Once the party had subsided late into the night and everyone left, Emma and Killian were left still sitting at a table that was off to the side. Both had a glass of water in front of them and were talking and getting to know each other while they waited for Snow and Charming to return.


Killian wanted to say something but his words were failing him, as he felt as uneasy as she did. He could tell that no matter how much they talked, she was still somewhere else in her mind and it frightened him. Was he that uninteresting? Was there something he should know about her parents? Was he not being the best mate he could be for her?

"What? Sorry…"

Emma looked down at her hands. She didn't want to admit that she was afraid of what her father was going to do to Killian. There were so many questions that were in her mind as she tried to figure out any answer, unbeknownst to her, everything she was feeling Killian was also feeling which amplified for both of them.

"Your parents are coming…"

Killian rose to his feet and offered his hand to Emma to help her up and guide her over to her parents. Snow stood next to Charming who looked less than pleased at Killian. From what Killian could gather it was because he had not only come uninvited and had already claimed his daughter was his mate but he was a lone wolf with no pack to call his own. A random wolf coming in and becoming alpha of a pack he was not a part of was a bit too much to swallow.

"Dad this is Killian Jones… Killian this is my father Charming, the Alpha of the Enchanted Forest Pack." Emma looked at her father with pleading eyes to not kill Killian.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alpha Charming." Killian took a bow, once again to show respect.

"Like wise." Charming watched Killian's actions and could see his daughter was scared of how he was going to react.

"What was it that you wanted to talk to us about Killian?" Snow placed her arm around Charming's.

"Well, what I wanted to ask the both of you was…" He looked at Emma then back to the Alphas. "I was wanting your blessing to mark your daughter when she is ready for me too."

Killian didn't know what the response was going to be and he fully expected it to not be a good answer. Emma grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze while they awaited her parent's answer. Charming wanted to explode at such a outrageous question, but when he seen that his daughter had in fact found her mate he knew he couldn't separate them.

"Snow, what are your opinions on this?" Charming mind linked with Snow to talk about the subject privately.

"I think that it is worth a shot. Considering he is willing to wait until Emma is ready and he is being respectful I don't sense anything wrong." Snow squeezed Charming's hand with a smile.

"Well Killian we have talked about it and Yes you may have our blessing." He could see Emma light up at his answer. "But there are a few rules, one: you have to wait till Emma is ready. Two: If you hurt her in any way or disrespect my kingdom, so help me I will end you."

"Of course, sir. I would go to the end of the world and time for your daughter and her happiness." Killian smiled down at Emma who quickly ran and hugged her parent's and thanked them over and over again.

"I'll hold you to that. Emma don't forget training continues early tomorrow." Charming winked at Emma before turning and picking up Neal and heading out of the ballroom with Snow close behind him.

"Yes, father." Emma smiled as she turned back to Killian. She knew that he now needed a room for him to stay the night in.

"That went much better than I was expecting it to go." Killian laughed.

"Yeah well you caught him on a good day, and it was my birthday so he couldn't say no easily." Emma giggled. "Now if you were some random guy and not my mate, you would be dead already."

"I gathered that."

"I'll show you to your room."

Emma smiled and started walking to the staircase of the castle that her parent's had ascended not too long ago. Killian couldn't believe that this was a place that she had grown up in. He and his brother had grown up in a shack on the outer perimeter of the Enchanted Forest Pack Territory. He had also become a Pirate shortly after his brother was killed and had lived at sea with Smee for the past 4 years.

"Here is your room."

Emma stopped at a door and opened it. She carried a candle into the room and set it on the dresser to light up the room. It wasn't the nicest room compared to hers but it was good enough for a guest or other pack members.

"Thanks, love"

He followed her into the room and looked around, it was definitely more than he used to.

"I am just a few doors down if you ever need anything." Emma smiled and knew she was putting a lot available on the table with those words but she just didn't see Killian being the type to accept those.

"Emma, do we need to talk more about the marking process or where do we stand with that exactly?" Killian scratched behind his ear with his hand.

"I don't know. It's not like I've done this before." She smiled but could tell it was eating him up.

"Okay…" Killian looked at her. "Goodnight, Love."

"Goodnight, Killian." She slowly exited his room and made her way down the hall to her room and began to change into her sleep attire. She could feel in her chest that the question Killian asked was eating him up. Her wolf was also getting a restless feeling the desire to be marked.

If mate wants to mark us, we should let him. Would be safer for us.

"Yes but I don't know if I am ready to commit to that."

Would be better than being free game to a fake mate.

"Fine, do you always have to be right about things?" Emma crossed her arms as she conversed with her wolf.

Yes. Mate needs us.

"I know I can feel it too."

From an outside view, it looked like Emma was talking to herself and should be put in a cell for her ramblings. She also now knew what Ariel meant when she talked about the pull she felt from Eric when they became mates. It was strong and the longer she stayed away the worse it became. She knew it was frowned upon to be in a man's room after hours, she wanted to try to sleep and see where that got her.

She had only lain in bed for a few hours before restless sleep and bad dreams had won her over to wake up. She began to wonder if Killian was having the same issue. She got up and left her room, luckily the castle was well lit from the moonlight, and she didn't have to use her wolf vision to wonder around the castle. She appeared at Killian's door and gave a soft knock and received a faint "Come in" from the other side. She slowly entered his room and shut the door as quietly as she could.

"Emma? What's wrong, love?" Killian sat up in bed, he looked like he wasn't sleeping well either.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry if I woke you." Emma looked down at her hand to avoid him from seeing the blush on her face she received seeing him shirtless once again.

"You can wake me anytime. Come join me."

He knew it was a bold statement to make and understood if she ran. Only to his surprise she didn't and came further into his room and crawled up into his bed. He had lifted the covers for her to get under as she entered. It didn't take Killian long to wrap his arm around her with the sheet and pull her close to him, he let a soft growl rumble from his chest and soon his hot breath was on her neck.

She felt safe and secure only this was really awkward for her, she wanted to tell him to ease up but he had quickly fallen back to sleep with his face buried in the back of her neck. She gave out a sigh and let sleep consume her, which happened quickly after he pulled her just a little closer once again. His musky scent was intoxicating and made her feel safe.

The next morning she woke and found that neither one had moved all night, she could tell he was still sound asleep by his even breathing. She wanted to lay there and enjoy it more until he shifted and went to pull her closer. She tried hard not to scream as something had poked her ass but she quickly made and escape after hitting him.

"What the fuck?" Killian groaned and rolled over into a ball. What Emma hadn't noticed was she punched him in the balls when she hit him. Not the best wake up call.

"That's what I want to know!" She had one of the bed sheets covering her as she stood in shock backed against the wall.

"What..?" It took Killian a moment to process what had happened. Between his bruised balls and his sleep covered vision. "Emma I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like really. Its normal for every guy to get a boner in the morning."

Emma stood with wide eyes as she realized what she had just done to him, she wasn't sure how she was going to react to it or help him but, how was she suppose to know?

"I'm so sorry Killian… I… It[s just… Umm, " Emma looked down and covered her face with her hands.

"Right, this is new to you." Killian reached out and pulled her to the bed once more and gave her a hug without letting his boner touch her again. "Its okay, it's all new things to learn."

"I mean mom and I have talked about it. Hel, even the girls and I have talked about it. Just never expected to actually get assaulted with it first thing in the morning." Emma laughed. Emma could feel her wolf rolling her eyes.

"I guess I have a lot to teach you then, love" He was already planning on how when she was ready.

"I guess so. Well, I have to go get ready for training. See you later." She smiled and left his room hearing him whimper as she left causing her to giggle more. He was cute when he whined.

Ha ha, you called mate cute.

"Oh shut up."

Emma returned to her room to change and go meet August in the foyer to begin her training.