Hi Friends!

Thank you to everyone for still reading. We are at that point where updates are going to take time and I thank you for your patience.

I hope you are still enjoying the story. I feel like it isn't up to par with my other works but I refuse to give up on it. That being said, please forgive me on how Jay speaks. I really don't have much background with the slang his character would use - at least when it comes to writing it.

Please forgive any mistakes. I don't have a beta and I tend to miss things when I edit.


Reid could feel tears welling in his eyes as he tried to spit out the last remnants of the bile that was coating his mouth. Unfortunately, he knew that the only thing that would take the acrid taste away was water and that precious fluid was going to be a long time coming due to his behavior during the assault.

A small glint of a smile tugged at the genius's lips when he thought about how much Jay's appendage must be hurting after Reid had pushed the wedge out of his mouth and chomped down on the man's tender flesh. Unfortunately, that smirk was quickly followed by a groan as he relaxed his sore jaw.

His misbehavior had earned him a few brutal punches to his face, blackening his eye and it rattling a few teeth. And to make matters worse, Jay just shoved the wedge back in his mouth and tried to finish the job. That was, of course, until Reid's gag reflex couldn't take anymore abuse and decided to upchuck all the food and water Jay had given him earlier, an act that caused Spencer's captor to spiral out of control with his fists. At this point there was not part of the agent's body that wasn't in some kind of pain.

Biting his lip, Spencer decided to ignore the damp feeling that was setting in behind the duct tape around his eyes and focus his mind back on releasing his hands from the zip tie that was binding them together. He knew deep down that he had to push the feelings of revulsion that were welling up after his assault to the back of his mind or else he wouldn't be able to function. There would be time enough later to deal with them when he gets out…if he gets out.

He wasn't sure how long he worked at the ties but eventually he had to give up to conserve some of his energy. Deciding to take a small break, he stopped his labors and ran his index fingers over the plastic. He was happy to note that some ridges and valleys had begun to form due to his efforts. Sighing in relief at the knowledge that his plan was working slowly but surely, he rested his head against the steel pole and closed his eyes behind the tape. For though he was in a hostile environment where he needed to keep his guard up all the time, the genius's body decided that this was the perfect moment give in to the overwhelming exhaustion that had been hounding him for hours.

"So, let's recap," Hotch said solemnly as he plopped his body down into a chair. "According to the letter that was with the piece of tongue –"

"Reid's tongue," Morgan interrupted.

"We don't know that for sure yet," Hotch scolded.

"Their letter said as much," Morgan argued.

"Right, but we will wait for the official test results before we assign that piece of evidence to Reid." He explained before picking back up on his previous train of thought. "The unsubs are upset that the city has been overrun by, what they call, posers - who are mainly, white twenty-somethings that are out trying to look cool by hanging out in the more dangerous parts of town. They want the Detroit police to issue a warning to the suburbs telling the "rich-kids" to stay out of their city or else they will all end up like the others."

"And they are mad that as of right now the police have been covering it up," Gideon added. "Which is partially true. The news reports have yet to mention that any sort of connection between those kids' murders and Detroit."

"They also said that if they don't see a news report by the time the five o'clock broadcast rolls around that they'll send the rest of Reid's tongue to one of the local stations," JJ chimed in, her face painted with despair.

"We won't let it come to that," Morgan growled.

"You can't guarantee that," JJ argued as she dipped her head down to rest in her hands.

"Focus, you two," Gideon interjected before he stood up and walked over to the evidence board. "We've only got five hours before the deadline."

"Exactly," Hotch stated. "JJ, I want you to work on drafting a press release for the stations to report out at five. Keep the details vague but include the warning to the suburbanites to be cautious when venturing into all parts of Detroit. Meanwhile the rest of are going back to the beginning of this investigation."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because, like Gideon always says, the first victim will tell us the most," Morgan cut in, his eyes wide with hope. "Why didn't we think of that before? She was probably the target of all their initial rage. Maybe she pissed off one of the gang members? Maybe she was in the gang but tried to leave it because the novelty wore off…maybe…"

"Put those conjectures on hold for now. We need to re-interview her friends and family first, and this time we need to focus on whether or not she had any connections to the city," the older agent explained wisely. "Whomever orchestrated her killing – whoever picked her to be first probably had a reason. And any chance we have of finding Reid will more than likely be through understanding her."

A deep intake of breath startled the sleeping agent awake. For a few moments he wondered where he was and why he was so sore, but seconds later his memories came rushing back.

Cursing his body's need to rest, Spencer immediately started back up on trying to free his hands, wishing he knew just how much time he had wasted sleeping.

Vigorously, he worked his arms up and down, pushing down hard against the rough pole. As the youth toiled, he pressed his wrists outward against the ties in the hopes that the extra pressure would help snap the plastic band. Soon enough he felt his skin split open, allowing blood to seep out due to the zip tie biting unforgivingly into his flesh. The viscous fluid started to hinder his endeavor, for it acted more like a lubricant and allowed the plastic tie to slide back and forth over his raw wrists, making it hard for him to keep an even pressure on the pole. But just when the young agent was about to give up, the binding finally snapped, freeing his tortured limbs from their prison.

Spencer immediately lifted his liberated hands and removed the earplugs that were clogging his ears. Never in his life would he had thought that the sound of whirring car tools and steel cutters would be music to his ears, but after being forced into complete silence the sounds were a comfort.

Next, he tackled his eyes. He traced both of his index fingers along the bottom edge of the tape and when they reached his eye sockets he wedged them underneath. It took a few minutes of working but eventually he was able to pull back the tape that had been resting against his cheeks, an action which revealed a blessed sliver of light.

With his spirits high at his small triumph, the genius kept maneuvering his fingers around the adhesive tape and continued to pry it farther away from his head. Thankfully, his captor hadn't wrapped the tape all the way around his head and after a few successful tugs the silver tape pulled free of his face.

Reid let out a victorious cry of relief before he refocused his energy on removing the zip tie from around his neck. For being able to see and hear was well and good, but being free of the horrid pole would be even better.

So, he reached his hands up to his neck and scoped out the plastic with his fingers. It was cinched tightly around his neck but there was a little bit of room for him to grasp it on either side with his fingers. The youth started playing around with the tie and found that moving it back and forth against the pole was his best option.

"What the fuck?" permeated the air, startling Spencer about ten minutes into his mission. "How the hell did you get free?"

Spencer dropped his hands from around his neck and looked toward the entryway where Jay stood fuming. The genius immediately flung his arms out and started searching the ground around him for a weapon that he could use to defend himself with, while mentally cursing the fact that he hadn't heard the man coming down the stairs due to his high level of concentration and the noise from the garage above saturating the air around him.

The genius's fingers never even got a chance to brush against the ground, for Jay made short work of the distance between them. Almost instantly the burly man snatched both of Reid's wrists in his huge hands and forced them behind his back. The large goon sat down on the agent's gangly legs and leaned in close to his captive's face. "There is no escape. You're mine until Cliff decides it's time for me to kill you."

Spencer squirmed as the man's hot breath ghosted over his ear, delivering Jay's ominous words with their moist heat. "My –eam will fin- you," he said, forming some of the sounds that he struggled with before by adjusting his placement of his tongue on the roof of his mouth.

"No. They won't," Jay said confidently as he brought Reid's wrists together in front of the genius and grasped them in one hand. "They'll find you - cold and dead in an alley, along with the rest of those fucking kids."

Reid tried to break his abductor's grip by jerking his arms back, but Jay's hold was too powerful. So he did the next best thing that he could think of; he gathered a mouthful of saliva tinged with blood and hawked it straight into the thug's face.

"Gah!" Jay cried when the boy's spittle hit his cheek, releasing his grip on Reid's wrists and wiping his face in disgust. "You fuckin little shit! You're gonna regret that."

Spencer ignored the man's threat and bucked his legs. Already discombobulated due to his captive's attack, the goon went tumbling over onto his side. Taking full advantage of his kidnapper being down, Reid swung his bound legs over and pushed them into Jay's stomach. The other man curled his legs up and let out a groan of pain. With his adrenaline riding his, the agent pulled his legs back again and scooted his body over to the right a little, adjusting his angle of attack. Satisfied with his new position, Reid thrusted them away from his body and straight toward Jay's unprotected head.

Unfortunately, Jay had recovered enough from the previous strike that he was able to roll out of the way. Fluidly, the goon pushed himself up off the floor and moved out of Reid's range. "Big mistake, ya cracker ass mutha fucker. Big mistake."

The large man turned himself around and walked over to one of the shelves. Spencer could hear him rummaging through the items, for they clanged and clattered against the metal unit as he pushed them out of the way. "This'll due," Jay muttered as he turned around with a rusty ball-peen hammer clutched in his hands. "I'll fuckin teach ya foo'-ass not to kick me."

Spencer pulled his bound feet up to his chest and crossed his arms over them. He then stared the man down and straightened his jaw, locking the pleas that he wanted to let loose behind his teeth.

Smirking at his prisoner, Jay walked over and stood in front of the boy. "Tha' ain't gonna stop me," he commented upon seeing the boy's body curled up in a ball.

Spencer squinted his eyes and tried to command his body to stop shivering in fear. He was determined to stand strong and act like an agent, even though he knew what was coming.

Jay swung the hammer with his right hand and let the head of it drop into his left. He kept repeating the motion over and over until he suddenly stopped and lunged forward. With his left hand he grabbed Spencer's left ankle and yanked the youth's legs out from their nestled position, breaking the boy's handhold on them. He pulled the long lanky limbs out as far as they would go.

Reid tried to stretch out his arms to defend himself but the zip tie around his neck held him back and shortened his reach. Frustrated, he struggled to free his legs but he couldn't wrench them out of Jay's grasp.

"Now this is gonna hurt," the thug said, smiling with glee before he swung the hammer back and brought it down on the kid's right outer ankle.

The steel head hit Spencer's bone with all the force of a cement truck, pulling a scream from the boy's throat that the young man was loathe to let go. On the other hand, Jay's grin never broke as he brought it down three more times, eliciting the reaction from his victim with each blow.

When he was done, Jay threw the hammer down behind him and pulled out a knife. Spencer, though he was in immense pain, stilled at the sight – his eyes growing big and bright with worry.

A loud laugh escaped Jay's lips at the boy's terrified face. He crept forward and placed the steel blade against Spencer's swanlike neck.

Reid closed his eyes and held his breath, believing deep in his heart that he was about to die.

Surprisingly, Jay traced the knife along the plastic tie until he reached the pole. Once there he slid the cutting edge into the small space between Spencer's neck and the post, slicing it apart. He then lifted the freed agent from off the ground and tossed him toward the stained mattress on the floor.

Spencer tried to break his fall with his hands but everything happened so fast that they didn't react in time. Instead, they just careened through the air with the rest of his body until he landed like a sack of potatoes on the filthy cushion. Unfortunately, his head wasn't as lucky as the core of his body, for it missed the mattress entirely and smacked down on the concrete floor with seemingly bone-shattering force.

"Uhhhh," the boy moaned, knowing immediately that his collision with the floor was going to cause a concussion. Automatically, Spencer brought his hands down on the mattress with the intention of pushing himself up but quickly found his wrists yanked out from under him by Jay's meaty paws.

The injured agent vainly attempted to struggle against his captor but soon found his hands once again bound together behind his back with a plastic tie.

"Now comes the fun part," Jay taunted as he made his way down to Reid's feet and sawed through the tape holding them together, pushing them apart when he was done. The man then patted the boy's injured foot harshly and said, "Don't get any stupid ideas or else I'll do the same thing to your other foot."

Wide-eyed and on the verge of hyperventilating, Spencer twisted his neck to the right so he could see what Jay was doing behind him. What he saw scared him beyond belief.

Jay was standing up between his legs unlatching his belt and pulling down his zipper.

"-o!" Reid cried out before he tried to wiggle his way off the mattress.

"Where do ya' think you're goin?" the thug asked with a grin splitting his lips. He reached down and pulled the boy back into position by his shins. "Come on, kid. I promise it'll be fun – for me."

Without another word, the large man dropped to his knees and scooted up between Spencer's thighs. He weaved his own legs around his victims in order to keep them still. He then reached up and placed his left hand down on the boy's neck while he wedged his right underneath the scrawny body beneath him. His thick fingers quickly found the metal belt buckle cinched at Spencer's waist and opened it up. The agent felt the pull of his zipper being dragged downward soon after.

Spencer, who now had tears of frustration and panic trailing down his cheeks let out a squeak of protest when he felt his pants and boxers getting pulled away, leaving his virginal body exposed to the damp basement air.

"P'ease, do-'t," he whimpered, heedless of how pathetic the request made him sound – all thoughts of trying to act like a season agent had flown out the window the second his impending rape became a reality.

The hand holding his head down changed position in response, enveloping his throat and pulling him up on his knees. Jay closed the distance between their bodies, allowing his exposed member to nestle in the crack of Spencer's rear. His right hand wrapped around the youth's skinny midsection and held him still, trapping Reid's bound wrists in between their bodies.

Jay smiled as he placed his nose in the boy's soft hair and breathed in deep. "Here we go," he exhaled.

Reid's world went still for a moment before it exploded in pain.