Chapter Four.

"Have you been watching the news lately?"

Ventus looked over at Aqua, questioning, as they came to a stop beside her car.

"No, I haven't had a chance to… What's happened?"

Aqua clicked the keyless entry for her car and the vehicle flashed its lights twice, the doors quietly unlocking. She paused beside the driver-side door, obviously troubled.

"Well, there's been a number of reports made about the forest in the last couple of days – they're saying it's 'sick'."

"Sick!?" Ventus was immediately on edge.

Aqua nodded. "Yeah, it's strange. They're saying that some sort of unknown virus has spread through the air or soil. Many of the trees are showing signs of decay, and a lot of the birds have started migrating too early in the season. I know they've already done a series of tests in two of the major river systems, but they can't seem to figure out what's causing it."

"Oh, no…"

As if on cue, they both turned and looked over at the forest. The green depths were unnaturally silent, none of the usual birdsong reaching them.

Now Ventus was more than worried. "But, that means…if we release Terra back out there… He might get sick, too!"

Aqua offered him a reassuring smile, but Ventus could see the strain. "We can't know for sure, Ven, but for now, we should definitely keep him safe here. He still needs at least three weeks before his leg will be fully healed, and we really need to get him moving more, too… Just to test his weight on the injury and keep his hind muscles engaged."

"Definitely," Ventus agreed. "I'll have him up and moving around tonight if you think that'd be a good idea?"

"I think that will be fine, but just take it in small steps, okay?" Aqua briefly gripped his shoulder before opening her car door and sliding inside. She closed the door and wound down the window as the engine started. "I'll be around again on the weekend, but let me know how it goes."

Ventus finally smiled, feeling slightly better at the prospect of Terra walking again. "Okay, I'm sure I'll be able to handle him on my own. It's almost like…he listens to me."

"It really seems like that," Aqua laughed quietly. "He's certainly the most intelligent stag I've ever come across…in a league all of his own!"


Despite Aqua's reassurance about Terra's progress, Ventus still couldn't help feeling anxious. Later that afternoon, after he'd come home from work, he found himself in his usual spot at Terra's side, trying his best to study for one of his upcoming exams. He caught himself staring off into space more times than he could count, though, not even Terra's warmth easing his troubled thoughts.

When Aqua had left, Ventus had gone to see what he could find on the latest news bulletins. The forest was indeed sick with some sort of creeping disease that had many scientists and environmentalists baffled over the cause, as well as the original source. Ventus didn't know what other options they would have if by the time Terra was well enough to be returned there, the forest was no longer a safe place for him – not to mention how terrible it was the forest was even suffering in the first place. He'd known for close to a month now that the forest hadn't seemed the same, but now, there was no room for doubt. He sighed heavily, dragging a hand through his hair.

Beside him, Terra puffed out a sharp breath and nudged Ventus in the side of the head. Ventus looked over his shoulder at him, meeting his eyes. Terra held his gaze, his nostrils gently flaring.

"I know, I can't help it," Ventus murmured, running his hand down Terra's neck. "I'm just worried about the forest." He pushed the large textbook that was resting on his lap to the straw next to him and bodily turned to face Terra. "You must be worried, too… It's your home after all."

Terra slowly closed his eyes and leaned forwards, his giant head gently resting on top of Ventus'. Ventus just laughed, enjoying their proximity.

"Hey, let's try getting you up for a little bit – see how you go. What do you think?"

In answer, Terra made a low, short sound and shifted his legs. Grinning, Ventus took this to mean yes and carefully pulled away from Terra before rising to his feet.

"I can't let you outside just yet, but we need to try and keep the strength in your legs."

Aware of how much of a size difference there was between them, Ventus tried to help Terra as much as he could anyway, bracing his hands firmly along his chest and neck. Murmuring quiet words of encouragement, he waited with bated breath as Terra shakily got his legs underneath him.

"Easy…easy…yeah, that's it! You're doing great!"

Finally, Terra stood tall, the wide expanse of his chest rising and falling with the extra effort. He seemed much larger upright, his great antlers nearly brushing the roof of the shed. Ventus beamed up at him, laughing with sheer joy.

"A couple more weeks and you'll be right as rain!"

He rubbed a hand up and down Terra's side, feeling lighter than he had in days. The uncertainty of the forest was still a major concern, but just having Terra so obviously better was amazingly uplifting. Terra tossed his head and slowly moved a few steps forward, and Ventus walked with him, watching his injured leg for signs of strain or weakness. It was slow going, but Terra seemed to be handling it well. They paused to rest a moment, Ventus still intently monitoring Terra's leg.

"I don't want you to be in danger out there, but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you've got a safe home to return to…before you're ready to go." He met Terra's eyes, his hand going still. "I don't know what's happening to the forest…but hopefully they'll figure it out soon."

Despite his worries from before returning, Ventus gave Terra a wry smile anyway. "Maybe, when you do go back, you could find the real Terra for us – ask him what's…going…on…"

Ventus' eyes flew wide, a sudden realisation coming to him.

It couldn't be…

Glancing briefly back up at Terra, Ventus dug into the pocket of his pants and quickly retrieved his phone. He typed 'terra wayfinder forest spirit' into Google and clicked through to the first result that looked promising.

It was a simple webpage detailing an old folklore tale for the Wayfinder Forest, which Ventus was surprised he recognised. His grandfather had often told him this very same story when he was still a child, about a guardian spirit named Terra, who was the great protector of the forest. He was said to be a being of light and an immortal, who had existed for thousands of years, and without his continuous presence, the forest would –

"– Sicken and slowly die!"

His mind reeling, Ventus tapped into the linked images.

"Of course…" he whispered. The great, guardian spirit, Terra, had always been depicted as a –

Ventus gasped, his head jerking upwards.

Terra was watching him intently, the same as always. He closed his eyes and called out quietly.

Ventus was in awe.

"You…really are him…aren't you?"

Moving on instinct, Ventus reached for Terra just as the great stag leaned down to meet him. Both of his hands on either side of Terra's muzzle, Ventus pressed their foreheads together.

"…You're Terra…" Ventus whispered, his eyes closing and his fingers lightly trembling.

How…was this even real?


As impossible as it seemed, Ventus was truly hard-pressed in not believing that Terra, somehow, was actually The Terra of legend – the guardian protector of the forest, who had existed here for centuries and called these lands his home. Aqua had told him that Terra couldn't die – that he was unlike any other animal she had ever encountered, and the more Ventus turned it over in his mind the more everything started making sense. Terra's absence from the forest was surely the reason it was suffering, and without his protection, the darkness was slowly taking over, the life and heart of the forest thrown into jeopardy.

Ventus could think of nothing else – at all costs Terra had to be returned to the forest as soon as possible, and then everything would go back to the way it was before…

But even as he thought that, there was a deep, painful ache in his chest, and Ventus already knew. When it really was time for Terra to leave his side, he would feel nothing but genuine heart-break. Terra meant the world to him, and it was selfish to want him to stay here, but Ventus felt like he would physically be losing a part of himself when Terra finally left for his real home. As painful as it was, he still understood that their inevitable separation was the only way.

He would have to let Terra go.

That same night, Ventus fell into a fitful sleep and dreamt of sprawling rice fields, a cool, strong wind pushing through the young stalks.

Instinctively, he turned and looked over the low banks to his right and standing there, its legs half lost in the water, was a giant stag.

"What are you doing out here?" Ventus shouted over the wind. "Your leg still won't be healed yet, Terra! You have to rest a little longer!"

The stag puffed out its giant chest and tilted its head to the sky. The soft chime of a bell shrilled and the stag called out long and low, the very land around them vibrating with the sound. Everything surrounding Ventus rippled, and the dream began to change. The image of the stag wavered, and then standing in his place, was a young man.

"Ven…" The young man smiled, slowly reaching out his hand.

Ventus gasped, and before he knew it, he was already running.

The wind whipped at his clothes and the mud underneath his bare feet sucked him down, but the young man in front of him was the only thing unmoving – still calmly reaching out his hand.

Ventus struggled to close the distance between them – everything fighting against him. He reached out a hand too as trees rapidly burst from the fields all around him, all growing unnaturally fast, their branches and leaves unfurling high above him and blotting out the sun.

"Ven… Come with me…" The young man whispered, and now Ventus was desperate to reach him.

He was running out of time.

He was so close – finally about to touch, with his fingertips brushing the young man's, and then, abruptly, he was jolted back into consciousness.

Ventus gasped and sharply jerked himself upright, his entire body trembling.


Panicked and stumbling on his feet, Ventus threw himself downstairs and outside to the shed. He struggled to get the heavy doors open, his fingers fumbling with the catch. Using all of his strength, he finally wrenched them out of the way.

Inside the cool gloom of the shed, Terra was nowhere to be found. Ventus stared in disbelief, his chest sharply heaving. How…could this be? There was nowhere for Terra to hide, but there was no space large enough for him to leave through either, and the doors had been secured all night.

"He's…gone…" Ventus murmured, barely believing his own words. "I…I have to find him!"

Forgetting all else, Ventus ran back around to the front of the house, intent on grabbing his shoes. There was no way Terra's leg was properly healed enough yet to support the entirety of his weight, and if Ventus didn't find him quickly, he was only going to injure himself more!

Ventus made it to the front porch, only to find his grandfather there, quietly waiting for him.

"Grandfather! Terra is gone! I-I've got to find him!"

No time to lose, Ventus sat down on the steps and shoved his feet into his shoes.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

He stood swiftly, his legs already tensing to run, but at the last second his grandfather captured his hand, keeping him in place.


Ventus paused and turned back to his grandfather.

"What is it?" He tried to pull away, but his grandfather wouldn't let go, his grip tightening.

Ventus frowned, realising what this was about. He could finally see how solemn his grandfather seemed to be.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful in there," Ventus reassured him. He turned to face him properly, his smile genuine and warm. "I promise I'll be okay."

His grandfather smiled too, but his eyes were still sad. He squeezed Ventus' hand.

"…I know you will."

Without a backwards glance, Ventus dashed into the forest. Green enveloped him on all sides, the early morning sun lighting his way.

"Terra!" Ventus called, again and again as he made his way deeper in, the trees above him all whispering and swaying gently with the breeze.

Pausing by a stream to drink, Ventus was surprised to realise that the uneasy, dark feeling of the forest had completely vanished. All around him felt calm, the air clean, and the birds sung freely amongst the trees. He'd been too anxious to feel it before, but now he felt encouraged despite still worried for Terra's wellbeing. Surely, this was a good sign.

He kept looking.

Eventually, the sun was beginning to set, and Ventus still hadn't found him. Throughout the entire day he had barely stopped walking once and now thick, almost impenetrable forest surrounded him, the light here golden and faintly faded. It had been some time since he'd come across a single path or road and Ventus was more than tired. There was no helping it, but without any sort of direction back to town he would have to prepare himself to spend the night here while he waited to resume the search in the morning. The forest was so vast, though, that the chance of finding Terra was surely bordering on the impossible, but Ventus knew he couldn't give up – not when this feeling threatened to overwhelm him.

Ventus fought his way through a particularly dense tangle of trees, only to unexpectedly find himself stumbling out into a large, open space. Everywhere he looked there was long, soft grass carpeting the ground, waving gently back and forth between wide, ancient trunks of trees that towered so high above him, he could barely see where they ended and the sky began. Shafts of bright sunlight still lit up the entire glade a beautiful kelly-green, and it was so quiet and peaceful here, Ventus was in awe just taking it all in.

And there, standing motionless amongst the green, seemingly waiting for his arrival – was Terra.

"Terra…" Ventus breathed, staggering forwards a few steps. "I'm so happy you're okay…" Exhausted and hardly believing his own eyes, he slowly sunk to his knees, the relief he felt almost tangible. He smiled with everything he had, tears welling in his eyes.

The sunlight suddenly seemed a lot brighter, and Ventus was surprised to find himself momentarily blinded. He looked up just in time as two, large hands gently framed his face. The young man from his dreams was standing in front him, his blue eyes bright and clear, his lips curved into a beautiful smile.

"Ven. Thank you."

Clasping one of his hands, the man pulled Ventus to his feet.

Ventus was speechless. Surely he was dreaming.


Terra nodded once, his smile widening. He reached for Ventus' other hand and Ventus dazedly felt their fingers interlacing. This was…too real to be a dream, but he was here, in this moment, and everything felt so right.

"Ven…" Terra murmured, his expression more serious. "It was destined long ago, that you and I would meet one day – because you are of the forest…just as I am."

Confused, Ventus held Terra's gaze, his breath hitching in his throat.

"I don't…understand."

Terra smiled again and slowly leaned down towards him. Ventus closed his eyes as Terra's forehead met his own, and as they touched, their breaths mingling, the quiet ring of a bell sounded, and Ventus knew it would be the last time.

"Your true home is here."

Soft lips pressed into his own, and Ventus moved closer, just to hear Terra's heartbeat matching his – not a single beat out of place.

Terra looked him in the eyes again and Ventus stood spellbound, his entire being filled with warmth.

"The light in your heart resonates with the forest, and it calls to me…as we are one. Stay here with me, Ven. Come to know what it is to truly exist…"

Ventus trembled. This feeling that had plagued him – that had changed him and filled him with longing – all of his uncertainty had come to an end.

Ventus smiled as their lips met again, and a bright, cleansing light enveloped him.

Here at last, he was home.


Aqua drove around the bend and slowly accelerated a little bit faster. She worried her bottom lip between her teeth and tightened her grip on the steering wheel as Ventus' house finally came into view.

Ventus had been missing for nearly three weeks now, and despite sending numerous search parties out into the forest they were no closer to finding him. A newspaper on the seat beside her screamed the headline: Local Youth Still Missing – Search Ends Today, and Aqua had read it word for word, the biggest question on her mind now being – why was Ventus' grandfather refusing to help look for him, too? Aqua was convinced he knew something, and she wasn't leaving until she had answers.

She came to a gentle stop outside of Ventus' home, immediately sighting Ventus' grandfather working in one of the nearby rice-fields.

A light, cool breeze whipped at her hair as she threw the door open and stepped out of her car, already striding over to stand along the bank adjacent the fields.

"Eraqus!" She called, holding her bangs out of her face. "I need to talk to you!"

Eraqus rested his hoe down by his side and turned to smile at her. He looked perfectly calm.

"Aqua. How are you?"

Aqua frowned, instantly becoming angry.

"How…can you be so calm? I don't understand!" She was so frustrated she couldn't hold it in anymore. She gestured wildly at Eraqus, desperate to get through to him. "Ven is still missing! Aren't you worried at all!?"

Eraqus just silently stood there, still as calm as ever. Very slowly, he shook his head.

"Ventus…has gone home."

Aqua was lost for words. "…Gone home? What do you…?"

As if in answer, Eraqus turned away from her and looked over towards the forest.

"He is finally where he belongs."

Confused and flustered, Aqua turned to look, too.

She gasped.

Standing just at the edge of the forest was a young stag. It was looking over at them, watching intently. Its antlers were only small, and its fur was such a light brown it almost shone like gold in the afternoon sunlight, and Aqua was quietly in awe.

As she watched, another much larger stag stepped out of the forest behind the other, and she was surprised to realise that she recognised it. It was the stag she and Ventus had saved – the one that couldn't die…

Both of the stags stood watching them then, the quiet forest shifting with the breeze, and leaves gently curling and dancing through the air.

Eraqus smiled and respectfully inclined his head to them. He didn't look at Aqua, his quiet voice carrying along the wind.

"Now, the forest is bursting with light…"

Tears welled in Aqua's eyes as both stags stood a moment longer before silently disappearing back into the forest.

She breathed out a shaky laugh and smiled too, a single tear rolling down her cheek.
