I had made this story a while back but I just didn't exactly know where to start with it...so I had a better idea. Why don't I mix up my two favorite franchises together to make one amazing story. So here you have a Batman and a Mortal Kombat story all rolled into one so here's chapter one of this fantastic tale. Oh and don't worry the next my Drunk Kitchen episodes will come back just not yet so stay tuned for that. ^.^
Another Note: Can you identify the sad song that plays in Cassie's head as she sleeps
I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
And does he notice, my feelings for him
And will he see how much he means to me
I think it's not to be
Those words played inside my dream all night and I never understood why. Where have I heard that song? Who was him? What did he represent? Why did the voice sound like my old friend Jacqui who had disappeared a long time ago? We were coming back from their dance competition and the girls were acting crazy. Barbara Gordon was sleeping on my shoulder the whole car ride while the girls were in the car singing Work by Rihanna the song that still seems to be popular.
"Ugh!" I said trying hard to go to sleep but just couldn't due to so much talking and the fact that I just flat out couldn't sleep. A few minutes later everything came to a complete stop. The bus driver tried to start the bus again and it didn't work.
"Oh dear not again." The female bus driver sighed.
The dance teacher looked over at the girls and sat up and said, "Okay girls sorry but we might have to stay here for the night because the car isn't working and there is not a lot we can do at this time."
"Ewww I'm not sleeping on a bus." Cassandra Cain said.
Cassandra Cain has short black and the most popular girl on the dance team much to my disappointment I never understood why so many people liked her.
"Well it's either this or we are walking back to the school make your choice sweetheart." The dance teacher asked.
"Okay fine whatever." Cassandra said.
There were plenty of blankets for everyone to sleep with so that helped. Me and Barbara were drifting off to sleep but still the sad song was still playing in my head.
And will he see how much he means to me
I think it's not to be
"Cassie!" Barbara tries to whisper to her friend.
"Wha….huh...what is it?" I asked.
"The carnivals in town ya silly goose." Stephanie Brown jumps up and down for joy of course she was Cassandra's little minion.
"What carnival? What's going on?" I asked again.
"I heard there's a carnival in the woods." Cassandra Cain said.
"So you want to go?" I said rolling my eyes at her.
"Ummm yeah loser, better than being here." Cassandra said.
"What's the point, we're just gonna get in trouble when we get back." Barbara yawned.
"Oh stop being such a baby, Coach Hanna won't give a shit, we'll be back by mourning I promise." Cassandra said.
"What's at this carnival Cassandra?" Barbara asked crossing her arms.
"Well I heard that it's where all the bad kids go to be tortured." Stephanie said.
"Oh yeah that sounds safe." I said sarcastically.
"No honey...I'm pretty sure people just say that to scare you I'm gonna go to see what it's like." Cassandra said walking off the bus.
"Wait...don't go you could get in trouble." I said running after her.
"Since when were you ever worried about me Cage, last time I checked you told me to go jump off a cliff Junior year." Cassandra said crossing her arms at me.
"That's only because you were pissing me off, Cassandra don't go the last thing I want is for you to get kicked off the team...don't do something your regret in the future." I said a little worried.
"Don't tell me what to do Cage, I do what I want and there's nothing you can do about it come on Steph." Cassandra said walking down the road.
I rolled my eyes as I walk back to the bus stopping Stephanie as she passed me.
"Watch her crazy ass." I said to Stephanie as she nods and makes her way over to her friend.
I step on the bus and drift to sleep as Barbara stares out the window watching Cassandra and Stephanie leave and sighs.
"We should go with them." Barbara said.
"Why, they never did anything for us, and please the last thing I want is to go anywhere with Cassandra Cain even if our names are so close together." I laughed.
"Cass what if they don't come back? What if something happens to them? What if...Jacqui's out there?" Barbara spilled out.
"Jacqui isn't coming back, she left us remember? Disappeared without a trace...she's gone now." I said...that was just so hard to say, she did mean something to me no doubt but why did she have to go, I just didn't know what to say, I was just so choked up, her parents don't blame me, they knew that Jacqui was depressed, that she wouldn't talk to anyone. Me and Barbara always kept her in our hearts. Her parents said that they came home one night and she was gone but nothing was left behind which confused them, all her stuff was there but she wasn't it was just really confusing but they kept trying to find her and where she could have gone but no trace, Uncle Jax assumed the worst but Aunt Vera still believes she's out there somewhere…
"Okay we can go." I said.
"What changed your mind." Barbara asked.
"Uhhh...I just want to know what's there...and keep an eye on Cassandra and Steph of course" I smiled.
"Well let's go than." Barbara said.
We finally caught up with them when they turned around and saw us.
"It's about time you two showed up." Cassandra said putting her hands on her hips.
"Oh relax...now where is this carnival cause I don't see shit." I said disappointed.
"I'm guessing this sign that says keep the hell out could be a clue." Barbara laughed.
Stephanie walked right passed it and fell in a hole.
"STEPHANIE!" We all yelled and fell in after her, the hole was deep and dark and as we were falling we saw a light up ahead, and the next thing we knew we were in front of a sign that said HELL'S CARNIVAL.
"OH HELL NO GOODBYE!" Barbara yelled and ran the other way before she could Stephanie pulled her back.
"Calm down this could be funny." Cassandra laughed.
As they walked up to the ticket booth they were looking right at a man that looked to be their age with jet black hair, and pretty tall, with a weird red mask on his face.
"Welcome to The Carnival Of Regret, I'm the ticket guy and a performer other known as Jason Todd, please hand me your ticket and you will be allowed inside." He said holding out his hand.
"Umm we don't have any tickets sweetie." Cassandra said.
"No ticket no entry." Jason said.
"Oh come on, we didn't even know this place existed." Stephanie said crossing her arms.
"Let us in for free pretty boy, I'll make it worth your while." Barbara winked.
"Bribing me with sex...nice try but I'm not stupid enough to fall for that." He smirked looking more towards me.
"Although...you on the other hand-"
"Uhhh sorry I don't hook up with strangers." I said.
"Tell you what, if you guys can tell me the 7 deadly sins you can get in for free." Jason said.
Barbara got up and explained; "Gluttony, lust, pride, sorrow, wrath, sloth, and vainglory."
"Nice one well I guess you may go in but of course you guys will need tour guides right?" He asked.
"Of course." Stephanie said.
"Well it's going to be me and my great friend-"
Out of nowhere a man with a long ponytail showed up and walked up to Jason.
"Jason what are you doing we have a show in a couple minutes you know the boss will kill us if we aren't there." He said.
"Jesus Christ Jin at least introduce yourself to the hot chicks." Jason said pointing at the girls.
"God damnit are you doing another fucking tour?" Jin asked.
"Yeah plus it's no big deal more money I guess." Jason said.
"Ugh...just hurry up and make it to the theatre after your done with this already." Jin said.
"You got it." Jason said.
Jin walked away and went straight to the theatre, Jason rolled his eyes.
"That's Kung Jin, he's a pretty nice guy when you get to know him, he just doesn't really know how to talk to people." Jason said shaking his head.
"There are more of you?" I asked.
"Yeah, you got Takeda, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Mileena, Skarlet, Kitana, Mckenna Anderson, Erron Black, and Jacqueline." Jason said shrugging his shoulders.
That woke me up…
"Wait hold up did you just say Jacqueline as in Jacqui Briggs?" I asked.
"Yeah that's what I said, she's pretty nice...really quiet though." Jason replied.
"Where is she?" I said pestering him with questions.
"I don't know, everyone tends to disappear in this damn park." Jason said.
"On with the tour sweetie." Cassandra clapped.
"Okay here we go...over here you have the park where you can go on many rides, and that's where you can get food don't eat it it all tastes like shit, and over here you have the carousel, then the ferris wheel, and over there is the theatre where we have our shows where to first ladies." Jason asked.
I would love to go on the carousel with you Jason." Cassandra said grabbing onto his arm I rolled my eyes at her...fucking slut.
"TO THE CAROUSEL!" Jason yelled.
We got on the carousel and we all sat near each other Cassandra with Jason on a seat, Stephanie on a horse, and me and Barbara on a horse. I was so shocked when I heard that she might be alive that makes me so happy but it makes me so nervous because I haven't seen her in years and the thought of what she might look like kinda shocks me. I couldn't wait to see my friend, I was also wondering why she never came home it makes me super sad that she never bothered to call me but I guess things happen for a reason. As I sat on the carousel that sad song started playing in my head.
What will become of my dear friend
Where will his actions lead us then
Although I'd like to join the crowded
In their enthusiastic cloud
"God there it is again." I said hitting my head against my hand.
"You okay Cass." Barbara asked me when had finally made it to the food.
"Yeah just thinking." I said.
"Shall we make it to the hall of mirrors they say when you look into it, it tells your future." Jason laughed.
"I highly doubt that." Cassandra said shaking her head.
"You'll be surprised my dark haired beauty." He winked.
We walked into this weird room that had about 6 mirrors in it I looked around and the thing was I only saw my reflection in this mirror...it was weird. I was so nervous about having to look in the mirror and see my future but I walked up to the first one I saw and just looked at myself the first thing I saw was me in a dress not a regular dress but a gown a white one at that, almost like I was in a wedding dress and a nice little veil, a huge bouquet, and my hair was a lot longer than it is now.
"OH MY GOD! CASSIE LOOK!" I whipped my head around and looked at my friend Barbara she was in a pretty dress standing near a boy.
"He must be my Prince Charming *sigh* how I wish I had a boyfriend." Barbara said sadly.
Cassandra Cain and Stephanie were in Ballerina outfits dancing around it was all good fun but I felt like this all just meant something and Jason was just looking at us with a huge grin on his face...I wonder what he was thinking about. I turned back to my mirror and got a different image I was now dancing with someone (the instrumental to The Call by Regina Spektor played in the background), he was dressed in a tuxedo and he was an amazing dancer we both leaned in for a kiss and it happened we both took a moment to admire each other and I felt like crying so much then we both looked at me and brought a finger to their lips making a shushing noise. Although I take another look at the boy and he looked a lot like Jason but why….
I whipped my head around once more and was face to face with Jason he then takes my hand into his…
"What did you see in your future?" He whispers to me.
"I….I...was in a dress." I said thinking I look back at the mirror and I along with Jason was gone, it was weird did that mean something or was I just losing my mind.
"JASON!" We both separated our hands and looked for the voice and right in front of us was a women with long red hair tied back into a ponytail and she was wearing a white lacy mini dress with black boots and crossing her arms at Jason.
And that's the end of chapter one, I'm actually pretty excited for this story because I made a lot of major changes and I hope that you all will enjoy it as mush as I do. So… questions who should Cassie end up with and get married to? Who is the red haired women? Who's their boss? Who the hell is Jason? *Cough Batman Arkham Knight character* This is my first rated M story so hopefully this does well.