Funny thing…I decided to upgrade one of my computers and the song 'Daddy Lessons' came on. I decided to look up this fic again and I was able to write an update. I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Stefan observed Bonnie rotate her shoulder grimacing the entire time. Her refusal to take his blood was an obvious statement, but choosing to suffer instead made him sad for her, "I can heal you," he offered again.
She looked over her shoulder and shook her head, "Nope."
"How long have you been at this?"
"At this?" she blinked at him expecting more information.
"Killing vampires," Stefan supplied, "do you know the ones you kill or is there a list or do you just kill those you come in contact with?"
Bonnie closed her eyes. The pain was starting to subside, but it was still throbbing. She took a deep breath as she made a makeshift sling out of her jacket, "I guess we're going to play question and answer until my shoulder stops hurting so, I started this when I was 8 years old. My first kill was a vampire with blond hair, blue eyes and he looked like he had just walked off of a fashion runway. My father had been tracking him for days and he had prepared me for months; I didn't want to kill him, but it was something I had to do—so I did."
"And how do you decide who gets to be on the end of one of your stakes?" Stefan walked up beside her.
"I have a list and that is all I will say. I never strayed from the list until…" she paused, "until it was absolutely necessary."
"Katherine…me…Damon?" Stefan leaned against the wall studying her.
Bonnie turned to him, "Katherine went too far, she tried to kill my father. I can't just allow that to go unpunished."
"You know Katherine cares about nothing and has nothing to lose."
Bonnie gave him an unsettling smile, "Neither do I and if we're done with this interview, I think I will be going."
"Would you like me to drive you home?" Stefan offered. He'd heard so much about Bonnie from Elena and then he watched his brother fall in love with her. It was different and he wanted to take care of her or make sure that she was ok. It wasn't just the threat from Damon, but he owed her.
"Since I don't have a car here that would be nice, but I have to wait until my shoulder starts to heal a bit."
"I can give you blood to speed along the process."
Bonnie closed her eyes and opened them again, giving him a look of pure disdain, "I don't want your blood, Stefan."
"You know Bonnie, I will win you over one of these days," Stefan smirked.
Sitting down on the couch, she breathed out slowly, "Doubt it," she quipped, "after I take care of Katherine, I'm getting the hell out of this town."
He stopped in his tracks. Bonnie leaving hadn't entered his mind and there was a part of him that understood, but for his brother and Elena—he wanted her to stay. It was selfish, but he wanted the people around him to be happy, "Do you really want to leave Mystic Falls?"
"Why would I ever want to stay," she looked over at him, "everything about this place that made me love it, is gone now. There's no reason to stay," she shrugged, "my Grams is dead. My father doesn't like this place. I have no friends, everyone who I thought cared about me turned out to be a liar," she looked over at him with contempt in her eyes, "I think it's time for me to leave, there are plenty of other vampires to be killed in America."
"But can you really continue to be a huntress?"
She laughed long and hard as if he had just told her the funniest joke she'd heard in years, "Just like you can't fight who you are, I can't fight who I am," she looked over at him, "it's in my Bennett blood and there are very few ways to break the calling. Not many Bennett huntresses have been able to do it."
"Why don't you?" Stefan asked.
"Because I like killing vampires," Bonnie answered simply looking down at her phone.
Stefan looked over at her for a few moments before leaving the living room. For some reason, his anxiety had increased twofold.
Sliding into his Camaro, Abby fastened her seatbelt in the passenger seat, "So do you think that you can keep the fangs and the veins under wraps until you bring your daughter back down to reality?" Damon glanced over leaving the airport parking lot.
"The moment Bonnie and I touch in any capacity, she will know."
"So how do you believe we should go about this?"
"I thought you had a plan. That's why you came to find me."
Damon gritted his teeth. He had a plan originally, he would find Bonnie's mother and the motherly love or whatever people called it would take over and Bonnie would calm down. That was it. Simple. Easy. He didn't count on said mother being exactly what Bonnie was taught to hate and hunt, "Well I haven't worked out a new plan yet."
"That doesn't exactly help."
His frustration level was at an all time high and it was miraculous that he somehow hadn't slaughtered an entire sorority house. His relationship with Bonnie was in shambles. His great plan to bring her mother to her had turned to shit. Sure, he had Abby in his car and in Mystic Falls, but he didn't know what the hell to do with her.
"So where are we going?"
"My place," and as soon as the words left his mouth, Damon felt weird about it. Bonnie's mother was staying at his house and if Bonnie found out, she probably wouldn't appreciate it and he could find a pointy stick inside of his chest by morning.
Opening the front door to the Bennett house, Bonnie hoped that Rudy was occupied somewhere else or had left town altogether. Releasing him was something that she never expected to do, but had to be done. For his safety and hers. She dropped her bag down on the living room and trekked upstairs towards her bedroom. As soon as she could get her hands on a grimoire, she was determined to find a spell that healed aches and pains.
Before, she would just find a vampire to have sex with and then drink their blood—now, the thought of being with a vampire in that way made her nauseous. "Dad!" she called down the hallway to silence.
"Good," she mumbled before plopping down on her bed, "ow!" she grimaced as she grabbed her shoulder.
She looked up at the ceiling counting the cracks in it. The cracks that spread over the last couple of months. Whether they appeared because of her moods or because of the house's age, she would never know. She closed her eyes and breathed in…and then breathed out. She could almost feel Enzo's hands on her and even his lips. It was different. He was cold. The kisses weren't right, but then again, she was stuck in a Damon Salvatore sexual haze. She hated him. She hated everything he stood for, but she could never deny how he made her feel. His hands…his lips…every part of him did something to her, "Bonnie, get it together," she whispered, "he's in the past and that's where he needs to stay…blue eyed bastard," she mumbled.
Parking his car in the driveway, Damon glanced over at Abby. She'd been quiet since their last conversation and it made him uneasy. There had been moments when he was convinced that she would bolt. He wouldn't blame her; her daughter was trained to murder vampires with a flick of the wrist and for some undisclosed reason Abby wasn't interested in telling him how she turned into the very thing her daughter had been taught to kill.
"Well welcome to the Salvatore Boarding House," he gestured opening his door along with Abby following.
She slid out of the passenger seat as Damon took both of their bags, "So you're just going to keep me here?"
"Do you have a better idea? Would you like to go to the Bennett house?" Damon looked over at her.
"Fine, but Damon—I can't stay here for long. I'm not even sure that me being here will do anything for Bonnie. She won't appreciate my presence, I can assure you of that."
"How about we just try," Damon remarked as they headed towards the house where the door opened to Stefan in the doorway. Damon watched his younger brother's eyes shift from him to the petite woman standing beside him, "it's not what you think."
"You brought Bonnie's mother here," Stefan's eyes shifted to Abby.
"How do you know I'm Bonnie's mother?" Abby asked.
"Elena. There's a picture on a bookcase in her house with her mother, you and Bonnie. You still look the same as that picture from 10 years ago," Stefan added suspiciously.
"Well now that we've all met each other, shall we go inside?" Damon interrupted ushering Abby inside. Once inside, Damon turned to Abby, "there's a room upstairs, two doors from the hallway bathroom. You can stay there for as long as you're in Mystic Falls. I understand if you want to get away from me after our almost two days together."
Abby eyed Damon and Stefan, "Fine…fine…but the clock is ticking Damon," Abby picked up her back and started up the stairs with Damon's eyes following her.
"You brought Bonnie's mother here?" Stefan moved closer to Damon, "why?"
Damon gestured towards the living room motioning for Stefan to follow him, "Well I thought she would be an easy way to get Bonnie to snap out of this bloodlust she has for Katherine and stop trying to get herself killed, but there's a problem."
"She's more like us than Bonnie and since Bonnie has a slight need to kill vampires, let's just say it's not as perfect as I thought it would be."
"Great. Well Bonnie stepped up her plan tonight. She went after one of Katherine's boy toys and maimed him. So I am pretty sure Katherine will be after her and I think that's exactly what she wants."
Damon stared at Stefan, "I told you to watch her!"
"Look, she's not exactly a teenage girl who is unaware of all of the things that go bump in the night," Stefan defended himself quietly, "she's smart, maybe a little too smart."
Damon rubbed his hands over his face, "What happened, did she get hurt?"
"Not really, just a shoulder injury—she refused my blood numerous times. I don't think a simple reunion will stop her from going after Katherine," Stefan added.
Damon turned away in disgust pacing the room, "Where is she now?"
"I think she went home."
"You think?"
"Look, she went home. Her shoulder is injured, while she may be a little reckless right now—she's not stupid. She's licking her wounds and probably regrouping," Stefan explained, "she's tough."
"But very reckless at the moment," Damon bit his lip before turning on his heels and picking up his keys, "I'll be back. Try to make sure our houseguest doesn't disappear."
"Don't go see Bonnie," Stefan warned him.
Damon winked as he walked out of the front door and down the stairs to his car.
Bonnie sat on the couch rotating her shoulder staring at the television. She'd taken her warning shot, so she was pretty sure that Katherine would be paying her a visit soon and she needed to be ready for her. Her father messaged her and told her that maybe they needed some time apart, she needed some time to calm down and he would give it to her. The text made her throat ache and tears spring to her eyes, but it was a necessary move. If her father was in her life, he was a liability and she didn't need any in her life.
She changed the channel from a popular comedy on television to one of the numerous legal shows that dominated the airwaves. Leaning over towards the coffee table, she took a swig of the small glass of bourbon she poured an hour before. Closing her eyes, she savored the woody and yet sweet taste of the dark liquid before footsteps on her porch brought her out of her enjoyment. Her eyes went to a shadow peering in through the glass of the entryway door. Standing up from the couch, she armed herself with one of the stakes she kept tucked away in the couch. A million thoughts went through her mind as to who could be on the other side, but she was sure it wasn't Katherine. After seeing what happened to Enzo, she would never come to Bonnie's like this—it took some time to come up with a plan of revenge and after destroying the eye of her boy toy, revenge would be on the menu.
Bonnie stood up from the couch and walked over to the door, she could see him through the partially frosted glass. She knew his profile; her hands had roamed his body so many times that she would be able to identify him with her eyes closed just by touch. He was back.
Her legs immediately stopped cooperating with the rest of her body. She stood there in the darkened foyer staring at him on her porch unable to move.
"Bonnie, I can hear your heart beating. Open the door," he sang to her from the other side, in an almost teasing way. The sound of his voice made her body betray her. She hated him, but that didn't stop her legs from crossing at the deep baritone sounds that came from the other side of the door, "Bonnie, I know you're on the other side and I also know you still hate me—but can you please open the door? Stefan told me what happened tonight and I just want to check on you."
Bonnie took five tentative steps towards the door, placing her hand on the knob and stopping, "Go away," she said through the door.
Damon closed his eyes, "I know you hate me."
"Go away and don't send anyone else to follow me."
"Bonnie, come on."
"Damon stay away from me, I meant that before," she stated through clenched teeth, "don't make this worse than it already is."
She heard him take a few more steps towards the door and his profile increased in size, "Bonnie, I'm on the other side here. I remember what you did the last time we came to face to face and I'm here because I know that you're out for revenge and I just want to see you, talk to you…please," he pleaded.
She touched the window pane and closed her eyes. If she let him in, any resolve that she'd built over the last couple of days would disappear, "No," she whispered.
Sighing, he touched the door, "Bonnie, I know you're not ready to talk to me yet—but we need to talk, just keep yourself safe until then."
She said nothing as she watched his profile become smaller and his footsteps descended down the stairs outside. She sunk to the floor on the other side of the door staring into the darkness of her grandmother's home with tears pooling in her eyes.
She stayed like that for almost an hour before her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Fishing her phone out, she looked at the screen. An Unknown number flashed across the scene and she pressed the green button, "What," she answered knowing exactly who was on the other side.
"Nice handiwork tonight. I don't appreciate you hurting my things," Katherine's voice came through clearly.
"But you wanted my attention, you have it," Katherine purred.
"Good," Bonnie stated hanging up the phone.
Cat and Mouse.
Damon's back with Abby, time is running out for him to stop Bonnie's mission to take down Katherine.
Can Bonnie handle herself against Katherine? We shall see.
Please show your love/like for this update.