A/N: hi it me again and I am proud to present to you a new story this time its a Claymore and RWBY crossover also note that my oc group the legion has a less appearance in this story and will be more focused on the main characters here but some legion mostly Mesirix will be mentioned in conversations between characters.


"Please! Kill me when my heart is still human, Teresa Please!" Priscilla begged the other woman, Teresa, as said woman slowly approached the awakened warrior, her silver eyes eyeing her steadily as she replied at her request "All right then, I'll put you out of your misery." she said as she was about to raise her her Claymore to end the pitiful being but paused as she heard a cry of her name "Teresa watch out!" but the warning came to late as she lost all feeling in her hands "Eh?" was all she said as she slowly looked up and everything went, but not before seeing a horrified Clare watching her go down.

Clare… I'm sorry…


She opened her eyes as she surveyed a white landscape devoid of anything that marred said location, "It wasn't a dream?… I did die…" she clutched her aching heart as she fell on her knees "Clare… forgive me." she said then she felt a presence near her she snapped her in the direction of the figure.

Dressed in black coat unlike the black robes of the organization that she tried to leave for her adopted daughter but hunted down and killed… she stood up even if she doesn't have her claymore doesn't mean she is unarmed, she spoke to the stranger "What do you want, stranger, speak" she demanded. The stranger merely raised his hands in surrender and spoke, "Peace Teresa,"

"How do you know my name?"

"I know many things, Teresa, I know why you killed those bandits," she flinched at the memory as he continued "But right now is not the time for a trip trough memory lane now is it?"

Teresa is now getting irked by this person as she rudely snapped at him "Just tell me what you want, and even then I won't accept your proposal"

"Oh? And even if its another chance in life to be with Clare again?"

"What do you mean?" she asked him with narrowed eyes as he shrugged his shoulders "You know what I mean Teresa, I could grant you to reunite with Clare soon only if you complete a request of sorts."

Teresa thought of this before making her decision as she nodded and replied "Very well and this request?" the man smiled as he said "Oh no its not me requesting from you but she is." he motioned behind her as Teresa turned she was met with another figure, this time a woman, said woman wore a white cloak and have a pair of silver eyes like her but what she was more surprise was her hair… black with red highlights.


She woke up again but now in a snow covered forest… she recalled what happened… she died, and was given an opportunity to have everything back before, and all she has to do is to fulfill that woman's request…

A request to protect the woman's child but… she didn't know where should she start searching? She felt something hit her feet and she looked down, a bag and her claymore lay on the ground, as she bent to pick up her then she felt movement she looked back up and surveyed the area.

There she saw a red cloaked figure, a girl if her eyes were telling her, fighting wolves made of darkness, strange… she thought those creatures they give off a similar presence that of a yoma...

She continued to observe but when more of the wolves came out from the forest and finishing all of them, not bad, then she noticed one survivor was nearing the girl she knew she had to act, she leaped from where she stood and landed behind the girl as she sliced off a wolf with her sword, the girl noticed her as she thanked her savior

"Thanks! I'm Ruby Rose!"

Ruby Rose… another memory surged forward and a voice saying

Please protect my little Ruby…

So this is the girl she has to protect, she faintly smiled and replied "my name is Teresa" as she faced the young girl whose eyes widen when she saw the color of her saviors eye… silver

"You… have silver eyes like me… and mom…" she said the last one sadly, Teresa raised an eyebrow at this, So this is Ruby Rose? Well now I see the resemblance, such a naive and innocent just like… her thought were stopped as a face appeared in her mind.

"Umm… hey are you okay?" Ruby asked her

"Yes I'm fine just a bit tired is all, traveling for so long is such a tiresome thing."

"Well you could stay with me and my family…. my house is not far from where we are now!"

"It's fine I think an inn or a-"

"No! You can't!" Ruby said surprising Teresa then looked embarrassed "I-I mean uhh. I insist you can stay at my home… and you know" she said pleadingly then looking down at her feet, Teresa smiled and she placed her hand at the top of Ruby's head the same way she does to Clare… "Fine I guess you win, lead the way then" she said as the young girls eyes widen "oh okay I'll lead the way"

Summer I promise you I will protect your daughter… and Clare soon… soon we will be together again.


A/N: well here is ch 1 for this story so far hope to see you all again ciao!