Overlapping Realms: Hawkmoth's Last Hurrah

Synopsis: The final chapter in Brightstar and my crossover epic. Hawkmoth was thought to be dead. Fragments of his data are brought back due to a corrupted malware mite that evolves into Respawn, a monster with intentions on tearing France to ribbons and imprisoning all flesh and blood creatures to bend to his whims. Not only that but anyone weaker than he is fair game for his tyranny.

Chapter 1-Dust in the Wind ?

Halloween had come and gone but that eerie feeling the Kadic students felt afterward hadn't faded. 'I just don't feel like Hawkmoth's totally gone.', Sissi confessed as they were enjoying their celebratory Halloween sleep over. All of them had clearly overdosed on candy and were a bit high on a sugar rush. Still, what Sissi said had great merit. 'I know what you mean. It's just not like him. I have a bad feeling that there was some data that didn't get recycled. It could have adapted itself and evolved.', Jeramie surmised. Sometimes, Jeramie hated being correct, because what he said had already taken place. Aelita could sense the unruly presense of a malware deep in Lyoko's core. Somehow it had slipped through the mainframe and fabricated an avatar, breathing life into his new form, Respawn. 'The time has come for mankind to realize his limitations. Data is infinite, man is not.', Respawn said, sifting through recycled pieces of data dust until he came upon Hawkmoth's IP.
'You're just what I need for my scheme. Time to reconstruct you and build a better version of who you were.', he stated, beginning to write Hawkmoth's new code.

Although Aelita found it difficult to sleep, thanks to her nightmares of Respawn coming into existence, Jim's reassuring lullaby sent her straight back to dreamland. Little did the Warriors know that Jeramie, unintentional wet blanket had been correct about his feelings of dread.