Hiya guys its Wolf with the SEVENTH chapter of Split! Yes that is right we're actually on our seventh chapter or as I call it the last chapter! Special thank you to everyone who favourited, followed, reviewed or even just read one chapter! It means more to me than I could ever describe! At the end of this chapter I will list everyone who left a review and if your not mentioned that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I tried to make it long!

Wolf: Blimey I almost forgot the disclaimer!

Raph: Well then say it!

Wolf: You say it! Its the last chapter so be nice!

Raph: No its your story so you say it!

Leo: Quit bickering! Wolf doesn't own TMNT!

Wolf: Thank you!

Nobody's P.O.V

Raph just stared at Donnie dumbfoundedly and Shen just smiled.

"Yes you're correct Donatello I see that your brain has gotten even bigger than it used to be 10 years ago, yet you are 100 more intelligent," Shen chuckled.

"Wait... so you guys survived the fire and you're my younger brother Donnie?" Raph asked uncertainly and Donnie nodded. "I'm not the sappy type of person but..." Raph threws his arms around Donnie and both boys started crying.

"I- I missed you and Mikey so much! I t-thought y-you w-were d-d-dead!" The younger sobbed, gripping his long-lost big brother tighter.

"I had t-to step up as big brother and I just didn't know how to comfort Mikey, he took it the hardest," Raph whispered. "Wait, how did you find out?"

"It was quite obvious," Donnie said calming himself. "You two had the same names as you did when we last saw you 10 years ago, you looked the same and Leo has just gone to give Mikey a blood transfer,"

"You still have that big brain of yours huh," Raph smirked, punching the taller lightly.

"My sons lets go see your brothers and father I'm sure they will want to see you," Shen smiled.

The three of them walked down the corridor and stopped outside Mikeys door. Donnie's hand hovered over the knob, how would his little brother, his only little brother react to finding out his two older brothers never died? Raph noticed his hesitation and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. With deep breath Donnie slowly turned the handle and swung the door open.

Mikey's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Leo and Donnie, two of my best friends are actually my two long lost brothers? My lost family were never actually lost just split?

"L-Leo?" I croaked out and he smiled at me warmly, opening his arms out wide. With alot of effort I crawled into Leo's arms and started sobbing.

"Shhhh, its ok little brother I'm here," Leo whispered comfortingly yet I could hear his voice cracking.

"I- I didn't believe y-you g-guys w-were gone, all I h-had was R-R-Raph and h-he was a-awesome a-and s-still is but I m-missed y-you guys!" I sobbed into Leo's chest not caring if this much movement would hurt me.

"Guys?" Asked Donnie as he walked in and stared at my tear-stained face. "Are you okay? Do you know?"

At this I only sobbed harder and all three of my brothers ingulfed me in a hug. I can't believe it but my whole family were here with me.

Yoshi smiled at his sons and turned to Shen.

"I always knew you were still alive," He whispered taking her hands into his.

"Me to, my husband. But what are we going to do with the money the government gave us?" Shen asked.

"We shall pay for a new house, if you want you can invite Amanda, Renet and Mona to live with us?"

"But can we afford that big of a house?" Shen questioned.

"Yes, my love," Yoshi smiled.

"Hey! How come I'm not in the reunion?" Karai smirked as she walked in.

"Come over here we're hugging," Donnie said.

"No thanks you know I'm not a hugger," Karai said.

"Can you guys please stop?" Begged Raph who wasn't a fan of hugs.

"Nope!" Mikey smiled brightly and grabbed Raph around the waist to pull him into another hug.

Yoshi chuckled, "They are still the same 6 year old children,"


Two Weeks Later

Mikey was sat in the park with Renet, chewing happily on his burger. He'd been "freed" from hospital 2 days ago and was enjoying his time with his complete family but today he wanted to spend a little time with Renet.

"So what was the Shredder like?" She asked carefully.

"He was so big! He had blades everywhere and a spiky helmet" Mikey said fearfully.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Renet said sympathetically staring at him. "And I want to ask you something, I was going to ask you ages ago but then you got into hospital,"

"What is it?" Mikey asked, looking her in the eye.

"You promise not to laugh at me," Mikey nodded.

"Michelangelo... will you be my boyfriend?" Renet asked shyly and Mikey just stared at her.

"Renet, I... would love that!" Mikey yelled and hugged her tightly. Renet laughed and hugged him back.

"So we have more lovebirds," Came Leo's voice. Mikey's brothers and Mona stepped out from behind the trees.

"W-what do you mean," Mikey asked, blushing a deep scarlet.

"Well, Raph here is with Mona and Donnie asked out April," Leo smirked seeing everyone blush.

"You need to get a girlfriend bro," Mikey said which made everyone laugh.

"Come on lets go home guys we're having pizza!" Donnie grinned.

"PIZZA!" Mikey and Renet yelled. "Last one theres a rotten egg!"

And in the sunset 6 teenagers ran home, four brothers, two sisters, one true family.


ITS FINISHED! *falls back onto bed* My first story is finished! Now here are the stats *audience groans*. Okay so according to Fanfiction this story has (at the moment) exactly 1000 views! I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating from shock! I can't believe that many people actually rad this little fanfiction! Now onto the list of reviewers! Here they are in order from the first reviewer-

Orange Dash,




WaffleLord3000 (still love that name dude!),

Ninjas Say Hi,


Girlfriendofaninja (your review still makes me smile!),




River Over Stone,

Not only this but alot of you guys came back and reviewed more! I'm so happy that you love my work! Now here are the followers/favouriters-



Junon Hamato. The beserker,


Ninjas Say Hi,

Orange Dash,


River Over Stone,





Booyakasha Queen,


Thank you to everyone who also put me on author alert and I just realised... this authors note is going to be longer than the actual story! There will be a new story coming soon called Little Brothers so if you want you can check that out! Now for the last time on Split... BYYYYYEEEEE!