"Incoming wormhole, SG3's IDC, sir."
"Open the iris, Walter," Jack ordered. "Get the med team to the gate room. Tell Dr. Wright to expect multiple injuries."
Soon six of the ten man team were sitting in the briefing room in front of Jack. It was a long debrief, but Jack finally had the facts he needed. He dismissed his men and just sat in silence. They'd lost three and another was seriously wounded. Jack sighed. All of the confirmed dead were from his premier team, and Hammond was fighting for his life. Ferretti had been his friend for a long time. Their kids had played baseball together. Jack had gotten pretty close to Farmer and Phillips, too. The mission may have saved earth, but it completely destroyed SG1. This was going to be hard. Again, Jack wished he'd been with the strike team. Maybe things would have gone differently. Of course, being "the man" meant sending others into danger. It was his job now, and suddenly he hated it.
"Everyone you sent to the Alpha site have returned to base," Sam said softly as she entered the briefing room.
"Any word on Hammond?"
"Dana is with him now," Sam paused, "I'm going to miss them. I can't believe we lost most of SG1."
"Me either. I knew it was dangerous, but I guess I didn't let myself see this as a real possibility," Jack frowned.
"How did it happen?"
"Farmer was trying to jam their communications. The rest of SG1 was covering him. He succeeded, but they came under heavy fire before they made it back to the others. We are lucky even Hammond survived. If SG3 hadn't run across him, he'd be dead by now. Blown to bits just like Apophis's ship."
Sam nodded and put her hand on Jack's. "Your presence wouldn't have stopped people from dying. That's what you're thinking, isn't it?" Jack nodded slightly. "They knew the risk. Ferretti, Farmer, Phillips, and Hammond all volunteered for this mission. They knew the risks every time they went through the gate, but they still did it. They were willing to die if it meant billions might be saved. Isn't that the way you felt when we were on Abydos?"
"You know the answer to that, Sam," Jack whispered, "but I had nothing to live for when we went to Abydos. They all had lives. Good lives. Futures."
"And, you have a life and a future, too, but, I know you Jack O'Neill. f you weren't in charge of this base, you'd have gone. You probably would have died just like them or you'd be in the infirmary like Hammond. This wasn't about you choosing your life over theirs. You had to do your job. You had to protect the base. Only you could have convinced Teal'c to join us, and if reinforcements had arrived from Chulak, we might have lost all of them and the planet. You can't blame yourself."
Jack stood and pulled Sam into his embrace. He held her for a long time. He would not go back into the deep depression he'd felt after Charlie. He would honor these heroes and do his job. He looked at Sam. She had saved him again. Her love and strength were what he needed and she gave it willingly. "Come on, let's go talk to Dana. Maybe she can give us an update on Hammond."
The next few weeks were very somber on base. Hammond was recovering nicely, but it would take time. Jack knew the soldier had considered retiring, and he couldn't really blame the man. Losing his entire team on one mission was an awfully big blow. In the end, the lure of the gate won and Hammond decided to stay. SG1's missions were divided among the other teams while he recovered.
Teal'c was antsy to get into the fight, and Jack eventually got the go ahead from the president to assign him to SG1. Of course, two men were hardly enough for the premier team, especially with one of them injured, so Teal'c spent time with his family. It had taken some talking, but Jack managed to find Drey'auc and Rya'c shelter with their allies. Teal'c would need to live on base, but he could visit frequently and rest easy knowing his family would be safe.
One thing was still really bothering Jack. The Daniel Jackson he'd met in the alternate reality had seemed to know what he was doing. Jack could tell his other self really trusted him. That SG1, so different from his own, seemed right somehow. Jack decided to bring up his thoughts to Catherine.
"You wanted to see me, general?" Catherine said upon entering his office.
"Yes, sit down please." Jack waited for her to take her seat before continuing, "I know you tried to recruit Dr. Jackson a few years ago and he refused."
"Quite rudely," Catherine laughed, "but I have a feeling you're about to ask me to try again."
Jack frowned. "Do you think it would be a mistake?"
"No," Catherine said, "I think if we could convince him to join us, he'd be an enormous asset." She paused, "he's definitely not military."
"Neither was Farmer by the time he joined SG1. Harrison has never served in the military, and Teal'c isn't exactly up on Air force customs either," Jack acknowledged.
"Why do I get the feeling you are considering Dr. Jackson for SG1?" Catherine laughed.
"Because I think I am," Jack said with a shrug. "I just can't get the his alternate out of my head, Catherine. I think Daniel is supposed to be here. I think we need him."
"He'd need training."
"Lots of it," Jack agreed.
"You have other options," Catherine offered, "but none of them seem right, do they?" Jack shook his head. "You would still need a scientist. Who feels right for that position?" Jack didn't answer. He just let out a sigh and fiddled with the pencil in his hand. "That's what I thought. She'd love it, you know."
"Yeah, I know," he paused, "we've been talking about starting a family soon."
"And having her on SG1 might delay that, is that what your thinking?"
"Well, among other things," Jack said sheepishly, "it's dangerous."
"True," Catherine admitted. Jack frowned. He knew he had just made his decision.
6 Months Later
"SG1, Godspeed," Jack called from the control room. Colonel Hammond, Teal'c of Chulak, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Dr. Samantha Carter turned to enter the gate. "Oh, and Carter," Jack added, " don't be late. We have flowers to pick. Weddings do not plan themselves."
Sam turned and smiled a megawatt smile. "I wouldn't dream of it, sir."
Jack smiled back. He loved his life.
And they lived happily ever after (at least until the next intergalactic crisis).
The End.