Warning: Canon is an illusion, but this is not an AU.

Disclaimer: I own so little of this it really isn't worth mentioning at this point.

Precious, adj.: of great value or high price, of great esteem.

The first thing Shisui remembers is light.

A warm, comforting thing that was almost always wrapped around him.

It was calm and happy and a little (too) excited, but that was okay. It bubbled up inside of him until Shisui felt like he was shining with it. (And when everything felt dark, he would reach for that little bit of light left over and share it with his precious otouto because now he was an older brother and he had to be a light just like-)

The next thing Shisui remembers is laughter.

Constant, unrestrained laughter. Something wonderful, made of kind amusement and absolute joy. (Even when Shisui eventually forgot the source, he always remembered the laughter; kept locked in the back of his mind. Because while the light became his heart, the laughter was his world)

Both things, he would learn, came from the third memory.

His beloved Nii-chan.

(And he was. So loved and wanted and safe and why did you leave-?!)

But first was the light.

Now, Shisui was very young when he first felt it. And he did feel it. Like a ceaseless thrumming, flowing everywhere inside him. It was small, only noticeable because the bigger light had shown him and the bigger light was safety (and home and peace and everything good) so anything it showed Shisui was also safety.

And so, Shisui discovered Chakra at a very young age. (All thanks to his beloved Nii-chan that had just graduated academy with less than stellar Chakra Control and a heart so vast it showed in his very life force as he cradled his baby brother and he held him close)

It would be years before Shisui realized the loneliness his Nii-chan must have felt. The tiredness and unending worry that seemed to come with younger siblings (not that either of them would ever complain, oh no, they loved their younger counterparts to their very bones), especially younger siblings that always seemed to be in perpetual danger.

Eventually, Shisui would grow to have several Aniki's (never a Nii-chan, not again, never again), and two irreplaceably otouto's. This Shisui would then die for all of them (even if only one knew, one tired, lonely little boy who would grow up hated and scorned, but knowing his big brother was so so proud of him and so so sorry, so sorry 'Tachi, so sor-).

But that hasn't happened, and maybe it never would. Because this was only a possible ending to a start, and this starts with a very special little boy gaining a very loving Nii-chan (it would always start with Nii-chan, always.)

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan! Look, I did it! I wrote it per-fect-ly." Shisui all but shouted, scrambling as best as his 18 month old feet could move him.

Obito startled at the sudden noise and promptly fell from the ceiling (a sadly common sight, not that Shisui would say anything. His brother was EVIL when it came to revenge pranks).

"Eh?! Already?!" Obito exclaimed, jumping up quickly. "Let me see." He ordered, holding out a hand.

Shisui narrowed his eyes and jumped to tackle him.

"Sorry Sushi, not today." Obito laughed, easily dodging. Shisui pouted.

"It's Shisui. Shi-su-i. Not Su-shi. I, Nii-san, i." The younger argued.

Obito shrugged and snatched up the paper in his hands.

"Hey, this isn't bad." He hummed. Shisui rolled his eyes, missing the worried glance his older brother gave him.

"Of course it's not. I don't lie Nii-chan." Shisui stated seriously. Obito leaned down and ruffled his little brother's hair.

"I know Sushi." "It's Shisui!" "Now, how about we both go and write our letters, ne?" Obito asked smiling.

Shisui almost crowed with victory.

It had become a game of sorts for the pair since Shisui had first started learning to read and write. Each time he learned a new word in kanji, they would write letters to each other using said word.

It had started as a way for Shisui to get better handwriting and understanding, and had quickly escalated into a new tradition. Shisui worked hard to learn at least one kanji a day (which had the added benefit of making Obito learn some new ones too, not that he would ever tell Shisui. (Shisui knew anyway)).

Very much satisfied with himself, Shisui dragged Obito to the dining room table. Pulling out two pieces of paper and some colored pencils (Obito quickly grabbed the orange, the pair's favorite color, but that was okay. Shisui would let his older brother have it this time, as an apology for making him fall off the ceiling), the brothers quickly got to writing.

Shisui loved moments like this, when he had his brother all to himself. He knew Obito was busy being a shinobi (which was super cool, so of course his Nii-chan was one), but he still missed him.

Though the stories helped a little (like the one about the evil cat demon Tora that ate genin souls and breathed fire and the Silver Haired Ogre that was always forcing rules upon hapless victims), nothing could replace his Nii-chan, despite his many cousins who tried to keep him distracted.

It wasn't unusual for the Clan to leave all the children in one area to be watched as most were shinobi and on missions. The adults often rotated however Fugaku-oji and Mikoto-baa were tasked the most often.

They were always the ones to babysit Shisui when Obito was gone for long missions(something happening a lot more often recently, which only made Shisui want to cling even tighter).

Shisui knew there was a war going on. But knowing and knowing were two different things, regardless of how smart Shisui was. (The word 'prodigy' was often whispered around him, even as it joined Obito's growing list of nightmares as he saw his brother in the war torn grounds. Kakashi's small body replaced with his little brother's.)

It was this loneliness that had made Shisui work that much harder, just a little faster. Now was one of the few times his Nii-chan spent with him (and oh, how that would have destroyed Obito. Knowing he was partly responsible for this dangerous acceleration).

Smiling to himself, Shisui finished up his letter (it was a short thing, obviously written by a young child, even if the kanji and word choice was fairly advanced. Shisui always did have messy handwriting as a certain crow would tease him) and folded it carefully into a star, just how Obito had taught him (a test Obito had set up, showing his brother a complex pattern only for Shisui to learn it the first time. 'Prodigy' whispered in his mind again before it was viciously stomped) and placed it in the jar labeled 'Tobi'

Shisui almost grimaced at the nickname. It was supposed to be revenge for the name 'Sushi', but since it didn't bother Obito, Shisui couldn't really call it revenge.

Shisui was very proud of his name because it was the only thing Kaa-chan had given him. She had died just a few days after Shisui was born. Rogue ninja, Obito had told him grimly, clutching his baby brother tightly in his arms. Shisui didn't ask much after that, but the soft, loving expression on his Nii-chan's face when he first spoke of her had left its mark.

Kaa-chan must have been a wonderful person to put that look on Tobi-nii's face, Shisui decided. And therefore, (because Shisui was a child and prone to childish things) he decided that whatever Kaa-chan had given him was also wonderful (the same logic he would apply to his brother and eventually emulate).

Shisui easily left his thoughts as he saw his Nii-chan drop a similar star into the jar labeled 'Sushi'.

"Ne, Nii-chan? When can we start reading them?" Shisui asked excitedly. Obito laughed (Shisui loved his brothers laugh. It was a sound as comforting and kind as Obito).

"When you've learned five hundred Kanji. That was the deal, remember?" He replied teasingly. Shisui almost groaned.

He remembered that deal. It had started at fifty, but Shisui had made the mistake of saying it'd be easy. Boy did he regret that now (though he learned a valuable lesson the day. Never tell an authority figure something is easy. They will always make things worse).

"But Nii-chan, that'll take for-ev-er." He whined. Obito ruffled Shisui's hair with a smile.

"Nah, at the rate you're going, it'll take another two year tops." Obito claimed proudly. And he was.

No matter how scared for his brother Obito was, he was equally proud. His otouto was easily as smart as the average three year old and he was only a year and a half!

Yes, Obito was very proud (and if he rubbed his brothers genius in a certain other genius's face now and again, it was no one's business but his own).

"Aa." Shisui acknowledged, more than a little disappointed.

"I have another mission soon. It shouldn't be too long. Four days at most." Obito announced quietly, physically pained as he saw his otouto's shoulders slump and face turn resigned.

"I'll bring you a souvenir." He offered weakly. Shisui nodded, eyes remaining fixed to the floor. Obito sighed lightly.

"Otouto," He called gently, waiting for Shisui to lift his head. "I know you don't like being left behind, and I hate doing so, but Konoha needs her ninja and your Nii-chan is one of them." Obito explained clumsily. Seeing a lack of response, Obito tried to think of a better way to explain.

"Shisui, it's a shinobi's duty to protect their village no matter what. Do you know why?" He asked instead.

"Because it's a duty?" Shisui answered, uncertain. Obito waved his hand.

"Sort of, the answer is technically right. One must always do their duty," Obito confirmed sternly (or as sternly as he ever could be), "but the real reason shinobi protect their village is because it's where all their precious people are." Obito reasoned. Shisui tilted his head.

"Pre-she-us?" He asked.

"Pre-ci-ous." Obito corrected, "it means important and loved."


"Erm, very special."

"Aa, does that mean I'm a pre-ci-ous person?" Shisui asked quietly. Obito nodded quickly.

"Definitely. You're my most precious person, otouto. You, the Clan, and all of the people in this village are precious people to me. That's why I'm going to be Hokage one day. So I can keep all my precious people safe and sound." Obito claimed, all but shouted towards the end. Shisui smiled.

"Nii-chan is my most precious person too." He declared. Obito started turning red.

"Aa." He mumbled, embarrassed.

"Obito, you're late for training. Again." An(irritated) Kakashi stated, shushining into their kitchen. Obito jumped.

"Eh?! But it's only-" he glanced at the clock, "oh. Oops." He said smiling sheepishly. Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up." He demanded.

"Can I come Nii-chan?" Shisui asked, not wanting his brother to leave so soon.

"Sorry Sushi, not today. I'll drop you off to Fugaku-oji." Obito replied apologetically. It spoke of the amount of trust Obito held towards Kakashi that he used Shisui's nickname in front of him. Shisui still wouldn't call Obito Tobi around anyone outside the Clan.

"Yes." Shisui agreed, defeated. Obito reached to pick him up only for Kakashi to grab him instead.

"Oh no, I'll drop off Shisui-san. You will head straight to training ground three. Got it?" Kakashi ordered. Obito couldn't even pretend it was a request.

"Che, whatever. Ja ne, Otouto." Obito said.

"Ja ne, Nii-chan." Shisui replied dejectedly. Obito shot his brother one last apologetic look before shunshining away.

It wasn't long before Kakashi did the same.

Time Skip: 1 year

"Ne, Shi-kun, want to play ninja?" Uchiha Aria happily asked the two and a half year old. She was four years older than Shisui, but that was on par with his usual playmates.

Shisui smiled.

"Sure Ari-chan." Ninja was his favorite game after all.

"I'll be 'it' first." He offered. She nodded, smiling.

"Aa, Zaku, Hiro, Mei, Hana, and Daichi are playing too." Shisui nodded. All of those listed were older than him by at least a year, but he was fairly confident he could catch a few, if not all.

"Okay, count down from 100. The area is between Fugaku-oji's house and Nakana river." She explained quickly before disappearing.

Shisui tilted his head slightly. He hadn't been to Nakana river yet. Obito had never taken him. He dismissed the thought quickly. It wouldn't matter in the end. The objective remained the same no matter the territory.

Making quick work of the counting, Shisui prepared to enter the forest when he felt a chakra flare from inside Fugaku-oji's house.

Obito had shown him how to flare his chakra if he needed help five months ago. Hurrying, Shisui entered the house only to find Mikoto-baa and an Uchiha kunoichi with her.

"Mikoto-baa!" Shisui shouted, worried at the pained expression in her face.

"Shisui-kun, Mikoto-sama is about to give birth. I need to take her to the hospital. Can you go and tell Fugaku-sama?" The other Uchiha asked (Aiko-itoko a small part of him whispered). Shisui nodded his head a little frantically, glancing once more at his aunt, he quickly took off towards the Uchiha Center.

Panicking, Shisui unconsciously used a small amount of chakra to boost his speed and flared at intervals quickly drawing a great deal of attention. He was soon joined by another Uchiha.

"Shisui-kun, what's wrong?" Raimaru-oji asked, stopping him.

"I need to see Fugaku-oji now. It's Mikoto-baa!" Shisui replied quickly. Raimaru didn't hesitate. Grabbing Shisui, he quickly shushined to the Uchiha Center.

"Fugaku-sama/Fugaku-oji!" Both shouted with Shisui running ahead.

Fugaku looked up startled.

"Shisui-kun, Raimaru-san? What-?" He started before Shisui quickly cut in.

"It's Mikoto-baa. Aiko-itoko says she's about to give birth and took her to the hospital." Shishi rushed. He barely finished when Fugaku shushined away.

A small part of the two and a half year old noted how useful the shushin technique was and filed it away for later thought.

"Mikoto-sama's giving birth. Hahaha, that's wonderful!" Raimaru-oji said relieved. "Good job telling Fugaku-sama so quickly, Shisui-kun. Also, when did you learn to use chakra?" He asked curious. Shisui shrugged.

"I've always felt it, but I guess I didn't start using it properly until five months ago. Nii-chan taught me how to flare but said I had too little to try much else." Shisui explained easily, calming down now that the objective was complete. Wait, objective...oops.

"I gotta go Raimaru-oji." Shisui said, unknowingly interrupting his uncle. Running out, Shisui didn't see the speculative gaze that followed him, or the curious glances from others in the building that hadn't seen him enter.

"-and then Fugaku-oji used shushin to leave and I really think I should learn that technique because it seems really useful." Shisui finished, looking at his brother with puppy eyes. Obito, however was frowning at his plate.

"Did Raimaru-oji ask you anything about your chakra ability?" He asked, voice a little strained. Shisui watched his brother confused and a little worried.

"Aa, I told him about how you taught me five months ago." Shisui answered softly. His brother sighed.

"Shisui." Obito said, voice unusually hard. Shisui stilled.

"Yes?" Shisui asked, uncertain.

"Do you want to be a shinobi?" Obito asked, eyes boring into his brothers. Shisui paused. What did that matter? Of course he would be a ninja. His brother was one, most of the clan was, so why wouldn't he be? He hadn't been aware it was even a choice.

"Yes..." Shisui answered, his uncertainty growing. His nii-chan's gaze seemed to intensify. If Shisui hadn't been looking, he would have sworn his brother had spontaneously gained the sharingan.


Shisui found himself confused.

"What do you mean, Obito-nii?" Shisui asked timidly.

"Why do you want to be a shinobi, otouto?" His brother clarified, eyes never leaving Shisui's.

Shisui found himself hesitating. Why did he want to be a shinobi? He didn't really want to fight, nor did he care much for traveling. He was happy here in his village with all his family and friends, so why...

Shisui suddenly remembered his brothers words.

"..the real reason shinobi protect their village is because its where all their most precious people are...You're my most precious person, Otouto. You, the Clan, and all the people in our village are precious to me..."

Obito-nii is a shinobi to protect his precious people. And Shisui...Shisui..

"Nii-chan is my most precious person too!"

Shisui felt his nervousness disappear.

"To protect my precious people." He answered firmly meeting his brother's gaze evenly. They stared at one another for a long moment. Shisui felt the urge to fidget, but pushed it down. He didn't know why, but this moment was important, he couldn't show anything but determination.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Obito sighed.

"Geez Sushi, you're gonna give me a heart attack soon. Don't know how Kakashi's tou-san dealt with this." Obito said, mumbling the last part. "Okay!" He suddenly shouted, greatly startling Shisui.

"Eh?" Shisui asked, expression a cross between startled and he's-finally-gone-bonkers.

"We start training tomorrow. I'll talk to Fugaku-oji, and see if you can get an early attendance into the academy. But." Obito stated to an excited Shisui. "But, if I say stop, you stop. If I say rest, you rest. If I say dance like a banana, I expect you to dance like a banana. Got it." Obito 'asked'.

Shisui nodded solemly even as he wondered if his brother was taking lessons from Kakashi-san on how to turn questions into demands (and if he could get lessons too).

Brothers Interval (Future): Itachi

Itachi never understood why Shisui-nii felt the need to fold paper stars.

Whether they were on a break between missions, waiting on orders, or had a little spare time, Shisui was always scribbling something down and then folding it into little stars. It wasn't anything special either. Itachi had once unfolded and read one (carefully of course, he didn't want to get caught (Shisui knew anyway)).

There was nothing special or encoded (from what he could see), so Itachi folded it back up and put it back. Confused, but satisfied his Shisui-nii wasn't keeping (obvious) secrets.

After all, what did it matter if Shisui wrote a little paragraph about his day? It's wasn't like Shisui had anyone to give them to.