Hey guys this story idea was submited by Danza19 so be sure to check that profile out I give all my thanks to Danza19 for that. Now all I ask is that you guyscomment and follow if you want cuz that always makes me feel nice, enjoy!

Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps were cruising down Sahara square in their official ZPD patrol car, after three years of being apart of precinct one along side the famous Judy Hopps nearly everyone has gotten comfortable with a fox being apart of the police. Almost nobody saw it as a bad idea but instead thought of him with high respect for assisting with the infamous Night Howler case. However Nick didn't care about what basically anyone thought of him. However there may be one exception to this statement.

"Nick!" Judy shouted trying to capture his attention.

"What?!" Nick shouted back due to being caught off gaurd by the bunny.

"We are suppose to be patrolling the area not staring off into space. I swear you have the attention span of a fly."

"Wow carrots pretty big talk coming from such a cute little bunny." Nick teased

"Nick you know better than to call me cute I've told you like a million times not to.

"Oh come one carrots even you have to admit that it's kinda cute how seriously you take work. I mean it's been like 2 years since you've used any of those vacation days you've been saving up." Nick said trying to defend himself.

"Hey I could say the same about you. It's not like you've taken any extra days off ." Judy countered.

"Come now carrots even you must realize you wouldn't last a day without me." Nick joked.

"Acually Nicholas I think it's because ever since we started dating a couple years ago you haven't been able to be without me for more than day." Judy stated with a proud look slapped onto her face.

"Ha, you got me there but you know you wouldn't last five minutes without me as your partner."

"Do I know that? yes, yes I do."

"I love you Judy." Nick lovingly stated as Judy flashed him a smile.

" I love you too Nick."

The happy couple shared a comfortable silence for the next few minutes as they both kept an eye out for anything that could be considered suspicious.

"Hopps, Wilde." The radio in the console of the police cruiser broke the silence

"Yes Sir?" Judy responded as she recognized Bogo's voice.

"You and Wilde need to come back to the precinct asap. I need to speak with both of you."

"On our way."

"Why do you think Bogo wants to speak with us?" Judy asked

"Who knows, he probably just wants to know what his favorite cops have been up to."

"I don't know Nick it sounded kind of important ."

"Well then there's only one way to find out." Nick said with his signature smirk on his face."

Alright so this concludes the first chapter of "Three Weeks " I know it's a little short but I promise the next one will be longer so follow be on iFunny at FoxInBlue and be sure to comment and stuff also thank you so much for reading. Until next time, bye.