Hey Readers! A-Are you still because its been months since my last update...I am so sorry guys! So much has been happening with my family and work. Please forgive me..to be honest there was a lack of motivation and inspiration to write along with the chaos but i'm here now and with a new chapter! Thank you readers for being patient and supportive! Please enjoy the next chapter of 'The Silly Crush'!


Song for this chapter: Out of the Woods (cover) by Anthem Lights

Keith winced by the break of light piercing through his cockpit window. He opened his eyes and saw that all the lions were staring at something above. He turned Red; to see and saw that the waterfall they went through was connected to a mountain side and carved into it's rock was an exotic fortress intertwined by vines and flowers and crystals. Ships flew to and fro from the structure toward the giant waterfall to the village on the other side. Looking down below, Keith found himself starring into a mirror reflecting everything above. Keith saw that there were mirrors above the mountain peek as well. How strange? What were they for?

"Paladins. Come to the landing dock 30 meters above you." Alurra's voice came on the speaker and the Lions flew up to a cliff and there waiting for them was Alurra and Martok with other Eldorians waiting for them.

Red landed and Keith stood from his seat.

"Now don't be a stranger little one." Red reminded and Kieth shook his head, he still wasn't use to hearing Red's voice in his head other than her occasional growls and purrs. Red opened to the outside and Keith took off his helmet as he ran toward his friends. Lance turned and sped walked up to Keith nervously.

"Took you long enough! We are about to meet King Kong." Lance yelled at him in a whisper. Keith ignored him and walked back up with him. Alurra nodded to Martak once the paladins were all accounted for.

"Your Majesty, the paladins of Voltron." Martar introduced and just as he bowed he stepped aside as an ape in royal robes walked up to them.

Shiro nodded his head to the royal before him. "Thank you for welcoming us to your world and for helping our comrade King-?"

"Queen Eden; actually." She chuckled and looked to Shiro.

"I-I am so sorry your highness." Shiro blushed embarrassed and was quick to apologize.

"It's quite alright Paladin. Pidge is with our healers as we speak." Queen Eden caught the stare of Keith when she mentioned Pidge, she ginned and looked at Alurra. "It is such an honor to have you all here. I am sure you are all tired from your journey. Come, rest and we shall sup."

Queen Eden gestured them to follow and Hunk was the first to head inside asking questions about the food they would be serving and the rest of them followed. Keith however looked up wondering where Pidge could be. He sighed and started to walk, he wasn't feeling silly anymore...He felt hopeless and pathetic.

"Pidge gasped and shot herself up in a sitting position. Her head was fuzzy and pain shot through her veins.

"Please sit still young one. My name is Ahlia I have helped you heal." Pidge's blurred vision couldn't help her Identify the voice.

"Where am I?" She asked and she assumed she was somewhere unfamiliar by the random voice in the room.

"You are on Eldor."

"El..El-what-dow? God! Why can't I see?!" Pidge frustratingly tugged a fistful of her bangs in her hands.

"Your sight should return any moment now." Just as the voice said it would her sight came back. Pidge blinked away any blurs left in sight and everything was clear. She looked around with knitted brows. The room she was in was half rock and half canopy.

"Why am I in Tarzan's tree house?...why am-" Her eyes met with an orangutan's and her eyes widened. "AH!" Pidge jumped back falling from the hammock she was in to the rock floor. She peeked over it to an annoyed orangutan.

"Are you done?" She asked and Pidge nodded. The animal sighed and she swung her self up grabbing a root over Pidge. Ahlia lifted her up with her feet and set Pidge back in the hammock. Ahlia jumped to the ground and made Pidge lay back down as Ahlia wrapped the blanket around her.

"May I ask you something?"

"If you don't start hopping around like a toad you can ask me." Ahlia answered.

"How did I get here and why is a monkey tucking me into bed?"

"Do you remember the Reptilians attacking?" Ahlia asked and Pidge nodded. "You were poisoned by one of them and received quite the gash by its talons. Eldor came to your aid and you were sent here to be treated."

"Will I be alright?" Pidge asked and looked to her stomach where a small blood stain bled though the white cloth.

"Yes, however you will have a nasty scar. You're lucky; you were very close to death when you got here."

"My friends, are they here?"

"Yes the-"

"Are they alright?! May I see them?!" Pidge sat up again and a shot of pain ran through her, she tried to ignore it for she was eager to see her team.

Ahlia pushed Pidge back down to lay her head.

"Rest. Please, an- Don't more." Ahlia pointed at her and Pidge blew air in her cheek as the orangutan left the room, shutting the door. Pidge sighed annoyed when she heard Ahlia also lock the door to keep Pidge in. She looked to the ceiling but her exhaustion got the best of her and Pidge fell asleep.

Keith poked at his food not having much of an appetite. He glanced from his plate and saw that everyone was extremely animated. Shiro and Hunk laughed at Martak's stories, Alurra was engulfed in conversation with Queen Eden. Keith figured Alurra would use any moment she could to talk about peace and politics and Lance...Lance was being pampered by lemurs picking at his head and massaging his shoulders. Lance noticed Keith's tired glare and and hummed in amusement.

"Jealous Keith? I'm not only getting a shoulder massage but a head massage."

"You know they do that to look for insects in the hair that they can eat right?"

"Psh! What? No way...Is he wrong?" Lance asked one of the lemurs.

"So far we have found three beetles in your hair." One of them chirped. "Oh! Make that four." The lemur pulled the bug out and ate it.

"What?!" Okay...Make-Make sure you get every last bug."

"You heard him ladies!" The other lemurs hopped unto his shoulders and started rustling through Lance's hair.

Keith gritted his teeth and stood from his chair and stormed out of the dinning hall.

"How the hell can they be so happy when Pidge-" He stopped and shoved his hands in his pockets leaning against the wall.


"Look Shiro I don't want to talk-" Keith blinked surprised to see Lance. "Lance?"

"Hey man...Hey whats bugging you? Other than the ones in my hair." Lance laughed awkwardly and stopped when Keith just frowned. He coughed and continued. "Look I was just trying to ease you up a little but obviously that didn't work."

Keith didn't say anything and Lance frowned concerned.

"So you gonna talk to me or what, Keith?" Keith firmed his jaw and gestured him to follow. Lance walked with him and Keith sighed.

"Everyone is acting fine and dandy but we almost lost Pigde and no one seems to care. We're all just laughing and smiling and carrying on but no asked about her or how shes doing or if she's asked for us. I'm the only one who cares."

"Keith we did ask. Especially me! Did you not see Hunk with Queen Eden when we entered the fortress this morning asking what kind of food would be served and if Pidge would prefer a soup. Or maybe Shiro asking Martak at dinner if he could get the antidote that was used to heal Pidge so he could continue her treatments when were back in the castle. How about Alurra being the the one to get her settled and comfortable and made sure the healer monkeys were with her at all times. You were just so deep in your own crap that you didn't even realize."

"Whoa Lance hold it,"

"No Keith! You hold it! I'm so sick of your holy'r than thou attitude!


"I asked over and over if I could see Pidge but they said she was sleeping but I wanted to make sure she was okay. I just needed to see her but I couldn't, they wouldn't let me. How would you feel if you were accountable for Pidge getting hurt and endangering everyone on your team because you just wanted to be useful for once in your life and think of a good idea, like bringing in sheep looking aliens that turned out to be Lizard monsters! Pidge got hurt because of me! I love her too you know!"

"Lance i'm sorry." Keith was stunned and didn't know what to say when suddenly he blinked confused. "You 'love' her?"

Lance smirked. "Out of everything I just said that's what you pick up? Look unlike you I can hide my feelings...but she loves you. Not me." Keith looked at him.

"Your right." So there is no need to continue this discussion right." Keith asked with a firmness to his voice. Lance laughing annoyed and glanced at him.

"Just a fair warning. If you hurt her, brake her heart, whatever you want to call it...know ill be here for a shoulder to cry on. She's priceless. Pidge is priceless. Make sure to treat her as such got it." Lance straightened his jacket and walked away.

"Is that advice Lance."

"Screw off Keith." Lance turned the corner and what Lance didn't know is that he humbled Keith..but he wasn't going to let him know that.

Pidge woke up to a loud noise with a sting in her head and sat up. The pain fazed in and out sleep wasn't something she was going to be doing for now. Pidge set her feet on the rock floor and looked to the door she licked her lips and once was study she tried the door and she cried, laughed when it was still locked. She found the window at least she could get some fresh air, she needed it. She opened the little wooden window to see the night sky.

Pidge was feeling confined, usually when she was feeling this way she would sneak out of the castle and watch Alteian sunsets and sunrises but since they set off to space she hasn't had that pleasure for a long time. She looked around and down to the canopy like roof. She wanted to be outside, Pidge licked her lips, sticking her leg out the window and placed her foot on it and tested the strength of the roof . It held her weight and she stepped out unto it. She adjusted her stance and walked a little further and sat down.

Keith made it to his chambers and fell in his hammock. He thought about what Lance said. Was he really being selfish, of course they would care about what happened to Pidge. They were like family especially to Pidge. Keith shoved his palms into his cheeks and groaned and now he knew that Lance liked Pidge as well. Keith had the heat of envy in his gut. Would she like some one like Lance more than him?

Keith knew he wasn't the most fun guy to hang around and maybe he- Wait. Keith sat up and rubbed his forehead. Was he honestly getting self cautious right now. He growled and started to pace the room. He blushed with a scared yet determined expression on his face. He' just going to have to tell her how he feels. Before Lance can at least. God... or maybe it was just a silly crush like he thought and it won't go anywhere? Keith shook his hair in frustration.

"I need some air," He shoved open the window and leaned on the sill of it. "Stop acting like a love struck little kid." Keith told himself. He heard a loud noise and looked up. The mirrors above the canopy started to open and it shown the night sky and the stars above. "Huh interesting."

He gazed at the star for awhile and his thoughts came back to him of what he was going to say to Pidge when he saw her again. Should he act funny or apologize or just-. He lost his train of thought when he saw below him was Pidge walking out unto the canopy and sat down. His heart sank to his gut. She was there she was ok. Relief filled him and before he knew it he was out unto the canopy climbing down to her.

Pidge held her knees to her chest and looked up into the sky, studying the stars and the new constellations. She grinned slightly at its beauty until a shot of pain shot to her temple. The poison was out of her system, however the headaches and chills were the after affects and it seemed to take her off guard. Taking in a irritable breath she closed her eyes.


Pidge turned her head to see Keith sneak out of his window onto the canopy. She frowned sadly and turned her face back to the sky. She tried to hide her happyiness because she was glad to see one of her friends but sad because she didn't know what to say since it was Keith and what happened a few days ago between them. What she didn't know is that Keith was thinking and doing the same thing that she was.

"You should really get some sleep." Keith said concerned. Pidge shrugged refusing to say anything and stayed quiet. Keith firmed his jaw annoyed and watched her from the corner of his eye. He noticed her small trembles and shakes. Keith sighed and took off his jacket.

Pidge jumped slightly as he placed it over her shoulders. Pidge looked back at him sitting there next to her not saying much of anything either. She grasped the jacket and held it close to her.

"Thank you." Pidge thanked sheepishly and Keith lightly blushed, bumping his fists together in a nervous fidget.


They both spoke at the same time and Keith pressed his lips together. "You first." Pidge took a breath and hid half her face as she spoke muffled words.

"You are an Asshole."

Keith coughed surprised and looked at her ready to defend himself but he saw her eyes tearing up. He bite his tongue and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah...I know." He replied sadly.

"I mean," Her voice broke a little as she spoke and that tugged at his heart when she cried. "You just think i'm this useless, pitiful person. I have feelings Keith, I'm not a robot, i'm not afraid to admit i'm sensitive, okay? I'm not made of stone like-" She stopped and covered the rest of her face with his jacket.

"Like me?" Keith asked already knowing the answer and Pidge nodded.

"You can be really mean." She admitted.

"I know." Keith scooted close to her and tugged at the collar of the jacket gently. "Can you forgive me? I'm really sorry Pidge." She didn't answer and Keith sighed.

"You know I kinda Envy you. I never knew my mom and I lost my Dad when I was younger. So Shiro looked after me but as much as Shiro tried to be a big brother to me we never saw much of each other. Part of that is my fault too I guess. When I hit the right age I went straight to Garrison which I also failed at since I dropped out.

I didn't have my family there so I didn't think I could do anything right. I have no childhood with Family. I know that doesn't change the fact of how I treated you but I just wanted you to know that i'm the one that's pathetic. I have no sympathy for people, i'm selfish and blind to feelings and get frustrated easily." Keith took a deep breath and continued.

What i'm trying to say is Pidge...You have every right to be angry with me. I really want you to find your father and Matt and what I said about you not being able to handle a fight, that was just me being a jack ass because you can completely handle saving yourself. You protected the entire castle under attack by yourself and found a way to find the whole team when we were stranded on different planets a few years back."

"You are right." She poked up her head from the collar and grinned at Keith. "And you had no help in that." Keith smirked with a roll of his eyes.

"Yeah yeah...and I was genuine when I said I want to protect you because I care about you...Alot." He blushed slightly and looked to the sky and Pidge laughed.

"So this is about the kiss then?"

Keith frowned and tried to lie.

"No...It wasn't. I was upset that-...You um,"

"Won the fight a few days ago?"

Keith snapped his fingers to her answer. "Yes! Because you won."

"But you said I failed the session?" She bumped his arm. Keith went to answer but bite his lip looking in the opposite direction. Pidge sighed disappointed. "Still not going to admit it was the kiss huh?" What the hell, it didn't matter anymore. Keith looked down at her and wrapped his arm around her.

"I'll never admit it." He whispered to her and she smiled.

"I think you just did." She whispered back. He shrugged and his face went soft.

"So do you forgive me?"

Pidge tapped her chin sarcastically and looked to him slyly. "If I do. Can I keep the jacket?" She asked hopeful. Keith swayed his head.

"Okay. Take it off we're done here." He went to stand and she pulled him back down to sit. Pidge grabbed his face and kissed him. She pulled away and chuckled at his stunned and very red face.

"I' forgive you."

Keith grinned and grabbed the back of her head and pressed his lips to her forehead and kissed her between her bangs. He then winked at her and stood up again. Keith reached for her hand and she took it as he hoisted her up into his arms. She snorted at his sudden action and she rested her head against his shoulder. Pidge was surprised by how collected he was after she kissed him so suddenly.

He crawled through the window still with her in his arms. He soon placed her in her hammock and adjusted the blanket over her.

He placed his hand on her cheek. "Get some sleep." Pidge nodded to him and he rubbed his thumb on her cheek and kissed her head one last time. "Good night."

"Good night."

"Don't go anywhere."

She laughed again and rubbed her forehead.

"Even if I wanted to they locked me in here. " Keith stopped at the window and raised a brow.

"They did?" he asked in disbelief. Keith blew a breath of amusement and hopped out the window. "See you tomorrow."


Once he was gone Pidge squeaked a sound of joy and went under the covers.

Keith laughed when he heard Pidge cry out a sound of happiness. He grabbed unto a branch and started climbing up to his room window. His heart was racing and the warmth inside was growing. She kissed him again but this time because she wanted to. He had to return the favor some how. He began thinking of all the ways he could make her smile, laugh and- Keith sighed happily and hung from the branch and outstretched his arm hanging his body out. He closed his eyes.. Silly crush or not he really liked this feeling.

"Nice night?" Keith shot his eyes open and looked up. Hunk was looking down at him mischievously from his own window while resting his chin in his hand. Keith turned red.

"Uh Hey Hunk." Keith caught the branch thinking he probably looked ridiculous before.

"Hello." Hunk replied smoothly.

After a few moments of silence Keith looked around. "Well G'night." Keith said quickly as he began to climb again.

"You enjoying the breeze buddy?"

"What, Hunk?

"Because there must be love in the air." Hunk said with an over dramatized wink. Keith got to the sill pf the window annoyed and red as ever.

"Is nothing secret?...How much exactly did you see?" Keith asked scared of the answer.

"The whole freak'n movie." Hunk laughed aloud and Keith groaned as he proceeded into his room. "Oh my god you guys are so cute like when is the wedding?!"

"Go to bed Hunk!"

"You guys are so cheesy oh my god."

"Hunk! Shut up!" Keith yelled one last time and slammed the window doors shut. He marched away blushed and caught a glance of his face...His scowl in the mirror. Soon his frown and anger melted away into laughing. He was too happy to be upset.

Aloha! I hope you all like my story! I just wanted to let you guys know, I write stories rather quickly sometimes and for fun! Yes I am an amateur writer. Writing is a hobby " So if there are a few grammatical mistakes I apologize :/ I'll try to find time to edit my stories when I can ;) Again thank you so much for reading!
