Hey everyone I"m so sorry that it has taken this long to get this chapter out to you guys I have just been really busy with this thing called life. But here it is. In this chapter Sera and Eloora finalize thier realtionship with each other. There will be maybe two more chapters after this one. Thanks Enjoy. And remember always be yourself :)

The stars of the ebony sky conversed with each other as two elves passed underneath the bright spheres of light. Trotting along a dirt path in the foreign land made Elora a bit reluctant, as she kept one steady hand on her trusty dagger attached to her hip. Sera led the way, a smile donned her lips with such a pride Elora herself couldn't tell exactly what the mischievous city elf had up her sleeve. Skyhold had vanished within the distance. Nothing greeted Elora's backwards gaze but colored curtains of leaves sprouting from their home on the branches of trees. Elora couldn't help but bask in the peaceful essence of nature. She averted her stern gaze toward Sera. The beauty of the small, blond elf captured Elora in a loving trance, her heart racing with affection.

By Mythal, is Sera really the one that I have been searching for since Ilena passed? Please Mythal give me the courage to show Sera I can be the one that won't shatter her heart. I want her to know there is love in this cruel world, I'm ready and willing to mend her pain.

"Beautiful, in it?"

Elora snapped out of her trance as her horse jerked her forward as the animal came to a stop. A scenery that looked as if it had been painted by a talented artist sprawled out in front of the two elves. The deep echo of a small waterfall drifted upon the scent of white daisies that surrounded the clearing. The waterfall cascaded down and formed a small pond. Neighboring the pond was a fallen tree which had familiar arrows lodged in the bark.

"Sera… this… this is magnificent. How did you find out about this place?"

Sera climbed down off her trusty steed and proceeded to tie the animal's harness to a nearby tree. "Well while you were off in your Inquisitor's quarters after we had that little spat, I left everything freakin behind because…because well ya know Inky. I killed that tree over there with at least a hundred arrows before I came back."

The lovers entered the majestic storybook themed land. Elora cautiously looked around for trouble. She would protect Sera and lay down her own life if Mythal demanded it.

"Sera, is this what you wanted to show me? It's beautiful. Didn't you have some kind of surprise for me?"

Sera set her leather pack down on the dusty ground as the thud echoed off the stony walls of the clearing. Nothing but a blank stare shed itself from Sera's form. The sudden change in attitude alarmed the Dalish elf behind Sera. The archer murmured something but Elora couldn't make it out though the thundering heartbeat of the wild waterfall.

Fuck! I knew it. She brought me here to tell me she is leaving the Inquisition probably. Maybe I need to give her some room to breathe, after all everything she has been through has been my fault. Should I go back to Skyhold and ignore my heart's desire. Ilena wouldn't want me to be miserable again. I'll just wait by the horses until she is calm.

"Uhhh... Sera if you're mad at me I understand. I'll... uhh... just go wait by the horses until you're ready to talk, okay?"

The archer still hadn't moved a muscle but as soon as Elora turned to leave a warm presence enveloped her hand, causing the hair on Elora's neck to stand up with pure desire. A small whimper rang out through the night.

"No. Please don't go. I'm not mad Inky. I'm just…I'm just…forget it Inky."

Sera kicked a lonely rock in frustration, sighing in defeat. Clawing for freedom, the unknown obstacle stuck inside Sera's witty thoughts.

"Sera? What are you trying to tell me?" Elora continued to fight the battle of desire as she saw Sera leaning against the fallen tree. Elora wanted nothing more than to jump on top of Sera and show her true ecstasy, but victory ensued inside her as she fought back wave after wave of aching between her thighs. Each minute that passed the aches would grow stronger but she didn't want to scare her lover away by acting like a horny Orlesian courtesan.

Elora embraced Sera's palm in hers and gently lifted Sera's chin with her free hand. In that small moment as two sets of eyes met, two separate worlds fused together to form a blanket of trust, a beating heart filled with untamed love, and a connection of two souls that would never be apart no matter how many miles came in between them.

"Sera, you can tell me anything that's on your mind. Whatever you tell me here will stay between us. I promise." Elora's voice was soothing to Sera and calmed her anxiety.

"Well Inky, I had a surprise to give you but I'm afraid. I know it sounds stupid."

"What are you so afraid of Sera? From what I've seen you're the toughest and bravest archer I've ever laid eyes on. That's one of the traits that attracted me to you. Are you scared of the dark? Or maybe wolves perhaps? I'm afraid of spiders. All those legs and eyes just creep me out."

Sera sighed and kneeled down at the shimmering pond, her reflection glimmered in the moonlight. Her fingers sliced through the reflection, disgusted to look at herself.

"Inky. It's not that kind of stuff I'm afraid of. I'm afraid... I'm afraid of you. I know I'm not a normal kind of elf but I need to tell you something. Something that might make you run away because I'm a freakin stupid elf that doesn't know a bloody something. But Lady Herald knows everything."

Elora cocked her head to the side in confusion. Cole told her everything there was to know about Sera's past. What did he leave out? Sera was perfect in Elora's eyes. Elora hated to see Sera this torn over her. The Dalish elf wondered if she came on too strong for the frail elf in front of her.

"Afraid of me? Why are you afraid of me? Is it the anchor? Whatever it is I can fix it. I promise. Sera, I hate seeing you like this. I understand it's hard for you to convey your feelings through words but I want to understand you. Please, how can I make you feel better?"

A single tear drop rippled through the pond as Sera tried to create words that wouldn't make Elora upset. She yearned to give Elora the surprise. The archer was so sure of herself back at Skyhold but now that she's here with the woman she loves, her courage floated away along with her pride.

"Inky, do you remember when Creepy told you about my past? I heard you guys from outside my window. All those women I was with were no good stupid idiots. They broke me, yeah but I lied about a thing that happened. It's why I'm afraid of you. Inky, I want you to be my love but I'm afraid of you because you know everything. I don't."

"Sera, honey, what are you trying to say?"

"Just open my bag and you will probably get why we are here."

Elora gently unfolded the top of the leather satchel and revealed one of Sera's blankets, a change of clothes, food for breakfast, and a small diary. Elora put the riddle together and realized the purpose of the contents in the bag.

She wants to bond with me. What's holding her back?

"Are you afraid I'm going to reject you Sera?"

"No Inky. You were with Ilena and you made love to her. Well I make myself look better in front of people by making up stories of my times doing the naughty with other women. I've even impressed Bull with one of my stories before. I know freakin stupid, right? I'm bloody useless, the only thing I'm good at is shooting arrows through baddies. Inky, I lied. I've' never ya know done it before. I'm afraid and I'm afraid you won't like me anymore because I lied. I want to give you your surprise, but I don't know how."

Elora chuckled and was grateful Sera shared her feelings with her. She strode over to Sera and lovingly turned Sera to face her and met her eyes with a burning flame of passion that would never die out. Wrapping the archer into an embrace, Elora whispered a soothing rhythm in her pointed ear.

"No matter what you tell me, nothing could make me love you less. You have been my savior several times already and I thank you Sera. Now let me be your savior. Come. Follow me."

Elora guided Sera away from the pond and into the clearing near their bags. "Close your eyes Sera. No peeking."

Sera could hear Elora rustling around through her bag and a strange whooshing sounds. Sera discreetly smiled as joy washed over her knowing Elora could care less about a puny lie. Suddenly a familiar warmth attached itself to Sera's lips. A warmth that she recalled when she was in the Hinterlands. The taste seeped down on to her taste buds. Sweet like freshly picked strawberries. She welcomed Elora's kiss with an embrace as she placed her hands on Elora's small waist.

Elora had to pull back before her desire got the best of her.


Elora sat down on Sera's blanket she had laid out on the dirt ground. "Sera. You don't have to say anything. Are you ready because if you're not then I understand. I don't want to force you into anything."

Sera smirked with newfound courage. "There's always a time to learn new things, Lady Herald." Sera sat next to her lover, awkwardly awaiting Elora's next move.

"I want you to be absolutely sure, Sera?"

Sera took in a deep breath for assurance. "I'm sure but Inky, can you like ya know help an elf out?"

"Don't' worry Sera I'll guide you just do what I do." Elora crawled over to Sera with a hungry gaze. Elora was eager to show Sera the ropes. She wrapped her arms around the agile archer and connected lips. Their tongues danced under the moonlight with a loving harmony as Elora's hands started to explore and discover every part of Sera. The ache between her thighs grew unbearable, her undergarments becoming damp with ecstasy waiting to be unveiled. Sera pulled away from the lust filled Inquisitor.

"What's wrong?"

Sera inhaled deeply and began to notice the beginnings of the same dampness Elora held. Ecstasy and desire started to take over their new host. "These feelings, just wow. You mean to tell me I've been missing out on this?"

Elora hovered above Sera. Sera's eyes told Elora she as ready for more. It wasn't just a yearning for Sera it was a mixture of anticipation to find out what happens next. Elora began to trace her lips gently down the side of Sera's exposed neck. A whimpering moan escaped from Sera's lips, causing Sera to grip Elora's back with pleasure. The moan drove Elora insane causing her to become heavily turned on.

Elora's shirt fell to the ground along with her bra. "Inky, what do you need me to do?"

Elora began to undo the ties on Sera's silky red shirt. "I'll show you." Elora felt like a child opening a gift, desperately wanting to see what was under the wrappings. Elora couldn't help but stare at the two supple breasts in front of her.

So beautiful, I'm in love alright.

Elora gently gripped the base of Sera's breast and leaned down to experience the taste of Sera's bare nipple. Elora's left hand proceeded to envelope her other breast and caress it trying to make it pleasurable for the archer.

Sera finally returned the favor by rubbing and caressing Elora's breasts. Both elven women moaned in unison. Elora kept fighting against her mind's plea. Her body screamed in agony, yearning to place Sera's hand between her thighs. But she had the decency to show Sera how it's done first.

The trees lifted their fallen bushels of leaves as they swirled through the wind, dancing to the stimulating heat above the melting pot of sexual desire with all the ingredients of true passion. A storm of inner sentiment, the ravenous beating hearts of thunder, and swift lightning of trust infused in each fingertip, gnawing away the distress Sera had locked away from the outside world. Her innermost sanctum could truly become unlocked as this Dalish elf that stepped into her life so suddenly was the key. No more lies, no more stories, only pure, blatant truth.

Elora gave off a loving smirk and leaned in close to Sera's ear. The smell of her sweet perfume sent chills down Sera's spine. "Ready for the best part my love?" Sera granted Elora permission with a sensual kiss to the neck.

Elora gripped the edge of Sera's pants and gently slid the garment of clothing of Sera's pale legs, revealing the work of Elora's masterpiece and city's elf profound lust to be with the Inquisitor for the rest of their days.

Eyes widening Elora mouth gaped open and studied the elf thoroughly. Seeing every inch of Mythal's creation for the first time left the Inquisitor speechless. Every time she escaped death, she doubted her faith at times, always thinking pure luck saved her, not Mythal. Once Ilena passed, Elora would curse Mythal for not saving her past lover from death.

Now, without a single doubt in her mind or heart, the Inquisitor knew Mythal existed. No other being could create such divine beauty. A beauty that could not be erased from existence, a beauty that would plant a seed in Elora's mind. The seed will grow and the roots digging further, down into Elora's steadfast heart, never leaving the elf. Not even death itself could dig up the roots of the seed.

"You're…You're beautiful." Sera blushed from Elora's kind words. Sera's chest falling faster as anticipation for Elora to make a move became excruciating. Elora licked her lips with a violent hunger to lap up Sera's dripping, inner juices. Removing Sera's underwear Elora gripped Sera's thighs with a caressing touch while moving in for a closer look.

"Inky, what are you doing?" Elora responded by kissing Sera's inner thigh, tracing her lips up to her pelvis, making Sera shiver with delight. "Just relax Sera. The real fun is about to begin." A twinkle of confidence in Elora's eye drowned out the hesitant gaze from Sera as she laid back and watched the stars above.

Elora found her target and teased Sera's clit wondering what kind of reaction would come from the city elf since she was virgin. A loud moan rang out through the night as Sera's hips raised up from the blanket alerting the Inquisitor that she was very sensitive, but she was determined to give Sera a night she could remember for years to come.

Elora took Sera's moist clit into her mouth. The sweet taste dribbled onto her tongue. It was like tasting a sweet candy that was unique within itself. Her tongue flicked and played with Sera's sensitive ball of nerves, making the archer moan louder with each swipe of Elora's tongue.

Sera couldn't believe this is what she was missing out on. This could beat mead, pranks, and killing baddies any day. Grabbing her lovers head and thrusting her hips into Elora's tongue caused Sera to go into an untamed frenzy of satisfaction. Screaming out uncontrollably to Elora.

"Oh god yes! Inky, fuck yeah!" Squeezing her lovers hand Sera knew what she wanted next. Tempting as it was she knew the two of them would become bonded forever once the deed was done. The thought of pain for pleasure was confusing to Sera but she loved Elora and didn't want to disappoint her. If Sera was going to commit herself to this woman she wanted all of her and she wasn't going to share. Ever. Sera dreamed of this moment since she laid eyes on Elora and now it was time to bring the fantasy to life.

"Inky. I want you! Please, I can't stand it anymore, I want you!"

Elora wiped Sera's juices off her chin and proceeded to give Sera a passionate kiss. Elora stroked Sera's cheek with her thumb. Gazing into Sera's eyes, Elora noticed a powerful, intense longing for Elora's touch. Sera wrapped her arms seductively around Elora's neck. The heat from their bare bodies tangled itself around the lovers, causing them to become more aroused than ever.

"Sera, I want to but I need you to be sure about this first."

"Inky what does the pain feel like? What was it like when Ilena did it to you?"

Sera, I….Well it only hurts for a minute, but I promise that I will be as gentle as you want me to if you decide you want me to do it. There also may be a bit of blood as well. I just want you to feel comfortable with me."

Sera planted a kiss on the nape Elora's neck for reassurance. Sera looked up at her with newfound confidence. "Do it, Inky. I trust you. I trust you with my life because well... ya know you're my freakin hero. My Lady Herald. I want to be able to say you're my bond mate and girlfriend."

Elora blushed as she slid down towards Sera's opening. Sera spread her thighs open coaxing the Inquisitor to enter inside her. Sera gripped the blanket becoming nervous to know what it was really going to feel like and her breath quickening.

Elora licked her index finger prepping it for Sera's opening. Elora gave Sera one final nod, letting her know she was about to begin. Sera shut her eyes tightly waiting for Elora's finger to its job. The Inquisitor gently slid her index finger into Sera's vagina feeling her walls close around it. Sera whimpered slightly awaiting the to-be penetrated by Elora's middle finger.

The Dalish elf surprised Sera and cupped her hand intending for Sera to squeeze her hand. "Here I go Sera."

Sera grunted in pain as the second finger was inserted as Elora slowly pumped them forward and back again. The Inquisitor kept a steady pace as she tried to get her lover used to the foreign object inside her. Elora noticed Sera began to moan ferociously. Each moan made Elora swell with yearning to be touched by Sera, to feel the same sensation and exhilaration as her lover but she forced herself to wait until Sera was ready to touch her.

"Inky this is fantastic! Fuck! Faster, I want it faster!"

Elora didn't complain to Sera's pleas and decide to obey her. She slid her fingers in deeper and thrusting them into Sera's vagina faster, adding a third finger once she felt Sera was stretched out enough.

Surprisingly to Elora, Sera sat up with Elora's fingers still deep inside her as Sera's walls tightened around them as if devouring them with each pump of her arm. Sera embraced her lover and their lips touched in a loving dance under the moonlight.

"I know what to do now Inky. I want to make you shout my name to the heavens. Just keep doing what you're doing. Don't stop." Sera grabbed Elora's supple breast and invited her nipple into her mouth. Goosebumps formed across the pale elven skin. Small moans escaped Elora's mouth as she continued to make Sera scream with erotic passion.

Sera worked her fingers down to Elora's pants, and massaged Elora's clit while tasting every inch of Elora's neck. The Inquisitor's yearning came to halt once Sera ravaged her clit with her finger in swift circular motions.

"Yes! Sera you don't how long I've been wanting you to touch me! It's just how I imagined!"

Sera chuckled in Elora's ear as Sera's free hand dug deep into Elora's skin as she hit Sera's sweet spot. Elora was tormented by the fact Sera wasn't inside her, she had to get rid of her pants. Unveiling her delicate, Elora wrapped her legs around Sera's small waist, nuzzling her head in the one safe haven she could call her own. Years of torment, pain, and a gnawing loss of self-ridicule evaporated with each pump of her lover's wrist. Each moan that dispersed into the air released an intimacy so profound Elora was sure the bond could not be broken. Links upon the chain of discovery for each lover being formed with the flame of trust.

"Oh Mythal! Sera, my love lets become connected as one and yell to the moon together."

Sera chuckled sweetly almost as if she was seductively teasing the Inquisitor. "Not yet I haven't had a taste for desert yet." The archer crawled down between the Inquisitors thighs and began lapping up Elora's precious juices. Sera made sure no drop could slither past her tongue, making Elora shudder with glee. Proudly smiling, teeth glinting in the moonlight, knowing the teacher taught her student well and passed the test.

"Come my love, let's become bonded as one and forever we shall endure the test of life together, always and forever."

Elora mounted Sera while the archer positioned her fingers for entry. The inquisitor lovingly stroked Sera's check while her free hand found her lover's sweet spot. Both figures in the moonlight moved in unison as they were coming to a climax. Both screaming from erotic passion. The heat building as time passed. Flashes of memories replayed in Elora's mind, remembering the first time she laid eyes on the young archer. That sneaky smile, blond hair flowing in the wind, and a concentrated look in her eye as she aimed her bow and winked at Elora as the arrow flew to penetrate the head of some poor bandit.

Two final loud moans echoed of the stone walls of the clearing disturbing the ravens in their nest causing them to fly off to find peace. The lovers fell on to the blanket, panting, joyful, and satisfied.

"Woah, Inky I didn't know you could move like that, shit that was fantastic. It beats killing idiot bandits. But who am I kidding I love you Inky."

"Sera, come and cuddle with me I have a few things I think you would love to hear." Elora allowed Sera to comfortably lay next to her naked body, so close that not an inch of space could be seen. Elora gazed into her blue eyes and embraced the archer with a protective aura. Interlacing her fingers into Sera's the city elf felt as if nothing could harm her.

"Sera, my love, my bond mate. I am ever so grateful that you told me the truth. I know people have hurt you in the past but is my duty as your bond mate that I am sworn to love you and protect you, be it your physical being or your fragile heart. I…I..."

A single tear fell from Elora's cheek causing Sera to become worried. "Inky, what's wrong? Whatever it is you can tell me."

"This isn't a tear of sadness. I'm just so happy we are finally together. Honestly I was starting to give up hope. I was afraid more or less that you moved on after we fought that day at Skyhold. After years of mourning I'm no longer running from my past but I have faced it head on. I want to make it clear that no matter what life throws at us or what Coreyphus has planned for me, you will always be in my heart. Always and forever. Ar lath ma, Sera."

For the first Sera was speechless, planting a big wet kiss on Elora's soft lips. Confused Sera cocked her head to the side trying to piece together Elora's last words. Her mind, jumbled, gave up and asked Elora her question.

"Uh Inky don't you remember I don't speak all that elfy stuff but it sure sounds sexy coming from your mouth. Anyway what did you say?"

"I thought you would ask. Ar lath ma means I love you in Elvhen."

Sera yawned as her body conveyed the message of exhaustion to her brain. "Inky I know this may sound weird but can you sing to me so I can fall asleep to your sexy voice."

"Oh my love that's not weird at all what would you like me to sing?"

"It dosent matter as long as you're singing it."

Elora thought long and hard trying to piece together a song for her bond mate. Seeing Sera curled next to her brought memories flowing back from when she was a small child in the forests of Thedas with her Clan.

"I know I'll sing you the lullaby the keeper of my Clan would sing to me to calm me down on stormy nights." Elora began by simply humming a harmonic tune. Heart beating with a fire as she stroked Sera's hair relaxing the young archer. Then a song of Elvhen nature echoed into the clearing.

"Elgara vallas, da'len
Melava somniar
Mala taren aravas
Ara ma'desen melar

Iras ma ghilas, da'len
Ara ma'nedan ashir
Dirthara lothlenan'as
Bal emma mala dir

Tel'enfenim, da'len
Irassal ma ghilas
Ma garas mir renan
Ara ma'athlan vhenas
Ara ma'athlan vhenas"

Sera raised her eyebrow awaiting in anticipation for the version she could plainly understand. Elora acknowledged Sera's gesture and proceeded along with her heart's desire.

"Sun sets, little one,
Time to dream
your mind journeys,
but I will hold you here.

Where will you go, little one
Lost to me in sleep?
Seek truth in a forgotten land
deep within your heart.

Never fear, little one,
wherever you shall go.
Follow my voice-
I will call you home.
I will call you home."

A small snore emanated from Sera as the song repeated. Knowing her bond mate was sound asleep gave Elora the chance to shut her eyes. But it was the first time in forever she was able to close her eyes and drift to knowing someone cared for her. Knowing she could wake up to Sera's flawless face was a comfort she would never want to let go of.