.

"If you never kissed me, I'd never know that, eh Nakiri. So thanks for doing that." Sōma expresses his thank despite her response of silence.

With such earnestness radiating her face, Erina replies, "For what it's worth, I did learn many things from you too, Yukihira-kun."

"That's another thing we have in common, I guess. And also…" His voice trails off when she finds his callous fingers tangling at her hair ends… almost flirtatiously. Faces are not far apart, her purple eyes are locked with his golden ones, and it shines one of those dreamy James Dean looks she'd heard in song lyrics.

Then there it is again- the sound of her heart beating uncoordinatedly. Oh, how it prays to all gods to not have her blushing for the thousandth time because of this stupid boy.

But maybe, just maybe, it'll always be that way. Maybe she just have to get used to the fact that Yukihira Sōma infatuates her somehow, and for now, the last thing for her to care about is her pride and the fact that their relationship status is... questionable.

She's going for it.

"I know what you're thinking, Yukihira." She tells him faintly, unconsciously licking her lips prior to her hand that's crawling to reach his.

"Huh? You do?" Is all that escapes his mouth when Erina seals the little gap between their lips. She can feel him flinch a tad at her movement, but soon relaxed as her palm makes its way to the back of his neck, slightly intensifying the kiss. Though it surprises her that he didn't see this coming.

This time, she opens her mouth on his. Her tongue nudges the tip of his plump ones and immediately pulls away to tease him deliberately. To her pleasure, the intoxicated look of Sōma's face as she releases him tells her that she finally did it- Nakiri Erina can now be called God Tongue for other reasons.

"Y'see, I liked that, but I wanted to tell you that there's a grain of rice stuck to your hair."

Two strikes in a night. Marvelous job, Erina.

The rosiness on her cheek turns into a sun-burnt red in a flash, and the savage laugh from Sōma just adds more embarrassment to her to the point it's better for her to just vanish her existence. She can't believe she swallowed her pride for this.

"Y-YUKIHIRA! W-would you ever stop talking?!" Erina barks as her hands irritatedly brushing through her honey blonde hair until that stupid grain of rice falls off.

"Y'know I'm not good at that, cutie." He teases, pinching her reddened cheek, "Just remember this: even though you taking a second, third bite of my cooking is good enough for now, I will never stop trying to hear how delicious it is from this mouth of yours."

Though his seducer demeanor scrambles her stomach like a full-on rainstorm- especially now with his face only inches away, Erina hides it well with her sneer, "Try me, Yukihira. I still won't go easy on you."

"You're on." He accepts as he leans in to land in another kiss, and this time, she's prepared. There will be no shocks, no rush, and no rice on her hair. This time, it'll be perfect.

"Oh, by the way," Sōma blurts out and slightly pulls away when their upper lips only barely touch, much to her disappointment, "That wise guy was Isshiki-senpai, who happened to saw us kissing the first time."

Or maybe their perfect kiss would have to wait until a certain creep is securely tied in the basement.


A/N: Whoa did you guys just seriously read this fic of mine until this point? xD hopefully, this has brought a little joy to your day!

I don't really know what to say tbh. It's been a lot of fun writing this trilogy, and I hope you guys are loving it (oh God please do D:). Please let me know your thoughts on this little fun, fluffy trilogy I've written. I know it's far from perfect, but at least I tried not to be that much of a disappointment to the world lol. If you have any critics, politely let me know bcs I'd love to learn from you. And if you love this mini series, also let me know! Reading great reviews make my day, no matter how short it is :D

Either way, I just want to thank you guys for your time to read this. Thank you for the reviews, favorites, follows, all that good stuff. You guys have been my motivation to keep writing, which makes you people super awesome! And hopefully, I'll see you in my next stories.

Till then, ciao!