Snow white hair and blood red eyes. Clothed in a long brown shirt, black pants, brown sandals, and a black vest with a crimson dragon on the back. No one knows this man and his real name. He just calls himself the Crimson Dragon. He is from Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire. When he gets a request to go help the Fourth Hokage, he accepts. But under one condition. To live with the young Hatake.

"Who are you and what business do you have here?" I yelled out into the surrounding trees, two kunai drawn. I was minding my own business, in my house that was supposed to be hidden from anyone. But as I walked out this morning, a kunai holding an explosive tag was thrown at me. I of course threw it back instead of let my house be blown up. I worked hard on this place!

I got no reply. "Don't tell me you ran away, or I actually knocked you out with your own kunai." I sighed. I made it look like I dropped my guard to see how skilled the person really was. If they were a shinobi, they would think this was an act. If they weren't, then they would attack. I walked forward a few steps and my mind was at work. Where could they be? Who could they be? Why were they here? And lots of other questions like that.

I heard a soft whistle and turned around, also moving to the side. A kunai landed where my feet were a few moments ago. I looked down at it to see there was just a plain old note attached to it.

"So you're a shinobi from Konoha?" I said loudly. "Tell Hiruzen I'm still not coming back." I picked up the kunai and read the rest of the note. As I did so, I sensed a chakra presence step up on my current blind side. So when I moved the kunai, they would be right there. Clever.. I continued to read the note anyway.

My name is Kakashi Hatake. I am a shinobi from Konoha. I was sent by the Fourth Hokage, Minito Namikaze to retrieve you.

It was a small note, not much room to write. But the person did a good job summarizing. He even added his name. So he was someone who wanted my trust. I slowly lowered the kunai and was actually really surprised to be faced with a child. Or a really short teen. He had a mess of white hair on his head, a ANBU mask covering his face along with the traditional ANBU Black Ops outfit. How old was he? His name is Kakashi Hatake, right? As in, related to the White Fang? Shoot...

"You don't look as impressive as the Hokage said you were." He said.

He was younger than 20, for sure-Wait, what?!

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Looks aren't everything, you know." I pointed the kunai at Kakashi and shook it at him.

He didn't seem fazed at all. I looked down at myself and just remembered I was in my pjs. Which consisted of a baggy white/gray shirt and gray shorts. My hair must've been a mess to seeing as I woke up on the wrong side of my bed. But his looked messier then mine, I will bet one bowl of ramen.

"It's not my fault no one gave me a head's up that I would be having visitors." I said as Kakashi took his kunai back.

"Well finding you wasn't an easy task."

Why was his voice so emotionless and blunt? Can't he lighten up a bit?

"Fine. Just let me get dressed."

"How do I know you won't escape?"

"You don't." I responded as I turned and headed back inside my cabin. Very much aware of the kid following me inside. I didn't close the door for that reason.

I changed into my normal attire and grabbed my backpack, making sure I had enough food pills to last a month. When I turned around, the kid was standing in the doorway. I would've thought that he would look around, observe the place. He was still young. And young people are curious, right?

"Let's get going." I said in a calm, cheerful voice as I headed towards him.

He thankfully moved out of my way and let me walk out. He followed and I heard the door close. When I got near the forest's edge, I turned back to look down at him "Does this appearance look a bit better to you?" I asked. He seemed to be caught off guard when I asked him that question.

He looked me up and down before shrugging. "I thought you would've been older. And more mature."

"Hey! I'm offended." I put a hand to my heart. "I have to keep my sprits up somehow. Just because I'm alone in the world doesn't mean that I need to be stern and not try and have fun. There's still light in the world." I glanced up as I said this. Then something caught my eye.

"Well, if you'll excuse me." I said with a cheerful smile. I saluted to Kakashi and jumped up into the tree and began running. I did say I wasn't going back. Doesn't matter which Hokage is asking. I'm not going there on orders. With an escort, no doubt. It wasn't my style. And I would stop by there sometime in a week to see what Minato wanted.

Kakashi sighed and shook his head as the Crimson Dragon shot off into the trees. Just as Minato-sensei said. He would run away at the most dramatic moment, even if he didn't intend to. But they were prepared. Did he even think of why Kakashi was here alone? Did he even notice?

"Gah!" Came a startled cry.

"I guess he fell into the trap." Kakashi muttered as he made his way towards the chakra net they set up. This mission would be a lot shorter then he thought.

He stopped and looked down at the net to see it was empty. He was actually a little surprised, but not by much. Minato had told him many things about the Crimson Dragon. He had a habit of being dramatic and cocky. But he was indeed strong.

"Gotcha, didn't I?" Came a highly amused voice from behind Kakashi. He spun around, seeing the white-headed man smiling cockily at him. The red eyes no longer filled with glee. "I didn't get my reputation as a Dragon for nothing. The chakra net was very good. It actually got me. But my flames can burn it." He said, spinning a kunai on his finger.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and jumped back, putting his hand on the light sword on his back.

"You really think I want to fight you?" He smiled and shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you, kid. I know you didn't make it to where you are for nothing. You have skills that are strong. You're probably the promised protégé from your days at the academy. Then you went through some pretty hard things, most likely including death. Then! You got to where you are now at a young age." He ranted. "You're probably better than me considering your father is the White Fang."

Kakashi gulped as his life was pretty much summed up by a total stranger. He shouldn't be surprised, but he was. He looked up at the man and saw his eyes for the first time. They weren't what he expected. Slightly yellow and cat-like. He blinked and he suddenly found himself living flashbacks that he would rather forget. All the good times he has had, and all the bad. He shook his head and closed his eyes shut. Why was this happening now?

Then he felt something wrap around his waist and his eyes hot open. What was this? He couldn't move!

"I am terribly sorry you went through that..." Came his voice. It was soft and reminded him of his father. "I will go with you, but I want something in return. From you."

Kakashi tried to move his head to look at him.

"You can talk, you know. Stop holding your breath. You can breathe to." Kakashi could hear the eye roll.

"Why can't I move?" Kakashi asked.

"It's a genjutsu of mine." He moved into Kakashi's sight. "I use this for multiple things. Interrogation, when I want to escape or infiltrate, or when I just want to talk to someone with my safety guaranteed."

"But your safety is not guaranteed."

"Oh, it is. The others here won't attack me because if they do, there's no one stopping me from cutting off your ability to breath."

"I don't care if you do."

"Wow!" He suddenly yelled, throwing his hands into the air. "You are just downright depressing, aren't you kid?" He asked as he moved out of Kakashi's sight again.

Kakashi stayed silent. That's not what he expected anyone to say. Especially someone who had a reputation like the Crimson Dragon.

"Okay. All I want from you is to allow me to live with you."

That caught Kakashi off guard. "What?"

"You know." He breathed deeply. "Live with you. Act like an older brother."

"Why?" Kakashi asked.

"Because, I promised Sakumo before he committed suicide... I would-"

Kakashi suddenly felt movement return to his body and he turned to look at him, only to see he was unconscious. And in Itachi's arms. What did he promise my father?