Chapter Text

Marinette just wanted to go home.

Ladybug outshone her in every way. She'd never be able to live up to, well, herself. She was brave in that mask, unafraid of the consequences of her actions, confident of her place in society as Paris's hero. As Marinette, she was clumsy, stuttered too much, and could barely control her own emotions.

This was a nightmare. It wasn't like some random person found out, this was Adrien! And sure, he was flirting with her, but it wasn't really her. Just like the rest of Paris, Adrien loved Ladybug but barely even glanced at Marinette. Even Alya, who loved Marinette more than anything, would probably rather have been best friends with Ladybug than Marinette.

It wasn't fair.

She climbed out of her sleeping bag, sniffling, and started to pack up her stuff. She'd been crying for a good hour, and she didn't want to embarrass herself even more. Adrien glanced at her sharply, his eyes red and puffy. Marinette didn't notice, but he'd been crying too. She went out onto Nino's balcony with her stuff, and whispered to Tikki, "Spots on". Ladybug swung away from Marinette's troubles.

As soon as Marinette got home, she detransformed and broke down, sobbing, on her bed. Tikki tried to comfort her.

"Marinette, don't cry! Adrien didn't mean to hurt your feelings, he was just... I don't know. That was very unlike him. But he definitely didn't want to hurt your feelings! Adrien isn't like that." Marinette sniffled and looked up.

"It's not just that, Tikki. Sometimes I feel like Marinette can never live up to Ladybug. She's so much braver. If I were Ladybug all the time, my life would be so much better. People would care about me, not out of pity, but because they respect me."

Tikki sighed. "But Marinette, you ARE Ladybug! She is you! Lots of people love and respect you. Your parents and Alya, even Nino. I do too, Marinette, and not just because you're my miraculous holder. You're kind, you stand up for people, you're a good leader, and you try to do what's right. You have all the same qualities Ladybug does, because you are her! People love Ladybug for the same reason they love Marinette." Marinette sniffled.

"But that's the thing, Tikki. They love Ladybug more because she has the best in me without the worst." Tikki sighed again, realizing she wasn't getting anywhere.

"Get some sleep, Marinette." Once Marinette nodded and laid down, Tikki tucked her in and planted a small kiss on her forehead. Soon, Marinette fell into a deep, crying-fit induced slumber.

Alya and Nino left his room the next morning, Alya giggling and Nino grinning about something he said. They paused when they saw Adrien. Adrien sat on the couch, and frankly, he was a mess. His hair was matted with tangles from tossing and turning, his face was red and eyes puffed up from a fitful lack of sleep, and his expression was somber.

Nino rushed over. "Hey dude, what's wrong? Where's Marinette?"

"She left." Adrien's voice was carefully calculated as to not show any emotion, the same way it often was when he spoke to his father.

"Did something happen?" Alya asked worriedly, afraid something about Marinette's crush might've caused a catastrophe.

"Nah, she just had a nightmare and went home." Nino and Alya were unconvinced.

"Okay... How about breakfast?" Nino suggested, trying to break the tension.

"I'm okay, Gorilla's on his way to pick me up."

Alya and Nino gave each other worried looks.

"Alright" Alya said, unable to mask her concern. A knock sounded, and Adrien stood up.

"Thanks for having me, Nino. Happy birthday!" He gave Nino a weak smile and a hug, which Nino tightened.

"Thanks for coming, man. It wouldn't have been the same without you."

Adrien picked up his bag and headed out with a wave, leaving behind two very worried best friends.

Once he was home in his room, he opened up his jacket, letting Plagg out.

"You messed up, kid," he said, with what was almost a hint of sympathy.

"God, Plagg, I never meant to hurt Marinette like that. I... I love her."

Plagg snorted. "All of Paris knows that. But think about how Marinette feels hearing that. Are you sure you don't love her just because she's Ladybug?"

"Yes." Adrien said with absolute certainty, and he meant it.

"Then why did you never talk about Marinette before? Think about it from her point of view." Adrien paused and bit his lip. He knew he probably would've had a crush on Marinette if it weren't for his huge crush on Ladybug, and maybe if he got to know her even better. Every time he talked to her, they got closer, and he liked what he learned. She was sweet, kind, and dared to stand up for herself and others, all things Adrien wished he could do.

It didn't really matter, either way. Marinette nor Ladybug liked him. His love was one-sided, and now both of her sides hated him.

Adrien groaned in frustration. "How am I supposed to fix this, Plagg?"

"I don't know, love is complicated. I should know, I'm in love with Camembert. It's a real struggle when she isn't around," he hinted. Adrien rolled his eyes and grabbed Plagg some cheese from the minifridge on his floor.

"See? A match made in heaven!" Plagg downed the cheese in one gulp and licked his lips. Adrien sat back down on his gigantic desk chair, and rested his chin in his hand. Then he remembered- Marinette had said she had a crush on Chat Noir.