How could have Fate known all of these places? Vita doesn't know the answer unfortunately. And who could have known that the vey place Vita would be, Jail would be there. Her instincts kicking on her like crazy earlier was right, she was right t call Signum beforehand; thank the angels out there for her instincts. She wants to get her job done as fast as possible and hoped that Zafira would be the one infiltrating Jail's base but no, Jail just have to be in place she was investigating: Precia's old house.

They raided the house and saw everything was normal inside the house but Vita has to investigate further in the basement, where Precia used to hold her experiments on Fate. Vita sent some forces to search inside the house as she waits for Signum. She can't even get a rest in five minutes; she just heard a gunshot. She told one of the officers to stand by and wait for Signum. She went inside the house and followed where the gunshot was from. She went to the basement and saw three of her men down. She looke ahead and saw two numbers and Jail. Jail was carrying a big bag with him while the other bags were on the floor beside the numbers. Vita knows she can't 3v1 this, especially in a cramped space like attacked vita while others protect Jail. They don't have a secret passage at the backdoor and that's lucky. Vita ran upstairs as she dodges the attacks of the numbers she's battling and the battle took place on the living room of the house. Sette kept her busy while Jail escapes with the other. She believes in Signum that she would be right there outside, mostly likely, right now. A gun shot was heard as Jail and his companion went out of the house. Sette turned her head outside, giving Vita the chance to knock out ther opponent by smashing her mallet on names head. More gunshots were heard, if Vita were to go out now, she would be filled with holes. Vita found a window and went out there to meet Signum.

The moment Signum arrived; Jail came out of the house. When she saw his ugly face, she instinctively commanded to shoot at Jail and the numbers with him. Due and Tre did their best to deflect the bullets though some had scraped them. Suddenly, a taxi crashed over to offices that were shooting at Jail and honked as if telling Jail to get in the taxi. Jail, Due and Tre went in the taxi and the taxi dashed off. Signum immediately took a police car and drove to catch up with the taxi. She sent a notification to Lindy that Jail is on the loose on a taxi. She also called the Shamal so she can tend to those who were wounded in the battle earlier. Signum believes that Vita and her team can catch up but as of now, she has to catch up to Jail. She shot a few bullets on the taxi, hoping that the bullet would miraculously break through the back window of the taxi and hit a bulls eye on Jail's head. Driving while shooting someone is something you shouldn't do kids and people. Signum has a hard time doing both, she cursed herself for not dragging some officer with her to drive. She hopes that Lindy's troops were there to stop. Jail took a turn, Signum was a few feet away before the intersection, but then she heard a crash. As she turns, she saw two cars crashed on each other Signum stopped her car and went out. She saw that someone was battling the driver and Due as Jail fled away. She ran to Jail's direction, past from the battle. Surprisingly, it was Arf who was batting them. Arf shouted at Signum to chase after Jail and she did.

She ran after Jail who went alley to alley, trying to escape from Signum's sight. Signum is firing her gun while chasing after Jail. As she turned into one alley, Jail suddenly disappeared like thin air. He was nowhere to be found on the very alley he just went in to; then, somebody threw a rock at Signum, coming from above on head. She looked up and saw three of the numbers with Jail; it was Uno, Tre and Quattro. Signum thought that Lindy already had Jail's current threshold surrounded, how can two of them be here? Quattro grinned at her as Uno carried Jail on her shoulder as if he was a sack. Quattro shouted "Ciao!" As they took off with a jump and landed on another roof. Signum cursed and ran after them while they were still at sight. As she runs, the distance between them gets further. While running she heard a honk behind her which startled her and made her stop her tracks. She was also relieved to see a car, but it was not just any car, it was a police car and on the passenger seat was Vita. Signum went into the car in a hurry. She told Vita the details on how she saw Arf battling one of the numbers, and how Jail suddenly disappeared in thin air but wait, there's a plot twist, the numbers were actually there to kidnap him, or rather to take him back. Signum wondered if they know that their cabin was surrounded by the police. She hopes not, an ambush for Jail and defeating him will take away her stress she has been building up ever since that scientist run loose in the streets.

Bad news: They lost sight of Jail and the numbers. Good news? Well, they were not receiving any good news. They don't know how to look for Jail. If they only have seized Jail back then those wouldn't happen. Vita has called Zafira and told him that they lost sight on Jail. Zafira knows what to do after that. They'll rendezvous with Zafira and track Jail by his scent. Since they seized the Jail's home; they got plenty of things to let the dogs smell on so the can track Jail. The other number who was incapacitated was held in custody.

The dogs led them to the sewer. The dog's trails didn't lead them to one of Jail's base in the sewer. The dogs stopped at one point and barked at the manhole above them. They went up and saw police cars near the forest, this was where Lindy is. If they saw the cars, then they would know that the police may have surrounded them. They won't be stupid enough to go into the woods while the police were waiting for Jail to pop out and shoot his head off. They let the dogs track them again by smell and followed them. The dogs ran at the opposite direction of the forest and entered an alley. Signum groaned. "I'm sick of alleys." The dogs led them at a park. The dogs began barking at the skies as if Jail was there. The three of them thinks that the dogs were getting confused but what if Jail really were at the skies. "Maybe, Jail somehow got three unicorns and fled." Sigum said.

"You're getting influenced so much by Hayate." Vita complained.

"So, let's assume they have a helicopter, parked in the middle of this park and no one has reported it or noticed it as if it had an invisible cloak covering it." Zafira said.

"Well, it's already midnight and with all the ruckus of Jail, I'm sure no one will go out." Signum retorted.

"But, how did Jail manage to get a helicopter?!" Vita complained.

"Maybe they have a chauffeur, another person working for them. Jail will inform the numbers inside the forest that they are surrounded and that one of them got caught. "Zafira speculated.

"I think summoning unicorns makes more sense." Signum said while Zafira and Vita just groaned. The three decided to inform Lindy that Jail might be on a helicopter, coming to the numbers at the cabin for a rescue. " what?"

"Let's gather our forces and send back up to Lindy." Zafira said. "The last battle shall take place at the cabin."

"Don't say dramatic lines now, Zaffy. Now, let's move our asses." Vita said out aloud.

"I'll tell Amy to ready her helicopter. Chrono and she could go together." Signum said "They can just shoot Jail from the skies and it's all on her if she hits any of our forces."

"You're becoming lazy." Zafira commented.

"I just want to rest and sleep already. I want this job done. Call all troops to Lindy's direction!"

The three of them went back to where their forces were to order them to give back up Lindy. Signum called Amy while Zafira and Vita contacted Lindy. Zafira and Vita told them about the Jail's helicopter but their information was late. Jail's helicopter was already there, firing at Lindy's troops. Lindy and Genya were forced to take on defense so no more losses can be made. The helicopter was still firing while the numbers climb on the rope ladder from he helicopter.

Nanoha, Ginga and Hayate were just behind Lindy. Ginga is typing on her laptop, Hayate seems to be having fun because she was seeing real action but Nanoha here is worried for Fate. One by one the numbers are escaping tot he helicopter while they just watch it happen. And then she sees a blonde hair. She adjusted herself to see more and here is Fate, being carried like a sack. "Lindy-san, look over there." Nanoha pointed her finger on Fates direction. "It's Fate-chan, we need to save her, fast."

"Amy's helicopter is on their way here but Jail would be already gone by the time they got here. We can't attack them from land, they have advantage over us." Lindy stated. Lindy just stared at the numbers as they climb on the rope ladder one by one. She suddenly jerked and grinned. She aimed her gun at the edge of the entrance of the helicopter, where the rope ladder is attached to. Lindy shot a bullet on each side of the rope; the numbers who were climbing fell down with the rope ladder. A few were already on the big helicopter that is being maneuver by some unknown guy. Suddenly, something flew on one of the guns of the helicopter and exploded on impact. Lindy looked to her side and saw Genya threw a grenade on the gun. One is not enough to fully destroy it. Of course, if their guns can't destroy it, then bombs might do it. Lindy went to Genya to get some grenades and ordered some men to protect the three children. The battle went on; the helicopter firing its guns and the police, throwing their bombs on the guns.

"I wonder why Lindy let the two of you come." Ginga said "She needs me so I can relay message to her from one of her team."

"I'm here to see real action!" Hayate grinned.

"I'm here for Fate-chan."

"You can't even save her. You'll just get in the way." Ginga said, still her eyes are glued on her laptop. Nanoha ignored her and looked back at the numbers who were being apprehended by Lindy and some of the police. The exchange of grenades and bullets has stopped for the police have successfully destroyed both of its guns. Jail, from above, just kept on shouting at the numbers to throw Fate to them. He ranted about how they don't need them, he just needs Fate. The helicopter is descending slowly and the numbers below are trying to throw Fate aboard the helicopter. The other numbers are fighting off the police to protect Nove from them as she tries to throw Fate. Nanoha won't let them take Fate again. But, what can she do? Ginga was right, if she charges right there, she'll just get in the way. She then saw Fate's eyes flicker open and looked at her. She was still being carried like a sack by Nove but she is already ready to haul over Fate inside the helicopter. Nanoha stood and pushed away their body guards. She ran towards the helicopter and stopped. "FATE-CHAN!" She shouted. She doesn't know if she can hear her from all the noises all around them but she kept on shouting her name. "WAKE UP DUMBASS. IF YOU GET KILLED RIGHT NOW, I WON'T BE ABLE TO KILL YOU!" Slowly, Fate's eyes were closing. She needs to wake her up, she needs Fate to wake up so she can somehow to some self defense on her own. Someone from behind took her wrist and ran towards the bush where they were from.

"Miss, please don't do that again. Lindy might fire us and you don't need to worry." The guard looked up; Nanoha also did the same gesture. "They'll shoot Jail's helicopter down fully and we'll arrest the numbers and Jail." The guard said happily. Amy's helicopter came and had a bullet barrage on the helicopter. Jail's helicopter went down for a crash on the lake. Signum and the other came for back up. Even though the numbers is a small group, their strength and endurance has a larger capacity than humans have. They are cyborgs after all.

"My company! Heed my orders! Every number who got wet is most likely vulnerable, or maybe not, I don't know if their parts are water proof. Bring out your stun guns and electrify them. Some support the "stunners" by guns." Signum commanded

"Really, the stunners?" Vita smirked.

"Shut up. Let's get this over with." Signum said grumpily. "I'll go and save Fate and you two, do whatever you want." Signum ran off and unsheathed her sword to attack Nove who already dropped Fate. Fate was almost stepped on by Nove but Zafira was fast enough to save her. Zafira saw some police standing by at the bush and went there.

Zafira went to the guards and gave Fate to them. "Call Shamal and have her treated. Don't move her too much; she has scars on her limbs." Zafira went off and joined the fight. They settled Fate down. Nanoha offered her lap as the guards give Fate to Nanoha. Fate was finally safe, right on her lap.

"Oh wow, Nanoha all of these are so cool. Even though the numbers are stronger in sheer strength and endurance but Signum, Vita, Zafira and Lindy are handling them to well! Genya is commanding every police on their tasks." Hayate beamed a smile. "It's like an anime!"

"I already contacted Shamal, she is on her way here with some doctors. Apparently, she just tended the wounded in Precia's home" Ginga said. Ginga looked at Fate and scooted closer to them. She gave Fate a kiss on her forehead. "Stupid." Nanoha glared daggers at her. "What? Don't tell me you like her."

"I do, and do you have a problem with that?"

"Yeah…" Ginga muttered.

After a few minutes Shamal and some doctors came to treat any heavily wounded policemen. Hayate was watching the whole battle from top to bottom, her gaze never faltered."Oh." Shamal said as she looked at the battle and sighed. "It seems like I won't be only treating Fate only."

The numbers that fell with the helicopter on the lake got arrested. The numbers were able to get out of the helicopter because of their strength but their impact from the fall and the job of the stunners did a great heavy toll on them. Some of them got their robotic limbs broken because of the fall. Jail and the chauffeur got stuck underneath the helicopter; it seems like the numbers didn't try to help him get out. The battle at Signum's side is faring well. With the overwhelming number of troops and the every command given by Genya, made them win. One by one, the numbers got incapacitated and got arrested.

"Those who have minor injuries and can walk; go outside the forest to get your wound treated. Anyone who are have no injuries, can help us treat the wounded." Shamal commanded. Amy's helicopter was just hovering over them; she told she wanted to land. Trees and bushes got caught in the fight, the lake- now has a broken helicopter as a topping, was also not displaying a good sight. There were a few bullets and marks and many policemen sprawled on the ground. With all of these, Amy's helicopter can't land her helicopter so instead, she descended down and pull out a rope ladder for Chrono to climb down.

"We can transport them to jail, heavy security jail." Chrono said. "I want Signum and Zafira with me." Lindy ordered her non injured troops to clear out a space for the helicopter to land on so they moved some of the injured persons. Jail and the numbers, who have handcuffs on their wrist were transported inside the helicopter. Most of them are incapacitated, except Nove. Zafira, Signum, and muscular policeman were to carry the numbers inside the helicopter. They stayed on the helicopter in case something happens, especially when Nove's awake and might do something. They will transport them to jail successfully.

Shamal was already done treating Fate. 'I'll get scolded for not going home' Nanoha sighed. Ginga and Hayate were out helping on the medics while Nanoha stayed to watch Fate. She brushed of her bangs and caressed her cheek that has bandages on it. She closed her eyes for a bit to rest. It has been a hectic day for Nanoha after all. Her cheek suddenly felt warm; she opened her eyes and looked down and and saw that Fate was caressing her cheek. Fate's awake. A flood of emotions bellowed inside her: worry, happiness, relief and love, all at the same time. She wants to hug Fate but at the same time she wants to kill her for doing something insane. Fate smiled at her, that smile melted her thoughts into nothing.

"What are you doing here? It's not safe, you know." Fate's locked her gaze with Nanoha. "I got your message. Don't kill me." Fate groggily sat up but Nanoha just tackled her down again and kissed her. Nanoha forgot all about Fate's wounds and just took dominance on the kiss. Fate's eyes widen not because of the pain but because of what Nanoha did; Nanoha kissed her lips. Fate relaxed and kissed Nanoha back.

"Ew, stop making out." A voice interrupted their session. It was Vita. "You have a lot of explaining to do miss. Sorry Nanoha but I'll be taking Fate back to headquarters. You and the others can go home. You can tell your parents you had a sleep over. That's all, now, Nanoha get off from Fate. Gosh, she's injured, restrain yourself Nanoha." Nanoha muttered a sorry. The two of them stood up and Fate went away with Vita.

Everything went back to normal, well not so normal since media was flooding on to them again. Fate didn't answer some questions whenever she gets interviewed. She would just act cold and shrug off the questions being asked to her. School was a bit awkward after all those. 'Fate being a targeted by a known mad scientist' is the new gossip at school and the new scoop for school newspaper.

Nanoha is happy that she gets to be with Fate everyday from now on, with no problems, no numbers and especially, no Jail. But another troublesome problem appeared: Fate became suddenly popular; she doesn't like it when she sees chocolates and envelopes inside Fate's shoe locker, bag, and desk. It's frustrating for her to see that Fate has suddenly had a lot of admirers. She won't share the blonde to anyone.

After classes were done, another envelope was found inside Fate's desk. Those envelope consists of letter either a confession or the 'please come to this place at this time' kind of letter. That is another reason why Fate sometimes stays at school for a longer time.

"Uhh... well it says here to meet her at the back of school." Fate looked at Nanoha for some confirmation whether she should go or not.

"Do what you want." Nanoha said grumpily. Fate noticed that these past few days, Nanoha has been grumpy ever since she began getting letters like this.

"Okay." Fate replied. "Then, I want you to wait for me later, alone."

"Why should I? Who knows, in a few minutes you'll have a girlfriend." Fate went to Nanoha and flicked her forehead. Fate just waved good bye and proceeded to where she is supposed to go.

Nanoha waited for Fate. She is still grumpy because of the confessions. She never even said yes to any of the confessions. Nanoha wondered about that. Someone tapped her shoulder and saw Fate. Fate just smiled at her softly and patted her head. Fate held Nanoha's hand and walked. Deep inside, Nanoha just died because of sweetness but outside, she is still grumpy and Fate is trying to make up for her. Fate led them to the park, near the lake. The two of them sat down the bench and took a rest. The sun was setting down; the brilliant, glowing colors of the sky just made Fate's features more godlike. She is more beautiful than ever she is. Nanoha can't stop looking at her, everything about her is so beautiful and all. Her face, her body, her scars, her voice, and her Fate, is an epitome of beauty. Nanoha swears that she might have drooled because she just wants to devour the hell out of this angel her. Fate looked at her and smirked. She patted her head and giggled.

"What's with that look?"

"It's nothing" Nanoha looked away and pouted.

Fate stood up from her seat and kneeled down on one knee and looked up to see Nanoha. "You don't have to worry."Fate said. She took Nanoha's hand and brings out something from her pocket. She slipped it into her ring finger and smiled. "A ring, to let everyone know who you belong to." Fate held her left hand up and there on her ring finger, fits in a ring like the one Nanoha has. "Nanoha, I love you." Fate said as she leans forward and kissed Nanoha. Nanoha kissed her back; after a few exchanges, they broke their kiss and stared at each other. "I've wanted to say that before but you always look so grumpy, I thought you were mad at me or something."

"I love you too Fate-chan. Knowing that you love me and that you are all mine, makes me feel relieved. I love you so much."Nanoha threw herself to Fate and kissed her again.

"I'm glad that I met you. I guess you fixed me up. Once broken, now recovered I guess" Nanoha nodded in agreement and hugged Fate. The warmth Fate gives off is something Nanoha really liked. "I love you." Fate whispered to her with love as day becomes night.


Heeey, this is the end:P Thanks for reading this piece of cancerous story XD Sorry for my late uploads :c I uploaded 17-19 together xD ehe ehe XD

I hope you enjoyed this piece of crap :c

I really don't know what pushed me to this story but hell xD I'm happy I did it xD

Thank you for reading :)