It was the morning of her 16th birthday; she sat at her vanity as she pulled her blonde hair up into a ponytail for the day. It was not only her birthday but it was now the time that she was going to be able to find a mate. She could feel her wolf dancing around with such excitement; this caused her to laugh as she headed down the stairs to meet up with her parents.

"Emma, hurry up dear or we are going to be late," Snow announced before spotting her daughter at the top of the stairs.

"I'm coming mother. What is so important?" Emma finally reached the bottom of the stairs and looked up at her mother and father.

"Well, Emma your mother and I decided that to celebrate your birthday we would let you go out on a hunt this morning." Charming paused as he saw his daughters face light up. "By yourself"

Emma could hardly control her excitement. Usually, she wasn't ever allowed to go out on her own, she always had a bodyguard to follow her around and make sure that she didn't get into any trouble. He was also going to be her Beta wolf when she was of age to take the Alpha position. She looked over to see August standing at the door waiting to open it and release her to do as she pleased.

"Good morning August" Emma bowed her head to him.

"Good morning Ms. Emma." August bowed showing his respect.

Emma smiled, she had grown up with August and was still getting used to him treating her with such authority. They had trained together for the past 5 years, getting stronger and faster it was a time when things were a lot simpler.

Shortly after morning acknowledgments were exchanged, Regina and Robin walked in and stood by Snow and Charming.

"Happy birthday Emma" They both spoke in unison as they gave Emma a hug.

"Thank you both." Emma smiled and returned their hug.

"Now Emma we just want you to make sure that you stay on your toes, things have been a little off in the kingdom since there have been sightings of Rumpelstiltskin," Robin warned giving Charming a positive look.

"We also have the borders secured with wolves," Charming added.

"I promise that I won't do anything stupid, I won't even be going anywhere near the border of the territory. It's just a quick hunt then I'll be back for dinner." Emma smiled and reassured her parents and gave them a hug. "But please can I go before my wolf makes me sick with all of this excitement?"

Emma's question caused her parents to laugh and nod and they ushered her out of the castle. August followed Emma out of the castle and instantly went in a different direction. Snow and Charming turned and started talking with Regina and Robin as soon as Emma was out of earshot.

Emma headed off into the woods behind the castle, she started off at a slow jog before she shifted into her wolf and began running deeper into the woods. She slowed down to a walk after she was a good distance from the castle and listened to make sure that there was no one following her. She gave a wolfy smile when she didn't smell or hear August following her; she then took off running again.

Emma reached a river and chose to stop for a drink and to smell for any animals close by, only the scent that reached her nose didn't smell like anything she had ever known. It was a mixture of rum and a deep musky smell, she couldn't tell if it was getting closer or not and chose to go and hide and wait for the stranger.

The scent got stronger once she hid and heard the water splash, a pair of black wolves came onto the shore of where she once resided. She watched as one of the black wolves was sniffing where she once stood and began to sniff around and eventually started heading her way. Emma got tense and jumped from the bushes she hit when the mystery wolf got close enough and attacked him.

She growled as she pinned him down against the rocks, the other black wolf came at Emma and shoved her off the other wolf she was bound to kill. Soon all three shifted to human form preparing to have an argument.

"What are you doing here?! Who are you?!" Emma snapped at the two men that now stood before her.

"Easy, Love. We are just passing through. We know this is the Charming territory." The larger male took a step forward with his hands up, his accent was as thick as the scent of rum and musk was on him. The scent reached her nose once again only this time it didn't scare her.


Emma suddenly tried to shake the look of confusion on her face; this caused the tall man in front of her to laugh.

"Captain, I think we should get going before the royal guard comes." The little man looked intimidated by her.

"Now Smee that is no way to behave around a beautiful lass." A low purr came from the one called captain's lips as he said the last word.

"Who are you?" Emma tried to ignore the two, but his purr stirred her wolf causing it only joy.

Mate likes us

"I'm sorry for being so rude, love. Killian Jones." He bowed to Emma. "Who are you?"


She watched as he bowed and finally took in his shirtless figure, his deep blue eyes and the hair that covered his chest and trailed down below his pant line. It made the wolf inside her stir, causing a purr come from her lips. She quickly covered her mouth and looked surprised at the two men. Killian chuckled as he watched Emma's actions, he took was checking her out. Smee cleared his throat and quickly chose to leave the two be.

"Well, it sure is a pleasure to meet you, Emma. May I ask what you are out here doing?" Killian took a step forward sending a chill down Emma's spine.

"I-I'm out on a hunt. Today is my birthday." Emma wasn't quite sure why she felt like she was able to speak so freely to someone she just met.

"Well, happy birthday Emma." She hadn't noticed that Killian had walked right up to her, the wolf was so happy and she was beginning to feel how excited his wolf had become.

"Thank you." She hadn't noticed she was blushing.

"You're quite adorable aren't you? No need to be shy, love. Although I do love a challenge."

She quickly looked away trying not to stare into his deep blue eyes. When she made eye contact he was staring into her green eyes, she could hear his heart race and soon it matched the same pace of her heart.

Well, what are you doing? Accept mate. Emma tried to block out her wolf but she knew deep down that her wolf was right this was her mate. She didn't think that it would happen this fast or with a complete stranger. Killian could sense that she was uneasy.

"What's wrong, love?"

"This is just a new feeling for me. Are you feeling this as well?" Emma was confused

"Aye, love. Your parents have told you how these works haven't they?" Killian pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and breathed in her scent as he did so.

"Yes, they did. I just wasn't expecting something to happen this quickly." This caused Killian to laugh. She knew that he had a good few years on her and must have been around the block a time or two.

"Don't be such an open book, Emma." She looked at him confused. "Look how about this, we go hunting together and see how our wolves get along. If you feel okay with things, I will look forward to seeing you around." He gave her a wink

"Deal, but no funny business. I know how the whole marking process goes." She wasn't sure she wanted to endure the pain just yet; in fact what scared her most was the ritual that had to be performed after the marking happened.

"Aye, love. No funny business." He smiled and gently squeezed her arm before he turned and shifted and waited for her to join.

Emma smiled as he transformed, his black fur was perfect and his gold eyes looked like the sun. She turned and shifted into a wolf herself, while her fur wasn't like her mother's pure white she had more of a cream colored coat that matched her hair color quite well.

"See love, this isn't so bad" he watched as Emma jumped from his mind link.

"Do you mind not being in my head? It's hard enough to concentrate on the elk you made me miss earlier."

Killian gave a wolf laugh, what he didn't expect was for Emma to nip his leg as she walked past in an almost, knock it off, manner.


He watched as she caught the scent of the elk once again and took off in the direction. He followed close behind; he was surprised at how quick she really was. He also couldn't help himself from giving her a lovely little nip on her side as they ran; this caused a growl from her.

They soon found the elk and worked as a team to take it down together and enjoyed the kill together. The two wolves got along more than they thought; they spent the rest of the time together. The ran through the forest and tackled each other off and on.

"Ms. Emma? Are you planning on coming home?" August connected with Emma through mind link.

"August, I will be home soon. Tell mother and father that I have lost track of time." Emma felt guilty, she had lost track of time.

"Emma, are you feeling okay?" Killian could feel Emma getting more anxious.

"I'm sorry Killian, but I have to go home." Emma looked down and gave a small whimper. She couldn't believe how irresponsible she had been.

"It's okay, love. Go do what you need to do. I'm not going anywhere." Killian nudged her with his nose.

"Thank you, Killian." She gave a quick lick to his cheek and ran back to the watched her as she left and then went to go and find Smee.