Another bright and sunny day in LA. A ray of light beams through a crack in the shades of a dim room. The room is cluttered with tossed clothing, sketch props, and other miscellanies items. The alarm clock began to blare on the nightstand next to the bed. A low voice groans as a hand extends and clicks the button to silence the wake up call. The figure sits up in his bed and stretches. He throws the covers off of him and he makes his way to the bathroom just cross the hall. The man flicks the light on and stands in front of the sink. Looking up he sees his reflection.

Red hair tossed to the side messily, a scraggly half shadow of a beard, and tightly squinted eyes.

"Well good morning handsome."

In a low tone Mark Fischbach, also well known on YouTube as Markiplier, Greets himself with a half smirk.

"Well... Today's the day."

Mark's good friend and fellow YouTuber Sean, also known as Jacksepticeye, is coming to visit for a week. Jack had visited plenty from his home in Ireland, but this time, Mark had something he needed to tell Jack.

The two had been friends for quite some time, and for a while Mark tried to deny them, but his feelings grew more and more, far too much to simply ignore any longer. It tore at him inside. Their time spent together was always filled with good times and laughter. Mark began to fall for Sean. The playful flirting, the self shipping, all ways to try and cope with what was thought to be impossible. It was time to see if it really was.

Mark showered and teased at his hair. He dressed in his lucky flannel, Grey jeans and boots. It was 8 AM and Jack's flight is scheduled to land at 10. The airport is only a half hour drive from his LA home. During the time he had left, Mark made a short video to post about Jack's visit, keeping professional. Now 9 AM Mark heads out to drive to the airport. He spent that short drive and the remaining time waiting mentally prepping himself.

What if he doesn't feel the same? What if it ruins the friendship? These thoughts ran through his head so much that he hadn't realized that the green haired Irishman now stood in front of him.

"Mark! Yer seemin' a bit banjaxed there."


"Tired man, Ye seem out of it."

"Oh no, sorry. Just in thought."

"Well ye better warn somebody. Might start a fire."

The two chuckled. Sean grabbed his luggage and they headed out back to Mark's home. They talked about the videos they planned to make and how much fun it would all be. Traffic was crazy and Mark grew more nervous the longer the two were stuck in such a tight space. Sean noticed Mark seemed off.

"Hey buddy, you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ye just seem a bit off today. You sure you're cool to have me over?"

"Yeah of course! Always glad to have you over."

"Daaaw shucks. Aren't you just a regular ol' sweetheart."

Mark blushed slightly but regained composure. The two arrived at the house, Mark helped Sean bring his luggage in and set it in the guest room. Sean stood from setting down his bags and sighed.

"Man, I'm starving. Got any food 'round here?"

"Sure thing. Help yourself."


Sean left and went to the kitchen. Mark watched from the living room as his friend made himself a sandwich. How am I even going to do this? Mark hadn't thought of an actual way he was going to tell Sean. He decided to try some playful flirting to see where it went.

"Hey honey, how about a sandwich for me too?"

"Ha! Nice try, but you're gonna have to make yer own."

Mark exhaled disappointed.

"Well, was worth a shot."

Mark chuckled trying to hide the sinking feeling he now felt. It worked as Sean smirked. The two ate their sandwiches, joking back and forth and discussing new games and new YouTube rules and regulations.

Now noon, Mark and Sean work on their first video. It was a blast as always. Mark loved hearing jack laugh. He caught himself gazing at jack here and there. But he can edit that out. The knot in Mark's stomach grew tighter. It was only the first day of the visit but it felt like an eternity of torture. Each minute passed was another spent trying to muster up the courage and words to finally tell his friend how he felt.

After the video was finished, it was 9 PM.

"Hey Jack, how about we go out for dinner?"

"What is this now? Asking me on a date are ye?"

Mark stumbled a second at what The Irishman said.

"No dude, just too lazy to cook."

"Shoulda figured. Yeah sounds great."

Mark turns away, hiding his blush. The pair grab their jackets and head out. They eat at a local game bar. Sean drinks a couple beers with his dinner and mark barely eats a thing. Afterwards there is a silent drive home. Sean would look over at Mark, seeming concerned. Mark couldn't even have a couple brews to settle his nerves.

Home again the two settle in the living room and watch some TV. More silence fills the room. Eventually Sean turns to mark, slightly buzzed, and asks;

"Hey man, you sure yer alright? You've been acting differently since we met at the port."

Mark just nodded without a word. But Sean pushed on.

"Mark, what's wrong? You can talk to me man."

After a moment mark huffs and faces his friend.

"Sean... I've been thinking about a lot lately. I've actually thought about it for quite a while now. But I never wanted to say anything in case it made things weird."

"What are ye on about?"

"We've been friends now for a while, and it's been a blast. But.."

Mark froze. For a moment unable to speak.

"Mark, go on."

"I like you Sean."

"Ye mean, like like?"

Mark said nothing but nodded to the question. Sean, not knowing what to say, sat silently as well. He turned and faced forward in thought.

"But, I thought you were straight."

"I was, well... I thought I was. I don't know. It just kinda, happened."

"I'm not sure what ta say. I mean, I like you too, but I'm not sure I feel the same. Sure whenever we hang out I'm happy and have a great time. I don't know what to say."

Mark leans forward placing his face in his hands.

"Man, now I've messed things up."

"Hey now! I'm not giving an answer now. But I need to think about it. I do like you Mark. A bit more than friends perhaps. But I'm not sure if it's that much more."

Mark picks himself up and faces Sean.

"Well... what do we do now?"

"We see how things go. Just let things happen as they will."

"Okay, I'm sure I can do that."

Sean opens his arms offering Mark a hug. The emotional YouTuber falls into Sean and hugs him. It didn't go as bad as he had feared, but Mark knew that things would be changing for worse or for better.