Hey everyone I'd like to say something to everyone since I'm pretty sure a whole lot of you are pissed at me for making content on wattpad and saying that I'm switching to it but I must you all to please not hate me entirely for this decision but it's just kinda hard to make up new ideas on a phone. I can hear you saying "But Comet aren't you making stories on Wattpad on your phone, if so then it should be just as easy to do it on here than there." Well my reasoning for that is because a while back I was making chapters for Demon Brothers and Prototype Uzumaki (and they weren't small chapters the were big and to be honest hurt my fingers to make) but when I went to save those chapters I saw it said "Save Complete" so I called it a night but the next day I checked on them almost all of the chapters were gone except for one paragraph so I tried to back it up by loading the data from when I last saved and when ever I selected the load it just wouldn't work so that hurt my soul greatly.

And yes I do agree with you all that are saying that "Wattpad is a cesspool of bugs and glitches" but for me it is also a place where many adore my stories (not to say that you and the others on Fanfiction don't) but it allows you to do a few more things on it like insert music and images as well as gifs (found a way to bypass that stupid 3 megabyte large gif rule).

And remember I'm not gone for good I'm just telling you all what I've been up to lately so please don't be completely disappointed in me

But recently I got a laptop (like yesterday) so making stories will be easier than before so like I said

I will come back to you all someday

Again I'm sorry I disappointed a lot of you but if you'd kindly at least check out what I've made then I will gladly appreciate it.

Until then I have been your host Comet and I will see you all next time