"They're beautiful." Armin wrapped his arm around Annie's shoulders. "Both are so blonde." He chuckled.

Annie smacked his side and giggled. "Well they are ours."

Okay, let's get this straight. We are now with the parents as they hold their children for the first time in 7 hours. Both are very small and fragile due to the early birth. But, it didn't matter to either of the two right at this moment.

Armin sat next to Annie on the bed as the babies laid in her lap. "I-I can't believe it." He took a deep breath. "I'm a dad..."

"Don't cry Armin."

A sniffle was heard next to her. "O-Okay."

They sat in silence for a few more minutes when a knock was heard at the door. A nurse peeked in.

"Excuse me but, you have.. Ehh.. A lot of visitors." She said. "Do you want any yet?"

Annie looked up at Armin and back down at her beloveds. "Sure."

Oh boy, was that a mistake. Literally, the whole gang came flying through, minus Mikasa following behind with a small bundle.


The whole clump of people surrounded the bed and peered at the tiny babies in her lap. Then, a gasp came out of all of them as they admired the little things.

"What are their names?" Christa asked.

Right there. The parents got a look of shock. Literally, this whole time. They never even thought of names for them. Neither of them expected to go into labor so early and there was still 2 months to go.

"Uhh.." Armin starched the back of his head. "We didn't.. Really.. Umm.. Think of one yet? And... We got twins.."

Eren conked the blonde ones head. "You didn't think of one?! Look how cute they are! It shouldn't be very hard."

"Oh! Mikasa!" Annie seen her standing at the end of the bed. "Can I see her?"

She walked next to Annie in shock. "How did you even know it was a girl?" Mikasa replied before handing her the baby.

"Mothers intuition." Annie smiled looking at the tiny replica of Mikasa. But she had Eren's eyes. Beautiful black hair with the titan green eyes. "She's gorgeous. Did you pick out a name?"

"It's Carla."

She noticed the small movement of her own children. They gurgled and moved their tiny hands at the mention of their new friends name.

Annie knew this moment was worth it. Sitting here holding her godchild and celebrating the birth of her own as well. Being surrounded by her beloved friends and amazing husband. Now, she knew what it felt like, to be a good person; the true meaning behind it. She felt so blessed at this moment.

A tear fell down as she stared down at the three infants.

"A-Annie?" Armin placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

The blonde had a genuine smile. "Yeah.." She looked back at him. "I'm good."

Mikasa sat next to her on the edge while awing at the sight of Annie's children. "I know a couple of names for them."

"Yeah?" Armin perked up.

She rubbed the girls' rosy cheek. "Serenity and Oath... It just, suits them."

"I actually like those names." Reiner chipped in.

Annie giggled. "I guess if they're approved by your uncle then they mean something."

Connie raised his hand fast. "I wanna hold my main man Oath first!"

"Nu-uh!" Reiner yelled. "I'm their number one uncle!"

Eren pushed him a bit. "You want to test that?!"

Next thing led to another and now everyone was fighting about how is holding which babies first. Even Armin got dragged into it, and he already held both of them!

"Did this happen to you?" Annie asked Mikasa.

She laughed at the sight. "Pretty much."


May 5th. One year after Annie and Armin's wedding. They had a set of twins. Serenity and Oath. Although it was a tough journey with each other, they have a family now. Blessed with a great group of friends and everyone that has supported them.

And this was only the beginning..

A/N: The 3rd book is currently in the making but it will probably be awhile till I upload it one here.. But Im always uploading on Wattpad for sure!