Sup! I'm here to bring you a all new Gamer Fanfiction. Hopefully, it'll be somewhat original. This was inspired by such works as Uzumaki Naruto: Dawn of the Gamer by Legend of the Kyuubi, Harry Potter and the Power of the Gamer by Legend of the Kyuubi, Lycan Games by Ky Karno, and other Gamer Fics which you can find all within several communities.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or The Gamer. Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The Gamer is owned by Sung Sang-Young. I do not make any money by writing this fanfiction. I do not directly go to jail, I do pass go, and I do collect $200 fake currency.

[You died…]

Those words inside of a dark blue box were the only words I could see. The rest of the world around me was a black void of nothingness. I could not even hear my own voice. The very last thing I could remember was walking across a street by way of a crosswalk then a truck blowing a horn. Then nothing…. Nothing but pain.

[New Game
Load Save Data
New Game+

Those words flashed across the nothingness after the first box faded away. It seems like my life was a video game and I just never noticed. Pressing the Options button, several new things game up


Staring at all of them all I could say was a string of curse words that would make even the most vivid of sailors blush at them. No wonder why my vision was so bad. Changing the settings, I turned on the HUB, MINIMAP, and lowered the difficulty to HARD. No wonder why my life sucked, if that was the difficulty setting of it. I was a overweight, glasses wearing, scruffy-looking, guy that couldn't hold a job if my life depended on it. Sighs… Life is hard, but that was complete overkill if you know what I mean.

I had no objections to the colors of the box and text, I actually liked that combination. The dark blue was almost sapphire in color, my birthstone. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself didn't I? My name is Frank Smith. I'm a 24 year old NEET, that lived in Illinois before my death. You wouldn't of heard of my hometown, so I'm not gonna tell you it. Anyways, back to the story, I turned on the BGM, and started to listen to a Fate/Zero OST called if you leave. It was a sad song, but it fit the mood I was feeling at the moment. I then turned up the Image Quality to 1080p, and hit saved. Directly after that, everything became so much sharper and more vibrant despite all I was looking at was the inky darkness and a game box.

I sighed before selecting the New Game+ feature which opened, I selected my old save data and imported it into what I was doing now. As it was loading I wondered if I would have to go back and relive my life or if I could go into a different world and live there. I'm an Otaku and that thought excited me. Adventuring alongside Luffy, Naruto, even Shiro Emiya was exciting to say the least. I really hoped that I would be able to just leave my world behind. It was a shitty world anyways…

After it was done loading, it had several options available to me. It had the world I was living in, novel worlds, movie worlds, anime worlds, and other types of worlds.

Novel, Movie, and those other types of worlds looked interesting, but for now. I'll live my life in a anime world. Hopefully, I could pick something I liked and not live in a world where I had to be a Magical Girl and did fanservice pantyshots. Shivering at the thoughts, I hit Anime worlds.

All of the options there were greyed out save one. It said Naruto. I gained a great evil smirk on my face. YES! Finally, I'd be able to actually perform different types of jutsu instead of weaving through hand seals like a loon and hoping to breathe fire or perform the Chidori, or even the Rasengan.

Hitting it, and the yes that appeared afterwards, I was taken to a character design page. Looking at the options I chose my new name to be Raika Yamamoto. I know what you're wondering it does sound feminine, but I don't care. People call the female Naruto, Naruko. And I know there are several names that are interchangeable like Ichigo, Aoi, Akira, and Haru.

Next it told me to select a gender, I laughed and hit male. Maybe in my next life I'll be of the fairer gender and have boobs… I almost hit female after that thought…. Almost.

Directly after that, it told me to select a clan it had a list of clans that I could be a part of due to my save data. Looking through it, I wondered what I should be. I didn't want to be one of those emo Uchiha or Hyuuga that had trees up their asses. Nor did I want to be a Uzumaki, Nara, Yamanaka, or Akimichi. I zeroed into a single clan I wanted to be apart of. It was the Senju Clan. I remembered when I watched the Hiruzen vs Orochimaru fight, and remembered all of the awesome jutsu that Hashirama and Tobirama were throwing around.

Naturally, I hit Senju and yes. It was soon replaced by a perk screen. It seemed like I would be able to select my own perks from a list. Even though I liked Mokuton, I didn't want it. I wanted something that was my very own. Something that no one in Naruto possessed, a unique Kekkei Tota. It was not going to be like the Dust Release, which was a bullshit ability. Able to destroy anything and everything that it touched? Completely overpowered.

It said I could select four perks from a list. Looking through them I could only find three that interested me. They were called Elemental Triad, Senju Heir, and One with Nature. I wondered if I were to create the unique Kekkei Tota it would itself become a Perk. Selecting the three of them, I hit yes. The system saved the perk point for me since I only had three perks. It said I could create a unique and new perk for myself through training. I grinned before another screen came up. It prompted me to choose which three elements I wanted to have at the start due to the Elemental Triad perk. It could evolve to include the other two basic elements once I started to learn them.

That's right, I remembered that Hiruzen, and Orochimaru could use all five basic elements. When I went through the wiki, it said that Hashirama, Tobirama, and Mū were also able to use all five with incredible mastery. But that's normal, and through pure hard and long training. Other people were able to gain the five basic elements but they used cheat methods like the Rinnegan, Six-Paths Senjutsu, Earth Grudge Fear, stealing chakra, the chimera technique, or possessing a legendary sword.

I supposed my own method would eventually become a cheat method. I grinned while thinking how others would perceive me. I shrugged while another box came up. It told me to distribute attribute points or stat points into what I wanted. The stats were typical of a roleplaying game.

I had sixteen points to spread out, among six stats. I looked at them while remembering that the perks I had would give me several free stat points per level. Grinning, I put 2 in STR, 3 in VIT, 1 in DEX, 2 in INT, 3 in WIS, and the remaining 5 in LUK. I basically understood the mechanics behind all of the stats so I didn't bother looking them up.

After distributing the stat points the final part of character creation appeared, designing what I'll look like. Cracking my knuckles, I chose dark blonde hair and green eyes. I made myself somewhat handsome, without facial hair. I chose a muscular yet lean body, like a swimmer would have. I made myself somewhat tall at six feet and made the duplicate of me weigh a hundred and eighty pounds.

It also told me to chose a point in my life that my consciousness would appear in the world. The me that would be living there would react to things how I would normally react to them, so no one would notice any difference in my personality, attitude or anything.

There was one last thing to do, it wanted me to select a universe to inhabit due to there being a bunch of universes within the Naruto universe I was looking at had most of the Konoha 12 if not the entirety of them being girls. There was a distinct difference in this universe than the other ones. Sakura Haruno did not exist in it. Grinning, I knew I could become Rookie of the Year, with this universe's Sasuke being the top kunoichi, which meant Naruto would more than likely be the dead last and on my team as well. Remembering how drop dead gorgeous Naruko was, when I was 13, and even now, I knew this was the universe I wanted to live in. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. Even if I knew that was a jutsu, it still fueled a lot of confusion when I was younger. Even though I worked through it, I still liked her appearance.

As soon as I pressed yes to everything, I felt something hit me over the back of my head. When I came to everything was bright…

Opening my eyes, I looked around, everything was crystal clear. I wasn't even wearing my glasses. I was in bed, and I could remember everything that had happened to my doppelganger in this world. He didn't know who my parents were, I bet Hiruzen would know, but I wasn't going to confront him about it since everyone knows me as Raika Yamamoto, an orphan. Thinking about something, I wanted to make sure that I could pull up my stats whenever I wanted and thought the world status.

Suddenly my status appeared in front of me. I knew I was within a small apartment due to my minimap, and that Naruto was right next door to my apartment. Smiling I looked over my status to make sure everything was alright.

[Raika Yamamoto
Level: 1
Age: 8
Title: The Gamer
Rank: Civilian(+5% EXP gains to level 10)
HP: 820/820 (Regen: +5.5% every hour)
CP: 1500/1500 (Regen: +5% every hour)
EXP: 0/1000
STR: 2
VIT: 11
DEX: 1
INT: 10
WIS: 8
LUK: 5
SP: 0

Elemental Triad: +5 VIT and +3 INT per level, +25% EXP to Elemental Mastery, +25% EXP to Element Jutsu
Senju Heir: +5 INT and +3 VIT per level, +100% EXP to Chakra Control Techniques, +25% EXP, +500 HP and CP per level
One With Nature: +5 WIS per level, +50% EXP to Elemental Mastery, +100% EXP to Sage Mode, +50% EXP to Meditation

Ryo: 500]

Yes, I know my VIT, INT, and WIS are higher from what I had selected earlier. But my perks activate each level starting at level one. But I wondered why my HP and CP was so high other than the fact that me being the Senju heir affording me additional HP and CP per level. I loved that about that perk.

I pressed the help button on the page, and it opened an explanation about each stat and what it did as well as a guide to tell me how my stats rated in the ranking system of this world.

[HP- Health Points
You gain +100 per level, and +20 per point of VIT. When this hits zero you are dead. When it hits 10% you will be knocked out for a while.

CP- Chakra Points
You gain +500 per level, and +50 per point of INT. When this hits zero you will be knocked out for a while and will be unable to use chakra for a few days.

STR- Strength
Strength determines a person's overall physical power. This determines how much physical damage a person is able to deal to another living being. It also affects their overall ability to defend yourself whilst blocking. It also affects how much a person can lift and throw.

VIT- Vitality
Vitality determines a person's overall health. It also measures how much Health a person can regenerate outside of combat. Vitality also helps you resist special types of damage such as burning and poison. You get +20 HP per point. You get .5% HP Regen per point.

DEX- Dexterity
Dexterity determines a person's overall movement. This affects a person's accuracy, evasive movements, speed, and the ability to land critical damage upon a target. Dexterity also plays a vital role in lockpicking, stealth, use of weaponry, and the ability to dual wield weaponry.

INT- Intelligence
Intelligence determines a person's ability to think quickly, and innovate. This also determines the strength of a person's chakra, how much they have, and how fast they recover chakra outside of combat. It also determines how well a person can create variations of jutsu, and a jutsu's overall power.

WIS- Wisdom
Wisdom determines a person's common sense, perception, overall control over their chakra. It also affects their ability to learn, retain information, and determines how smart they are. Wisdom also plays an important role in learning certain skills such as Genjutsu, and Medical Ninjutsu as well as defending against mental attacks.

Luck determines a person's overall chance. Luck is unique among all other attributes due to it being capable of affecting loot drops(including finding treasure scrolls), winning at gambling, to encounters(Combat or otherwise), and outstanding successes.

SP- Stat Points
You earn 5 stat points per level. Every 15 levels you earn you gain another stat point to distribute per level up. Certain quests give you stat points as well.

Stat Maximum: 1000
1-20: Civilian
21-40: Academy Student
41-80: Genin
81-100: Elite Genin
101-140: Chuunin
141-160: Elite Chuunin
161-200: Special Jounin
201-240: Jounin
241-300: Elite Jounin
301+: Kage]

Seeing the ranking system of the world, I couldn't help but be in confusion about the Elite Genin and Elite Chuunin ranks. Though it was nice to see there was a hard limit to each stat. Though I knew within the next couple levels my VIT, INT, and WIS would more than likely be at the Academy Student level, due to me gaining 8 per level of VIT, and INT, and 5 per level for WIS.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention which elements I gained through the elemental triad perk. I had chosen Earth, Fire, and Wind, partly because I wanted to see if I could make Lava Release and a special offset kekkei tota of Lava Release by combining wind with the molten hot rocks.

The idea was to create Volcanic Ash by making the lava more air-like, by using Wind in conjunction with Lava Release. I knew it would take me a long time to even recreate the Lava Release, but I was confident that I would be able to do so due to my gamer power.

As I got ready for the day, I saw that the other me had mostly dark clothing in blues, greens, and purples. I threw on a dark green shirt, dark blue shorts, and a set of purple sandals. It was the first day of me entering the academy after all and I wanted to look presentable to my teachers and the class. I knew the clan children and ninja children would more than likely be at level three or five maybe even higher due to their pre-training. I mean, it would only be logical for clan and ninja children to receive training from their parents.

Suddenly out of nowhere a box appeared in front of me, it said…

[Mission: You're late!
You're running several minutes behind schedule. Get to the Academy on time for Orientation!
Objective: Get to the Academy on time
Secondary Objective 1: Get to the Academy one minute early.
Secondary Objective 2: Get to the Academy 2 minutes early.
Hidden Objective: ?
Rewards: 300 EXP, 5,000 Ryo, Increased Rep with Hokage, Increased Rep with Academy Teachers, Increased Rep with fellow students.
Secondary 1 Rewards: 300 EXP, 20 Academy Quality Shurikens and Kunai, Increased Rep with Hokage, Increased Rep with Academy Teachers, Increased Rep with fellow students.
Secondary 2 Rewards: 300 EXP, Skill Scroll, Increased Rep with Hokage, Increased Rep with Academy Teachers, Increased Rep with fellow students.
Hidden Rewards: ?
Failure: 100 EXP, Decreased Rep with Hokage, Decreased Rep with Academy Teachers, Decreased Rep with fellow students, Possible Death

I pressed the Y button because I could not deny that 900 EXP would be a humongous help, and I remembered that Ryo was traded for Yen in Japan on a one to one ratio meaning I would get around fifty dollars for completing this mission. As I rushed out the door, I noticed that Naruto was still sleeping. Stopping for a minute, I pounded on her door before she answered.

"You're going to be late for the academy."

I ran off while she shouted in anger at oversleeping. Grinning at her antics, I descended down the stairs as fast as I could without injuring myself.

Due to rigorous exercise and precision you earn 2 DEX points.

Almost face planting because of that box, I ignored it as I felt faster than before. It seemed like different things like running down a flight of stairs without stopping, or missing a step netted me stat points.

But none of that now, I had to get to the academy! As I ran through the streets, dodging civilians and stalls, I saw that my apartment building was only a couple minutes from the academy building if I walked. But if the mission said I was late, I had to run. Breathing a sigh of relief I entered the building and followed behind one of the people I recognized, it was Tsume Inuzuka, and her two daughters. By staring at them, while I followed them to the orientation, a box appeared.

[Special Skill created through a special action!

Level: 1(10/100 EXP)
Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.
Currently Observed: Name, Level, Title.]

Looking at their names, I saw that both Hana and Tsume's levels were question marks, meaning they were severely high level. Looking at the female form of Kiba I see that she was named Mimi, which translates into ear. Looking at her level, I saw that she was level 3. It seemed as though my theory of clan children being at a higher level was right. It sucked, but life wasn't fair.

Internally chuckling at that, I simply followed them as I 'observed' everything I could around me. I didn't know how much I would have to observe before it leveled up, but after observing ten things it leveled up.

It seemed as though each time I use a skill it went up by ten excluding modifiers like my perk modifiers. Shrugging, as I entered the hall right behind the Inuzukas, the mission box came up telling me that I succeeded in the mission…

[Mission: You're late!
You're running several minutes behind schedule. Get to the Academy on time for Orientation!
Objective: Get to the Academy on time(COMPLETE)
Secondary Objective 1: Get to the Academy one minute early.(COMPLETE)
Secondary Objective 2: Get to the Academy 2 minutes early.(COMPLETE)
Hidden Objective: Wake up Naruto and tell her that she's late!(COMPLETE)
Rewards: 300 EXP, 5,000 Ryo, Increased Rep with Hokage, Increased Rep with Academy Teachers, Increased Rep with fellow students.
Secondary 1 Rewards: 300 EXP, Academy Quality Shurikens and Kunai, Increased Rep with Hokage, Increased Rep with Academy Teachers, Increased Rep with fellow students.
Secondary 2 Rewards: 300 EXP, Skill Scroll, Increased Rep with Hokage, Increased Rep with Academy Teachers, Increased Rep with fellow students.
Hidden Rewards: Naruto Rep is Friendly, Training Buddy: Naruto, Increased Rep with Hokage
Total Rewards: 1,170 EXP, 5.000 Ryo, 20 Academy Quality Shuriken and Kunai, Scroll of Skurikenjutsu, Increased Rep with Hokage, Academy Teachers, and Fellow Students, Naruto is Friendly, Training Buddy: Naruto]

I stare at all of the rewards, and shrug while mentally dismissing them. I can assign my stat points later, but I did feel stronger than before. It seemed as though this game was the best cheat code ever.

I however knew I was going to put three points into STR, and two into DEX since those were my two weakest stats. I highly doubted I would ever need to put anything into VIT, INT, or WIS because of my perks. Hell, one of them gave me an additional 500 HP and CP per level. I was the ultimate cheat character. If my calculations were correct, I should have 19 in VIT, 18 in INT, and 13 in WIS.

[Due to mental calculations and a logical conclusion you gain 1 INT and 1 WIS.]

It felt funny, I didn't feel like I gained any chakra from the INT I gained.

[Hint: You only gain HP and CP upon level up. Additional points earned via training are added to the next level.]

Well, I'll be damned. It seemed as though there was a hint system in place. Shrugging it off I listened to the orientation and followed my fellow classmates out into one of the practice fields. I saw Naruto sneak her way into the field behind us, it seemed as though my warning paid off. She stood next to me and thanked me.

"No problem, I hope we could be friends and maybe train together."

She flashed me a wide grin that made my heart skip a beat. Her grin with those pure blue eyes was beautiful. She snaked one of her hands into my own hand, and explained that friends held hands with each other. I shrugged and held her hand.

The Hokage looked right at us, and gave me a approving and small smile. It seemed as though she was being mistreated like in the canon timeline. I mentally frown at the thought, I decided right then and there, that I would help her out with groceries and training. Despite me wanting to make her the dead last, I wanted to really help her.

"Want to train with me after the orientation?"

She nodded enthusiastically, and said that orphans had to stick together. I knew that my old self was friendly with her and had told her that I was an orphan, and we had developed a small bond from that, that grew that day.

I had a plan to get on the same team with Naruto, and maybe get Kakashi off his lazy ass and train the team. The main reason that Sasuke left Konoha was because he wasn't being trained to a high enough level that suited him. I would make sure this universe's Sasuke would be defended from that pedophilic snake known as Orochimaru.

After I had that train of thought, I wondered how many stat points per level I could train when a hint appeared in front of me.

[Hint: You can train up to five points per stat, aside from LUK. You can't train LUK.]

Well, that was convenient. Pushing that aside, I wondered what would happen if I were to get higher points in each stat. Would I get a new perk for that, or would something happen that would give me some sort of benefit.

While I was pondering that, I watched as two new academy students were fighting and I pulled up my status screen to see if my rank was affected at all. My new status read….

[Raika Yamamoto
Level: 2
Age: 8
Title: The Gamer
Rank: Academy Student(+10% EXP gains to level 20)
HP: 1580/1580 (Regen: +5.5% every hour)
CP: 2900/2900 (Regen: +5% every hour)
EXP: 1700/4000
STR: 2
VIT: 20
DEX: 3
INT: 19
WIS: 13
LUK: 5
SP: 5

Elemental Triad: +5 VIT and +3 INT per level, +25% EXP to Elemental Mastery, +25% EXP to Element Jutsu
Senju Heir: +5 INT and +3 VIT per level, +100% EXP to Chakra Control Techniques, +25% EXP, +500 HP and CP per level
One With Nature: +5 WIS per level, +50% EXP to Elemental Mastery, +100% EXP to Sage Mode, +50% EXP to Meditation

Ryo: 5,500]

Oh yeah, I still had to assign the points I got and did so quickly with three going into STR and two going into DEX. I sighed and knew that we would all have explosive growth from now on since all of the students were still Civilian level in their stats.

I shrugged and continued to observe people in order to level up my observe skill in order to see what kind of stats and other things I was working with for Naruto, and my future comrades. I could see all of the clan children were between levels 3 to 5 with the ninja children were between levels 2 and 4, and the civilian children were all at level 1. It would take a miracle for all of them to hit level 20 within the next four years at the academy. As I grinded my observe skill, it would level up twice more, putting it at level 4.

With the new level, I would be able to see the stats of things without boosts that come from techniques. I wondered if I could create a passive that would boost my techniques, and wondered why the system didn't create a running skill or award me any points for running to the academy. I surmised that it was too short of a distance to create a skill like that or give me stat points for it.

Seeing as a box did not appear, I now knew that it would not be that easy in order to grind stat points. Mentally shrugging, my name is called. I entered the ring, and my opponent was Shikako, the female version of Shikamaru.

I wondered if she were as much of a lazy bastard as Shikamaru, before a new mission box appeared in front of me. Time stopped around me so I could read and react to the mission.

[Mission: Tournament!
You have entered the Academy, tournaments happen all the time. This one is to see what skill level you are.
Objective: Get into the Top 3
Secondary Objective: Win the Tournament
Reward: 1,000 EXP, 7,500 Ryo Increased Rep with Teachers, Hokage, Students
Secondary Reward: Skill Scroll
Failure: 250 EXP, Decreased Rep with Teachers, Hokage, Students


I pressed the yes button and prepared for action…

And cut!

VK: That's the first chapter of The Gamer: Naruto Edition. Hopefully it was alright since I typed it up with only one sitting. Anyways…. *Gets attacked by the men of the Konoha 12*


VK: Hey, you'll have boobs you'll be able to fondle, AND you all get 25% discounts at Ninja stores. *Doesn't mention that several of them will be in MC's harem, as they beat him.*

Men of K12: *Continues to beat VK.*

VK: Review to save my life! STOP! DON'T DO THAT! NOOOOOOOOOO!

Edit: Fixed the way I did the boxes, so they're now in [this format], and changed the Tournament Mission to give twice the amount of EXP and some Ryo.