The Equestria Girls and Kerry are getting ready to see a parade. They have recently saw a dead cat as a matter of fact. They will miss that cat of course. They are about to celebrate Presidents' Day by the way. The parade will take place in the afternoon at downtown Canterlot. Their friends will be on the parade float. Let's hope that the girls will be watching the Presidents' Day parade.
"Good morning, girls" said Sunset Shimmer.
"Good morning, Sunset" said Rainbow Dash. "Today is Presidents' Day"
"It sure is, girls" said Sunset Shimmer. "In fact, we are about to go to their parade today"
"We have never gone to that parade, Sunset" said Twilight.
"I know, girls" said Sunset Shimmer. "This is the first time that we go there"
"That is true, Sunset" said Pinkie Pie. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye"
"Ready to go, girls?" Sunset Shimmer asked.
"We sure are, Sunset" said Twilight.
"Then let's get going, girls" said Sunset Shimmer.
At downtown Canterlot, Sunset Shimmer and her friends are about to see the parade.
"Great suggestion, Sunset" said Kerry. "It was nice that you took to the parade"
"Thanks, girls" said Sunset Shimmer. "The parade is about to start now"
The girls saw the American flag on the parade float.
"Nice float they have" said Rainbow Dash.
"Here come some presidents" said Sunset Shimmer.
"Some of our students are dressed as the presidents" said Applejack.
"I see them, Applejack" said Fluttershy. "This is a good parade"
"Here comes the next parade now" said Sunset Shimmer.
"The marching band are playing some music" said Rainbow Dash.
"That is a lot of marching band members" said Kerry.
"They have been practicing for the parade" said Sunset Shimmer.
"I get it now" said Kerry.
A bit later, the Presidents' Day parade has come to an end.
"It is over, girls" said Sunset Shimmer. "Did you like the parade?"
"We sure did, Sunset" said Rainbow Dash. "We can watch it again next year"
The girls have enjoyed the Presidents' Day parade. See what happens in the next chapter of this long story.