Selina taught Dick which seemed only appropriate since she was the one who taught Bruce. Well, maybe taught was exaggerating the situation with the Dark Knight a touch. He'd had no choice but to chase her onto the speeding train when she used it to make her escape.

He hadn't accounted for the wind caused by the speeding train yanking his cape sideways and jerking him off his feet. Only the whip that wrapped around his arm and pulled the opposite way allowed him to regain his footing.

The first time Selina snuck the Boy Wonder away from his mentor she felt she had to teach him this valuable skill. They landed together on the train and her arm wrapped around the boy's waist anchoring his slender form into place.

Dick looked up at her, face alight with joy, as the wind whipped his cape and her hair around. She set him into position, giving him pointers with hand signals, and then stepped away. Selina stayed close enough to grab the boy if his footing faltered but he was a natural. He was laughing and finally he glanced at her.

She grinned at him and jerked her head toward the back of the train. The boy looked over his shoulder. Crouched behind them was the Bat. He'd learned to use his strength, weight, and often the cape that almost been his undoing while lowering his center of gravity. Bruce would never look as elegant as they would doing this but that was never going be the image Batman intended to project. He looked dangerous and fierce crouched behind them.

Dick turned back around. His hand slipped into Selina's and he missed the startled look she threw Bruce as he started to laugh again.