Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Glee or any of it characters. Special thanks to Niekie for helping proofread this story, she's all kinds of awesome.
2 Steps Away-Finding Your Brave
Santana's POV
From down the hall she heard the splash and looked up as the laughter started and Rachel turned to open her locker. On a sigh she pushed Puck away. "I don't have time for you just go."
He smirked and stepped away. "I'll just wait. The ladies always come back to Puckzilla."
Santana shook her head closing her locker and heading off down the hall. "Don't hold your breath. That ship has sailed and sunk," and with that she was off in search of her girlfriend.
When she got to the bathroom she wasn't happy to see Rachel like this with the Cheerios laughing at her so she yelled at them to leave. What happened next floored her but to be honest shouldn't have been surprising.
She knew she was floundering but she just couldn't seem to stop. She was terrified of everything and Rachel was getting the brunt of her fear in the form of her keeping her at arms-length and regressing back to her stupid freshman tactics. The moment the words 'step away' came out of Rachel's mouth she knew that she had taken things too far and she needed to fix this before she lost her completely.
Rachel shot her down though, walking away leaving her wondering how the hell she had let things get like this and if she would still have her girlfriend when this was all said and done. When the door closed behind Rachel she dropped to her knees and sobbed not knowing what to do now.
The next few days were hell for her and she could tell for Rachel too. She tried so many times to talk to or text the girl but she would never respond. She spent every waking moment trying to think of ways to fix this mess she had made. Contrary to Rachel's words she knew exactly what and who she wanted. She was just a damn coward and because of that she alienated the only person she ever truly loved.
She knew the moment she came out she would lose her grandparents and probably her parents and she didn't have anywhere to go when they kicked her out. Rachel was sympathetic to this and never pushed her to come out but then she had to go and start being an ass when school started. It made no sense to her now as she sat in contemplation every night trying to figure it all out.
After sitting all week in her own counsel, other than the fact that she needed Rachel one thing became abundantly clear. She was a damn fool. How could she let this happen after promising her love that everything would be ok when they went back to school?
It was now Friday and she was sitting on the bleachers in the stadium just looking out over the field. She wasn't even sure at this point that after everything that she put the love of her life through that she even deserved the girl anymore. Not that she ever really did but she always thought that she would do whatever necessary to prove herself after she got her.
She was so lost in thought she didn't see or hear Brittany coming toward her until she sat and spoke. "What's wrong S? You've been a sad panda all week and I don't think I've seen you smile in a month."
She just continued to look forward. "I messed up B. I really and truly screwed the fuck up."
Brittany scooted closer and put and arm around her. "Just say you're sorry and don't do it again. That always works for me."
Santana smiled slightly leaning into her best friend. "I'm not sure that will be enough this time. I think I ruined everything because I'm a coward."
They sat in silence for a little while longer than Brittany stood pulling her up with her. "You need to find your brave again San. You almost had it last year and you found it this summer when you actually let her in. You just lost it again and you need to find it and hold on to it tighter. If she's truly worth it to you than you have to find it."
She said it so matter of fact that Santana just stared for a moment. "How did you… what are you talking about Britt?"
Brittany smiled and kissed her cheek. "Last year you almost found your brave and admitted you were a Lebanese than this summer you did find it and told Rachel you loved her. Somehow after school started you lost it again and you just need to find it again and hold onto it better."
Santana was still shocked. "How did you know about this summer?"
She just shrugged. "I think you dialed my number on accident when you were making out with Rachel because you called me and I heard you kissing and say 'I love you Rachel.' I was so happy for you and I figured you'd tell me later but you lost your brave again and now you messed up but you can still fix it if you find it."
On a sigh she fell into Brittany's comforting embrace. "I don't know how to fix it B. What do I do?"
"I don't know S but if you find your brave I think you'll figure it out."
Stepping back Santana smiled slightly at her quirky friend and linked their pinkies. "I'll see what I can do but we really should go. It's time for Glee."
With a nod they headed in that direction pinkies still linked. When they entered the room all eyes were on a quiet Rachel. She was staring off in the distance unaware of the scrutiny of the others around her. Santana sighed softly pulling Brittany up with her to the back riser. It was breaking her heart to see her like this but the diva wouldn't talk to her.
When it took Mr. Schue so long to get her attention she could tell that she wasn't the only person in the room that was concerned. Everyone gave each other confused and concerned glances and watched as she finally made her way to the front of the room.
She thought that it was a good thing that her girl had asked to sing, that maybe she was coming back to herself a bit but the second Santana recognized the song she started to panic. Some of the others joined in singing back up but all she could do was sit there and shake.
Rachel never looked up. She never made eye contact with anyone. She just stood with her eyes closed, her heart broken and pouring out right in front of all of them and Santana almost let out a sob when the words 'as I walk away from you' came out of Rachel's mouth with such utter despair.
She sat through the entire song staring at her. She was willing her to look up and see that she was sorry, that this could be fixed but she never did. As the song came to an end she didn't know what to do. Then Rachel started talking, moving to turn to walk away and she knew.
She would do whatever it took and she stood. "Rachel…"
Rachel half turned on a sigh. "I can't…"
She moved to take a step again and Santana rushed down the risers. "Damn it Rachel stop, don't move."
Rachel finally looked up causing her to stop a few feet away at the look of utter defeat in her eyes. "What do you want Santana? I don't want to…"
As she spoke she moved to continued walking and Santana was in motion again interrupting her sentence. "No please stop moving. Please Rae."
She turned back and looked in her eyes. "I don't know what you want from me San."
Santana did the only thing she could think of to stop her and make her listen. She swooped in before she could take another step and took Rachel in her arms kissing her so tenderly it brought more tears to both of their eyes.
Soft gasps were heard throughout the room but neither of them heard anything. Not even when Finn said 'what the hell' and Quinn slapped him upside the head and told him to shut up. They just stood for a moment lost in each other until Rachel's senses fully caught up with her brain and realized where they were.
She tried to pull back but Santana wouldn't let her get far, "What are you doing San? Everyone is watching."
Santana spared a glance at the shocked faces staring at them and looked back into her eyes. "I don't care anymore. They're not important, you are. I am so sorry for being such a bitch. I know I don't deserve you, like at all, and I certainly don't deserve your forgiveness yet again but I love you so damn much and I am just so fucking sorry for being such a coward and letting that rule me. Please baby, please don't walk away from me. I can fix this, please let me fix this Rae. I love you."
By the time she finished tears were streaming and Rachel took her face in her hands lovingly wiping them away. "I can't go on the way we have been San. My heart can't take it anymore."
She pulled her in closer taking her lips again in a quick but loving kiss. "You won't have to. I will fix it."
Rachel smiled sadly, "How?"
Santana looked around at the other Gleeks then back to Rachel. "We are supposed to be a family in here right? I never should have asked you to keep us a secret from them and I am hoping that as our family they will give me time to talk to my parents about being gay before that video Porcelain is taking makes it to the general population."
She said the last of her sentence with a sneer in Kurt's direction and Mercedes slapped him in the head as Brittany took his phone and deleted the video. Rachel just looked into her eyes shocked. "I'm not asking you to come out to your parents baby I just wanted more time with you and for you to…"
Santana cut her off with a kiss and pulled back with a smile. "I have to do it at some point Rae. I cannot live my life in the damn closet. Look at what it's done to us. Look at what I've let it do to us. I was so afraid of someone seeing through me if I was being nice to you or doing something that would give us away because I can't seem to keep my hands off you in some way, I always have to be touching you. I let that fear rule my actions and all it did was tear us apart so no, I won't do it anymore. God Rachel you are worth more to me than anything, let me show you."
Rachel pushed her hands in Santana's hair. "What if they kick you out?"
"She can stay with me."
They look over to Quinn who is just smiling at them. "Mom is still giving me anything I want out of guilt. She'll let you stay if you need to, especially if it's for the same thing she feels guilty for."
Santana nods her thanks and turns back to Rachel, "See, covered. Please let me do this. Let me make this better. Please baby."
Rachel melted into her burying her face in her neck on a sob. Santana just held her close whispering in her ear. "Let me fix us. Let me keep loving you. Don't step away from me baby I need you."
When she finally pulled back Santana wiped her eyes and kissed her chin. Rachel started nodding. "Ok, I forgive you, I need you too."
"Oh thank god," she said as she pushed in and took her lips again in relief kissing her with all the love she had for her.
The room erupted in cheers pulling them apart slightly as they laughed happily into each other. Rachel moved to take a step back but Santana pulled her back to her desperately. "No you can't."
Rachel just looked at her in confusion. "What in the world baby?"
Santana shook her head rapidly. "I can't let you talk another step until you tell me you are not walking away from me."
"What are you talking about? I just said I forgive you."
"I know but you already took one step and I can't let you take the second unless I hear you say you aren't walking away from me."
Rachel looked at her still confused seeing she was being serious and cupped her face. "I am not walking away from you. I love you San."
Santana deflated and held back a sob releasing her finally letting her move her feet but not letting her too far. Rachel smiled still confused and was startled as Brittany ran up pulling her into a hug whispering into her ear. "You took a step away after you finished singing and your song said two steps so she couldn't let you take another."
As realization dawned on her she pulled out of Brittany's hold and fell back into Santana. "I will never walk away from you."
Santana finally let out the sob she had been holding onto and held her tight. After a few moments she calmed and they were swarmed by all the others talking at once, congratulating them and asking how they got together. She just smiled and gave Rachel a nod that she could tell them and just stood watching her tell their story with adoration in her eyes.
Brittany came up behind her and whispered in the ear that wasn't close to Rachel. "I'm glad you found your brave S."
She turned her head and kissed her cheek, "Me too B, me too."
A/N: Ok, there was part two. Let me know what you thought and if you'd like to see other one-shots in this universe.